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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment - Public Beta *2*!

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@Sickboy. I've read all the Devheaven stuff for the web-client not updating, they were resolved but I still have the issue. The last thing I did was copy and rename the chcp.com to exe and place it in the bin(:)) Have I missed something, or is this still an issue? thanks for the hard work, the mod (and sixupd) is awesome and this is the first issue I've had since release.

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Anyone got a tool for sixupdater to update the keys on the server automaticly, they are put in respective folders (example @ACE/keys), but are there a way to make sixupdater to overwrite the ..../arma 2/keys folder ?

This would make it easier to update the servers if use a script to make sixupdater to update servers each morning for example.

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Anyone got a tool for sixupdater to update the keys on the server automaticly, they are put in respective folders (example @ACE/keys), but are there a way to make sixupdater to overwrite the ..../arma 2/keys folder ?

This would make it easier to update the servers if use a script to make sixupdater to update servers each morning for example.

for linux, i have done that...for windows...i have no idea ;-)

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we already had that ?

Has anyone tried them yet? How do they work in comparison to RKSL CM's or Mando's? Curious to read how they perform, I won't be able to try them until late Sunday.

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Ummmm... your documentation is missing :nervous: maybe you guys are updating it idont know

Also in regards to the towing tractor (which i was going to look for in the biki) how do you use it, i keep trying to tow a C130 but i am made of fail cake.


EDIT: im talking about the BIS wiki, i found the DevHeaven on.

EDIT2: Okay so you cant tow a C130.... I think you should be able too, can you guys consider it?

Edited by Spec_Ops_Sniper

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I wont say this again...remove me from the ACE 2 mod development update email list...

Everytime yall discuss or update private info on that devheaven thing I get a update saying what yall are doing or gonna do with ACE 2.


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I just found a bug : when a pilot is onboard his personal weapon is materialized at his right. It's a neat feature, but in the case of a chopper pilot his weapon is definitely outside !

I haven't found an occurence on google or in the bug tracker so I post it here.

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I just found a bug : when a pilot is onboard his personal weapon is materialized at his right. It's a neat feature, but in the case of a chopper pilot his weapon is definitely outside !

I haven't found an occurence on google or in the bug tracker so I post it here.

I first noticed this weeks ago but was not sure if it was ace related or not...

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It's nice to have nukes, I don't think anything else will scratch a T90.

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I don't know, I haven't really looked for them. I just had a T90 roll over 10 AT mines and drive away laughing.

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awesome work guys, keep it up. Sound Mod is really good.:)

Just a few questions. When I'm playing I cannot hear my character giving orders or the sound of my gun when I fire. I think everything else is ok though.

Just FYI I have not used 6 updater. I have just downloaded 'ACE and ACEX beta 2' and made mod folders, and run with the sound mod. Configs are in 'Userconfig' folder under 'ACE' and I have latest CBA

I have used sound mod by itself with 'CSM2 modular (v 1.01)' and all works fine.

Any ideas? Any help is greatly appreciated. As I'm really hanging to explore this mod. Heard some good things.

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ok fine since yall arent taking responsibility and remove me completely after i continuously told ViperMaul to take care of it privately in Skype. I am asking once more but in public. REMOVE ME FROM THE ACE 2 DEV EMAIL. I dont want to get mail about your mod mixed in with important emails.

Hopefully I dont have to see another one again thnx

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ok fine since yall arent taking responsibility and remove me completely after i continuously told ViperMaul to take care of it privately in Skype. I am asking once more but in public. REMOVE ME FROM THE ACE 2 DEV EMAIL. I dont want to get mail about your mod mixed in with important emails.

Hopefully I dont have to see another one again thnx

Learn to set up spam filters. There is really no need to come into this topic ranting and raving about something you could fix yourself.

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It's nice to have nukes, I don't think anything else will scratch a T90.

Thanks - that what they are meant for. Putting a lot of hurt on massed mechanized units. :smiley-evil:

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Does anyone know where the groza variants are located in editor?

I can't find any

Edited by vasmkd

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Is there any way to increase stamina? I know it depends on what you are carrying but it seems like you can't run too far without blacking out and falling over. Once you have blacked out it seems to take ages before you can walk or run any distance without blacking out again.

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Is there any way to increase stamina? I know it depends on what you are carrying but it seems like you can't run too far without blacking out and falling over. Once you have blacked out it seems to take ages before you can walk or run any distance without blacking out again.

If your building your own missions you can disable it, dunno if the NoStamina module still is broken but in that case you can put the below in like your init.sqf:

ACE_NoStaminaEffects = true;

This will disable the ACE stamina system :)

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How do I install ACE2 on our dedicated server? I searched for the instructions but maybe I'm missing something. I'm sorry for my ignorance :)
I noticed they were a bit difficult to find, so I've added a section with a few tips for dedi installations here. Hope that helps! :) Edited by Killswitch
New URL for dedi server installation instructions.

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