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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment - Public Beta!

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One Question, RH Just released new Heli Sounds, are they gonna be implemented in ACE again? He also made some for the new AH64

yeah, RH helisounds are amazing.

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I do have a question It may have already been asked/answered but this thread is far too long to go over. Anyhow, is this mod compatible with Red Harvest, reason i ask is because When i ried the "into the storm" first mission the game immediatly throws you into the water and the helo crashes. This does present a slight problem because I installed A.C.E at the exact same time i installed the 1.05 update and I have no idea which one is causing the problem

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Yes they are, As far as I know, RH Sounds are already in, im just curious if the new AH64 Sounds will be updated and implemented in the Update

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Respected ACE TEAM! Very much it would be desirable to see in ACE:

1) realistic artelery system.

Heavy ARTELERY it is accessible only to the commander (STATIC gun, MLRS).

Mortars are accessible to development to infantry groups (Crew Served Weapons)

And self-propelled artelery to mobile groups (M109).

Command work: UAV + MLRS, M109.

Closer simulation of engineering and medical armies.

Full use of all means.

Realistic system support!

Logistic truck



If the mechanic cannot repair technics completely because of

Heavy damage it is possible to ask the commander

To send heavy engineering group


If the physician cannot rescue the wounded soldier it is possible to request of the commander SUPPORT a kind of additional medical aid


Interaction of the commander and all a combat arm.



It is more than fights in the closed spaces


Interaction with the peace population, more interactive and live cities


Division on USMC and US ARMY

1) http://virtualbattlespace.vbs2.com/images/stories/ukjan09 /1680x1050_VBS2_105.jpg

2) http://virtualbattlespace.vbs2.com/images/stories/jan2009/1680x1050_VBS2_097.jpg





In fact what you want is VBS2, right ?

Edited by luckyhendrix

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Holy Bod, installing ArmA 1 has just completely destroyed my modlauncher and Six Updater.

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I have a problem.

For two days already I have been getting this error when opening the PRESETS page on your server:

Encoding::CompatibilityError in Sixconfigs#index

And then lot of text. Check this txt:


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Question: Has anyone successfully got ACE on a dedicated server using the SIX updater? By which I mean being able to update ACE using the SIX updater but on a remote dedicated server only accessible by FTP.

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Updated :D

Updater (v0.12.5) by Sickboy <sb_at_dev-heaven.net>

Run with --help for help

WARNING: Please make sure anything ArmA related has been closed / shutdown, incl

explorer windows, etc

ArmA 2 Standard Distribution detected

Installation Path: C:\ArmA 2

Manager for: @CBA;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_SM


= @CBA

Already installed, trying to update...

Current Version: 33, checking for updates...

Calculating checksums

Trying rsync://s02.6thsense.eu/rel/cba/.

Server reached maximum connections.

Trying rsync://arma2.armagoons.com/rel/cba/.

Verifying Packed files...

Fetching 3 files... Please wait

receiving incremental file list



addons/extended_eventhandlers.pbo.gz0:00 (xfer#2, to-check=1/4)

12.55K 100% 60.06kB/s 0:00:00 (xfer#3, to-check=0/4)

sent 233 bytes received 15.21K bytes 1.63K bytes/sec

total size is 14.91K speedup is 0.97

Verifying Unpacked files...

Unpacking 1/3: addons/extended_eventhandlers.pbo

Unpacking 2/3: addons/extended_eventhandlers.pbo.CBA_Test.bisign

Unpacking 3/3: changelog.txt

Applied version: 34

= @ACE

Already installed, trying to update...

Current Version: 190, checking for updates...

Calculating checksums

Trying rsync://

Verifying Packed files...

Fetching 57 files... Please wait

receiving incremental file list


addons/ace_c_ai_sensors.pbo.ACE_Test.bisign.gz#1, to-check=58/59)

addons/ace_c_ai_sensors.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#2, to-check=55/59)

addons/ace_c_vehicle.pbo.ACE_test.bisign.gzfer#3, to-check=54/59)

addons/ace_c_vehicle.pbo.gz/s 0:00:00 (xfer#4, to-check=53/59)

addons/ace_c_weapon.pbo.ACE_test.bisign.gzxfer#5, to-check=52/59)

addons/ace_c_weapon.pbo.gzB/s 0:00:00 (xfer#6, to-check=51/59)


addons/ace_c_wep_crewserved.pbo.gz:00:00 (xfer#8, to-check=49/59)

addons/ace_main.pbo.ACE_test.bisign.gz00 (xfer#9, to-check=48/59)

addons/ace_main.pbo.gz.85kB/s 0:00:00 (xfer#10, to-check=47/59)

addons/ace_sys_air_refuel.pbo.ACE_Test.bisign.gz1, to-check=46/59)

addons/ace_sys_air_refuel.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#12, to-check=45/59)

addons/ace_sys_eject.pbo.ACE_test.bisign.gzfer#13, to-check=44/59)

addons/ace_sys_eject.pbo.gz/s 0:00:00 (xfer#14, to-check=43/59)

addons/ace_sys_explosives.pbo.ACE_test.bisign.gz5, to-check=42/59)

addons/ace_sys_explosives.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#16, to-check=41/59)

addons/ace_sys_fastroping.pbo.ACE_Test.bisign.gz7, to-check=40/59)

addons/ace_sys_fastroping.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#18, to-check=39/59)

