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Fixing ArmA

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My concern is...

If they aren't going to keep patching ArmA, how can I expect they will patch ArmA II without trying to hit us up for a purchase of ArmA III?

That's how EA killed themselves... constantly leaving behind wreckages of games so they could release new ones, until people decided they weren't going to buy EA anymore.

The thing is, ArmA2 has been in the works for years now... ArmA was always just a side project and never really intended to be a game with a prolonged development and support period. Just becuae it looked a little better then first planned, dosn't change that. So in reality, its not like they made ArmA, and then cranked out ArmA2 after they finished.... ArmA 2 has been in development long before ArmA was even a thought, just under a diffrent name. So, when ArmA2 comes out.... theres not going to be another game for a long while.

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If there's something that can be reasonably fixed in ArmA 1 that will dramatically improve the situation, go for it. But I've played and explored ArmA with big/small/single/MP/coop/adversarial situations, and had a blast.

If ArmA 2 is significantly better- multiproc, better core AI, object interaction and such- then by all means, please move forward. Just polish #2 up all shiny and bright.. We have ArmA to tide us over. thumbs-up.gif

p.s.- I live on Tau Ceti 6 (hows that for an age group, lol)

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any substancial improvement should be released in a new patch.

Also BIS should keep moving to the next project as they refered already!

GO BIS! notworthy.gif

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@ofpforum, my earlier post which you said would 'slow down progress of ArmA2' ...

ArmA2 will be using the same engine as ArmA 1, just upgraded, therefore if they continue to work on ArmA 1, they will also in turn help the progress of ArmA 2, less engine bugs to fix for ArmA 2 when they come to adding new features.

Also if they were to abandon ArmA1 then people would lose faith in the BIS product line and wouldnt bother with ArmA2.

Plus there are plenty of people who have forked out a LOT of cash for ArmA and even now dont get the performance which should be given for the newest hardware (i've seen people with dual 8800's and quad core CPU's with issues). I dont think they'll be happy to have to buy ANOTHER new set of hardware only a year after they have purchased the game, and as i posted in the ArmA 2 thread, some people (US residents) have only had their hands on the game a few months... and already they have been given a sequel.

So to recap:

FIX ArmA1 which will in turn help progress of ArmA2 while keeping the community intact. Abandoning ArmA1 will acheive nothing.

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Fix ArmA

I am one of the people that have forked over tons of cash on my machine to play ArmA as best possible all the while taking in stride the lack of documented info on which hardware runs it the best; leaving incurred cost to me. For the record, that was three sets of hardware to land where I am at now.

That's fine. But I am tired of sell and dump tactics by companies. That's why I left EA's games and literally dumped on them for the sell and run tactics.

I am not inferring BIS would do this with ArmA, but in light of the announcement from BIS of ARMAII, I would sure appreciate 'some kind' of roadmap of development they are planning for ARMA.

Bottom line is I was going to pickup QC because I want to support BIS, I enjoy the community and I like ARMA. But sell and run is clearly something I am against, and I don't appreciate. If they're not going to provide useful assistance to the community and/or provide useful patches and fixes for the games shortcomings, I'll find something else to play in my R&R. Because of this - it's all in BIS' hands about my decision to buy ARMAII.

Support ARMA + Dev ARMAII - I might just have both. wink_o.gif

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Waste? Maybe, but if I have understood it correctly they are all incremental steps of the same technology: OFP, ArmA, ArmA2. There is no way in hell that I would voluntary play that ugliness called OFP after seeing Armed Assault graphics. Things move forward.

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BIS must concentrate 100% on ArmA II, dump ArmA totally

and release its entire engine source code for free! smile_o.gif

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I think, it kinda depends on what you're expecting from ArmA, and what do you mean by "fixing it"...

If you consider it to be something more than ofp 1.5 (which is probably wrong, even if it's a bit more than that), you probably won't be happy with it, no matter how many patches will come out. Certain things won't be changed or added. I gave up asking or suggesting things some time ago, it's up to mods/addon makers now, their skills and free time.

