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What is the radio even for?

It can be set up to be the only way you can call for artillery, CAS, etc. For example you can make it so it's realistic and if you don't have a radio you can't call for support. This can be done by the mission maker.

I'm sure there's probably other uses, possibly intrinsic ones but I have no clue.

More or less I think it's just another object to add immersion and if the mission maker so desires add some sort of functionality to it.(via scripts, etc.)

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I am absolutely loving this, but i knew i would due to the high standard of work solus has put out since ofp.

It is correct that in rare occasions things go absolutely fooking crazy using this mod, the AI start doing retarded stuff all over the place but that has always been there. I can accept that without a grimace because when things go well they go VERY well. Sometimes SLX makes everything fit together so sweetly that the 30 seconds of experience you had in ofp/arma/arma2 can be burnt into your memory permanently.

I cannot imagine the work a single person would have to put in to progress this mod from ofp to today (because i am a reet lazy b4stard) but sincerely, i thank you.

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I can see the OPFOR call for a medic even if I'm BLUFOR.

Also, telling squadmates to "Take Weapon" in the 6 menu result in my weapon being changed.

Is there a way to have an NPC or player start the mission as a captive of the enemy? I really like your system of handling prisoners even if it isn't finished yet.

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Fantastic mod, thanks for all your work.

I really feel that the mod community should receive half the money people pay for this game because they do so much

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There is constant shouting by commanders for their troops to engage the enemy. Its a little off-putting. The commanders are still running ahead quite a bit instead of sending number 2 etc to go ahead.

This mod is still absolutely superb!

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What is the radio even for?

Pretty sure it effects the GL3 as well. Meaning, if you take out the radio guy quick enough, the global link won't kick in in terms of nearby enemies getting the 'backup' call.

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Unfortunately my HP laptop MB has finally died from the manufacturing defect that they knew about and sold many HP laptops with, so I'm going to have to try to get them to repair it although they have tried to avoid doing so for many people. The next version is on the laptop HD so I'll try to get the files and publish them somehow. Added things include a "ragdoll" like effect (actually just a "rigid body" physics object) so people on buildings usually won't float over edges, they fall off and tumble down.

Tonci87: Got the email tonic, thanks!

vengeance1: Thanks for spotting that one, it should be fixed in the next version. Try removing SLX_ModWeapons_Sounds and see if the error comes up with anything else.

AmnesiacJack: The wait for the dead menu is probably from lag created by scripts. More optimization could help with that, but I don't know if I'll have time or resources to do so.

ffur2007slx2_5: Is that in MP?

zoog: There are addons in the SLX mods that require them to be on both server and clients.

Mr_Centipede: AI's will try to take any vehicle for long range travel, although I might change it to just vehicle of their own side. Were they just sitting there after getting in though?

Jingle: What was the situation where the AIs went into hold fire mode? Try telling the AI medic to "disengage" because I think the default AI, or at least the SLX_Wounds AI script, allows them to run around helping other people that request a medic when in "engage at will" mode rather than following orders. Dragging wounded is part of SLX_Wounds, since there's not much point to have an option to stop and help people if you can only do so out in the open where you will get shot by the same enemy that shot the wounded person.

skooma: The radio allows infantry groups to communicate with other groups with radios. Vehicles with GPS also have radios. Radios enable the AI groups to pass info on known enemy locations and call other groups to come help or to be called to come help. Take out the group's radio and another group 1 km away won't come help. Let the AIs use the radio and they will call another group 1 km away to come help fight you. When artillery is added the radio will allow the AIs and players to call artillery. Thanks for spotting those bugs! To have someone start as a captive look in SLX_Wounds.pbo\s\captive.sqs with a text editor and there should be a description of how to call the script at the top. It would probably be something like putting this in the person's init line: "this setcaptive true; [this,this findNearestEnemy getpos this] exec (SLX_Wounds_Path+"s\captive.sqs");" set them captive first to make sure they don't get shot. If you are making a custom mission you can extract SLX_Wounds into your mission directory and the mission will use the scripts in there. You can even just have a few modified things in your mission folder\SLX_Wounds\ and it will be used from there while the rest will be used from the addon.

