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@Julien Vida & everyone else


Thanks for the documenation of the DynSimulation, very well written and detailed ;)

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I remember reading a comment from KillzoneKid that for various reasons, we might never see a "unit ragdoll" script command. Are those reasons still there? If yes, I'd love to learn a bit about them and if not then would it be possible to look at a ragdoll script command again? :)

That was probably long time ago. If there is anything you can take for granted about Arma 3 is that it evolves at lightning speed ;)

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did the latest upgrade break the VA again as my "sort by mod" drop down box has disappeared? just says alphabetically now

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I feel like I need to give a little bump to the below issue:


Full Ghillie (Jungle) [CSAT] Colours and NATO Sniper Wrong LOD


I setup feedback tickets back in August, and seeing as 'House Keeping' on bugs is currently on-going, the issues It could do with a looksee.

The CSAT Jungle sniper is essentially useless in it's current state.

Noticed these issues appear to be fixed in current Dev, not sure if it made it into 1.66.

Many thanks!

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Can anyone confirm that issue, or point out what I do wrong?



There is a bug with the Create Task Module. The "Type" attribute doesn't have any values define in the config.

Please don't make us wait 4 weeks for the next update ;)

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Sorry devs but this is out of negative scale of rating (your work). I have reported 3 or 2 upadtes ago issue, where THERE IS NO FIRST PERSON SOUNDS in vehicles, we can hear damm loud 3rd person sounds instead, and you did nothing in this case. This issue, together with issue of low optimalisation makes this game UNPLAYABLE for me. I have buyed new PC in mind of arma in first place, but it did not helped, higher Ghz CPU didnt helped, and Supportd is not doing its job. Arma 3 is worst game of all i have installed now (Witcher 3, Forza 6 Apex, GTA V Redux, Wreckfest, Carmageddon Reincarnation), and runs also worst, sorry but something is done wrong in this game, and its still not fixed. I have lost my patience now. I spend $$$ on new PC, and game runs worse and game-Ruining issues are ignored. This is not, how Game indisutries work. 1.66 didnt bringed anything i wanted, and i have lost whole night on downlaoding dammm 10GB. Thank as hell bohemia! (uninstalling(again!))

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This is not, how Game indisutries work. 1.66 didnt bringed anything i wanted

 Vasily, that's not how updates work, they fixed a tonne of issues, also broke a few more, but that seems to be normal with major updates, the updates don't cater for individuals, they are supposed to cater for the masses.

Not everyone has broken stuff in their version either, I find a lot of your posts hypocritical especially when you close with "I'm uninstalling ......again" make it sound like you're quite petulant.

It is exactly how game industries have worked for the past 5-6 years, there's hardly been a game released that doesn't need, or will never need updates and patches. None of these updates are costing you money.

You're complaining about spending $$$'s on a new PC, but it's BIS fault? A new and better PC makes EVERYTHING run better and smoother, not just A3 mate, you're often quick to criticise others when they throw little tantrums, A3 is still very much playable, and enjoyable to a great deal of people, sure there's some unhappy at the product they paid for, but the flip side is, there are others who are.

BIS in their attempt to rectify many issues brought up in bug trackers are inadvertently breaking other parts, so they're damned if they do, damned if they don't.

When Arma pisses me off, I go and play Euro/American Truck simulator, and as good as that is, there's tonnes of issues with AI and graphics there, but it's a change of scenery, it's good to vent on something else other than Arma ;)

here's something light hearted I made to cheer you up


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Sorry devs but this is out of negative scale of rating (your work). I have reported 3 or 2 upadtes ago issue, where THERE IS NO FIRST PERSON SOUNDS in vehicles, we can hear damm loud 3rd person sounds instead, and you did nothing in this case. This issue, together with issue of low optimalisation makes this game UNPLAYABLE for me. I have buyed new PC in mind of arma in first place, but it did not helped, higher Ghz CPU didnt helped, and Supportd is not doing its job. Arma 3 is worst game of all i have installed now (Witcher 3, Forza 6 Apex, GTA V Redux, Wreckfest, Carmageddon Reincarnation), and runs also worst, sorry but something is done wrong in this game, and its still not fixed. I have lost my patience now. I spend $$$ on new PC, and game runs worse and game-Ruining issues are ignored. This is not, how Game indisutries work. 1.66 didnt bringed anything i wanted, and i have lost whole night on downlaoding dammm 10GB. Thank as hell bohemia! (uninstalling(again!))