addons/ace_sys_gas.pbo.ACE_test.bisign.gz(xfer#19, to-check=38/59)

addons/ace_sys_gas.pbo.gzkB/s 0:00:00 (xfer#20, to-check=37/59)

addons/ace_sys_goggles.pbo.ACE_test.bisign.gzr#21, to-check=36/59)

addons/ace_sys_goggles.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#22, to-check=35/59)

addons/ace_sys_grenadethrow.pbo.ACE_test.bisign.gz to-check=34/59)

addons/ace_sys_grenadethrow.pbo.gz:00:01 (xfer#24, to-check=33/59)

addons/ace_sys_irstrobe.pbo.ACE_test.bisign.gz#25, to-check=32/59)

addons/ace_sys_irstrobe.pbo.gz 0:00:01 (xfer#26, to-check=31/59)

addons/ace_sys_knicklicht.pbo.ACE_Test.bisign.gz7, to-check=30/59)

addons/ace_sys_knicklicht.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#28, to-check=29/59)

addons/ace_sys_lademeister.pbo.ACE_Test.bisign.gz, to-check=28/59)

addons/ace_sys_lademeister.pbo.gz0:00:00 (xfer#30, to-check=27/59)

addons/ace_sys_overheating.pbo.ACE_test.bisign.gz, to-check=26/59)

addons/ace_sys_overheating.pbo.gz0:00:00 (xfer#32, to-check=25/59)

addons/ace_sys_rangefinder.pbo.ACE_Test.bisign.gz, to-check=24/59)

addons/ace_sys_rangefinder.pbo.gz0:00:00 (xfer#34, to-check=23/59)

addons/ace_sys_recognize.pbo.ACE_Test.bisign.gz35, to-check=22/59)

addons/ace_sys_recognize.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#36, to-check=21/59)

addons/ace_sys_shotgun.pbo.ACE_test.bisign.gzr#37, to-check=20/59)

addons/ace_sys_shotgun.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#38, to-check=19/59)


addons/ace_sys_sight_adjustment.pbo.gz00 (xfer#40, to-check=17/59)


addons/ace_sys_sight_adjustment_rifle.pbo.gzer#42, to-check=15/59)

addons/ace_sys_stamina.pbo.ACE_test.bisign.gzr#43, to-check=14/59)

addons/ace_sys_stamina.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#44, to-check=13/59)

addons/ace_sys_willipete.pbo.ACE_test.bisign.gz45, to-check=12/59)

addons/ace_sys_willipete.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#46, to-check=11/59)

addons/ace_version.pbo.ACE_test.bisign.gz(xfer#47, to-check=10/59)

addons/ace_version.pbo.gzkB/s 0:00:00 (xfer#48, to-check=9/59)









52.26K 100% 78.88kB/s 0:00:00 (xfer#57, to-check=0/59)

sent 68.58K bytes received 3.19M bytes 133.07K bytes/sec

total size is 18.38M speedup is 5.64

Removed: mpmissions/co@30_ACE_Vicious_Villains_1_6X.Chernarus.pbo.gz

Removed: mpmissions/co@40_Domination_1_25A2_West_ACE.Chernarus.pbo.gz

Removed: mpmissions/co@40_Domination_1_25A2_West_AI_ACE.Chernarus.pbo.gz

Removed: mpmissions/co@40_Domination_1_25A2_West_RA_ACE.Chernarus.pbo.gz

Removed: mpmissions/co@40_Domination_1_25A2_West_R_ACE.Chernarus.pbo.gz

Removed: mpmissions/co@50_ACE_AirCavA2_1_14.Chernarus.pbo.gz

Removed: mpmissions/co@54_ACE_Nightstrike_1_09.Chernarus.pbo.gz

Verifying Unpacked files...

Unpacking 1/57: addons/ace_c_ai_sensors.pbo

Unpacking 2/57: addons/ace_c_ai_sensors.pbo.ACE_Test.bisign

Unpacking 3/57: addons/ace_c_vehicle.pbo

Unpacking 4/57: addons/ace_c_vehicle.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 5/57: addons/ace_c_weapon.pbo

Unpacking 6/57: addons/ace_c_weapon.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 7/57: addons/ace_c_wep_crewserved.pbo

Unpacking 8/57: addons/ace_c_wep_crewserved.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 9/57: addons/ace_main.pbo

Unpacking 10/57: addons/ace_main.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 11/57: addons/ace_sys_air_refuel.pbo

Unpacking 12/57: addons/ace_sys_air_refuel.pbo.ACE_Test.bisign

Unpacking 13/57: addons/ace_sys_eject.pbo

Unpacking 14/57: addons/ace_sys_eject.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 15/57: addons/ace_sys_explosives.pbo

Unpacking 16/57: addons/ace_sys_explosives.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 17/57: addons/ace_sys_fastroping.pbo

Unpacking 18/57: addons/ace_sys_fastroping.pbo.ACE_Test.bisign

Unpacking 19/57: addons/ace_sys_gas.pbo

Unpacking 20/57: addons/ace_sys_gas.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 21/57: addons/ace_sys_goggles.pbo

Unpacking 22/57: addons/ace_sys_goggles.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 23/57: addons/ace_sys_grenadethrow.pbo

Unpacking 24/57: addons/ace_sys_grenadethrow.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 25/57: addons/ace_sys_irstrobe.pbo