Kremator: In what situations is the leader running ahead? It shouldn't be in urban terrain anymore so is it out in the open too? Did you try the Cent Stick2gether thing which should better disable the engage thing? I'll try adding the same thing to SLX later.

JuggernautOfWar: The vehicle effects include scalable propagating fire.

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The leader is running forward when out in the open. I put 2 opposing teams on the airfield at Utes and watched as they ran towards eachother. I tried with Cents Stick2gether but stopped using it as it was having a negative affect on the AI, so I no longer use it with SLX.

I have noticed healers becoming jerky in their movements even though all other troops around them are moving smoothly.

PS your poor laptop ! Looking forward to the next version when oyu get the files off it !

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. Added things include a "ragdoll" like effect (actually just a "rigid body" physics object) so people on buildings usually won't float over edges, they fall off and tumble down.



SLX updates are exciting events.

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Solus or anybody else, could you post some screenies please, i like to see what im downloading before i do it ;-)

no screens necessary, as the only thing worth showing off in a screenie is the fact that you can HOLSTER PISTOLS!!!!!! FINALLY!

and @froggy: yeah, i love the ragdoll effect, works really, really, nicely, and i also love the fact that there is an alternate attack for KNIVES!!! Use the firing mode button to switch to it, go to 3p and hold down the trigger button on the nearest enemy and voila, now they go down real quick!

Edited by Blueteamguy

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I can see the OPFOR call for a medic even if I'm BLUFOR.

Also, telling squadmates to "Take Weapon" in the 6 menu result in my weapon being changed.

Is there a way to have an NPC or player start the mission as a captive of the enemy? I really like your system of handling prisoners even if it isn't finished yet.

They want to heal you so they can take you as a prisoner :)

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Do you think the propagating fire effects would conflict in any way with that new JTD smoke effects mod?

By the way, you know when you see that thing on the screen, "Joe Bloggs needs a medic over here!" Would it be at all possible, if you are playing as a medic, or have medics in your squad, to mark on the map where this person is? It seems pointless having the announcement if i don't know who/where they are. That would be great :]

Incidentally, what is this mod's main intended gametype? Some kind of singleplayer CTI?

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no clue, don't really care, just love it all

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about cent_stick2gether thing, just wanted to clarify that it is already obsolete and updated/improved by zGuba's zGB_stick2gether. it is in zGuba Gamplay Modifications. Will put in link here... [edit] heres the link


About units moving in in civillian vehicles, I think I havent seen them get out of the vehicles, maybe they havent reach the destination yet, because they were in a middle of firefight. Also when the driver is wounded, the passengers wont disembark either (mayber ARMA bug) so they were slaughtered piecemeal

Edited by Mr_Centipede

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Do you think the propagating fire effects would conflict in any way with that new JTD smoke effects mod?

That's the reason I asked the vehicle fire question before. The SLX propagating fires do sort of conflict, where sometimes something will catch on fire using SLX, other times it will catch on fire using JTD, and sometimes even both will become active and one object will have 2 fires. Is it possible to remove the propagating fire effect without removing the feature where vehicles can catch on fire, spring fuel leaks etc. before they actually blow up? Cool feature to have to land a helicopter quickly because it's on fire, or bail out of a tank because you're burning to death.

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Hi solus with regards to my previous post the Hold Fire activated after a successful secop to destroy an enemy position, there was no other enemy activity in the area at the time so it wasnt a major problem at the time but took a few return to formation orders to get em back into line.

The non responding medic happened after I was playing a team leader of a force recon team in chernogorsk, I was on overwatch while my squad was securing the area when I was shot, after that Number 2 took command and I was unable to get any response from any medic including my squad medic to come and heal me. Also the heavy gunner was standing next to me but didnt come to my aid either.

