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Community Upgrade Project - CUP

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Can you add any new tactical vests(in the traditional skins) in the next update? Or reskin the ACU and British ones to tan, black, and green?


As has been said quite frequently already: PLEASE do not make this a wishlist thread. The answer to questions like this is always the same, namely:

"No. Perhaps. Yes, maybe. Or not." 

IF you want to make new tactical vests in the traditional skins or reskin the ACU, be our guest. We're always looking for people to help out :)

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New BRDM-2s and updated BMP-2s for Russia:


Are those ammo and/or weapons crates on the rear deck of that BMP-2?  B)


The camo is perfect for Altis!  Hopefully it will look as good with the big 1.60 visual island upgrade....

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Are those ammo and/or weapons crates on the rear deck of that BMP-2?  B)


The camo is perfect for Altis!  Hopefully it will look as good with the big 1.60 visual island upgrade....

That is the BMP-2 command and control variant, it has been in CUP for a while now. :)

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Well it's the same used for other russian vehicles. Or were you referring to something else?

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Looks similar to the one I made for my BRDM pack :)

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That is the BMP-2 command and control variant, it has been in CUP for a while now. :)


Oh yeah.  Will you keep the current Russian camo style and make it switchable with your new camo for the BRDMs and BMP-2s?



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Looks similar to the one I made for my BRDM pack :)



Well we kept the A2 vanilla pattern for them so that's probably why. :D

Reminds me i still have to take a look at yours.


Oh yeah.  Will you keep the current Russian camo style and make it switchable with your new camo for the BRDMs and BMP-2s?




No they were replaced.

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New CSAT vehicles line-up:





I think it would be benefical if they had stuff like the vodnik and tunguska, there more of a first world faction.


Very cool nontheless.

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I think it would be benefical if they had stuff like the vodnik and tunguska, there more of a first world faction.


Very cool nontheless.

The First World is overrated anyways. :P lol

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All the above textures were a kind donation by community member Foxcat420. :)

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The First World is overrated anyways. :P lol


Content - avatar combo. Nice!




Thank you all the CUP team to the hard work. I just finished to port one of my Arma2 campaign with CUP. And now just start to port an other one. It's a great moment to replay those good memories from the past, but with an advanced engine, advanced features...

Well done, guys!

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THX @ bardosy, keep us posted about your campaigns.

@ all the other mission and campaign makers:
Did you know A2 and A2OA also had vanilla campaigns? And did you also know that they are not ported yet? :D 
Sooo, if you got some free time and motivation, we would love to see somebody helping us out on that department.

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I didn't like ArmA 2 campaign very much, so no chance at all for me to port it.

The first recon mission and the second one in the city were the only ones I liked.

However, when I finish my own campaign, I may have a look at the SP missions - or I will make some with CUP.

I'd like to see Zipper5's campaign in ArmA 3 though :P

BTW, does anyone knows how to extract the sound files from the A2 missions?

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I would absolutely love an updated version of "Village Sweep". I was my go-to mission.

Sent from my iPhone so pardon any autocorrect bollocks

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THX @ bardosy, keep us posted about your campaigns.



This is Chesty Puller USMC campaign ported from Arma2 by CUP only: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/190138-spcoop-chesty-puller-cup-port-from-arma2/


This is PIROG Federal Russian campaign campaign ported from Arma2 by CUP only: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/190507-spcoop-pirog-port-from-arma2/


The second one is not complete yet (two missions are ready), but in Pirog the enemy is CDF what is not yet implemented in CUP (I used your classnames, so those are placeholders now, and I hope when you cupdate again (with CDF) it will work properly) ;)



Edit: I started a topic in mission editing section to "how to port missions" (not mods), and there I post a huge text file what I use to replace the original A2 classnames to CUP classnames.


This file is not complete and is under editing... and it contains a lot of compromise (eg RU T-90 tank is ported to RU T-72, because no T-90 yet). But it's a good start for any mission maker who want to port his A2 mission with CUP. Also there is a little guide, how to replace many classnames with one click in Notepad++ by Python script.

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Hey guys, loving this project beyond anything! :D


This is not a request...but...

The other day I visited your website and had a look at the vehicle showcase - did my eyes fool me or is it possible I saw a giant russian LCAC (Zubr-class?)??? :D :D :D

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Righty, realised I posted in the terrain thread by mistake, the mod I have created have 2 factions so far, one of them uses the O_Soldier_F calling class so that they can be used for takistan, and I have created some militia units under them, however, when I add the Takistani Khet Partug to them as their uniform, it instead has them wear the CSAT standard uniform, but when i give the RACS pilot overalls, they show up just fine

