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Based on what I saw in this
I'm cancelling all my map making. I'll update Duala and Panthera, but I will cancel all upcoming island projects. Sorry, but I won't loose weeks and months of work working on obsolete tools knowing that authors have tools that can shorten months into weeks. Hope you all understand.


You can't! Your easily the best map maker for ArmA II! :butbut:

I'd be so sad to see you go...This is terrible news! :eek:

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Based on what I saw in this
I'm cancelling all my map making. I'll update Duala and Panthera, but I will cancel all upcoming island projects. Sorry, but I won't loose weeks and months of work working on obsolete tools knowing that authors have tools that can shorten months into weeks. Hope you all understand.

This is like a kick in the nuts, except this time it's delivered by Arnold Schwarzenegger... Too much pain... :eek:

I would be very sad to see you go, your maps are amazing Ice, the best around!

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Icebreakr your maps are top notch. So it would be sad for all of the thankful users of your maps to see you stop making masterpieces. I hope decide to stay with map editing/creating but it is your decision.

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Based on what I saw in this
I'm cancelling all my map making. I'll update Duala and Panthera, but I will cancel all upcoming island projects. Sorry, but I won't loose weeks and months of work working on obsolete tools knowing that authors have tools that can shorten months into weeks. Hope you all understand.

What?? Noooo Ice. Your maps are the best! :(

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Reminds me of what happened to OPX....sadly.

That was the first thing that popped in to my mind, as well, Binkowski.

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That was the first thing that popped in to my mind, as well, Binkowski.

Ditto. It would be nice if something like that came out with Arrowhead, but I don't have my hopes up.

I understand the sentiment though. Seeing that there is a Visitor 4 with such features, compared to the tedium of making a "good" map in V3... It's no wonder so many maps are 5x5km.

Edited by Baron von Beer

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while i can understand your frustration i can also understand BIA/BIS in doing this... VBS2 is a military similator, it is big bucks there for you have to keep some things exclusive to it, i mean whats the point in spending $2000+ when you could get nearly the same thing for free?

and also those that said "we paid for the game we demand/deserve it" well, you didnt pay the huge price tag for vbs2 so no, you dont...

also vbs2 and arma2 are quite different so i doubt its as easy as just releasing vis4 and be done with it...

i say be happy that we actualy have mod tools, so many games these days are releasing without any mod support what so ever... be happy with what you got, and dont get greedy :)

anyway you will be missed mate.



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Based on what I saw in this
I'm cancelling all my map making. I'll update Duala and Panthera, but I will cancel all upcoming island projects. Sorry, but I won't loose weeks and months of work working on obsolete tools knowing that authors have tools that can shorten months into weeks. Hope you all understand.

Far out!

Oh well you've got your reasons I guess. Thanks for letting us share your brilliant maps. Good luck with it all and hope your over your sickness. :pc:

Edited by Grub

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VBS/VBS2 have always had superior engine and tooling.It was the case for OFP and Arma and now it is the case for AA2.Everyone has the option ,and always had in the past to spend thousands of dollars and be bound to very serious Terms of use and be apart of a very very small community of free addon makers (if any).

VBS/2 is an industrial application not suited at all for the general public.The peolpe that are working with this training tool are not doing it for fun but are being paid well,by the hour to setup scenarios.Time is money for them.It is not an enthusiasts hobby.

The App. is for saving lives ,not for fun.Dont confuse VBS/2 with an enjoyable ,fun game/App.

A clever Terrain Developer is far more important than a clever terrain tool.


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Look guys, understand this. I used almost the same tools when working on Source engine (HL2) commercial game that community uses it to create their mods/total conversions. I also worked on military project and tools weren't that much different nor superior.

If you have so much superior tools intended only for military use (I know thats pretty much crap, A2/VBS2 isn't so much changed to OFP since 2001), its kinda sad to see that author needs 2-8 months(!) for a quality freeware map that he, his team and rest of community (you) can enjoy absolutely for free. Its just waaay too much time. It hurts to see that tools exists that can speed up that process like 70% of time (working road tool, placement tools, etc).

Its like driving a lorry with food over a rocky terrain to a town where 95% folks are starving, while BIS/BIA trucks are supplying rest of 5% rich people with icecream on the highway nearby - but we're not allowed to use the highway.

Tnx guys, I'm also feeling better already :] love the community and their support! And its funny: but I've leared to use tools from the community folks and not BIS tutorials or help :] I can't thank you enough guys (Sgt. Ace, Kju, Spirit6, Mikero, Maj, Sickboy, Wolle etc.).

p.s. you'll get a new Duala v1.3 today.

Edited by IceBreakr

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Hi IceBreakr

WOW :eek: I just stumbled about this. I understand your feelings and I know how much time it takes to do a map, since way back in the OFP days. On the other hand it's really sad to hear, since your Islands are an outstanding work which all members of the community definitely enjoy and appreciate.

Thanks in any case for all your hard work and effort you have put in your addons.


Kind regards


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Ice, Dualla is probably the finest arma2 map to date and the additions of hazena and (today?) vixena will be icing on the cake. thank you very much!

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Isla and Panthera are better than Cherno, dont understand why you would want the tools BiS using when they created Cherno with them and its awful. It may look like a real place but doesnt play well.

Isla and Panthera fit into the game far better. If anything they should be asking you what tools you use :p

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Based on what I saw in this
I'm cancelling all my map making. I'll update Duala and Panthera, but I will cancel all upcoming island projects. Sorry, but I won't loose weeks and months of work working on obsolete tools knowing that authors have tools that can shorten months into weeks. Hope you all understand.

I understand this perfectly, I didn't work much on map editing (2 testmaps) but seeing how easy things were with these tools was ridiculous. It's not like BIS is losing anything over releasing a new "personal" edition containing atleast a small part of these features.

Well it's not the authors your punishing but the ArmA 2 users :(

Well, it's the island editor who is punishing himself by working with obsolete tools when there was so much time to be gained.

Edited by Icewindo

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IceB: Fully understand, but it's a sad day :(

Isla Duala truly is a masterpiece, it's a shame it will be your last (for a while at least, depending on BIS) :(

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Thanks for what you have given us so far. I find myself on your maps 90% of the time when I'm in the editor.

Obviously many others feel the same way. Maybe now you can spend more time playing the game and less time making stuff for us (although I don't like the way that sounded).

Thanks again. :)

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Thanks guys. I hope you will enjoy Isla Vixena. Its mostly jungle, two towns, couple of villages, a lot of farms and couple of factories. On NW there is a Afrenian prison and on far SW Ramon' Plantation, property of late Ramon's brother, Diego Vidal.


Duala v1.3 will be released soon. Thanks guys for all the support and kind words. U rock.

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Thank you for your work IceBreakr, Isla Duala is outstanding and so exotic compared to Tchernarus.

Looking forward to the 1.3 release ;)

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