Unpacking 26/57: addons/ace_sys_irstrobe.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 27/57: addons/ace_sys_knicklicht.pbo

Unpacking 28/57: addons/ace_sys_knicklicht.pbo.ACE_Test.bisign

Unpacking 29/57: addons/ace_sys_lademeister.pbo

Unpacking 30/57: addons/ace_sys_lademeister.pbo.ACE_Test.bisign

Unpacking 31/57: addons/ace_sys_overheating.pbo

Unpacking 32/57: addons/ace_sys_overheating.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 33/57: addons/ace_sys_rangefinder.pbo

Unpacking 34/57: addons/ace_sys_rangefinder.pbo.ACE_Test.bisign

Unpacking 35/57: addons/ace_sys_recognize.pbo

Unpacking 36/57: addons/ace_sys_recognize.pbo.ACE_Test.bisign

Unpacking 37/57: addons/ace_sys_shotgun.pbo

Unpacking 38/57: addons/ace_sys_shotgun.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 39/57: addons/ace_sys_sight_adjustment.pbo

Unpacking 40/57: addons/ace_sys_sight_adjustment.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 41/57: addons/ace_sys_sight_adjustment_rifle.pbo

Unpacking 42/57: addons/ace_sys_sight_adjustment_rifle.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 43/57: addons/ace_sys_stamina.pbo

Unpacking 44/57: addons/ace_sys_stamina.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 45/57: addons/ace_sys_willipete.pbo

Unpacking 46/57: addons/ace_sys_willipete.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 47/57: addons/ace_version.pbo

Unpacking 48/57: addons/ace_version.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 49/57: changelog.txt

Unpacking 50/57: mpmissions/co@24_ACE_Attack_1_77.FDF_Isle1_a.pbo

Unpacking 51/57: mpmissions/co@30_ACE_Vicious_Villains_1_7.Chernarus.pbo

Unpacking 52/57: mpmissions/co@40_Domination_1_27A2_West_ACE.Chernarus.pbo

Unpacking 53/57: mpmissions/co@40_Domination_1_27A2_West_AI_ACE.Chernarus.pbo

Unpacking 54/57: mpmissions/co@40_Domination_1_27A2_West_RA_ACE.Chernarus.pbo

Unpacking 55/57: mpmissions/co@40_Domination_1_27A2_West_R_ACE.Chernarus.pbo

Unpacking 56/57: mpmissions/co@50_ACE_AirCavA2_1_17.Chernarus.pbo

Unpacking 57/57: mpmissions/co@54_ACE_Nightstrike_1_20.Chernarus.pbo

Removed: mpmissions/co@30_ACE_Vicious_Villains_1_6X.Chernarus.pbo

Removed: mpmissions/co@40_Domination_1_25A2_West_ACE.Chernarus.pbo

Removed: mpmissions/co@40_Domination_1_25A2_West_AI_ACE.Chernarus.pbo

Removed: mpmissions/co@40_Domination_1_25A2_West_RA_ACE.Chernarus.pbo

Removed: mpmissions/co@40_Domination_1_25A2_West_R_ACE.Chernarus.pbo

Removed: mpmissions/co@50_ACE_AirCavA2_1_14.Chernarus.pbo

Removed: mpmissions/co@54_ACE_Nightstrike_1_09.Chernarus.pbo

Applied version: 192


Already installed, trying to update...

Current Version: 158, checking for updates...

Calculating checksums

Trying rsync://

Verifying Packed files...

Fetching 27 files... Please wait

receiving incremental file list


addons/acex_c_veh_M2.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign.gzer#1, to-check=27/28)

addons/acex_c_veh_M2.pbo.gz/s 0:00:00 (xfer#2, to-check=25/28)

addons/acex_c_veh_mah6.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign.gz#3, to-check=24/28)

addons/acex_c_veh_mah6.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#4, to-check=23/28)

addons/acex_c_veh_t72.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign.gzr#5, to-check=22/28)

addons/acex_c_veh_t72.pbo.gzs 0:00:00 (xfer#6, to-check=21/28)

addons/acex_c_vehicle.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign.gzr#7, to-check=20/28)

addons/acex_c_vehicle.pbo.gzs 0:00:00 (xfer#8, to-check=19/28)

addons/acex_c_weapon.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign.gzer#9, to-check=18/28)

addons/acex_c_weapon.pbo.gz/s 0:00:00 (xfer#10, to-check=17/28)

addons/acex_c_wep_launcher.pbo.ACEX_test.bisign.gz to-check=16/28)

addons/acex_c_wep_launcher.pbo.gz0:00:00 (xfer#12, to-check=15/28)

addons/acex_c_wep_m16.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign.gzr#13, to-check=14/28)

addons/acex_c_wep_m16.pbo.gzs 0:00:00 (xfer#14, to-check=13/28)

addons/acex_c_wep_pistol.pbo.ACEX_test.bisign.gz5, to-check=12/28)

addons/acex_c_wep_pistol.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#16, to-check=11/28)

addons/acex_c_wep_smg_us.pbo.ACEX_test.bisign.gz7, to-check=10/28)

addons/acex_c_wep_smg_us.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#18, to-check=9/28)

addons/acex_c_wep_sniper.pbo.ACEX_test.bisign.gz9, to-check=8/28)

addons/acex_c_wep_sniper.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#20, to-check=7/28)

addons/acex_m_veh_ah1.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign.gzr#21, to-check=6/28)

addons/acex_m_veh_ah1.pbo.gzs 0:00:00 (xfer#22, to-check=5/28)

addons/acex_m_veh_mah6.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign.gz#23, to-check=4/28)

addons/acex_m_veh_mah6.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#24, to-check=3/28)

addons/acex_m_wep_rifle.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign.gz25, to-check=2/28)

addons/acex_m_wep_rifle.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#26, to-check=1/28)

1.10M 100% 925.01kB/s 0:00:01 (xfer#27, to-check=0/28)

sent 44.02K bytes received 4.14M bytes 398.31K bytes/sec

total size is 8.23M speedup is 1.97

Verifying Unpacked files...

