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Minters: For a quick fix you can remove "class Extended_Init_EventHandlers > class ReammoBox" from the SLX_Wounds.pbo config.

paragraphic l: I was thinking about the retrieve weapon action but never got to it since it was so rare, but I'll add it. The text of the radio is global, so everyone on all sides will see it. You can make an addon to add it back in if you want.

mils: If anyone really wants they can send something to "Solus.SLX@gmail.com". Thanks! I'll look into that hang, I think there might be something with the suppressive fire targets since that's about the time it happens. There are a lot of things happening in GL3 at the time of contact though, so I'll look into them but I don't think they should be messing up. It's difficult to replicate though, since it doesn't seem to happen all the time.

SenChi: I'll look into it. So the mortar still works for the player but not the cannon or MLRS?

Flarmapoint 2: No, sorry, that wouldn't be correct. A 12.7mm bullets will partially dismember someone but not fully. I don't have the time to make partial dismemberment, and it doesn't happen enough or add enough to spend a lot of time on it. It would require lots of animations, models, textures, and coding, and even then it wouldn't work that well.

Inkompetent: They can be disabled, I'll look into having an external settings file. They should be able to be disabled with "SLX_MaxGibs=0". Here's an addon that does it automatically: http://www.filefront.com/14451161/SLX_NoGibs.pbo

paragraphic l: I'll look into it, I think BIS has been changing the language stuff a bit in the betas.

Kremator, OrdeaL: Could someone do research on about how long on average a tree would burn for? Maybe look at the australian fires a while ago for data.

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okz Solus :) its understandable anyway.

I was thinking, could you add gun reload animations to the weapons? one thing arma 2 lacks is reload animations :(

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is there a way to have the standart first aid module woundet animation insteed of the current?

that would be so damn awesome...

anyway - VERY nice mod so far!

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I've noticed (only in multiplayer) sometimes AI units in my squad won't move from their position, only moving their head and turning to fire. I need to issue the salute or sit down order to get them unstuck, and if they're prone when it happens its permanent.

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Ok First of all I have to say that you did some really impressive Work. Great Job.

With your Mod A-10 Pilots are much more effective in combat. They even use their bombs.

Now the negatives.

The new supersonic Bullet Sounds are not that good. They are just Way to loud. I nearly threw my headset away.

The second Thing is, that defeated Tanks don´t explode anymore.

Its really bad to see a Bomb hitting right into a tank, and then the Tank just turned black, and smokes a little. The vanilla Arma 2 explosions werent that bad.

I think that the Improvements with the drivers AI are in the same Data as the new explosions for Tanks, right? Would you please separate it, so that I can delete only the non existing explosions?

Just see what a Javelin Missile does to a Tank

Next thing is that I discovered a really ugly Fire burning in the field after a helo got shot down. Well it didn´t end untill I finished the Mission, which was a lot of Time.

Then I discovered that with your Mod some Soldiers became Godlike.

I saw a russian soldier beeing shot from 5 Us Soldiers, and a 50cal Machine gun from about 10 m distance. He still didn´t die.

Soldiers shoot civilians now. I was enjoying a firefioght as a civilia, standing on a roof. The AI shot me. Every Time

And the last Thing: After a couple of Minutes, there is a huge Performance breakdown.

All tested with a sellfmade WIP Mission that works fine in Vanilla

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Hi Solus,

Just a heads up for your work! Looks mighty impressive, I will test it later, tonight.

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I've noticed (only in multiplayer) sometimes AI units in my squad won't move from their position, only moving their head and turning to fire. I need to issue the salute or sit down order to get them unstuck, and if they're prone when it happens its permanent.

Sorry, turns out the beta might've been the problem. Didn't even consider it since there we no AI changes in the patch notes until now.

[58961] Fixed: Immortal freezed soldiers occured in MP.

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hi solus

first off love the mod it adds so much to the game the ai are awesome but ive had some funny thinks happen.

I was using the mod in dom AI me and full group of ai was just killing what was left of the enermy in the town,we had really cool fire fight my ai guys actully got loads of kills, towards the end was just me and 2 medics but my medics where sorta doin the own thing ignoreing regroup wondering about by them selfs.

When i got into the town where my medics where there was enermy soldiers standing by them with there hands on there heads surrendering i just laughed thought was awesome.

So i spotted a injured enermy soldier thought right ill capture him too went to drag his body then all sudden i was on the other side of the island in the ocean lol.