first world problems :)





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Sorry devs but this is out of negative scale of rating (your work). I have reported 3 or 2 upadtes ago issue, where THERE IS NO FIRST PERSON SOUNDS in vehicles, we can hear damm loud 3rd person sounds instead, and you did nothing in this case. This issue, together with issue of low optimalisation makes this game UNPLAYABLE for me. I have buyed new PC in mind of arma in first place, but it did not helped, higher Ghz CPU didnt helped, and Supportd is not doing its job. Arma 3 is worst game of all i have installed now (Witcher 3, Forza 6 Apex, GTA V Redux, Wreckfest, Carmageddon Reincarnation), and runs also worst, sorry but something is done wrong in this game, and its still not fixed. I have lost my patience now. I spend $$$ on new PC, and game runs worse and game-Ruining issues are ignored. This is not, how Game indisutries work. 1.66 didnt bringed anything i wanted, and i have lost whole night on downlaoding dammm 10GB. Thank as hell bohemia! (uninstalling(again!))

Let's see how long it takes until you are becoming banned here too.

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Sorry devs but this is out of negative scale of rating (your work). I have reported 3 or 2 upadtes ago issue, where THERE IS NO FIRST PERSON SOUNDS in vehicles, we can hear damm loud 3rd person sounds instead, and you did nothing in this case. This issue, together with issue of low optimalisation makes this game UNPLAYABLE for me. I have buyed new PC in mind of arma in first place, but it did not helped, higher Ghz CPU didnt helped, and Supportd is not doing its job. Arma 3 is worst game of all i have installed now (Witcher 3, Forza 6 Apex, GTA V Redux, Wreckfest, Carmageddon Reincarnation), and runs also worst, sorry but something is done wrong in this game, and its still not fixed. I have lost my patience now. I spend $$$ on new PC, and game runs worse and game-Ruining issues are ignored. This is not, how Game indisutries work. 1.66 didnt bringed anything i wanted, and i have lost whole night on downlaoding dammm 10GB. Thank as hell bohemia! (uninstalling(again!))

First of all wrong thread to bitch about the game performance, second maybe you should update your feedback trackers with more info. As for spending $$$ on your PC,look it from the bright side,you can run all those favourite games 60fps no problems :)

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First of all wrong thread to bitch about the game performance, second maybe you should update your feedback trackers with more info. As for spending $$$ on your PC,look it from the bright side,you can run all those favourite games 60fps no problems :)

Yes i can, but major issues (audio problems, as i described are ignored).

All game runs 60FPS no matter what settings, but not A3

There was famous info that higher Ghz help in arma case (not number of cores) - thats lie.

This is not how game industry works -  look at witcher 3, it all depends of developer. If developer really want to fix game, he will, if not, he will not. This is propably only reason why game runs like this.

I played this game 900hours, that enough

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This is not how game industry works

I would stop saying this when you clearly have no idea how the game industry actually works.

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Yes i can, but major issues (audio problems, as i described are ignored).

All game runs 60FPS no matter what settings, but not A3

There was famous info that higher Ghz help in arma case (not number of cores) - thats lie.

This is not how game industry works -  look at witcher 3, it all depends of developer. If developer really want to fix game, he will, if not, he will not. This is propably only reason why game runs like this.

I played this game 900hours, that enough


The problem with pretty much all your posts is that you simply fail to deliver any info on why or how your game is failing to do what you'd expect from it.