Unpacking 1/27: addons/acex_c_veh_M2.pbo

Unpacking 2/27: addons/acex_c_veh_M2.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign

Unpacking 3/27: addons/acex_c_veh_mah6.pbo

Unpacking 4/27: addons/acex_c_veh_mah6.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign

Unpacking 5/27: addons/acex_c_veh_t72.pbo

Unpacking 6/27: addons/acex_c_veh_t72.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign

Unpacking 7/27: addons/acex_c_vehicle.pbo

Unpacking 8/27: addons/acex_c_vehicle.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign

Unpacking 9/27: addons/acex_c_weapon.pbo

Unpacking 10/27: addons/acex_c_weapon.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign

Unpacking 11/27: addons/acex_c_wep_launcher.pbo

Unpacking 12/27: addons/acex_c_wep_launcher.pbo.ACEX_test.bisign

Unpacking 13/27: addons/acex_c_wep_m16.pbo

Unpacking 14/27: addons/acex_c_wep_m16.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign

Unpacking 15/27: addons/acex_c_wep_pistol.pbo

Unpacking 16/27: addons/acex_c_wep_pistol.pbo.ACEX_test.bisign

Unpacking 17/27: addons/acex_c_wep_smg_us.pbo

Unpacking 18/27: addons/acex_c_wep_smg_us.pbo.ACEX_test.bisign

Unpacking 19/27: addons/acex_c_wep_sniper.pbo

Unpacking 20/27: addons/acex_c_wep_sniper.pbo.ACEX_test.bisign

Unpacking 21/27: addons/acex_m_veh_ah1.pbo

Unpacking 22/27: addons/acex_m_veh_ah1.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign

Unpacking 23/27: addons/acex_m_veh_mah6.pbo

Unpacking 24/27: addons/acex_m_veh_mah6.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign

Unpacking 25/27: addons/acex_m_wep_rifle.pbo

Unpacking 26/27: addons/acex_m_wep_rifle.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign

Unpacking 27/27: changelog.txt

Applied version: 159


Already installed, trying to update...

Current Version: 8, checking for updates...

Calculating checksums

Trying rsync://

Verifying Packed files...

Fetching 7 files... Please wait

receiving incremental file list



addons/acex_sm_c_sound_wep_mg.pbo.gz0:00 (xfer#2, to-check=5/8)


addons/acex_sm_s_veh_helicopters.pbo.gz0 (xfer#4, to-check=3/8)


addons/acex_sm_s_wep_mg.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#6, to-check=1/8)

2.87M 100% 1.75MB/s 0:00:01 (xfer#7, to-check=0/8)

sent 32.92K bytes received 2.27M bytes 118.11K bytes/sec

total size is 19.31M speedup is 8.39

Verifying Unpacked files...

Unpacking 1/7: addons/acex_sm_c_sound_wep_mg.pbo

Unpacking 2/7: addons/acex_sm_c_sound_wep_mg.pbo.ACEX_SM_test.bisign

Unpacking 3/7: addons/acex_sm_s_veh_helicopters.pbo

Unpacking 4/7: addons/acex_sm_s_veh_helicopters.pbo.ACEX_SM_test.bisign

Unpacking 5/7: addons/acex_sm_s_wep_mg.pbo

Unpacking 6/7: addons/acex_sm_s_wep_mg.pbo.ACEX_SM_test.bisign

Unpacking 7/7: changelog.txt

Applied version: 9


= @CBA

= @ACE



Processing general tasks:


Please press ENTER to exit

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could you take a look at WarFXTracers 1.2 tracers ? i think they are better (normal version not full one)

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Updated :D

Updater (v0.12.5) by Sickboy <sb_at_dev-heaven.net>

Run with --help for help

WARNING: Please make sure anything ArmA related has been closed / shutdown, incl

explorer windows, etc

ArmA 2 Standard Distribution detected

Installation Path: C:\ArmA 2

Manager for: @CBA;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_SM


= @CBA

Already installed, trying to update...

Current Version: 33, checking for updates...

Calculating checksums

Trying rsync://s02.6thsense.eu/rel/cba/.

Server reached maximum connections.

Trying rsync://arma2.armagoons.com/rel/cba/.

Verifying Packed files...

Fetching 3 files... Please wait

receiving incremental file list



addons/extended_eventhandlers.pbo.gz0:00 (xfer#2, to-check=1/4)

12.55K 100% 60.06kB/s 0:00:00 (xfer#3, to-check=0/4)

sent 233 bytes received 15.21K bytes 1.63K bytes/sec

total size is 14.91K speedup is 0.97

Verifying Unpacked files...

