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Red Orchestra: Heroes of Stalingrad

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The previously mentioned RO2 update is in Valve's hands and will be released soon. The stats reset will take place sometime tomorrow morning/afternoon time. The changelog is below:


-Fixed stats and acheivements being awarded when they shouldn't have been and sometimes not saving stats on ranked servers. This requires a global stat and achievement reset which will be happening soon.

-Fixed several number display issues in the profile menu and after action report

-Honor, class, and weapon experience are all currently doubled to help make up for stats lost to the reset

-A new achievement has been added which is unlocked simply by playing RO2 during the double xp for players affected by the stat reset


-Reloading can be interrupted by melee or switching weapons

-Fixed quick grenade not returning to the previously equipped weapon

-Fixed team wounding counting as kill

-Fixed kill assists not showing up all the time

-Fixed Countdown Time to Beat being always 0

-Fixed timers showing wrong numbers in the single player campaign

-Fixed tank AI being able to see through smoke

-Fixed tank cannon smoke shells not blocking any AI vision

Stability & Performance

- Major optimization pass on all maps should increase performance across the board

- Reduced Alt-Tab crashing

- Fixed post-processing preset resetting itself in the video settings menu

- Fixed glowing outline/rainbow colors around the screen for certain machines

- Fixed a bug causing all audio to cut out after a map change

- Graphical improvements to environments, weapons and vehicle interior - areas or vehicles/weapons not in direct sunlight now have working specularity which will help make normal maps more visible and textures to look less flat

- New Umbra release and optimization

- General CPU optimizations


-Fix for commandline setting of webadmin values not saving after multiple map changes

After fixing this they may start adding what is missing (and was promissed): clan support, Coop, MP campaign and so on. It will only get better.

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This is 3gbs of stuff you'll never notice...(until they reset stats tomorrow)

By the way, the g41 scope is bugged, sight isn't aligned properly or something.

Also, has anyone else noticed that when you shift zoom/hold breath you get 3 seconds of absolutely no sway at all?

Ridiculous. It's like I'm a fucking robot. No wonder people can hit 200 meter shots every freaking time.

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This is 3gbs of stuff you'll never notice...(until they reset stats tomorrow)
Not true. Not being able to interrupt the reload animation or tank AI crewmen shooting through smoke was really a pain in the ass.

But hey, they still didn't fixed the server browser?

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Nice patch :)

Mainly this

Graphical improvements to environments, weapons and vehicle interior - areas or vehicles/weapons not in direct sunlight now have working specularity which will help make normal maps more visible and textures to look less flat

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Glad they added the interuptable reload animation.

Man was playing German Campaign yesterday and finally learned how to use tanks - I may be alone but I freakin love the SP so far. Anyways lost my tank and was a footman inside a building with an enemy Russian tank outside killing everyone. A freindly AI AT got right next to me to set up his blaster on window ledge when "BLOOOOOM" -he got shelled literally 6 inches from me. I was disoriented but alive and when I looked at where he was, a bloody arm was laying in his spot -just a bloody arm. I mourned for that guy for a good 2 minRL :(

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They reset stats....sort of...in some cases not at all...

A for effort?

---------- Post added at 01:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:01 PM ----------

Not true. Not being able to interrupt the reload animation or tank AI crewmen shooting through smoke was really a pain in the ass.

But hey, they still didn't fixed the server browser?

Interrupt reload was never an issue with me, the tanks were PITA though.

Supposedly we had to redownload all the maps, which is why the patch was so big.

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Glad they added the interuptable reload animation.

Man was playing German Campaign yesterday and finally learned how to use tanks - I may be alone but I freakin love the SP so far. Anyways lost my tank and was a footman inside a building with an enemy Russian tank outside killing everyone. A freindly AI AT got right next to me to set up his blaster on window ledge when "BLOOOOOM" -he got shelled literally 6 inches from me. I was disoriented but alive and when I looked at where he was, a bloody arm was laying in his spot -just a bloody arm. I mourned for that guy for a good 2 minRL :(

Cool story :D

What you like about SP? Story, gameplay... I haven't got this game yet

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SP is exactly the same as MP just with bots.. so it sucks really... the cut-scenes are meh aswell...