Post videos, settings, repro missions. Facts, in general.

Everything else is just subjective


Recalling a video from you in the AI discussion it looked pretty fluid to me.



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Some games, like ArmA, are simply too complex and runs on too large scale compared to other games. I can also run most modern titles on max settings and all that, but notice that generally, other games are designed to also run on consoles, thus if you've got a PC that matches the console it guarantees good performance (unless, of course, the game doesn't work well even on consoles). The games that do gave me performance dips are ArmA and Kerbal Space Program (I expect the same from Star Citizen, but I haven't had a chance to try it and it's highly WIP anyway), both designed for PC in first place and without regard for console performance. You will never find such detailed simulation and large-scale multiplayer in any other game and especially not in one designed to be played on consoles. 


Higher CPU speed will help, but most CPUs don't differ enough to get a really noticeable performance boost. Overclocking works, but you need to be careful with that (buy a water cooling tower if you want to go really high). Rather than looking for a CPU with high speed out of the box and lots of cores, you may search for "overclocker's choice" ones. Also, mission design matters. The game is one thing, but mission makers also need to do their part and not all of them do. BIS just introduced a feature that should help with CPU use.


IMO, the game looks good on "near-maximum" graphics settings and with short-ish view distance. Increasing the view distance will bog down your game quickly, so try fiddling with that if nothing else works.

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This is not how game industry works


You are absolutely right. This is not how the game industry works. Still releasing free updates after over three years, daily dev branch updates, new DLC being produced. This is really not how the game industry works. Usually, the industry works by churning out one game of a franchise every year, which will basically be new wallpaper over the same game, and charging 60 Euros for it, or 100 for some "Extra Cool Edition" that includes two extra cosmetic items. 


This is not how the game industry works, with the makers of the game actually communicating with the users.


I grant you that CD Project Red is an exception to the rule; but if you think that Bohemia did a poor job, I invite you to look around in your much beloved "game industry" and find something comparable in terms of long-time support of their platform. You will be hard pressed.

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You are absolutely right. This is not how the game industry works. Still releasing free updates after over three years, daily dev branch updates, new DLC being produced. This is really not how the game industry works. Usually, the industry works by churning out one game of a franchise every year, which will basically be new wallpaper over the same game, and charging 60 Euros for it, or 100 for some "Extra Cool Edition" that includes two extra cosmetic items. 


This is not how the game industry works, with the makers of the game actually communicating with the users.


I grant you that CD Project Red is an exception to the rule; but if you think that Bohemia did a poor job, I invite you to look around in your much beloved "game industry" and find something comparable in terms of long-time support of their platform. You will be hard pressed.

I may agree at some point, but thing is, its still a beta. DLC's and updates are fixing small issues, while bugs from the top of the list are not fixed. Even Mafia 3, have fixed most reported issues after few months. Mafia 3 is from beginning hangar 13....

Free updates..... Its their obligation to fix problems, as they released this in early alpha, and yet some of those issues are not fixed


The problem with pretty much all your posts is that you simply fail to deliver any info on why or how your game is failing to do what you'd expect from it.

Post videos, settings, repro missions. Facts, in general.

Everything else is just subjective


Recalling a video from you in the AI discussion it looked pretty fluid to me.



I have done this since years. Check out my account on feedback tracker - videos, repro steps - all over the tickets.


I would stop saying this when you clearly have no idea how the game industry actually works.

I see how it work in other titles, and cant understand how it works in Bohemia. Arma 3 is AAA title, people have expectations about this title (and how its done).

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Its their obligation to fix problems



I see how it work in other titles, and cant understand how it works in Bohemia.

No you didn't see anything as you are neither working nor in contact with anyone from any studio.

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You are absolutely right. This is not how the game industry works. Still releasing free updates after over three years, daily dev branch updates, new DLC being produced. This is really not how the game industry works. Usually, the industry works by churning out one game of a franchise every year, which will basically be new wallpaper over the same game, and charging 60 Euros for it, or 100 for some "Extra Cool Edition" that includes two extra cosmetic items. 