Of course, all the hardware-related things and major bugs should be solved asap, but that's still a matter of just one more patch. Not to mention that there's QG in the making.

When it comes to the broken car comparison...I think that heatseeker's sig says it all.

Quote[/b] ]Arma is not that good, its just that... everything else sucks!
If you expect too much from ArmA...well, you just expect too much from ArmA.

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Well as Arma1 is not fixed at this time I agree with most of the community BI should work on Arma2 all focus must be in Arma2 forget Arma1 if Arma2 gets bug free.

But it must be a stable game this time much much more beter AI, A great story in the campaign like the old OFP & Resistance style.

Promised wild life in Arma1 not seen so far in Arma1 in Arma2 it must be there, tracers and for the love a live editor like VBS2.

If those things are in Arma2 than I can forget the bugged Arma1 I bought and can have trust in BI again like the old times.

And why not a Iraq or Afghanistan a middle eastern island and a campaign would be great.

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I've had Arma since it came out in america and I've gotta say I'm fine with it. I have NEVER had any serious bugs or CTD's my game has never froze or anything like that. Hell the only reason why I even download the patches is because the addonss require patch 1.08 to work. If it wasn't for the addons I probably still have version 1.06.

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Arma is arma. I'd like to see BIS fix the game, but realistically it would require way to much effort. But fixing the main hardware issues is at least something we could expect. So I hope that with the competition from OPF that they will put all their effort into saving the series and release a fantastic game.

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Time to throw my tuppence-worth into the mix I guess...

Arma does need fixing, patch the major issues ASAP so the folks who have it can get on and enjoy what they paid for.

This is especially important to achieve before or with Queens Gambit release, else nobody will want to buy it.

Ai behaviour, bridges, Bushes/shader-ing, and a million other things could be saved for a large resistance-style upgrade in six months or even a year's time, if those fixes are possible.

...I say this, as the branch/fork of the code that ArmA came from is very obviously in need of some overhaul, and the main 'trunk' of development code for ArmA-II would obviously benefit from fixes applied during the overhaul of ArmA for a new ArmA-Resistance-Upgrade branch/fork.  Use that next ArmA 'upgrade' CD as an opportunity to work on and make real progress with issues that must still be in the ArmA-II engine at this stage, give ArmA a final polishing up and improve what can reasonably be improved and fixed - whilst at the same time working on those fixes that will help ArmA-II be better.

This strategy will give all of us something concrete to look forward to, and BIS will be able to use the upgrade CD as a way to help further fund the increasing workload of ArmA-II.  

Before folks take issue with that statement: take one look around these forums, at the level of expectation for ArmA-II and what we expect and wish it will be - the 'ArmA-II will fix everything and be 100% perfect, and do everything (and make the tea, and AI will be super-soldiers with red capes, blue tights and wear their red underpants on the outside - and we'll all get 100fps on a zx-spectrum!) all this must be giving BIS nightmares at the moment.  

I really believe that for us to end up with a product anywhere near what we all really want ArmA and ArmA-II - and I include the guys at BIS in this equation, for this project MUST be a labour of love for them - then the whole project (ArmA and ArmA-II) will have to be attacked in at least one more extra stage after the Queens Gambit and serious-issues patch(es).

And So What if this way we are paying in instalments for the end result of Game-II, in the meantime we'd be getting something very worthwhile to show for our money (in CD buying AND PC upgrading) when a quality expansion/upgrade - like Resistance was - gets added to our gaming pleasure for ArmA(one).

I say 'like Resistance', but not quite: as for the 'campaign' question - perhaps it would be OTT to expect a massive SP campaign with that upgrade/expansion as IMHO the main thrust of the development work for this upgrade should be spent on the engine fixes and improvements.  I think that better, secure, streamlined, and more useable multiplayer facilities, larger variety of maps and map types and templates to help re-energise the MP community would be important and very worthwhile, much more so (at this time) than any SP campaign.