Unpacking 1/3: addons/extended_eventhandlers.pbo

Unpacking 2/3: addons/extended_eventhandlers.pbo.CBA_Test.bisign

Unpacking 3/3: changelog.txt

Applied version: 34

= @ACE

Already installed, trying to update...

Current Version: 190, checking for updates...

Calculating checksums

Trying rsync://

Verifying Packed files...

Fetching 57 files... Please wait

receiving incremental file list


addons/ace_c_ai_sensors.pbo.ACE_Test.bisign.gz#1, to-check=58/59)

addons/ace_c_ai_sensors.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#2, to-check=55/59)

addons/ace_c_vehicle.pbo.ACE_test.bisign.gzfer#3, to-check=54/59)

addons/ace_c_vehicle.pbo.gz/s 0:00:00 (xfer#4, to-check=53/59)

addons/ace_c_weapon.pbo.ACE_test.bisign.gzxfer#5, to-check=52/59)

addons/ace_c_weapon.pbo.gzB/s 0:00:00 (xfer#6, to-check=51/59)


addons/ace_c_wep_crewserved.pbo.gz:00:00 (xfer#8, to-check=49/59)

addons/ace_main.pbo.ACE_test.bisign.gz00 (xfer#9, to-check=48/59)

addons/ace_main.pbo.gz.85kB/s 0:00:00 (xfer#10, to-check=47/59)

addons/ace_sys_air_refuel.pbo.ACE_Test.bisign.gz1, to-check=46/59)

addons/ace_sys_air_refuel.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#12, to-check=45/59)

addons/ace_sys_eject.pbo.ACE_test.bisign.gzfer#13, to-check=44/59)

addons/ace_sys_eject.pbo.gz/s 0:00:00 (xfer#14, to-check=43/59)

addons/ace_sys_explosives.pbo.ACE_test.bisign.gz5, to-check=42/59)

addons/ace_sys_explosives.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#16, to-check=41/59)

addons/ace_sys_fastroping.pbo.ACE_Test.bisign.gz7, to-check=40/59)

addons/ace_sys_fastroping.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#18, to-check=39/59)

addons/ace_sys_gas.pbo.ACE_test.bisign.gz(xfer#19, to-check=38/59)

addons/ace_sys_gas.pbo.gzkB/s 0:00:00 (xfer#20, to-check=37/59)

addons/ace_sys_goggles.pbo.ACE_test.bisign.gzr#21, to-check=36/59)

addons/ace_sys_goggles.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#22, to-check=35/59)

addons/ace_sys_grenadethrow.pbo.ACE_test.bisign.gz to-check=34/59)

addons/ace_sys_grenadethrow.pbo.gz:00:01 (xfer#24, to-check=33/59)

addons/ace_sys_irstrobe.pbo.ACE_test.bisign.gz#25, to-check=32/59)

addons/ace_sys_irstrobe.pbo.gz 0:00:01 (xfer#26, to-check=31/59)

addons/ace_sys_knicklicht.pbo.ACE_Test.bisign.gz7, to-check=30/59)

addons/ace_sys_knicklicht.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#28, to-check=29/59)

addons/ace_sys_lademeister.pbo.ACE_Test.bisign.gz, to-check=28/59)

addons/ace_sys_lademeister.pbo.gz0:00:00 (xfer#30, to-check=27/59)

addons/ace_sys_overheating.pbo.ACE_test.bisign.gz, to-check=26/59)

addons/ace_sys_overheating.pbo.gz0:00:00 (xfer#32, to-check=25/59)

addons/ace_sys_rangefinder.pbo.ACE_Test.bisign.gz, to-check=24/59)

addons/ace_sys_rangefinder.pbo.gz0:00:00 (xfer#34, to-check=23/59)

addons/ace_sys_recognize.pbo.ACE_Test.bisign.gz35, to-check=22/59)

addons/ace_sys_recognize.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#36, to-check=21/59)

addons/ace_sys_shotgun.pbo.ACE_test.bisign.gzr#37, to-check=20/59)

addons/ace_sys_shotgun.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#38, to-check=19/59)


addons/ace_sys_sight_adjustment.pbo.gz00 (xfer#40, to-check=17/59)


addons/ace_sys_sight_adjustment_rifle.pbo.gzer#42, to-check=15/59)

addons/ace_sys_stamina.pbo.ACE_test.bisign.gzr#43, to-check=14/59)

addons/ace_sys_stamina.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#44, to-check=13/59)

addons/ace_sys_willipete.pbo.ACE_test.bisign.gz45, to-check=12/59)

addons/ace_sys_willipete.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#46, to-check=11/59)

addons/ace_version.pbo.ACE_test.bisign.gz(xfer#47, to-check=10/59)

addons/ace_version.pbo.gzkB/s 0:00:00 (xfer#48, to-check=9/59)









52.26K 100% 78.88kB/s 0:00:00 (xfer#57, to-check=0/59)

sent 68.58K bytes received 3.19M bytes 133.07K bytes/sec

total size is 18.38M speedup is 5.64

Removed: mpmissions/co@30_ACE_Vicious_Villains_1_6X.Chernarus.pbo.gz

Removed: mpmissions/co@40_Domination_1_25A2_West_ACE.Chernarus.pbo.gz

Removed: mpmissions/co@40_Domination_1_25A2_West_AI_ACE.Chernarus.pbo.gz

Removed: mpmissions/co@40_Domination_1_25A2_West_RA_ACE.Chernarus.pbo.gz

Removed: mpmissions/co@40_Domination_1_25A2_West_R_ACE.Chernarus.pbo.gz

Removed: mpmissions/co@50_ACE_AirCavA2_1_14.Chernarus.pbo.gz

Removed: mpmissions/co@54_ACE_Nightstrike_1_09.Chernarus.pbo.gz

Verifying Unpacked files...