class MIL_Soldier: O_Soldier_F //Unit Class name: Class getting info from
            side = 2; //INDFOR
            faction = "AS_FACTION"; //Your Faction
            backpack = ""; //Backpack
            vehicleclass = "Men"; //Unit Group
            author = "GeneralKong"; //Self Explanatory 
            _generalMacro = "MIL_Soldier"; //Class Name
			scope = 2; //makes it visible in the editor 
            displayName = "Militiaman(AK)"; //In-Game Name
            weapons[] = {"CUP_arifle_AK74","Throw","Put"}; //Spawning Gear
            respawnWeapons[] = {"CUP_arifle_AK74","Throw","Put"}; 
            magazines[] = {"CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M","CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M","CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M","CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M","CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M","CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M","CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M","CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M","CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M","CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M","CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M",};
            respawnMagazines[] = {"CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M","CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M","CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M","CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M","CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M","CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M","CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M","CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M","CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M","CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M","CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M",};
            linkedItems[] = {"CUP_V_OI_TKI_Jacket4_05","H_ShemagOpen_khk","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio",};
            respawnLinkedItems[] = {"CUP_V_OI_TKI_Jacket4_05","H_ShemagOpen_khk","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio",};
            uniformClass = "CUP_U_I_RACS_PilotOverall"; //uniform you are using
            camouflage = 1.6; //If wanting to edit how hard it is for AI to detect it, wouldn't recommend changing this. 1.6 is Default and 2.0 is a sniper ghille 
            hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
            HiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {};    //Uniform textures
		class MIL_Rocketeer: O_Soldier_F //Unit Class name: Class getting info from
            side = 2; //INDFOR
            faction = "AS_FACTION"; //Your Faction
            backpack = "CUP_B_RPGPack_Khaki"; //Backpack
            vehicleclass = "Men"; //Unit Group
            author = "GeneralKong"; //Self Explanatory 
            _generalMacro = "MIL_Rocketeer"; //Class Name
			scope = 2; //makes it visible in the editor 
            displayName = "Militiaman(RPG)"; //In-Game Name
            weapons[] = {"CUP_arifle_AKS74U","CUP_launch_RPG7V","Throw","Put"}; //Spawning Gear
            respawnWeapons[] = {"CUP_arifle_AKS74U","CUP_launch_RPG7V","Throw","Put"}; 
            magazines[] = {"CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M","CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M","CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M","CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M","CUP_PG7V_M","CUP_PG7V_M","CUP_PG7V_M","CUP_PG7V_M",};
            respawnMagazines[] = {"CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M","CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M","CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M","CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M","CUP_PG7V_M","CUP_PG7V_M","CUP_PG7V_M","CUP_PG7V_M",};
            linkedItems[] = {"CUP_V_OI_TKI_Jacket4_06","H_ShemagOpen_tan","G_Lowprofile","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio",};
            respawnLinkedItems[] = {"CUP_V_OI_TKI_Jacket4_06","H_ShemagOpen_tan","G_Lowprofile","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio",};
            uniformClass = "CUP_U_I_RACS_PilotOverall"; //uniform you are using
            camouflage = 1.6; //If wanting to edit how hard it is for AI to detect it, wouldn't recommend changing this. 1.6 is Default and 2.0 is a sniper ghille 
            hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
            HiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {};    //Uniform textures
		class MIL_Officer: O_Soldier_F //Unit Class name: Class getting info from
            side = 2; //INDFOR
            faction = "AS_FACTION"; //Your Faction
            backpack = ""; //Backpack
            vehicleclass = "Men"; //Unit Group
            author = "GeneralKong"; //Self Explanatory 
            _generalMacro = "MIL_Officer"; //Class Name
			scope = 2; //makes it visible in the editor 
            displayName = "Militia Leader"; //In-Game Name
            weapons[] = {"CUP_arifle_AKS","Throw","Put"}; //Spawning Gear
            respawnWeapons[] = {"CUP_arifle_AKS","Throw","Put"}; 
            magazines[] = {"CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_M","CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_M","CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_M","CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_M","CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_M","CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_M","CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_M","CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_M","CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_M","CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_M","CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_M","CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_M",};
            respawnMagazines[] = {"CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_M","CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_M","CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_M","CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_M","CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_M","CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_M","CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_M","CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_M","CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_M","CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_M","CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_M","CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_M",};
            linkedItems[] = {"CUP_V_OI_TKI_Jacket4_06","CUP_H_TKI_Lungee_05","G_Bandanna_aviator","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio",};
            respawnLinkedItems[] = {"CUP_V_OI_TKI_Jacket4_06","CUP_H_TKI_Lungee_05","G_Bandanna_aviator","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio",};
            uniformClass = "CUP_U_I_RACS_PilotOverall"; //uniform you are using
            camouflage = 1.6; //If wanting to edit how hard it is for AI to detect it, wouldn't recommend changing this. 1.6 is Default and 2.0 is a sniper ghille 
            hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
            HiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {};    //Uniform textures

here is a snippet from my config file

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here is a snippet from my config file

Are you using the right uniforms? THere are both Independent and Opfor variants of the Khet so you might have the wrong one, in which case I am not sure what will happen.

I would recommend inheriting from the appropriate dummy unit in CUP_Creatures_People_Military_TakiInsurgents like CUP_O_TKI_Man_1


In any case, this isn't strictly a CUP problem but a generic config issue.

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ahh fare enough, thank you for the answer


Good luck,

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could someone please make the CH53 without the refueling thing in front? I heard the CH53G has been added but it has this and the real one does not.

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We used the same model of the CH53E, so it's not exactly a G.

The fuel probe is staying for now. :ph34r:

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