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  • Tweaked: Collision with attached objects has been disabled 

Would be awesome, if the developers could add a param, which definines wheater there is collision or not. There are many situations, where you need the collision.


Something like:

"attachTo [object,Position,collision];"



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19 minutes ago, bloodwyn1756 said:
  • Tweaked: Collision with attached objects has been disabled 

Would be awesome, if the developers could add a param, which definines wheater there is collision or not. There are many situations, where you need the collision.


Something like:

"attachTo [object,Position,collision];"



Collision with attached was always disabled, not sure what that was about.

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Ok, third try.  Is anyone able to get the dynamic simulation working on x64 Dev Branch?

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https://feedback.bistudio.com/T122806 have a look please - zeroing eye position iron sight error. If you wonder why we do not see more adjustable, functional iron sights in mods (and i'm sure also vanilla ...) - this issue is the reason

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I've just had the clock on a Tanoa mission fly through 12 hours in 30 minutes, the minute hand was like the second hand in seconds, had the time set at x 1.00, but within 30 mins of the mission, time had advanced 12 hours or so, that doesn't seem normal ?

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6 minutes ago, road runner said:

I've just had the clock on a Tanoa mission fly through 12 hours in 30 minutes, the minute hand was like the second hand in seconds, had the time set at x 1.00, but within 30 mins of the mission, time had advanced 12 hours or so, that doesn't seem normal ?



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1 minute ago, Sniperwolf572 said:

I'll retry the mission again after this update that's downloading  and see what's going on, I never really noticed the time flying literally before

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Fixed: Quadbikes would behave as submarines when driving through water 



Sounds like alot of fun:D

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The scripting help for setDamage is missing the alternative syntax ingame.






object setDamage [1,false];

does still create an explosion which can kill nearby units. Is that intended?

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3 hours ago, R3vo said:

does still create an explosion which can kill nearby units. Is that intended?

could you be more specific please?

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1 hour ago, killzone_kid said:

could you be more specific please?

It triggers the normal deadly fuel & ammo explosions. Maybe he's asking whether it should instead work the same way as setting the health to zero in the editor?


edit. no wait, I missed the new syntax. No, false does not make it explode.

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5 hours ago, R3vo said:


object setDamage [1,false];

does still create an explosion which can kill nearby units. Is that intended?

Seems to work just fine, could you do another check with the latest dev branch version?

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1 hour ago, razazel said:

Seems to work just fine, could you do another check with the latest dev branch version?


Will do and if necessary make a short demo video.

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3 hours ago, razazel said:

Seems to work just fine, could you do another check with the latest dev branch version?


Sorry for the confusion, I messed up.

I had a respawn module synced to the vehicle which was set to "Delete with explosion" :face_palm:


The command works as one would expect.

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I have been experiencing an issue with dev branch since x64 was released where dynamic sim would cause the game to CTD with a generic error.

Today, I was finally able to pinpoint and reliably reproduce the crash.


Basically, if you use any zoom optics while dynamic sim is set to work on view distance, you get a divide by zero or error or a generic 0xC0000005 - ACCESS_VIOLATION error.  This happens on all maps I've tried, using complete vanilla A3 or using the mods I tend to use.


It happens primarily at the very beginning about 3 seconds after I load in.  However if it doesn't happen then, it happens as soon as I try to scope a dynamic sim group with an optic.  I believe the former occurs when the group can see me at game start, and the latter happens when only I can see them.


I have been able to reproduce this several dozen times now, with the same results.  More importantly, when I turn limit by view distance OFF, the problem goes away.


I am not sure what info you need to look into this, but if any is needed from my end I am happy to send it.  I am using the latest iteration of dev branch, and update daily.

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Any update on the following issue? If I remember correctly you wanted to look into it, but I haven't heard about it since. It's really atrocious, to a point where I usually disable clutter completely when editing.



As the video shows, paning or rotating the camera does not cause the clutter to flicker, only moving via WASD and mouse wheel does.



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17 hours ago, R3vo said:

Any update on the following issue? If I remember correctly you wanted to look into it, but I haven't heard about it since. It's really atrocious, to a point where I usually disable clutter completely when editing.



As the video shows, paning or rotating the camera does not cause the clutter to flicker, only moving via WASD and mouse wheel does.




Wow, thats really hurt my eyes..... I need to check stable or perf. branch is this still here.

Also Vegetation  (grass to precise) still have poping up shadows 3-4M in front of player. I'll try to record video....

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4 hours ago, Vasily.B said:

Also Vegetation  (grass to precise) still have poping up shadows 3-4M in front of player. I'll try to record video....

Yes please do. This has been a nagging issue for months.


EDIT: Here's a REALLY REALLY unfortunately named ticket on the grass thing. I wonder if that's why it hasn't been fixed. I embedded some links of other people talking about it there. This has nothing to do with the GTX 970:




EDIT 2: I found a video for you so don't worry about making your own. 



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Please do not confuse the general flickering of clutter when playing with the issue I reported. My issue is Eden related.

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