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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment Public Release!

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The Iron.Walking.Sway is TOOO much.

I cant keep a steady AIM wil SLOWALKING and Ironsight..

It sways WAY to much..

A 50m aproach with "aim through the barrel" is easy to acomplish


You are trying to make the game MORE realistic right..

Then perhaps you need to do some more research..

EDIT: Tried with ACE targets. At some point i thought, "would be cool to have popup targets".

Controlable targets. Maby 2 ways:

Action 1: Targets stay down til you raise em.

Action 2: Targets raise with random intervalls..

Like shooting practise..

Edited by Andersson[SWEC]

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I m trying to make compatible ACE on the VTS mission

Vts is a real time multilayer coop missions editor

in fact it is just a mission with an interface to create the mission in real-time (like Merlin)

you can put the new objective, new units , patrol... all you want

an excellent solution to try news mods and islands with friends without spend a lot of time to search good missions

but I have a problem with ACE

when AI start to fire the games become very slow and there is a lot off lags

Vts topic


Edited by gonza

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Bipod's will steady your weapon when you fire from a crouch or standing position and have them deployed. They really help with the 240 series.

Yeah, but this feature was present in the previous releases, whats the diference now?


The inability to move while equiped with the binoculars\laser deisgnator is due engine limitations or...?

BTW, another great work of the ACE Team in this last release.

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I have to agree with the majority of people here and say that the weapon sway needs adjustment as it is too agressive at the moment. In addition to that it seems as though it takes a exuberant amount of shots to take down an enemy. I also found the parachutes to be improved but again very difficult to control.

Overall this has been a great release.

Thank you for your continued work on this project.

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Noticed the bipods have no effect at all...

If there is, i cant see it.

Checked with Sniper and Mg´s...

Both sides...

Oh, YES the bipods will steady your aim with snipers

but not mg´s. Dispersion is still way to much..

Ive been shooting ALOT with Swedish KSP58(7.62).

Even without bipods, laying down its not that hard

to get a swarm, (3-5 shots), in group...

Edited by Andersson[SWEC]

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Alex, I believe there is one that generates class names in the .rpt file. At least I think I remember one like that. I'll have to check around as well.

Oh yeah! Thats what it was. Your right. I know i saw it somewhere but i cant remember where... Argh. Well if i find it ill post it here, and thanks to you if you someday come across it if you can tell me.


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I have to agree with the majority of people here and say that the weapon sway needs adjustment ...

I would disagree but I do think that dispersion is a bit exaggerated for some weapons.

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I mentioned the extended armor setting because how I perceived my armor: The first bullet no matter what kind to hit me would always take me down. No bleeding. Instadeath. A few times I actually went into a coma, but unlike AI who wakes up immediately, I will never recover and die within a few minutes. Only once did I see the action 'bandage yourself', but I was dead before I could select it. From the bleeding, as no other shots was made against me.

Just remember to always put a few more bullets in their head.

Now here is where I differ. Headshots doesn't belong in a milsim, and surely not as a requirement to down someone for good. If you have to use headshots, then something needs adjustment. You aim for the largest consentration of mass (or something like that) - torso shots. Also, how do you aim at someones head at 500 meters, when their bodies are for the most part hidden by the grass obstruction layer? Weapon dispersion makes sure you can't hit anything at 500 meters anyway, unless you got a sniper rifle. With M24 I can hit at first shot at 500 meters no problem, but they will immediately stand up again. Not only that, they will fight back, and they actually hit you sometimes. Of course, again, when they do manage to hit you, you are dead.

All this being said, I tried some more last night and today. With SCAR-H ACOG and even 5.56 M16A4 ACOG, I was able to perform far better than with the HK417C ACOG M203 (I believe) I was using at the time. Even though some use the M80 mag, is there differences in their config somehow that makes the problematic one have greater dispersion or something? Auto magazine changer thingy giving me something wrong?