This is not how the game industry works, with the makers of the game actually communicating with the users.


I grant you that CD Project Red is an exception to the rule; but if you think that Bohemia did a poor job, I invite you to look around in your much beloved "game industry" and find something comparable in terms of long-time support of their platform. You will be hard pressed.


This! The only other game I know is Factorio, whichs headquater is also located in Prague, coincidence? :D


I see how it work in other titles, and cant understand how it works in Bohemia. Arma 3 is AAA title, people have expectations about this title.



Arma 3 is a triple A title? It's not even close.

AAA also has nothing to do with quality, only budget and promotion and I for once have lower expectations from those highly rated games than from games developed on a bugded without any hype.



The devs are doing a great job, call me fanboy or not, but they surprise me on a monthly basis with new technology, concepts and content.

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No you didn't see anything as you are neither working nor in contact with anyone from any studio.

Negative. I see this from customer point of view, i see how often updates are coming, and what developers are fixing in other games. I dont need to be in contact with any studios.

Also its their obligation to finish game, beacuse it was in early access. You think they are robbers? They release half finished game, and fixing what is not working, people buy the game and they got money for fixing game further.... and circle close, what is so funny in this?

PS: About AAA and arma 3:


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To be fair, the Tactical Ping implementation is pretty bad.


1. default Sound can be spammed.

2. Sound is simply annoying. No sound > highly repetitive notification, dont they teach this in game design 101??

3. Should be visible only to members of group.


Not usable without heavy scripting.


"but oh it was ment for the coop campaign" 




Solution to fix:


1. Remove the sound by default.

2. Visible only to group members

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Can the sound be spammed though? Do you mean by different people? I recall the sound only playing again after a few seconds, meaning that if you ping multiple times within a few seconds, the sound would only play on the first one.


That was another reason I preferred the old guitar string sound - there was more than one 'note', which made it less repetitive.

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I am just wondering. Would it be that difficult to give players the option to choose from different sounds via a combobox in the game menu, or disable the sound at all?

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I may agree at some point, but thing is, its still a beta. DLC's and updates are fixing small issues, while bugs from the top of the list are not fixed. Even Mafia 3, have fixed most reported issues after few months. Mafia 3 is from beginning hangar 13....

Free updates..... Its their obligation to fix problems, as they released this in early alpha, and yet some of those issues are not fixed


Obviously we have different ideas about "top of the list". For starters, I don't have your problem with the sound, I do hear them inside the vehicles. Too low, granted, but I do.


I would not call this game Beta. I have not have a crash in ages, and for the overwhelming part this game works perfectly fine. There is always one thing or the other I want to see fixed, and yeah, I did my share of whining about issues... but that is to be expected. 


I think the post-release support for this game is extraordinary.

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Obviously we have different ideas about "top of the list". For starters, I don't have your problem with the sound, I do hear them inside the vehicles. Too low, granted, but I do.


I would not call this game Beta. I have not have a crash in ages, and for the overwhelming part this game works perfectly fine. There is always one thing or the other I want to see fixed, and yeah, I did my share of whining about issues... but that is to be expected. 


I think the post-release support for this game is extraordinary.

I didnt writed there is no sound inside vehicles, i writed we hear 3p sounds instead 1p sounds, thats a diference. 1p sounds was (and should be) muffled, right now there is clear sounds, just like you hear weapons from outside vehicle (for example tank or apc), instead muffled like you are in closed vehicle with tank helmet on. Play T-100 and tell me about it, NSVT will make you deaf.

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Play T-100 and tell me about it, NSVT will make you deaf.


Just tried it, the NSVT is loud, but if anything, the outside noise is too low. I have really no idea how you can get so riled up because of such a small thing. It's at most an annoyance, and at least for me it's not an issue, and I would guess it's the same for most.


It definitely looks like a config issue with specific vehicles.

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