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think there is an issue with the mod when using norrin's revive script (latest version)

reviving at certain times will lag the player reviving and they will be stuck in perpetual dragging mode!

is this likely to be the SLX wounds system or the Ragdoll interfering?

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Hi Solus,

Amazing mod thank you very much.....

I love the modular idea it makes people pick and choose what they want, so I was wondering if it is possible to split the contents of GL3 into different modules as well.

I like the AI detection and engagement ranges in your mod but some things like the radio call for backup between AI groups and the slow way they move in "aware" might hamper or break some missions ( I like the radio backup thing but missions have to be designed with it in mind which is often not the case ).

I completely understand if splitting GL3 is impossible or difficult to do but thought i would ask anyways.... :o

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Hi Solus after further testing we are still getting a weird issue after multiplay sessions.

This time the server doesn't seem to be effected as much in terms of memory usage. But we get to a point in a game where everyone's client uses up to a gig of memory for the arma process.....enemy bodies start getting back up and switching back to dead again...players heads dissapeer and textures goes away.

We've tested this in revive script missions and non-revive. We all also get a message about the ragdoll.slx (cannot play/edit mission, missing ragdoll.slx. But it is defo in the SLX mod folder. We've now decided to get rid of the ragdoll.pbo (server and client side) and will see what happens.

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Thanks for the good words and testing!

vengeance1: You can make individual people or groups not surrender by setting "this allowfleeing 0" which should make them never try to flee and thus never surrender. There's also an (isnil "SLX_NoSurrender") check which should disable surrendering entirely.

PeterEyres: Thank you and your squad for testing! There will be a server key eventually, but right now things are in development. Probably after I solve the server problem you're having. I'll look into norrins revive script and see what could be going wrong. If you can, please try testing to see if it lags without SLX_Wounds, then without SLX_Wounds and SLX_GL3. If that works then maybe try adding SLX_Wounds back in and see if it works. Also the arma2.rpt from the server and clients that are lagging might help. Thanks!

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Thanks for the good words and testing!

vengeance1: You can make individual people or groups not surrender by setting "this allowfleeing 0" which should make them never try to flee and thus never surrender. There's also an (isnil "SLX_NoSurrender") check which should disable surrendering entirely.

Thanks Solus I appreciate you taking the time to answer my question. ;)

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Thanks for this great mod-pack.

Heres some errors we see in .RPT file... We play mostly with our dedicated server (both server and clients use these mod-files), we also use several other mods, but heres these errors with your latest release (1.35?):

List of SLX-components used:

30.08.2009  18:08             1ÿ313 SLX_AISkill.pbo
08.09.2009  04:46            11ÿ700 SLX_AI_TurnMove.pbo
13.08.2009  00:30               908 SLX_Anim_Crawl.pbo
09.09.2009  20:59            63ÿ257 SLX_Anim_Death.pbo
26.08.2009  09:24            24ÿ342 SLX_Anim_GrenadeThrow.pbo
08.09.2009  04:46           115ÿ138 SLX_Anim_Idle.pbo
14.08.2009  13:47             1ÿ388 SLX_Anim_Jump.pbo
20.08.2009  23:33            59ÿ579 SLX_Anim_MoveTransitions.pbo
04.09.2009  22:25             6ÿ467 SLX_Anim_Swim.pbo
20.08.2009  23:33            76ÿ828 SLX_Anim_WeaponTransitions.pbo
08.06.2009  06:50           102ÿ176 SLX_Cartriges.pbo
31.08.2009  12:11        12ÿ974ÿ196 SLX_Cloud.pbo
07.09.2009  05:52           155ÿ381 SLX_Dialogue.pbo
11.09.2009  00:28            14ÿ420 SLX_FindCover.pbo
09.09.2009  22:49             9ÿ144 SLX_FOV.pbo
09.09.2009  05:09         1ÿ617ÿ301 SLX_GL3.pbo
28.08.2009  02:25               481 SLX_NetCode.pbo
07.09.2009  03:41             1ÿ940 SLX_ReloadShout.pbo
07.09.2009  03:42         2ÿ061ÿ999 SLX_RPG7.pbo
08.09.2009  04:47            97ÿ736 SLX_Shout.pbo

Had to remove SLX_RagDoll as it spammed "Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. slx_ragdoll" Plus from clients .RPT:

Addon slx_ragdoll (entry SLX_RagDollBody) not found in the list of active addons.
Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.
Addon slx_ragdoll (entry SLX_GroundVector) not found in the list of active addons.
Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.

For clarification these errors came before we deleted SLX_RagDoll from our mod-pack.

