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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment Public Release!

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It's not that it is difficult to add classes without rucksacks. However it will be a horrible amount of units/groups to pick from in the editor when creating missions. Something that will be quite cumbersome, confusing and daunting to many.

As Red Barron has posted (and given examples to) the rucksack can be removed by adding a little code in the init-field for each unit or into scripts.

lol wow ok to an moder it would not be that difficult and yes it would be organized to have them wink_o.gif  Have you played the mod i mean the units are massive in this mod and your talking about if the back packs were in an diffrent class it would be daunting to many confused_o.gif  Wow and its an an pain to put in every mission an little code in the init field ya dig, when an moder could make an class and you just pick and place the unit and done much easyer ya dig wink_o.gif  That point was taken in by red barron as i said befor and thank him for the info of maybe helping out the back pack. But your getting on here and saying that it would be an confusing and daunting to the people to have an own class of back packs, No it would not all the units in this mod have them and there is an crazy amount of units in this mod that is lovely but for haveing an class of moutain or what ever units for back packs instade of the whole mod of units in back packs would be nice to have.

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@1-in1-class and others with suggestions/feedback/bug reports:

Please refer to http://www.acemod.net/forums/project.php?projectid=1

If you get an account you can either search tickets that are relevant to your issue, or create a new one in the appropriate category.

Things get easily lost in this BIS thread, the Project Tools are the answer to that smile_o.gif


The A.C.E. Mod concentrates on the US / SLA(RUS) / IRAQI conflicts, and can easily be extended with other armies.

Personally, I find 695MB (packed) more than okay, especially for having all the stuff at disposal.

However, these days everyone seems to look for modularity and small but useful modifications that can together lead up to the preferred mix of the user.

ACE tries to achieve that through configurability but indeed has a fat butt full of US and other Models smile_o.gif

Maybe something to consider for the future, though it's not as if harddrives are shrinking.


Well, you don't magically get extra bullets, but you magically reload.

The magazine that has the lower count of bullets, still exists but is last in the list, because the magazines automatically sort in decending order.

So with a lot of screwing around, putting magazines in magazine holder (/dummies), and finding the mag that had the same amount of bullets, to then put it back in the order so that the same mag is back in place, is all a lot to do just for the switching between scope/cqb view.

Though I admit that we probably use similair methods with the OverHeating feature, so maybe it's something to consider anyway wink_o.gif

We've discussed playing the reload animation during the process, but that's kinda a handicap since you will always play a reload animation during switching between the modes.

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all the units in this mod have them and there is an crazy amount of units in this mod that is lovely but for haveing an class of moutain or what ever units for back packs instade of the whole mod of units in back packs would be nice to have.

I'm pretty sure not every unit has backpacks in ace...

(not counting pilots and crew members ofcourse)

at, stinger and .50 cal mg, and the 240 mg doesn't carry backpacs (regular infantery).

and to the ACE team, this is truly an amacing mod you folks have managed to produse, i'm in love! and i still got a ton of stuff to test wink_o.gif

Only bigger problem i've seen so far, is those silly faces yoma talked about a few pages ago, they even appears when login is done via the ingame multiplayer browser.

Ohh, and the before mentioned problem with the gunner position in the ah-64

But, it is still an amacing mod, and afther all, it's "just" a beta, so, i'm glad i'd get to beta test this mod! thumbs-up.gif

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Well, i wont write so much as I wanted before (i dont have time). Anyway - great mod lads. Ballistics and weapons are great.

I had to refresh my Tales theory to calculate my distance from BMP-2 that I was aiming from LAW :P

Only thing that pain me is:

1. Why US Army is equiped with M16A2?

2. Lack of Iraq vehicles (New Iraq Army HMMWV etc.)

3. Why SLA is called "Russian Army"

Rest is great, anyway - is mortart working? For me not.

SAS Troop,

I may be wrong about this but I believe the reason for the "Russian Troops" being SLA is because they are just placeholders and new units will be integrated in the future. I believe this mentioned earlier in the thread but my memory is a bit fuzzy this morning.

If you got time you may want to confirm this by doing a thread search. Again I could be wrong about this but for some reason that's what I'm thinking at the moment. As a betting man I'd say the same goes for Iraqi vehicles as well. There may not be plans for those but over time more content will be added. I do remember reading that. biggrin_o.gif

The mortars don't work for me either but I believe they haven't been integrated yet. I pretty sure I read this as well but you may want to check.