Ok so i suicided repawrned and went try again this time i ordered my medic to heal the injured guy he did but the enermy soldier just got up and ran away tried running after him but didnt get any options to capture him in drop down menu,when i turned round and went back to my medics they had dropped there weapons and was running around with there hands on there heads :eek: apart from all this thow really enjoyed it some really cool moments in the game keep up the great work :)

And the fact i was playing dom on lan and NOT a dedicated server might of had some thing to do with bugs

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Tonci87: I've seen the invincibility thing happen before, it was in the russian city assault single mission. I got wounded but became invincible and was running around with the crazy red wounded effects but not dying when shot repeatedly. Hmm, does your mission have the BIS wounding stuff active? I can't reproduce the soldiers shooting a civilian player bug. There must be something else going on that's making that happen. Also I believe that explosion video is a hoax, the tank is probably filled with gasoline to make a large fuel explosion. Look at other videos of tanks being hit with missiles to see what it usually looks like.

bhaz: I had an AI guy freeze in an SP mission once, maybe it's related, I don't know if he was invincible too though.

muttly: Cool! Was everyone (if there were other people on the LAN) using the 1.2 version?

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hi solus

hmm what ever version was on the front page of this thread 3 days ago i was using:)

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Also I believe that explosion video is a hoax, the tank is probably filled with gasoline to make a large fuel explosion. Look at other videos of tanks being hit with missiles to see what it usually looks like.

Not hardly a hoax. Tanks are filled with plenty of ammunition and fuel to ignite. It's not uncommon for a destroyed tank to have its turret launched over 100 feet in the air due to the force of all of the munitions and fuel igniting. Keep in mind that these turrets usually weigh in between 20-25 tons.

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Not hardly a hoax. Tanks are filled with plenty of ammunition and fuel to ignite. It's not uncommon for a destroyed tank to have its turret launched over 100 feet in the air due to the force of all of the munitions and fuel igniting. Keep in mind that these turrets usually weigh in between 20-25 tons.

Correction: Due to the ammunition only. The fuel is:

1) Separated from the crew compartment and turret

2) Diesel, which at best catches fire

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Correction: Due to the ammunition only. The fuel is:

1) Separated from the crew compartment and turret

2) Diesel, which at best catches fire

Despite how hard it is to ignite, any type of fuel will produce a nice fireball with some help from an explosion. True, fuel barely has any force behind it on ignition, but I mentioned it to help prove my point with the exploding-tank topic. So you're correct, I guess, if you want to take my words so literally.

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Bug: when player with pistol tries to crouch he holsters his gun and pauses at the ground before redrawing his weapon.

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Hi Apache-Cobra, that particular video with the T72 being quite litterly blown to pieces was not a fair test afaik, I've been trying to find the report but it stated that they filled it with other explosives and the like to add to the "effect", here's a video of a javelin impact from YouTube

to emphasis the difference between the two, although the tank would still have been knocked out either because the crew would be dead and or the subsequent ammunition cook off.

@Solus, I had a similar bug report in regards to dragging wounded and ending up in the ocean, I was dragging a wounded AI when I was hit by an explosive, not sure where it was launched from, I believe it was a BMP3, instead of dieing I suddenly appeared in the ocean some 8000m away from the rest of my squad and suicide respawned and it was fine after that, I was playing local MP via the internet on a small user mission that contained no additional scripts.

Edited by Extremeus Decimus

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I noticed that sometimes the AI shouts "I'm reloading" forever and without any obvious reason.

Also when I halt a squad being the squad leader, team leader continues to follow like a bodyguard, abandoning his team.

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I noticed that sometimes the AI shouts "I'm reloading" forever and without any obvious reason.

Also when I halt a squad being the squad leader, team leader continues to follow like a bodyguard, abandoning his team.

The constant 'reloading' could be due to an 'unloaded' melee weapon. Sometimes knives (which have unlimited ammo) start off unloaded.

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Bug: Put a MH60S in editor and it starts with very low fuel.

I then crashed the MH60s and dialog menu gave me the option to drag myself and heal myself, both didnt work.

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heya solus i had the 3 second freeze happen just before one of the razor team said "enemy car in novi sobor"

seems like badlands and its very active ai from both sides is a reliable place to see this happen.

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great mod,it really is so good.just having 1 problem which is stopping me using it,my crosshair has disappeared,so the only way i can aim is by using the scope of the weapons.which is so annoying!! please help with this i really want this mod,but i need to no where im shooting aswel!

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go into your @SLX/addons folder and delete the file called SLX_ModWeapons_NoCrosshairs.pbo.

That should do the trick.

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yes!!!! sorry i didnt read through the forum first,which i should of! i apologise.i posted then seen it here after,but thanks for the help,great mod,one of the best so far,so much difference.keep up the great work!!

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i always hated nocrosshair if you dont have quick hands to go to scope you're dead

Edited by SuperRat

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