Unpacking 1/57: addons/ace_c_ai_sensors.pbo

Unpacking 2/57: addons/ace_c_ai_sensors.pbo.ACE_Test.bisign

Unpacking 3/57: addons/ace_c_vehicle.pbo

Unpacking 4/57: addons/ace_c_vehicle.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 5/57: addons/ace_c_weapon.pbo

Unpacking 6/57: addons/ace_c_weapon.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 7/57: addons/ace_c_wep_crewserved.pbo

Unpacking 8/57: addons/ace_c_wep_crewserved.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 9/57: addons/ace_main.pbo

Unpacking 10/57: addons/ace_main.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 11/57: addons/ace_sys_air_refuel.pbo

Unpacking 12/57: addons/ace_sys_air_refuel.pbo.ACE_Test.bisign

Unpacking 13/57: addons/ace_sys_eject.pbo

Unpacking 14/57: addons/ace_sys_eject.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 15/57: addons/ace_sys_explosives.pbo

Unpacking 16/57: addons/ace_sys_explosives.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 17/57: addons/ace_sys_fastroping.pbo

Unpacking 18/57: addons/ace_sys_fastroping.pbo.ACE_Test.bisign

Unpacking 19/57: addons/ace_sys_gas.pbo

Unpacking 20/57: addons/ace_sys_gas.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 21/57: addons/ace_sys_goggles.pbo

Unpacking 22/57: addons/ace_sys_goggles.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 23/57: addons/ace_sys_grenadethrow.pbo

Unpacking 24/57: addons/ace_sys_grenadethrow.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 25/57: addons/ace_sys_irstrobe.pbo

Unpacking 26/57: addons/ace_sys_irstrobe.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 27/57: addons/ace_sys_knicklicht.pbo

Unpacking 28/57: addons/ace_sys_knicklicht.pbo.ACE_Test.bisign

Unpacking 29/57: addons/ace_sys_lademeister.pbo

Unpacking 30/57: addons/ace_sys_lademeister.pbo.ACE_Test.bisign

Unpacking 31/57: addons/ace_sys_overheating.pbo

Unpacking 32/57: addons/ace_sys_overheating.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 33/57: addons/ace_sys_rangefinder.pbo

Unpacking 34/57: addons/ace_sys_rangefinder.pbo.ACE_Test.bisign

Unpacking 35/57: addons/ace_sys_recognize.pbo

Unpacking 36/57: addons/ace_sys_recognize.pbo.ACE_Test.bisign

Unpacking 37/57: addons/ace_sys_shotgun.pbo

Unpacking 38/57: addons/ace_sys_shotgun.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 39/57: addons/ace_sys_sight_adjustment.pbo

Unpacking 40/57: addons/ace_sys_sight_adjustment.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 41/57: addons/ace_sys_sight_adjustment_rifle.pbo

Unpacking 42/57: addons/ace_sys_sight_adjustment_rifle.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 43/57: addons/ace_sys_stamina.pbo

Unpacking 44/57: addons/ace_sys_stamina.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 45/57: addons/ace_sys_willipete.pbo

Unpacking 46/57: addons/ace_sys_willipete.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 47/57: addons/ace_version.pbo

Unpacking 48/57: addons/ace_version.pbo.ACE_test.bisign

Unpacking 49/57: changelog.txt

Unpacking 50/57: mpmissions/co@24_ACE_Attack_1_77.FDF_Isle1_a.pbo

Unpacking 51/57: mpmissions/co@30_ACE_Vicious_Villains_1_7.Chernarus.pbo

Unpacking 52/57: mpmissions/co@40_Domination_1_27A2_West_ACE.Chernarus.pbo

Unpacking 53/57: mpmissions/co@40_Domination_1_27A2_West_AI_ACE.Chernarus.pbo

Unpacking 54/57: mpmissions/co@40_Domination_1_27A2_West_RA_ACE.Chernarus.pbo

Unpacking 55/57: mpmissions/co@40_Domination_1_27A2_West_R_ACE.Chernarus.pbo

Unpacking 56/57: mpmissions/co@50_ACE_AirCavA2_1_17.Chernarus.pbo

Unpacking 57/57: mpmissions/co@54_ACE_Nightstrike_1_20.Chernarus.pbo

Removed: mpmissions/co@30_ACE_Vicious_Villains_1_6X.Chernarus.pbo

Removed: mpmissions/co@40_Domination_1_25A2_West_ACE.Chernarus.pbo

Removed: mpmissions/co@40_Domination_1_25A2_West_AI_ACE.Chernarus.pbo

Removed: mpmissions/co@40_Domination_1_25A2_West_RA_ACE.Chernarus.pbo

Removed: mpmissions/co@40_Domination_1_25A2_West_R_ACE.Chernarus.pbo

Removed: mpmissions/co@50_ACE_AirCavA2_1_14.Chernarus.pbo

Removed: mpmissions/co@54_ACE_Nightstrike_1_09.Chernarus.pbo

Applied version: 192


Already installed, trying to update...