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Whole afternoon playing. The sound bug remains (just happened once, by parts) and the dont-fire-at-first-click aswell.

Performance is even better and graphics seems a little better, but that might be placebe effect. Many lives saving due to interruptable animations (see that BIS?).

Stats working with no problems.

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I must say, I was waiting eagerly for this game and now I regret paying for it. It's just wrong, full of bugs and weird solutions, it doesn't feel either realistic nor arcadish to me.

Edited by Smookie

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New patch:

Update Released - October 13

An update was just released with the following changes:

-Fixed a bug which would sometimes cause the first click (fire, alt fire, or ironsights) after respawning to not register.

-Player stats will now save at the end of each round in addition to the end of the match.

-Minor tweaks to the high end of the honor level ranking. While some very high level players may notice an honor level change their earned XP is unaffected by this update.

-There is now a console command for any players wishing to manually do a stats reset. The command is 'ResetStats' and must be followed by your steam nickname for confirmation (in quotes, case sensitive) <ResetStats "SteamNickname">. The .ini setting for resetting stats has been disabled to prevent any accidental resets.

-Fixed a problem with music in countdown where the morale state (and music) would jump around and transition too often.

-Fixed neutral objectives showing up in the compass as Allied objectives.

-Fixed getting a black screen when getting suppressed for non-English languages

Here the size is 2.6Gb, but some ppl reported 200mb. Been gifted this time? ¬¬

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Yeah it's 224 mb. I'm glad they fixed the first click not registering bug, I experienced that several times. Also, good to see the bugs slowly getting fixed.

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Using the AT rifles on 'Pavlov's House' is a LOT of fun. Plinking the soft spots on the T-34's gun mantle and blasting artillery spotters through sandbags at 200m with ironsights is rather satisfying.

The frequency at which you run out of ammo is the only real problem: When you've finally run down to the resupply point the game decides to give you a 3kg charge first instead of the AT rifle rounds, this means you have to scroll through the fiddly mousewheel menu to get the AT rifle back in order to re-arm it (using the number keys doesn't work once the weapon is out of ammo), then wait a while for the supply point to reset. Needs sorting out one way or another I think.

Even so, I've managed to rack up around 30-40 kills for only 2 or 3 deaths in some matches there; with a maybe a third of those being tank kills. Deaths normally came as a result of a sneaky Russian storming the resupply point while I was waiting to be fed my ammo ration. :mad:

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;2034364']SP is exactly the same as MP just with bots.. so it sucks really... the cut-scenes are meh aswell...

Better than nothing and pretty much what I was expecting from them.

And obviously a long way short of the hype they were claiming for it.

Are the bots well done, as they are in say Enemy Territory or RavenShield?

Or are they uttelry lame and without effort as they were in the previous RO?

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Better than nothing and pretty much what I was expecting from them.

And obviously a long way short of the hype they were claiming for it.

Are the bots well done, as they are in say Enemy Territory or RavenShield?

Or are they uttelry lame and without effort as they were in the previous RO?

IMo they are quite well done and fun to fight against. The bots in RO were truly awful btw.

These guys are really good at taking cover as well as the appropriate height stance needed, propping a heavy MG on a ledge or windowsill and can mantle just about anything. You'll see them hopping thru so many windows you'll wonder why they even had doors.

Generally the bots will us their cover to constantly pop and duck taking shots, and are more then eager to bayonet you if you happen to be running into the same small areas.

Overall I'd love to see alot of their abilities in our Arma bots in terms of CQB, quick cover and pathfinding - minus the panicked gotta get to the flag pace they seem to spawn with. You put a couple of bots in with a room full of MP players and I seriously doubt you'd know the difference.

Edited by froggyluv

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Bots are far better than i expected them to be, but tbh not quite good enough for single player.

Sure, they take cover and generally do a good job at killing you but their behavious is very multiplayerbot-like. Works fine online but for single player it's too random to simulate a defence/attack scenario. They move around too much for that.

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51 now :D, sadly i haven't been playing much RO2 of late because of my uni assignments :(

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Is working for you? If not:
Edited by Smurf

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Whenever i hear japanese i either think of

A) these stupid gameshows they have

B) tentacle pr0n


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