Dwarden 1125 Posted October 5, 2016 The documentation of the Visual Upgrade is now available here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Visual_Upgrade 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted October 5, 2016 first of all our and my gratitude for this piece of docu!the change summary, the info about skyColorInfluencesFogColor, haze setup, Clutter model and ground blending are useful and welcome.i guess for some at least also the Ocean Shader. the Tone Mapping is rather cryptic though.however as far as i can tell this won't help the community much as the most vital parts are still missing: class LightingNew class HDRNewPars what to do rvmat/textures to adjust to the new visual upgrade? class DefaultLighting class DayLightingBrightAlmost, DayLightingRainy class Weather class RainParticles class NVGPars class DOFPars class LODDiagColors and the whole base parameters of cfgWorlds/DefaultWorld/CAWorld finally (albeit unrelated to the lighting system but please..) if the above BIKI page was all, I am pretty sure community modders will be quite disappointed. 16 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nikiforos 450 Posted October 7, 2016 The new lighting killed the game for me. I know there has been a discussion about this many many times before but truth is that most if not all custom terrains are dead for me.Atmosphere has been lost and maps don't look as good as before. This and the very weak optimization of the game killed the whole experience. I will keep the game installed on my computer but will stay away until and if things get sorted out. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted October 8, 2016 An update to above comment: Thanks to Uro for reminding me about documented configs as part of binarize. On the positive several of the mentioned are documented there now, but there is still much missing or fairly rough. On the downside it makes this update even more underwhelming as most just seems a copy paste from these. What the community expects, especially given the fundamental changes and the widespread problem now with lighting and shadows, is a guide and FAQ to be provided how to achieve something similar like before the update, or how to go beyond that by making use of the new possibilities. The considerable improvement in documentation with scripting, new config tech related to clothing, weapons and vehicles, and to some extent with FX is very much appreciated.However the terrain topic and lighting in general leaves a lot to be desired. Especially given the insane amount of time and energy a considerable number of people (hundreds) put into terrain making BI should take this to heart and provide the tools to (more) easily tweak the lighting (mergeConfig is better but still really poor) and documentation, guides and do FAQs with the community - potentially even consider putting some manpower to improve the tools to ease the process of tweaking the visual scene. PS: For the record whats available: https://sites.google.com/site/islandconfigs/home(great community guy effort) https://resources.bisimulations.com/wiki/CfgWorlds_Config_Reference#Parameters(just very little) 11 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Variable 322 Posted October 17, 2016 Another casualty of the Visual Upgrade and the lack of proper documentation - the 2017 mod team stopped working on it. http://2017mod.com Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R3vo 2654 Posted October 17, 2016 Another casualty of the Visual Upgrade and the lack of proper documentation - the 2017 mod team stopped working on it. http://2017mod.com It would be nice if BIS would finally learn to ship the manual with the product and not months afterwards... I am still waiting for parts of the Eden Documentation... 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
inlesco 234 Posted October 18, 2016 Another casualty of the Visual Upgrade and the lack of proper documentation - the 2017 mod team stopped working on it. http://2017mod.com From what I've read, their main problem was not that the docs were released too late, but that they, when finally released, added no insight for the issues 2017 team was trying to solve. No idea what's their conclusion, but it seems to imply that... Visual upgrades documentation is still lacking in depth and does not cover all possible cases. It'd be great if a BI dev would make an informed comment on this :) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beagle 684 Posted October 18, 2016 The problem with the "upgrade" is that colours, particular blue and red, tend to "glow" in the dark, and the lack of dim lighting in building. Both of the issues did not exist prior to the "upgrade". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
icebreakr 3159 Posted October 18, 2016 It would be really good if someone from BI could reply on this topic? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stephsen 79 Posted October 19, 2016 mh i like the new colors and lights ,but its my personal taste ;) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
daytrader 33 Posted October 19, 2016 Graphics just dont look real anymore, arcadey looking now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
x3kj 1247 Posted October 19, 2016 Graphics just dont look real anymore, arcadey looking now. Gameplay can be arcade. Graphics not. Also, it looks more realistic. There was a thread that showed altis how it was back when, versus pictures of the exact same location from somebody who made a motorbike tour there. Look it up. The old lighting was completely ballsed up, everything was dulled out. Now we have something that looks alot closer to the real pictures, and people complain about it... i dont get it. The new lighting is considerably better than it was before. Is it perfect? no. Are there still problems? yes. But even with that is still better. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nikiforos 450 Posted October 19, 2016 Yeah new lighting looks OK with BIS terrains but new lighting destroyed almost all custom maps. They look like OFP terrains. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stephsen 79 Posted October 19, 2016 Yeah new lighting looks OK with BIS terrains but new lighting destroyed almost all custom maps. They look like OFP terrains. mh ok alright Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ruPal 143 Posted October 19, 2016 Gameplay can be arcade. Graphics not. Also, it looks more realistic. There was a thread that showed altis how it was back when, versus pictures of the exact same location from somebody who made a motorbike tour there. Look it up. The old lighting was completely ballsed up, everything was dulled out. Now we have something that looks alot closer to the real pictures, and people complain about it... i dont get it. The new lighting is considerably better than it was before. Is it perfect? no. Are there still problems? yes. But even with that is still better. It may look better in static scene but in dynamic scene it looks worse. "Screenshot simulator" game. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vasily.B 529 Posted October 19, 2016 It may look better in static scene but in dynamic scene it looks worse. "Screenshot simulator" game. I dont think so, i drive in Takistan, zagrabad, Tano, Altis and every who see this say its more realistic thank A3 before Visual Update. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
