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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment - Public Beta!

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Hey guys been away for a couple of days just installed the 1.5 patch anything I need to do with the ace mod? or just wait for the next ace update in the yoma tool.

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I have russian release arma2 with english language files, but then i install ace mod, the ace automatically chooses lang for rus and now 70% of the ace names are in russian :( is there any way to change ace language?

Tell me please where can i download "russian to english" mod?

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When a weapon jam, it removes all ammo. It's a know bug, but it really matter me.

Is there a way to remove weapon jamming meanwhile the fix ?

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@Language questions:


When a weapon jam, it removes all ammo. It's a know bug, but it really matter me.

Is there a way to remove weapon jamming meanwhile the fix ?

The only way (iirc) to accomplish a jam-effect, is by doing just that; remove all magazines.

However, you should unjam your weapon, this should re-add your magazines.

If not, as ever; http://dev-heaven.net/wiki/ace-mod2/Bugz

Edited by Sickboy

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About the uninstalling question. The thing is that I was trying to save the ACE modfolders, but deleting " -mod=@CBA;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_SM" line in "target" in order to fire up the game 100% vanilla. It didn't do the trick. When I tried to start up the game it was complaining for missing files. And no, I didn't try to remove the mod folders in my Arma2 directory since I was thinking about have one Arma shortcut with ACE and one without.

I also tried deleting the installed mod in Six Updater, web client. But I couldn't figure out how. When I deleted it (both tried deleting the "mods" that you add, and deleting the "whole thing", the whole line in configuration->presents) I tried to execute "Install or Update, Uninstall, Reset" (In Six Updater, Web Client still) and so on but it just didn't work. Nevermind though, I can figure out what the hell is wrong, since no one else seem to experience the same thing. I seriously doubt it have something to do with "the regular Arma2" though. Edit: Well, maybe it was my regular Arma2 anyways. Working like a charm now. Thanks people.

Thanks for the support. (No, I don't need any replies)

Edited by Proud Gamer

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@Proud Gamer, you CANNOT resume games that you saved while running mods without those SAME mods running. You need to revert or replay those missions in order to play it vanilla.

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Oh, sorry, I didn't mean files where missing in the game. I was meaning the game was complaining about missing files when I was trying to start the game up. (Arma2 was never started) So I wasn't trying to resume a saved game. Sorry about that. Thanks jasonnoguchi, but something is obviously messed up, so I'm reinstalling the whole game as we speak. A fresh start is always nice ;) And I will make sure I do a proper installation of ACE this time, haha.

Edit: Well, works great now. Sorry to bother ACE for this.

Edited by Proud Gamer

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@Language questions:


The only way (iirc) to accomplish a jam-effect, is by doing just that; remove all magazines.

However, you should unjam your weapon, this should re-add your magazines.

If not, as ever; http://dev-heaven.net/wiki/ace-mod2/Bugz

Thank for reply, but the UNjam action is MIA.

That's the core of the bug (already reported as it seems).

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@General Chatter; Please disengage. It is bad enough in this thread, especially with the slowing down forum half of the time.;


Maybe, but there's no rpt, and there are known conflicts with other broken addon configs.

Would be helpful to get your details in a ticket there.

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Wouldnt that be better asked to BIS themselves? I mean if you play without ACE it isnt really ACE problem. ;)

I think you need to read my statement again, I cannot start Vanilla A2 without using CBA. Can only start game with ACE, Vanilla gives me that error, so it is an ACE/A2 conflict.

ErrorMessage: Include file x\cba\addons\main\script_macros_common.hpp not found.

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Since applying 1.05 patch, and when using CBA + ACE2, my keyboard freezes after about 15 seconds play. This means I cannot control any part of the game other than what my TrackIR, mouse and joystick have mapped to them. I cannot even escape out of the game, I have to wait to be killed.

After I'm returned to the GUI, keyboard functionality returns. I haven't positively identified CBA or ACE2 as the problem, but I'm wondering if anyone else is seeing this problem.