Heres clients errors (sincgars error also in servers .RPT):

Warning Message: Cannot load texture slx_wounds\data\ambulance_move.paa.
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars_use.p3d:0 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 279, 295, 294
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars_use.p3d:0 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 292, 293, 285
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars_use.p3d:0 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 292, 285, 284
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars_use.p3d:0 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 294, 295, 287
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars_use.p3d:0 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 294, 287, 286
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars_use.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 87, 103, 102
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars_use.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 100, 101, 93
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars_use.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 100, 93, 92
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars_use.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 102, 103, 95
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars_use.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 102, 95, 94
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars_use.p3d:1.5 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 71, 87, 86
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars_use.p3d:1.5 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 84, 85, 77
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars_use.p3d:1.5 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 84, 77, 76
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars_use.p3d:1.5 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 86, 87, 79
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars_use.p3d:1.5 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 86, 79, 78
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars_use.p3d:2.25 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 11, 8, 13
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars_use.p3d:2.25 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 11, 13, 17
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars_use.p3d:2.25 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 15, 9, 12
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars_use.p3d:2.25 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 15, 12, 18
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:0 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 325, 341, 340
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:0 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 338, 339, 331
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:0 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 338, 331, 330
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:0 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 340, 341, 333
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:0 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 340, 333, 332
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:0 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 455, 460, 461
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:0 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 465, 469, 470
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:0 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 452, 432, 454
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:0 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 452, 454, 474
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:0 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 434, 453, 475
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:0 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 434, 475, 456
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 103, 108, 109
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 113, 117, 118
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 100, 80, 102
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 100, 102, 122
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 82, 101, 123
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 82, 123, 104
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 177, 193, 192
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 190, 191, 183
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 190, 183, 182
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 192, 193, 185
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 192, 185, 184
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:1.5 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 87, 92, 93
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:1.5 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 97, 101, 102
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:1.5 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 84, 64, 86
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:1.5 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 84, 86, 106
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:1.5 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 66, 85, 107
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:1.5 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 66, 107, 88
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:1.5 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 115, 131, 130
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:1.5 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 128, 129, 121
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:1.5 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 128, 121, 120
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:1.5 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 130, 131, 123
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:1.5 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 130, 123, 122
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:2.25 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 11, 8, 13
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:2.25 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 11, 13, 17
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:2.25 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 15, 9, 12
Warning: slx_gl3\models\slx_prc119_sincgars.p3d:2.25 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 15, 12, 18
2009/09/26, 23:49:17 Bad action name SLX_Radio - not found in RifleStandTakeActions
2009/09/26, 23:51:07 Wrong weapon selection
2009/09/26, 23:51:07 O 1-1-E:1: Bad weapon selected (14 of 14)

Sorry if my post confuses you :P

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We'll give it a go, I'll literally try anything to get it stable on the server, as for the short time it does work, we love it.

I was thinking earlier if the blood has an effect, i remember any blood addons in ofp and arma1 always had issues. Not sure how it works in SLX with regards to disapeering after a certain amount of time. Usually it lags up after a large firefight, or quite the way throuhg a mission.

My servers rpt files dont seem to be working properly but I think thats down to having two servers with seperate installs for each one of a seperate hard drive

What does the GL3.PBO control btw?


We've also moved RagDoll out because of the msg and an attempt to solves the instability, its not the culprit, but it does stop the error message.

Interesting that the Sincgars radio is causing errors however. I've yet to utlise it fully in a mission yet, but its certainly a nice visual touch.

Edited by PeterEyres

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Not sure how it works in SLX with regards to disapeering after a certain amount of time. Usually it lags up after a large firefight, or quite the way throuhg a mission.

As far as I've been able to see, the blood is limited by numbers not time. Currently it's initialised to 100 in the scripts, so that after 100 blood splats have been spawned, the oldest ones start disappearing each time a new one is made. Nice system.

You can initialise this yourself in an init. Any init will do, use the player unit for clarity. I have a couple of small scenarios that have less than say 20 units max in, so I like to ramp up that limit so I can track down wounded units. I do it like this in my player's init:


Obviously, you can reduce that also, however I don't believe that 100 blood splats will drag down performance that much in any case, it's more likely to be the constant spawn/delete cycle once the limit is reached. Even that though doesn't sound too much.

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Most of the error messages are due to the fact that the SLX MOD is not binarized.

There's a serious gain in performance if you binarize the SLX Addons.



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vengeance1: You can make individual people or groups not surrender by setting "this allowfleeing 0" which should make them never try to flee and thus never surrender. There's also an (isnil "SLX_NoSurrender") check which should disable surrendering entirely.

"This allow fleeing 0"

doesn't seem to work when applied to a player commanded tank as the crew keep jumping out and surrendering. Where do I find or install the global (isnil "SLX_NoSurrender") ? Also, for some reason when the crew jump out and surrender they fall over and die after a couple of seconds of holding their hands up... not sure why.