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If I can remember back when WGL first was released the OPFOR units were "Russian Federation" using just the default models. Now, of course in OFP they were actually Russians but, in later releases WGL updated the Russian side with better units.

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Well, i wont write so much as I wanted before (i dont have time). Anyway - great mod lads. Ballistics and weapons are great.

I had to refresh my Tales theory to calculate my distance from BMP-2 that I was aiming from LAW :P

Only thing that pain me is:

1. Why US Army is equiped with M16A2?

2. Lack of Iraq vehicles (New Iraq Army HMMWV etc.)

3. Why SLA is called "Russian Army"

Rest is great, anyway - is mortart working? For me not.

SAS Troop,

I may be wrong about this but I believe the reason for the "Russian Troops" being SLA is because they are just placeholders and new units will be integrated in the future. I believe this mentioned earlier in the thread but my memory is a bit fuzzy this morning.

If you got time you may want to confirm this by doing a thread search. Again I could be wrong about this but for some reason that's what I'm thinking at the moment. As a betting man I'd say the same goes for Iraqi vehicles as well. There may not be plans for those but over time more content will be added. I do remember reading that.   biggrin_o.gif

The mortars don't work for me either but I believe they haven't been integrated yet. I pretty sure I read this as well but you may want to check.

I'll try to answer both of you at once.

ACE is striving to cover USA/Russia/Iraqi conflicts from present time and back to 1985, although present time (or more exactly everything after year 2000, give or take a few years) has the highest priority and that is where all work regarding models, units and gear is put at the moment, and it'll possibly stay with that to keep the mod size down. There are several other mods covering the 1985 era anyway.

New and fitting models for all gear is being worked on, and inconsistencies in gear (that some units have gear that was actual for another year, than what another unit is kitted with) is strived to be straightened out.

The lack of Iraqi vehicles and other things are because the IWM mod hasn't been fully ported into ACE as of yet.

And indeed - the old SLA units are only placeholders until models and reskins for the Russian forces are in place.

Mortars are currently not implemented, so the mortar crews put into ACE aren't much to have at the moment. A system for mortars is being worked on though.

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In my group of 40+ testers, we had only 3 that had the same problem you did. It worked for everyone else. What found the problem 2 of the 3. They had an old non-ACE version of XEH (Extended Eventhandlers) Addon in one of their Mod folers or their Arma\Addons folder. Once removed they were completely working again. The third player simply reinstalled everything and only used the @ACE mod and he was working again as well.

if any one has problems with @ACE even if you are only running @ACE search for an XEH (Extended Eventhandlers) Addon that is may be active outside of @ACE. Then remove it when playing A.C.E.

Hi Viper,

Thanks for the headsup, but i wasnt running any other Extended Eventhandlers and no other mods except for a unit replacement pack. I'll have another test later and see what happens.


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Quote[/b] ]A.C.E. Islands Pack is a Seperate Release, not included with the A.C.E. Mod, and should not be far away

Wow, I didnt read that the first time. I must have missed it. Anyways that should be awsome. Again, excellent work ACE team.

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Hi Viper,

Thanks for the headsup, but i wasnt running any other Extended Eventhandlers and no other mods except for a unit replacement pack. I'll have another test later and see what happens.


A unit replacemet pack might also screw things up if for some reason it uses class Eventhandlers in the config.

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Well, i wont write so much as I wanted before (i dont have time). Anyway - great mod lads. Ballistics and weapons are great.

I had to refresh my Tales theory to calculate my distance from BMP-2 that I was aiming from LAW :P

Only thing that pain me is:

1. Why US Army is equiped with M16A2?

2. Lack of Iraq vehicles (New Iraq Army HMMWV etc.)

3. Why SLA is called "Russian Army"

Rest is great, anyway - is mortart working? For me not.

SAS Troop,

I may be wrong about this but I believe the reason for the "Russian Troops" being SLA is because they are just placeholders and new units will be integrated in the future. I believe this mentioned earlier in the thread but my memory is a bit fuzzy this morning.

If you got time you may want to confirm this by doing a thread search. Again I could be wrong about this but for some reason that's what I'm thinking at the moment. As a betting man I'd say the same goes for Iraqi vehicles as well. There may not be plans for those but over time more content will be added. I do remember reading that.   biggrin_o.gif

The mortars don't work for me either but I believe they haven't been integrated yet. I pretty sure I read this as well but you may want to check.

