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Knight Trane

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About Knight Trane

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Knight Trane

    CoC Command Engine X

    Can I make a (parent)PlatoonB base class?
  2. Knight Trane

    CoC Command Engine X

    What am I missing here? <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class Company { IconMap  = "COC_NATO_HQ_BASIC"; CallSign = "COMPANY"; class PlatoonA { Name   = "Inf. Platoon"; CallSign = "%3"; NameMap  = "INF"; IconMap  = "COC_NATO_INF_STANDARD_PLATOON"; class SquadA { Leader  = "leadergroup1"; Name   = "Squad %1"; CallSign = "%5-%4"; NameMap  = "%1"; IconMap  = "COC_NATO_INF_STANDARD_SQUAD"; ColorMap = "OliveGreen"; }; class SquadB:SquadA{Leader = "leadergroup2";ColorMap = "DarkRed";}; class SquadC:SquadA{Leader = "leadergroup3";ColorMap = "LightBlue";}; class SquadD:SquadA { Leader   = "leadergroup4"; Transport = "SquadE"; Behaviour = "Travel"; ColorMap = "LightGreen"; }; class SquadE:SquadA{Leader = "leadergroup5";IconMap = "COC_NATO_INF_TRACKED_SQUAD";ColorMap = "Blue";}; }; class TankPlatoon:PlatoonA { Leader  = "leadergroup6"; Name   = "Arm. Platoon"; NameMap = "ARM"; IconMap = "COC_NATO_VEHICLE_TRACKED_PLATOON"; SizeMap = 1.5; ColorMap = "DarkYellow"; }; class SquadSF:PlatoonA { Name   = "SF Squad"; NameMap = "SF"; IconMap = "COC_NATO_SF_STANDARD_SQUAD"; SizeMap = 1.0; class Team1 { Leader    = "leadersf1"; Name     = "Team %2"; NameMap   = "SF%2"; CallSign   = "%5-%4"; IconMap   = "COC_NATO_INF_STANDARD"; SizeMap   = 0.8; Transport[] = {"Company","PlatoonA","SquadE"}; }; class Team2:Team1{Leader = "leadersf2";}; class Team3:Team1{Leader = "leadersf3";}; }; class AirSquadron:PlatoonA { Leader  = "leaderair1"; Name   = "Air Squadron"; NameMap = "AIR"; IconMap = "COC_NATO_AVIATION_HELOLIFT_MED"; SizeMap = 1.5; }; class AirSquadron:PlatoonB { Leader  = "leaderair2"; Name   = "Air Squadron"; NameMap = "AIR"; IconMap = "COC_NATO_AVIATION_HELOLIFT_MED"; SizeMap = 1.5; }; }; }; This is the Discription.ext in the CEX test mission.  I just added the another air platoon.  "PlatoonB".  I CTD and get this error. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">, line 98: /CEX/Company.AirSquadron: Undefined base class 'PlatoonB' I know that description.ext's are touchy and errors result in CTD. So can someone explain how to add another Air Group? And how do you get Reinforcements to work? Thanks KT
  3. How do you disable the AI contact reporting system on a dedicated server? Is it through the difficulting settings or what? I'm just talking the audible reports but the text as well.
  4. Knight Trane

    Mapfact releases DAC 2.0 for ArmA

    Thanks for the speedy reply Silola. I completely forgot about the GL and Waypoints thing. Me and my mates are putting together a clear the city mission in Avgani using DAC and RommIA. So far its been a blast. Another question while I'm here. I want setPos some units on some roofs and in certain areas. Would the Game logic approach work for that or would it be better to write a script and put it in the "Config_Events.SQF"? I hope to be able to check back here soon. Rl is a bitch. Hope all is well with you and keep uip the good work. I love the DAC.
  5. Knight Trane

    Mapfact releases DAC 2.0 for ArmA

    Is it possible to set a zone camp with AI respawn in a set Position?
  6. Is there any conflicts in behavior between ACE AI and DAC AI?
  7. Was DAC optimized to work with ACE? Are there any conflicts between the DAC AI behaviors and ACE AI improvements?
  8. Knight Trane

    Avgani and Afghan Village

    Does anyone know why I can't setPos my sniper in the tall tower( I can't remember the name) or any of the Avgani buildings?
  9. Sick Boy and ACE team, 1. Â Have registered with ACE forums, and the link you gave tells me I don't have proper permissions. Â 2. Â When grabbing gear out of an ammo box, often times a switch in primary weapon, Â will drop all medical suplies out of secondary slots. Â I will test and make notes on specifics for bug report. 3. Â Backpacks. Â Right now, when you drop back, all packed gear drops on the ground. Â Hope this will be corrected in future. Â Would be nice to use BP as Ammo box. 4. Â There seems to be an issue with the drag feature. Â Sometimes I can drag an individual from the feild. Â Sometimes not. Â I've checked my MOD folders, and the MOD folders of my friends, and theres nothing there, but whats supposed to be there. Â Perplexing. Â We will be testing and get more specifics for a report. 5. Â This MOD, is the shot in the arm that realism units have been hoping for. Â To all you guys that had a part. Â Thanks! Â I was about to stop playing ArmA all together. Â I wasn't very excited about ArmA2. Â I just didn't want to be as disappointed as I am with vanilla ArmA. Â Thanks again and Happy New Year. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
  10. Knight Trane

    Mapfact releases DAC 2.0 for ArmA

    Its been a long time since I read about DAC. I noticed that the zone init was an SQS. Why not SQF? Just curious. I love it. I got some help for a mission and this should work perfectly for what we want to do.
  11. Knight Trane

    Mapfact releases DAC 2.0 for ArmA

    Has DAC been converted to SQF?
  12. Knight Trane

    Editor Database

    Anybody got a link or list of Buildings with animations.
  13. Knight Trane

    Pop up targets to stay down

    OK, MrWho, I copied and pasted your work and couldn't get it to work. Â Could it just be out dated because of the updates? Â Anyone? Kronzky, Worked like a charm. Â What is that command"nopop"? 5133p39, I put <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">t1 animate["terc",1] in the init field of all my targets. Â "t1" is the name of the target. Replace "t1" with the name of your target. On mission startup, all targets are down. I put <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">t1 animate["terc",0] in the on activation field of trip wire, aka trigger. Â Now target pops up when trigger is tripped. "t1" the name of the target you want to activate. I put <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">nopop = truein the init field of a game logic on the map. Â This keeps the targets down after they've been shot. This all works fine. Â I just have one question. How do I increase the number of shots it takes to knock it down? As always any and all help is appreciated. Knight Trane
  14. Knight Trane

    Flare TrapTrip wire effect

    =Odin=, That worked like a charm. I'm gonna play around with the numbers and see what happens. This should make for some cool night missions. Thanks again
  15. Hey guys, I was wondering how to make a 40mm flare float stationary after ignition. I have a trigger with this in the Init field: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">flare1 = "F_40mm_Red" createVehicle [getPos tresflare1 select 0, getPos tresflare1 select 1, 150]; I have a Gamelogic named "tresflare1" This works as is, but its not really what I'm looking for. The Flare needs to be about 1m off the ground and not move. This would create a tripflare effect. Not a pop-up flare effect. Can I use Fired eventhandler with GameLogic as the "unit"? What would be the "muzzle"? Any ideas? Thanks