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Removing Wounds and GL3 doesnt make any Difference. HOWEVER. My clan has started to move everything out and move things in gradually.

Currently we have these working and tested (stressed on a long evo game)

PBO's working fine so far:



All Anim.Pbo's







Shout (modvehcore requirs this)

Vehicle Effects


Edited by PeterEyres

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Most of the error messages are due to the fact that the SLX MOD is not binarized.

There's a serious gain in performance if you binarize the SLX Addons.



for performance sake, how to binarize these slx addons? just for personal SP use only of course as this mod is so damn awesome.:)

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Right, Solus.

I THINK, and I mean THINK that it is something within ShotEffects.pbo which is causing the problem.

We had just added that to the mod along with effects, Cloud and Modweapons_c. Had major client lockups 15mins into a smallish mission

Took out shot_effects.pbo only and played a good hour without crashing. Will test it on an evo game tomorrow and shouldknow for sure.

Could be the fire effects or the supersonic trace effect?

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Does anyone know where the "Reloading" sound comes from? For some reason my player keeps saying it even though there is nothing to reload? I would like to remove it.


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Does anyone know where the "Reloading" sound comes from? For some reason my player keeps saying it even though there is nothing to reload? I would like to remove it.


You probably need to reload your knife :D

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SLX_ReloadShout.pbo: Have people shout "reloading" when their magazine is empty and they need to reload. They don't shout when they are alone or someone in their group is in stealth mode.

remove SLX_ReloadShout.pbo... or make sure all the weapons you are carrying are loaded :P

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remove SLX_ReloadShout.pbo... or make sure all the weapons you are carrying are loaded :P

Doohhh! I don't know why I didn't see that :rolleyes:

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no no I'm pretty sure there is a bug with the 203's, even if you reload them he still shouts it, however with other weapons like SMAWS, you do have to make sure they are loaded even when it isnt your current weapon.

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I found out something really cool with the knifes in SLX . When i stabbed some of my own men when testing the knife sometimes they will also pull there knife and stab you back!! I was like WTF? It happend very rarely because i have not found out a way to equip the my soldiers with knifes only. This means if the SLX implements knifes for opfor they would use it as well. The AI seems to use them only in a last resort when they have guns.. THIS MOD ROCKS!

---------- Post added at 10:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:56 PM ----------

Ok here is what i did . I had 5 officers (usmc) and had them drop all there weapons exept there knife and started killing friendlies with my knife. What dit the officers do? They stabbed me back and wounded me! I dit actually manage to kill all the officers but they managed to hurt me as well . Really cool.

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Solus, thank you for great mod!

Some report about wounds.pbo. I really love the features it adds, and i hope to help make it more "polished" :) .

1. Seems, AI can not use dragging correctly. I never seen that AI soldiers dragged wounded further than 1 or 2 meters. Probably, it happens because of AI groupleader orders "disembark" every time when some of his AI subordinates tries drag wounded.

2. i have "bandage" actoin in "actions menu" when i near the body, even if this body is dead already. Is it possible to leave this action for alive units only, and remove it for dead ones.

3. Can you restrict azimuth rotation for wounded units when they are lying on their side? it looks very "un-immersive".

p.s.: Solus, thanx again and again! ArmA2 with SLX is "alive" by far.

p.p.s: Sorry for my English. :)

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no no I'm pretty sure there is a bug with the 203's, even if you reload them he still shouts it, however with other weapons like SMAWS, you do have to make sure they are loaded even when it isnt your current weapon.

That's what I was using at the time a M203, no launchers.

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Also a small bug with this mod is when AI gets first aid they sometimes loose there weapons and sometimes refuse to pick up other weapons as wel making them useless. Also sometimes after they have had first aid i have to micro manage them into telling thim to stand up or else they just stay put on the ground.

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Some feedback, there seems to be a bug in the campaign 'red harvest'. I atempted to rescue to the doctor and he flees when I drop the guards. Even if I chase him into the forest where he stops around 500m away he will not follow me to his hiding place, thus can't continue that option.

This must be a AI script into flee mode and they won't exit it, even after being clicked on to 'follow me'

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I integrated my own arty script into GL3 which makes the AI call in arty if available everytime it tries to call for reinforcements. However, since 1.2 they almost never request backup when it's a small group of infantry against a big one. If there's a vehicle they always do it, but of course arty isn't very effective against these targets.

It worked fine for me in 1.2. I already modified the "attack" value so they should already request backup when enemy strength is only 10 per cent greater than friendly strength, but it doesn't seem to change anything.

I do get sole survivers requesting fire missions, but that's one soldier against a whole squad.

Which file do I have to edit in order to solve this problem?

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