I'll try to answer both of you at once.

ACE is striving to cover USA/Russia/Iraqi conflicts from present time and back to 1985, although present time (or more exactly everything after year 2000, give or take a few years) has the highest priority and that is where all work regarding models, units and gear is put at the moment, and it'll possibly stay with that to keep the mod size down. There are several other mods covering the 1985 era anyway.

New and fitting models for all gear is being worked on, and inconsistencies in gear (that some units have gear that was actual for another year, than what another unit is kitted with) is strived to be straightened out.

The lack of Iraqi vehicles and other things are because the IWM mod hasn't been fully ported into ACE as of yet.

And indeed - the old SLA units are only placeholders until models and reskins for the Russian forces are in place.

Mortars are currently not implemented, so the mortar crews put into ACE aren't much to have at the moment. A system for mortars is being worked on though.

I knew plenty of those things, anyway - please, dont call something is it isnt. Or something like that :P

Will be AK-74, AK-47 or M16s changed? I even like BIS weapons, in exception of this ugly AK-74.

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lol wow ok to an moder it would not be that difficult and yes it would be organized to have them wink_o.gif  Have you played the mod i mean the units are massive in this mod and your talking about if the back packs were in an diffrent class it would be daunting to many confused_o.gif  Wow and its an an pain to put in every mission an little code in the init field ya dig, when an moder could make an class and you just pick and place the unit and done much easyer ya dig wink_o.gif  That point was taken in by red barron as i said befor and thank him for the info of maybe helping out the back pack. But your getting on here and saying that it would be an confusing and daunting to the people to have an own class of back packs, No it would not all the units in this mod have them and there is an crazy amount of units in this mod that is lovely but for haveing an class of moutain or what ever units for back packs instade of the whole mod of units in back packs would be nice to have.

Seriously,we understand what you're saying. Please, give it a rest. It will be considered, but continuing to repeat yourself with the exact same argument post after post after post after post after post is not going to accomplish anything. Please, let it rest now. Wait until the next version before you make that same suggestion again.


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Will be AK-74, AK-47 or M16s changed? I even like BIS weapons, in exception of this ugly AK-74.

All of them are on the to-do list. I can't say when they'll be done, but keep your eyes peeled when the next beta release comes and you might be lucky. smile_o.gif

@ 1in1class:

You can always create scripts to include in your missions, either standalone ones or something in the init.sqs file in your missions, that is reusable between every mission. Will take more work to make a first working version, but it'll save you the pain of editing the init-line of every single unit in every single mission (if that is what you do at the moment).

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Hi ACE team

I posted on your forums, but thought I would try here also.

The "jump out" feature seems to be limited to ACE aircraft only, is there anyway to allow 3rd party addons to use this feature to make the most of the parachutes?

It seems only the pilot can use the "Jump out" if using a non ACE aircraft, but the passengers cannot (no action)


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Sick Boy and ACE team,


Quote[/b] ]@1-in1-class and others with suggestions/feedback/bug reports:

Please refer to http://www.acemod.net/forums/project.php?projectid=1

If you get an account you can either search tickets that are relevant to your issue, or create a new one in the appropriate category.

Things get easily lost in this BIS thread, the Project Tools are the answer to that smile_o.gif

Have registered with ACE forums, and the link you gave tells me I don't have proper permissions.  

2.  When grabbing gear out of an ammo box, often times a switch in primary weapon,  will drop all medical suplies out of secondary slots.  I will test and make notes on specifics for bug report.

3.  Backpacks.  Right now, when you drop back, all packed gear drops on the ground.  Hope this will be corrected in future.  Would be nice to use BP as Ammo box.

4.  There seems to be an issue with the drag feature.  Sometimes I can drag an individual from the feild.  Sometimes not.  I've checked my MOD folders, and the MOD folders of my friends, and theres nothing there, but whats supposed to be there.  Perplexing.  We will be testing and get more specifics for a report.

5.  This MOD, is the shot in the arm that realism units have been hoping for.  To all you guys that had a part.  Thanks!  I was about to stop playing ArmA all together.  I wasn't very excited about ArmA2.  I just didn't want to be as disappointed as I am with vanilla ArmA.  