About sway which many think is too high. I guess I'm the only one here that wants to revert back to 1.02 sway? :) Sure, we couldn't hit much, but neither could the enemy. The firefights was intense as in real life and lasted forever but few bullets found their target. Todays 'firefights' I get the feeling will last for that single pull of the trigger, sadly.

My idea about sway is this: Connect it to the distance of the nearest known enemy. If known enemy is close, then sway becomes more of an issue and simulates the stress of battle (this is not at the range). A sniper at standoff distances would not get this effect.

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Tnx for the comprehensive feedback Carl!

As we are finalizing the Mod for a Final A1 Release, things like these should be easy to iron out.

In case you havent already, please setup or add your data to tickets in our Issue Tracker.

If you could supply a simple demo mission which could display the flaws in the dispersion and differences in amount of bullets required etc?

(Stamina and Holding your breath have affect on it aswell)

When it comes to the AI, and their ability to hit and react;

The Skill setting per Unit, aswell as the overall Skill and Accuracy settings you can find in the .ArmAProfile file, have major effect on the AI's ability to hit and react.

I would recommend testing the different settings (on both Units and in the .ArmAProfile) in a test mission which is as simple and static as possible (to minimize variables and thus variations in testresults).

I would start with big adjustments so you can experience the difference the settings can make.

Edited by Sickboy

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I have to agree with the majority of people here and say that the weapon sway needs adjustment as it is too agressive at the moment. In addition to that it seems as though it takes a exuberant amount of shots to take down an enemy.

Overall this has been a great release.

Thank you for your continued work on this project.

as a counterpoint. I disagree on weapon sway. i find the weapon sway is actually not enough in all stances - in fact it is so low that there is really no need to deploy the new bipod features. But ACE mod tried greater sway earlier and then based on community feedback (uproar!) swung themselves into this direction of too little sway. not an easy thing to get right - but rather err on the side of 'authenticity' than on the side of making things easy for play. after the ace motto is ... when realism matters !!

on the subject of downing an enemy - in my experience 1 or 2 shots usually works fine but then the guys often get up and carries on! Like the terminator.

it has been a great release for sure!

edit - on the subject of sway. ACE has done things many said were not possible with BIS engine. So here's hoping, as sway is a fundamental part of the shooting experience. To best model sway would be base the screen experience of sway against that of holding actual weapon (i reckon a more than a few ACE devs have access to real firearms) and then (if possible which i don't know) dynamically adjust it based on weapon weight and to take how long it has been held up (muscles get tired) plus probably a few other factors like stress/skill/etc.

Edited by twisted
more details

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on the subject of downing an enemy - in my experience 1 or 2 shots usually works fine but then the guys often get up and carries on! Like the terminator.

Did anybody found an elegant solution to prevent having to execute all wounded soldiers ?


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Hey, reinstalling Arma on my laptop which can run the game on low settings (woo!). Sorry if this is a FAQ, but I'm wondering if I should be playing this on 1.16 or 1.14?

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Awesome! One more thing, do I need Queen's Gambit or whatever the expansion was, or is this for vanilla Arma?

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you don't need the expansion to use ACE, but a lot of MP servers use QG or QG elements in missions.

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I mentioned the extended armor setting because how I perceived my armor: The first bullet no matter what kind to hit me would always take me down. No bleeding. Instadeath. A few times I actually went into a coma, but unlike AI who wakes up immediately, I will never recover and die within a few minutes. Only once did I see the action 'bandage yourself', but I was dead before I could select it. From the bleeding, as no other shots was made against me.

Now here is where I differ. Headshots doesn't belong in a milsim, and surely not as a requirement to down someone for good. If you have to use headshots, then something needs adjustment. You aim for the largest consentration of mass (or something like that) - torso shots. Also, how do you aim at someones head at 500 meters, when their bodies are for the most part hidden by the grass obstruction layer? Weapon dispersion makes sure you can't hit anything at 500 meters anyway, unless you got a sniper rifle. With M24 I can hit at first shot at 500 meters no problem, but they will immediately stand up again. Not only that, they will fight back, and they actually hit you sometimes. Of course, again, when they do manage to hit you, you are dead.