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Ive experienced this as well. Playing last night I would get periodic freezes for about 4 seconds. One time my game locked up but I could still talk with folks on Vent. couldnt alt tab out.

Since applying 1.05 patch, and when using CBA + ACE2, my keyboard freezes after about 15 seconds play. This means I cannot control any part of the game other than what my TrackIR, mouse and joystick have mapped to them. I cannot even escape out of the game, I have to wait to be killed.

After I'm returned to the GUI, keyboard functionality returns. I haven't positively identified CBA or ACE2 as the problem, but I'm wondering if anyone else is seeing this problem.

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I think you need to read my statement again, I cannot start Vanilla A2 without using CBA. Can only start game with ACE, Vanilla gives me that error, so it is an ACE/A2 conflict.

ErrorMessage: Include file x\cba\addons\main\script_macros_common.hpp not found.

Oh that is very odd so im guessing you added some addons into ARMA2/ADDONS folder then?

I dont have that problem and neither does anyone i know so the only possible thing i can come up with is that you messed up somewhere. This is why i said what i said. With ACE2 i get error messages all over (wich is being fixed now), and without ACE2 and ANY other mod loaded - there is zero complaints what so ever.

Check target line again, and try remember if you ever added some addons into the ARMA2/ADDONS folder - big no no.

EDIT: And how can it be an ACE conflict if ACE is unloaded completelly? This is the part i dont understand. Doesnt make any sense. ARMA2 doesnt use ACE at all so if you unloaded it - it is not ACE fault. As i said from start. :)


Edited by Alex72

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Hey ACE folks.

Ive started using your mod(s) and thoroughly enjoy the game play. The updater was easy to install and implement, and has worked flawlessly.

Thanks for all your hard work, and hope you get some time to rest over the holidays. Great job, all !

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I hope the claymore bug will be fixed soon. Great mod anyway. Really looking forward to the final version.

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Hi, I'm just wondering, when is a full release planned (as in non beta)?

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Search for "Roadmap" in this thread. Not sure if you can get infractioned for repeating the same question every day, but we'll see next time, won't we ?

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Hi, I'm just wondering, when is a full release planned (as in non beta)?

If they had an answer I'm sure they'd give one, as they haven't I'd suggest just enjoying the beta and showing a little patience :)

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Respected ACE TEAM! Very much it would be desirable to see in ACE:

1) realistic artelery system.

Heavy ARTELERY it is accessible only to the commander (STATIC gun, MLRS).

Mortars are accessible to development to infantry groups (Crew Served Weapons)

And self-propelled artelery to mobile groups (M109).

Command work: UAV + MLRS, M109.

Closer simulation of engineering and medical armies.

Full use of all means.

Realistic system support!

Logistic truck



If the mechanic cannot repair technics completely because of

Heavy damage it is possible to ask the commander

To send heavy engineering group


If the physician cannot rescue the wounded soldier it is possible to request of the commander SUPPORT a kind of additional medical aid


Interaction of the commander and all a combat arm.



It is more than fights in the closed spaces


Interaction with the peace population, more interactive and live cities


Division on USMC and US ARMY

1) http://virtualbattlespace.vbs2.com/images/stories/ukjan09 /1680x1050_VBS2_105.jpg

2) http://virtualbattlespace.vbs2.com/images/stories/jan2009/1680x1050_VBS2_097.jpg





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One Question, RH Just released new Heli Sounds, are they gonna be implemented in ACE again? He also made some for the new AH64

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One Question, RH Just released new Heli Sounds, are they gonna be implemented in ACE again? He also made some for the new AH64

yeah, RH helisounds are amazing.

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I do have a question It may have already been asked/answered but this thread is far too long to go over. Anyhow, is this mod compatible with Red Harvest, reason i ask is because When i ried the "into the storm" first mission the game immediatly throws you into the water and the helo crashes. This does present a slight problem because I installed A.C.E at the exact same time i installed the 1.05 update and I have no idea which one is causing the problem

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Yes they are, As far as I know, RH Sounds are already in, im just curious if the new AH64 Sounds will be updated and implemented in the Update

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