With regards to the dragging system I understand what you are saying but would like to know if I was to take out SLX_ wounds would it have any other detrimental effect on the other parts of the SLX mod.

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That's the reason I asked the vehicle fire question before. The SLX propagating fires do sort of conflict, where sometimes something will catch on fire using SLX, other times it will catch on fire using JTD, and sometimes even both will become active and one object will have 2 fires. Is it possible to remove the propagating fire effect without removing the feature where vehicles can catch on fire, spring fuel leaks etc. before they actually blow up? Cool feature to have to land a helicopter quickly because it's on fire, or bail out of a tank because you're burning to death.

To clarify, JTD_FireAndSmoke does not attach fire effects to vehicles, and only when vehicles are destroyed is smoke applied.

Only trees and buildings are susceptible to JTD fire. However, all objects are susceptible to fire damage if they're within a fire damage area. When they're damaged sufficiently to be destroyed, the default ArmA2 effects for that object are used as normal.

(Information supplied for Solus information purposes :))

Edited by DMarkwick

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Apache-Cobra: It's all in SLX_VehicleEffects.pbo. I'll see if I can make it detect JTD smoke and disable smoke for the things that JTD does.

Nosedive: I could look into making a map marker for wounded. No intended gametype, only technical correctness. I mainly test in SP.

Mr_Centipede: Thanks, I'll look into the AI's not disembarking when attacked en route.

Jingle: Thanks, I think I'll have to do more testing for that. When the AIs didn't help you, were the ArmA 2 wounded effects also active? How much lag was there in the mission? SLX_Wounds should work independently from the rest, and the rest independent of SLX_Wounds. You lose all the features in SLX_Wounds though like surrendering captives.

DMarkwick: Thanks for the explanation, I think I can make the vehicle effects fire appear where the JTD fire doesn't cover and go away in the areas JTD does cover.

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Ah yes the ARMA 2 first aid module was present - sorry should have checked - maybe a conflict there will try testing without it and get back to you. As far as lag was concerned I havent had any lag problems with your recent version. If I lose slx wounds do I also lose the individual effects on the body when hit - ie weapon drop etc (because I do like those features and would like to keep em).

Checked removal of the first aid modules seemed to help the issue - think Ill keep slx wounds tbh rather than use the first aid modules - find it a bit more realistic and more tense.

Edited by Jingle

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Sorry for the late reply, I tested the GIB with:


M-200 (USSRSniper addon, beta test), uses .408

M107 uses .50

And it doesn't matter where I hit people, if it is in the leg or arm, they all explode. It would be really nice if hit at the extremities (arms, legs and head), that only that would fall off with the higher level caliber rounds. So, M-200 and above.

I wouldn't expect a human body to explode by a M24 or that a leg, arm or head would be blown off. However I would expect that an extremity (arm, leg or head) would be blown off by the higher caliber rounds (.408 or .50). But I don't expect the body to explode in pieces when I hit there leg, arm or foot.

I hope this helps...

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About units moving in in civillian vehicles' date=' I think I havent seen them get out of the vehicles, maybe they havent reach the destination yet, because they were in a middle of firefight. Also when the driver is wounded, the passengers wont disembark either (mayber ARMA bug) so they were slaughtered piecemeal[/quote']

Yep, I think I saw this "incident" as well. Where AI passengers do not take over AI driver post/disembark when the driver is either wounded or dead.

Edited by Muahaha

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some things;

why do the enemys look retarded when they get shot, and fall like a doll?

why does it make the game so laggy

i dont think its working, all i need is CBA extended eventhandlers, what about the rest of the CBA pack, do i need them too?

i want to play with this

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Hey, the download link doesn't work on the first page and on the Armaholic page it doesn't work either. Can someone please post a link to a working download. Thanks

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