So: My vote is 'Fix ArmA' so that work on 'ArmA-II' can progress along with those fixes incorporated...but I think that this will mean some compromise on our part too, showing our support by being willing to dig a little deeper into our pockets in order to see ArmA get a REALLY good final polishing, and then - finally - we'll get to see ArmA-II born in the form that we ALL really want it to be - finished, as perfect as it can be humanly made, and bl***y great fun!

p.s. I'd be prepared to bet that an 'upgraded' ArmA such as I described above would be able to beat CM's OFP2 hands-down, even before ArmA-II is finally realised. Some 'game-like' facilites that could be OPTIONALLY enabled by mapmakers to allow auto-balancing of EAST/WEST/GUER JoinInProgress players for team-games would be good, right now this is not possible for us to build. Simply the ability to reassign sides and model used would be a godsend sometimes. We have scripts now to do vast amounts of dynamic missions, but that balancing of forces eludes us.

These missions are needed to stack up against the likes of BF and OFP2 when it arrives.

Things I'd like to see in the upgrade: The mid-small bug fixes, better AI, FPS increases where possible, reducing the 'stutter' of terrain and object streaming by 'streamlining' - splitting the pbo's up into 'priority' and preloading the frequently used stuff, from smaller pbo's, on machines with the memory to do so. Maybe incorporate some better use of multicores for that (and for AI?), add the ability to climb over small obstacles/fences without using a menu..., and learn the lessons of the 'Realistic Ballistics' and 'Tracers' by making these standard equipment.. It'd be great if missions didn't stay locked in the filesystem on servers too. Sounds like a hell of a load of work until you think in months instead of weeks.

You know, personally and in many ways, I'd prefer to see a progression of upgrade CDs and expansion packs that REALLY build upon the ArmA foundations, rather than see ArmA-II make ArmA-1 worthless eventually - and I think that would be a far more natural way for ArmA to evolve.

It'd make this whole poll pointless for a start.

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Armed Assault still has a lot to give, the tools have only just been released and more patches may be comeing. By christmas if we don't have a major patch then we can safely assume Armed Assault will be dead before its time.

I will not buy Armed Assault 2 (ARMA II/Whatev) if Armed Assault is not finished, BIS has been around long enough to know that previous games alwase show more than pretty slogans like "from the creators of Operation Flashpoint" especialy when Armed Assault is more of a OFP fan flocking area than a massive selling game like BF2 or whatever the kids play these days. If a random shopper enters the city center in his cab, car, bus, large dog and sees "From the creators of Armed Assault" they are going to think one of two things, the first is "Armed Assault???" and the second is "Never heard of it, don't care". If they then read reviews and see BIS as a none careing developer they will not buy the game full stop.

Before ArmA is done BIS must consider: Fixing animation transitions, Unit damage detection/hitpoint system, AI use of cover, AI suppresive fire, AI movement, AI threat detection, AI leaveing vehicles under air threat, general AI dopeyness, perhaps AI room clearence and OIBUA drills, correct weaponry and kit for realistic factions (Currently only the US), correct vehicles, more dedication to none-US equipment (vehicles, ect), artillery (inc mortars), vehicle smoke screens, hardware problems and compatability, aircraft handeling (practicaly just the rudder now), the parachute bug, exploding vehicles, assembling the Javelin (instead of it alwase assembled) and every serious problem the community has pointed out.

Oh, yea, the next time the BIS team decides to build an airport; can it be slightly realistic, have a moderately sized runway and not have a f'ing hill at the takeoff end!!? mad_o.gif

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Armed Assault still has a lot to give, the tools have only just been released and more patches may be comeing. By christmas if we don't have a major patch then we can safely assume Armed Assault will be dead before its time.

I will not buy Armed Assault 2 (ARMA II/Whatev) if Armed Assault is not finished

I agree.