x3kj 1247 Posted October 19, 2016 It may look better in static scene but in dynamic scene it looks worse. "Screenshot simulator" game. Care to explain what exactly looks different when it is moving? Because i think you are fooling yourself there... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vasily.B 529 Posted October 20, 2016 Care to explain what exactly looks different when it is moving? Because i think you are fooling yourself there... I think he just turned on too much radiation and move blur :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fabio_chavez 103 Posted October 28, 2016 first of all our and my gratitude for this piece of docu! the change summary, the info about skyColorInfluencesFogColor, haze setup, Clutter model and ground blending are useful and welcome. i guess for some at least also the Ocean Shader. the Tone Mapping is rather cryptic though. however as far as i can tell this won't help the community much as the most vital parts are still missing: class LightingNew class HDRNewPars what to do rvmat/textures to adjust to the new visual upgrade? class DefaultLighting class DayLightingBrightAlmost, DayLightingRainy class Weather class RainParticles class NVGPars class DOFPars class LODDiagColors and the whole base parameters of cfgWorlds/DefaultWorld/CAWorld finally (albeit unrelated to the lighting system but please..) if the above BIKI page was all, I am pretty sure community modders will be quite disappointed. +1 If it isnt possible to create an exaustive written documentation for the lighting system, maybe it would be possible to have 1-2 Hours of livestream tutorial / Q&A with the Devs, so they can simply talk the audience through the most important parameters. That should not take too much effort? 10 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vasily.B 529 Posted November 1, 2016 https://youtu.be/74ikwR-NbAc?t=18m51sBohemia, please....(ground textures filter on the left and right side of road, happen on every island - vanilla & mods) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grumpy Old Man 3550 Posted November 22, 2016 Any chance to finally improve vehicle lights? Visual update made vehicle lights blinding the driver up to 5m in front of the car, while anything beyond 35m+ disappears in absolute darkness, as seen in the following picture: Here the soldier is at 25m: Here we are at 45m distance: Considering that it only takes 1.54 seconds to travel 30m (where the unit starts getting visible) going 70km/h this would barely be enough to react. Now for the folks to enjoy slowly strolling around on local roads, going 50km/h takes 2.16 seconds for the same distance. Guess what the braking time for the offroad is, coming to a full stop from 50km/h? 2.44 seconds. Why 30m? This is the distance a unit will start getting visible to the driver, using the offroad as the testing vehicle. In most european countries vehicle headlight should illuminate 100x the distance of its mounting height. The offroad has its headlights mounted at roughly 1.06m, which means the visible light cone should end at 106m. Currently the visible light cone ends at around ~32m which isn't even close to being enough. Cheers 12 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
x3kj 1247 Posted November 22, 2016 Car light optics are incredibly sophisticated these days (which is why they are all replacing them with LED that they can controll individually). Nothing you can replicate ingame... Ingame its a cone light with all its disadvantages Plus, main reason why lights are so bad is because of FPS. Increase light range and watch how your performance melts with multiple light sources... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vasily.B 529 Posted November 23, 2016 Car light optics are incredibly sophisticated these days (which is why they are all replacing them with LED that they can controll individually). Nothing you can replicate ingame... Ingame its a cone light with all its disadvantages Plus, main reason why lights are so bad is because of FPS. Increase light range and watch how your performance melts with multiple light sources... ...while still there are not single "dynamic shadow"...... I need to ask - if dynamic shadows are out of range, what other nice effect can be putted in this engine? In last report from devs i saw 64bit support sentence and tough maybe there would be place for "wet surfaces" when weather start to rain? 12KM draw distance is not needed (at least for me), 6KM is totally enough, and dynamic draw distance/objects distance while flying plane or some heli would be awesome feature (for example when we are at 500M high, terrain is drawed with longer draw distance, We are lower, draw distance decrease to standard value). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heavygunner 179 Posted November 23, 2016 Well, DayZ got these Dynamic shadows, so we atleast get them in the next game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andersson 285 Posted November 24, 2016 Car light optics are incredibly sophisticated these days (which is why they are all replacing them with LED that they can controll individually). Nothing you can replicate ingame... Ingame its a cone light with all its disadvantages Plus, main reason why lights are so bad is because of FPS. Increase light range and watch how your performance melts with multiple light sources... And it becomes obvious that light goes through walls and houses if it's too strong. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites