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You know when you have played too much ArmA

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When you're going to the local park with the girlfriend and you actually say to her jokingly "2....board.... that..... car!".   And she looks at you like your insane.


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You know when you have played too much ArmA when your girlfrien/boyfriend gives you ultimatum: "Its me or that stupid game" ...and you really consider about the game.

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... When you cant stop thinking about what mission you are going to create next whether it be at work/school/with gf/with mates/dreaming and of course in a meeting. tounge2.gif

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You know you've played too much ArmA when:

A client phones and asks you to do something and you reply with a cheesy "rrrrrrroger!"

With hand gestures, leaning and frantic head-turning, you get carried away in conversation with a silenced audience of non-gamers about the joys of TrackIR.

You know the caliber, weight, muzzle velocity and firing modes of weapons you've never even seen photographs of, let alone seen in real life.

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when you see all blurry because you forgot the glasses and you think is a LOD bug ... :P

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You know the caliber, weight, muzzle velocity and firing modes of weapons you've never even seen photographs of, let alone seen in real life.

I've always thought that was funny being a long time gamer.

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You know you've played to much ArmA when you are unable to wake up because SecureRom doesn't let you.

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... When you cant stop thinking about what mission you are going to create next whether it be at work/school/with gf/with mates/dreaming and of course in a meeting.  tounge2.gif

hahaha too true, i keep getting in trouble for that :S

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When you get the urge to hit Numpad Enter when inside vehicles to get a better view of the surronding terrain.....

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When you hear a truck reversing and actually think it's about to brew up! tounge2.gif

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You know when u played too much Arma when...

Your eyes burn because of trying to discern enemies from afar in the game and going to work within three hours the same morning.

Having flashbacks of coop games from the weekend at work. Played a big coop game Sunday and our combat group failed to take a town and to add insult to injury the AI decided to launch a air raid on our base.... Strykers, Blackhawks, and Littlebirds were burning all over the place.

Planning on which server to join for the next coop game instead of planning on which venue to go on a date.

Playing a different game from Arma but keep on pressing Arma keyboard commands. This is a major evidence of playing too much Arma games lol.

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If you say nearly nothing from your work progress and when your boss is asking you about - the one and only answer is: "Its done when its done". wink_o.gif

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Surprisingly enough I said that about 2 months ago on a project that had serious scope creep.. crazy_o.gif

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You play to much when:

You think about what new movie/screenshot to make.

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when you try to pull you trigger finger when someone gets picky on you pistols.gif

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When you wake up slumped over your computer desk and your monitor says "Wake up ArmAVidz..." .... "Armed Assault has you..." ... "Follow the Brown Rabit...."

and then you really wake up with coffee on your lap and the Flashpoint1985 Forums are on your screen

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As your opening the garage you tell your girlfiend:

"Two, board car." ...and she takes the keys away from you.

or you sit in traffic wondering how many satchal charges it would take to clear the way.

"hmm...3 at the base of that pillar would definately drop that overpass." pistols.gif

...when you realize you did the same thing some guy did on the first page ~creepy!

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You know you have played too much Arma when your driving in a rainstorm and wondering why certain things shine and why everything still casts shadows.

When you jump into water and forget you can swim backwards

When you squint before walking indoors because you expect the area to suddenly become as bright as it is outdoors.

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...your girl irritates you by pulling off your headphones to tell you she's off to see her male personal trainer for the 3d time that day and you reply "Rgr"...

Very funny  biggrin_o.gif .

When you see someone in the distance and start breathing heavily trying to zoom your vision in to id them.

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