All this being said, I tried some more last night and today. With SCAR-H ACOG and even 5.56 M16A4 ACOG, I was able to perform far better than with the HK417C ACOG M203 (I believe) I was using at the time. Even though some use the M80 mag, is there differences in their config somehow that makes the problematic one have greater dispersion or something? Auto magazine changer thingy giving me something wrong?

Did you use a silenced version or the subsonic mags (M118LR)? They do a lot less damage and that seems to fit your description.

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I finally got around to trying this, and i have to say i really like it.

However, i have 1 big problem which keeps me from using this. In big firefights (Basically, whenever alot of units fire at the same time, it doesnt happen if they just walk around) my FPS drops to about 1. I figure this has something to do with alot of fire eventhandlers but i still dont expect such a big impact, even though i only have a x2 4200+

Is this just a problem on my end? And if so, any tips?

EDIT: It was the suppression script, i just disabled it and now it works fine.

Edited by NeMeSiS

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RPT is spammed since some versions back with this:

String (56.194) ACE_fRemoveMagazine - Unit: WEST 1-1-B:1 - Item: ACE_20Rnd_762x51_SB_M14 - Success not found

String (56.194) ACE_fAddMagazine - Unit: WEST 1-1-A:1 (Alex) - Item: ACE_20Rnd_762x51_SB_M14_SOP_S - Success not found

String (56.254) ACE_fRemoveMagazine - Unit: WEST 1-1-B:1 - Item: ACE_20Rnd_762x51_SB_M14 - Success not found

String (56.254) ACE_fAddMagazine - Unit: WEST 1-1-A:1 (Alex) - Item: ACE_20Rnd_762x51_SB_M14_SOP_S - Success not found

String (56.313) ACE_fRemoveMagazine - Unit: WEST 1-1-B:1 - Item: ACE_20Rnd_762x51_SB_M14 - Success not found

String (56.313) ACE_fAddMagazine - Unit: WEST 1-1-A:1 (Alex) - Item: ACE_20Rnd_762x51_SB_M14_SOP_S - Success not found

Maybe its being looked at though (probably is. Just thaught i post it in case. Clearing my RPT after every session full of those.



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hi guys new here, i despise ACE see ya guys :) *exits left* lol

well actually yeah i really dont like the whole running out of breathe and how MG's on tanks are incredibly inaccurate at some distances like 500 metres to 900 metres.

I was running cross country with just my rifle and a few mags so my weight was around 10 kg i think or even less and i could only run 60 metres at a time before having to wait 30-45 seconds to run another 60 metres.

ACE is a pretty good idea and good mod just not for me, do like having the M60 tank back tho :P

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hi guys new here, i despise ACE see ya guys :) *exits left* lol

well actually yeah i really dont like the whole running out of breathe and how MG's on tanks are incredibly inaccurate at some distances like 500 metres to 900 metres.

I was running cross country with just my rifle and a few mags so my weight was around 10 kg i think or even less and i could only run 60 metres at a time before having to wait 30-45 seconds to run another 60 metres.

ACE is a pretty good idea and good mod just not for me, do like having the M60 tank back tho :P

Too funny Terry, Yeah when you "sprint" in ARMA your speed is like a Olympic racer! So a "60m sprint" you should start to get "gassed", you now have to gauge your running and walking, Dont ever sprint unless you have to get out of harms way. On the Alpha Server we use ACE , and i can carry 45k with out getting gassed.. its just better than bunny hopping and full run mode CS BF2 Cod ect..

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I agree sway is a little too low, and resting weapon should be more beneficial. Can't wait to see what you guys will do for ARMA2 :) Excellent work and support since v1.

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