Current Version: 158, checking for updates...

Calculating checksums

Trying rsync://

Verifying Packed files...

Fetching 27 files... Please wait

receiving incremental file list


addons/acex_c_veh_M2.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign.gzer#1, to-check=27/28)

addons/acex_c_veh_M2.pbo.gz/s 0:00:00 (xfer#2, to-check=25/28)

addons/acex_c_veh_mah6.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign.gz#3, to-check=24/28)

addons/acex_c_veh_mah6.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#4, to-check=23/28)

addons/acex_c_veh_t72.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign.gzr#5, to-check=22/28)

addons/acex_c_veh_t72.pbo.gzs 0:00:00 (xfer#6, to-check=21/28)

addons/acex_c_vehicle.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign.gzr#7, to-check=20/28)

addons/acex_c_vehicle.pbo.gzs 0:00:00 (xfer#8, to-check=19/28)

addons/acex_c_weapon.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign.gzer#9, to-check=18/28)

addons/acex_c_weapon.pbo.gz/s 0:00:00 (xfer#10, to-check=17/28)

addons/acex_c_wep_launcher.pbo.ACEX_test.bisign.gz to-check=16/28)

addons/acex_c_wep_launcher.pbo.gz0:00:00 (xfer#12, to-check=15/28)

addons/acex_c_wep_m16.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign.gzr#13, to-check=14/28)

addons/acex_c_wep_m16.pbo.gzs 0:00:00 (xfer#14, to-check=13/28)

addons/acex_c_wep_pistol.pbo.ACEX_test.bisign.gz5, to-check=12/28)

addons/acex_c_wep_pistol.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#16, to-check=11/28)

addons/acex_c_wep_smg_us.pbo.ACEX_test.bisign.gz7, to-check=10/28)

addons/acex_c_wep_smg_us.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#18, to-check=9/28)

addons/acex_c_wep_sniper.pbo.ACEX_test.bisign.gz9, to-check=8/28)

addons/acex_c_wep_sniper.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#20, to-check=7/28)

addons/acex_m_veh_ah1.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign.gzr#21, to-check=6/28)

addons/acex_m_veh_ah1.pbo.gzs 0:00:00 (xfer#22, to-check=5/28)

addons/acex_m_veh_mah6.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign.gz#23, to-check=4/28)

addons/acex_m_veh_mah6.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#24, to-check=3/28)

addons/acex_m_wep_rifle.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign.gz25, to-check=2/28)

addons/acex_m_wep_rifle.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#26, to-check=1/28)

1.10M 100% 925.01kB/s 0:00:01 (xfer#27, to-check=0/28)

sent 44.02K bytes received 4.14M bytes 398.31K bytes/sec

total size is 8.23M speedup is 1.97

Verifying Unpacked files...

Unpacking 1/27: addons/acex_c_veh_M2.pbo

Unpacking 2/27: addons/acex_c_veh_M2.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign

Unpacking 3/27: addons/acex_c_veh_mah6.pbo

Unpacking 4/27: addons/acex_c_veh_mah6.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign

Unpacking 5/27: addons/acex_c_veh_t72.pbo

Unpacking 6/27: addons/acex_c_veh_t72.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign

Unpacking 7/27: addons/acex_c_vehicle.pbo

Unpacking 8/27: addons/acex_c_vehicle.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign

Unpacking 9/27: addons/acex_c_weapon.pbo

Unpacking 10/27: addons/acex_c_weapon.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign

Unpacking 11/27: addons/acex_c_wep_launcher.pbo

Unpacking 12/27: addons/acex_c_wep_launcher.pbo.ACEX_test.bisign

Unpacking 13/27: addons/acex_c_wep_m16.pbo

Unpacking 14/27: addons/acex_c_wep_m16.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign

Unpacking 15/27: addons/acex_c_wep_pistol.pbo

Unpacking 16/27: addons/acex_c_wep_pistol.pbo.ACEX_test.bisign

Unpacking 17/27: addons/acex_c_wep_smg_us.pbo

Unpacking 18/27: addons/acex_c_wep_smg_us.pbo.ACEX_test.bisign

Unpacking 19/27: addons/acex_c_wep_sniper.pbo

Unpacking 20/27: addons/acex_c_wep_sniper.pbo.ACEX_test.bisign

Unpacking 21/27: addons/acex_m_veh_ah1.pbo

Unpacking 22/27: addons/acex_m_veh_ah1.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign

Unpacking 23/27: addons/acex_m_veh_mah6.pbo

Unpacking 24/27: addons/acex_m_veh_mah6.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign

Unpacking 25/27: addons/acex_m_wep_rifle.pbo

Unpacking 26/27: addons/acex_m_wep_rifle.pbo.ACEX_Test.bisign

Unpacking 27/27: changelog.txt

Applied version: 159


Already installed, trying to update...

Current Version: 8, checking for updates...

Calculating checksums

Trying rsync://

Verifying Packed files...

Fetching 7 files... Please wait

receiving incremental file list



addons/acex_sm_c_sound_wep_mg.pbo.gz0:00 (xfer#2, to-check=5/8)


addons/acex_sm_s_veh_helicopters.pbo.gz0 (xfer#4, to-check=3/8)


addons/acex_sm_s_wep_mg.pbo.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#6, to-check=1/8)

2.87M 100% 1.75MB/s 0:00:01 (xfer#7, to-check=0/8)

sent 32.92K bytes received 2.27M bytes 118.11K bytes/sec

total size is 19.31M speedup is 8.39

Verifying Unpacked files...