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BIS team please finish one thing then start another one... Arma still can be a good game but you have to fix it god damn. We v'been betatesters and even better, we payed for that  yay.gif  banghead.gif

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we paid around 40 € ... whats that for a game u play for years huh.gif its nothing, and i can live with the few bugs....

if u play an other game u are through in 20 hours. in 20 hours arma i have startet to use all the weapons in a right way, and fly and drive the vehicles in a right way... that means in the next 20 hours i will play like hell the missions, and than there are new missions... so more to play, and than addons... so more to play....

the other game stand after 20 hours in the shelf and get dust on it !!!!

so i don´t care about the 40€, so BIS workers can get there money...for the next game !!!!

i will buy queens gambit, and arma 2 unseen, i would also preorder it (arma2) if i could.

and the bugs... i dont care. because i have to deal in my job with an audio-programm thats much more expensive ( 800€ ).

and there are also bugs in... but its the only program that works proper on pc, and has bugs....

and i can´t stop working, i have to earn money. so i have to find a way around bugs, and that works, also it works when i play arma.

think about that, 40€ is not much for a game u use 2-3 yeahr !!!

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Abandon ship and work on ArmA 2. And change the name to something else than ArmA 2, you see, you only make sequels to succesful titles.

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Arma is arma. I'd like to see BIS fix the game, but realistically it would require way to much effort. But fixing the main hardware issues is at least something we could expect. So I hope that with the competition from OPF that they will put all their effort into saving the series and release a fantastic game.

agreed healthy competition is always good thumbs-up.gifthumbs-up.gif

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I voted for ArmA II.

cause BIS are working on Game2=ArmAII longer than on ArmA.

ArmA was just a way to make a name for their new game after the loss on the rights for OFP and they needed money to continue their work on Game2.

BIS always said that they were working on Game2 next to ArmA.

So i guess the team of ArmA was way smaller than on Game2 and they just used a lifted OFP engine with some objects and stuff from VBS1 for this ArmA ( OFP1.5 ).

im looking forward to ArmA II even if it takes 3 years, cause im sure they will patch ArmA till the main bugs are solved.

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I voted for Arma 2...

I would like Arma to get a few more tweaks though.

-Improving visibility at night (with nod's).

-Some a.i. "adjustments..

-some weapon tweaks:

(M16 fire rate and some rifles acuracy (acog mounted ones).

The SD amunition "problems").

I think that for 40€ Arma is a very generous offer, especially compared with the rest:) .

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Guest Ti0n3r

Null vote. Both are equally important to me.

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Quote[/b] ]Before ArmA is done BIS must consider: Fixing animation transitions, Unit damage detection/hitpoint system, AI use of cover, AI suppresive fire, AI movement, AI threat detection, AI leaveing vehicles under air threat, general AI dopeyness, perhaps AI room clearence and OIBUA drills, correct weaponry and kit for realistic factions (Currently only the US), correct vehicles, more dedication to none-US equipment (vehicles, ect), artillery (inc mortars), vehicle smoke screens, hardware problems and compatability, aircraft handeling (practicaly just the rudder now), the parachute bug, exploding vehicles, assembling the Javelin (instead of it alwase assembled) and every serious problem the community has pointed out.

Arma is pretty good, but there are things that this engine won't be able to do well.

imho all things related to positionning/pathfinding simply can't be improved a lot.

it means that even with quite a bit of engine changes, AI will never be able to hide and shoot,

search for ennemies in buildings, group densly in urban envirronement,...

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im shocked .. have no words ..

to many info in my head to fast .. queen gambit .. Arma2 ..

unfinished Arma 1 (finished with lots of bugs).... OFP2 ...


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Who said Arma 2 would mean an immediate cease of support for Arma 1? Get a grip. This is BIS we're talking about. Arma 2 probably won't see an estimated release date for two years at the least.

As far as i'm concerned, Arma is performing better than Flashpoint considering the considerably higher poly environment, wind, bullet ricochets, random animals, more units, special post processing effects, and the same view distance I used for OFP. I still turn off shadows in both of them...

Though please for the love of god do something about the bullet "whiz" sound...

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