Thanks again and Happy New Year.

yay.gif  yay.gif  yay.gif  yay.gif  yay.gif  yay.gif  yay.gif  yay.gif  yay.gif

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On our aussie ace server (GamingSA.com ACE Mod v1.00), the drag feature doesnt work for anyone, nor can anyone heal other players ever (no matter how many different bandages, epinephrin etc they're carrying). we had around 20 players for about 8 hour the other day and not once on any mission could anyone drag or use the medic features, and there were alot of people who were just running ace and nothing else, so there was no additional XEH used (note it all works on ai, just not other players).

any suggestions?

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Does the weapon jamming work in beta? We've fired over than 20 mags on fullauto on M4 without a single jam?

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Sick Boy and ACE team,


Quote[/b] ]@1-in1-class and others with suggestions/feedback/bug reports:

Please refer to http://www.acemod.net/forums/project.php?projectid=1

If you get an account you can either search tickets that are relevant to your issue, or create a new one in the appropriate category.

Things get easily lost in this BIS thread, the Project Tools are the answer to that smile_o.gif

Have registered with ACE forums, and the link you gave tells me I don't have proper permissions.  

Heya, the user manager tells me your account is awaiting e-mail verification; Please check in with your e-mail account and follow the instructions to verify.

Might end up in the spam-box, you might wanna try registering with another mail address, etc, etc.

There's Registered Members popping up in the forums and Project Tools, so I believe things to be working smile_o.gif

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On our aussie ace server (GamingSA.com ACE Mod v1.00), the drag feature doesnt work for anyone, nor can anyone heal other players ever (no matter how many different bandages, epinephrin etc they're carrying). we had around 20 players for about 8 hour the other day and not once on any mission could anyone drag or use the medic features, and there were alot of people who were just running ace and nothing else, so there was no additional XEH used (note it all works on ai, just not other players).

any suggestions?

Maybe the problem is with the server? The server admin will need to check that. It may have conflicting addons. Most likely another version of extended eventhandlers (XEH).

Very strange.

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First i have to say that your mod is really amazing !!

Thank you for all your big good work  notworthy.gif

I enjoyed WGL on OFP tounge2.gif

It's the best FX i've seen so far in ArmA biggrin_o.gif

But it can't get my custom sound working with the ACE mod :$

I just hear the new explosion sound from your mod, otherless, all sound are the vanilla's one  goodnight.gif

Can you help me please ? Thank you  yay.gif

EDIT: I use YASM sound pack 1.6, it works great with other mods. I think it's the best sound pack for the weapons, the more real one (i practice target shooting)

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another download link over @ Kellys Heroes - a bit late, but better late then never, as some of the other DL are currently down.

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First i have to say that your mod is really amazing !!

Thank you for all your big good work  notworthy.gif

I enjoyed WGL on OFP tounge2.gif

It's the best FX i've seen so far in ArmA biggrin_o.gif

But it can't get my custom sound working with the ACE mod :$

I just hear the new explosion sound from your mod, otherless, all sound are the vanilla's one  goodnight.gif

Can you help me please ? Thank you  yay.gif

EDIT: I use YASM sound pack 1.6, it works great with other mods. I think it's the best sound pack for the weapons, the more real one (i practice target shooting)

I think ACE juggles the class names and stuff so I think unless you grab the sound effects portion of the config files and rewrite it yourself, pointing to the sounds in yasm, you're SOL. Alternately, you could take the yasm sound effects files, rename them to correspond them with ACE, and then replace the ACE files.

Either way you're looking at a lot of work and I think border-line questionable practices.

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I dont think this has been asked before but... is there any way to find the classnames for the new weapons like the flashbang, SCARs, 416's, etc. If it has already been answered my apologies for posting.

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First i have to say that your mod is really amazing !!

Thank you for all your big good work  notworthy.gif

I enjoyed WGL on OFP tounge2.gif

It's the best FX i've seen so far in ArmA biggrin_o.gif

But it can't get my custom sound working with the ACE mod :$

I just hear the new explosion sound from your mod, otherless, all sound are the vanilla's one  goodnight.gif

Can you help me please ? Thank you  yay.gif

EDIT: I use YASM sound pack 1.6, it works great with other mods. I think it's the best sound pack for the weapons, the more real one (i practice target shooting)

I think ACE juggles the class names and stuff so I think unless you grab the sound effects portion of the config files and rewrite it yourself, pointing to the sounds in yasm, you're SOL.

Oh yeah i see sad_o.gif


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