Unpacking 1/7: addons/acex_sm_c_sound_wep_mg.pbo

Unpacking 2/7: addons/acex_sm_c_sound_wep_mg.pbo.ACEX_SM_test.bisign

Unpacking 3/7: addons/acex_sm_s_veh_helicopters.pbo

Unpacking 4/7: addons/acex_sm_s_veh_helicopters.pbo.ACEX_SM_test.bisign

Unpacking 5/7: addons/acex_sm_s_wep_mg.pbo

Unpacking 6/7: addons/acex_sm_s_wep_mg.pbo.ACEX_SM_test.bisign

Unpacking 7/7: changelog.txt

Applied version: 9


= @CBA

= @ACE



Processing general tasks:


Please press ENTER to exit

I would wait until the official release post from Sickboy or you may find you have some files either missing or incorrect version from release ;)

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If they had an answer I'm sure they'd give one, as they haven't I'd suggest just enjoying the beta and showing a little patience :)

No doubt. That question is just painful to read. I'm amazed people actually think content creators can answer a question like that, or even think they'd want to. Even more remarkable is when people don't realize that type of question is being ignored and keep asking. Silly world we live in. ;)

Ok back to my point:

I want to say thanks to Sickboy and the whole ACE2/ACEX crew, again. I just got back in to town and was pleased to see what's been accomplished in these 2 weeks. Congrats everyone, once again this is an amazing feat you guys accomplished here!

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I have a problem.

I can not hear the sound of the M4A1 M203 HOLO,M4A1 M203 MicroCCO and M4A1 M203 SD......someone tells me why?

Sorry for my bad english and thx.

my shortcut : .......@CBA;@RH;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_SM

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A.C.E. Mod Beta, Update #9 Released!

Click here for details and release notes

Sorry for the 30 mins delay; we had to hotfix.

Thanks Jman for the mirror as always, and the spot on note :D

Welcome back in town Manzilla (banana) :D

I have a problem.

For two days already I have been getting this error when opening the PRESETS page on your server:

Encoding::CompatibilityError in Sixconfigs#index

And then lot of text. Check this txt:



Edited by Sickboy

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Not posting to report any issues (yet :)), but just to congratulate the entire ACE team for the great job they should have be proud of. Outstanding!

And special kudos for the six-updater ;)

And Merry Christmas to all!

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Argh!!! After joining 5 servers and NO ONE having updated, I had to give up trying to play ACE.

Kellys Heroes isnt up either.

Fiddlesticks :(

Next time I have to remember not to bother to update.

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damn updater i have no idea how to use it. I think i got it working the first time by luck by i cant seem to update it now, this mod really needs .exe installers

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damn updater i have no idea how to use it. I think i got it working the first time by luck by i cant seem to update it now, this mod really needs .exe installers

No.. take your time and learn how to operate the updater which is a very good system :)

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damn updater i have no idea how to use it. I think i got it working the first time by luck by i cant seem to update it now, this mod really needs .exe installers


(But since 1.05, select simple "A.C.E Mod" preset, without "A2 Beta" :))

No.. take your time and learn how to operate the updater which is a very good system :)
Give the man a cigar :bounce3: Edited by Sickboy

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damn updater i have no idea how to use it. I think i got it working the first time by luck by i cant seem to update it now, this mod really needs .exe installers

Sickboy has gone to great lengths to upload as much information as possible on how to 'install/update ACE', all the answers to your questions are there if you take the time to look for them.

A good starting point is visiting his website :rolleyes: Too many people are wanting to be spoon fed the same old answers to the same old questions on this thread, sometimes without even bothing to use the search function :mad:

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For some reason when my server host tries to use sixupdater or install it onto my server there's a problem. This is what he said:


by AoWC Farchord

12/23/2009 1:36:21 PM

I checked the install package, there is a script error somewhere, it can''t find a provided utility called chcp, and crashes. We''d have to get a fix to continue installing this."

Any idea how to fix this?

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damn updater i have no idea how to use it. I think i got it working the first time by luck by i cant seem to update it now, this mod really needs .exe installers

Concider the number of mods out there that do not have any installation aids.

Concider the number of mods that don't even include decent instructions on how to install their files.

Concider that there are lots of how-to guides for ACE out there.

Concider that most people seem fully capable of using the updater.

Concider that most people are not swearing at the guy who wrote the tool and has been tirelessly answering questions, many of them repeats, without walking away in disgust.

ACE could be like most of the rest, just hand you a bunch of .pbo files, zero documentation, and ignore you all. We chose to be different and do a better job. That does not entitle anyone to think we like being abused by those that don't read, don't think, or don't care to be civil.

Contemplate how easy it would be for the ACE folks to just walk away from this forum before you hit the "Submit Reply" button.

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12/23/2009 1:36:21 PM

I checked the install package, there is a script error somewhere, it can''t find a provided utility called chcp, and crashes. We''d have to get a fix to continue installing this."

Any idea how to fix this?

A definitive ROGER :D Note 47
Lol you need a bot that posts installation & usage vids and all other info on every new page :)

Noted :D I think the platform just about covers every aspect, then :)

Edited by Sickboy

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