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i like the new vehicles. but for the grayhawk you should have something like this:

http://telstarlogistics.typepad.com/.a/6a00d834543b6069e2010535e87379970b-800wi (285 kB)

http://www.tacticalsheltersystems.com/images/uav_controls.jpg (156 kB)

so you can operate the grayhawk with two man, like in reallife.

also i think the cam for pilot should be moveable, so you have a better overview

in firstperson, hopefully trackir can be used as a grayhawk pilot.

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So far I enjoy the UAvs and how smooth they and how I can take control of them via multiple methods.

However, I greatly dislike how the Greyhawk cannot use its laser and hellfires in tandem via the turret. A more realistic method of handeling this, would to be to set up the Greyhawk on a flight path via waypoint, and then use the turret to both laser the target, and launch the hellfire while lazed. In real life, Predators are more famous for taking out groups of infantry as opposed to vehicles. So with out being able to use the Laser and lock and launch my laser guided munitions while lased, it basically defeats one of the huge benefits of the UAVs. Basically in order to do what I wanted, I had to have one quad copter UAV hover and mark, while my Greyhawk targets that laser and then launch. That is highly inefficient and unrealistic and unfun. Can we please make it possible to lock and launch the missiles from the turret? I can manual fire the laser form the pilot seat of the UAV, but I cant really move it around very well, and I basically have to dive bomb the target.

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Landing UAV at airbase without restart:

Set simple Waypoint at the runway

Type: Land

Behavior: Never Fire

Alt: (No matter)

They UAV will stop after land. This worked for me.

Looks like the UAV wants to kill more enemys.

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Landing UAV at airbase without restart:

Set simple Waypoint at the runway

Type: Land

Behavior: Never Fire

Alt: (No matter)

They UAV will stop after land. This worked for me.

Looks like the UAV wants to kill more enemys.

It's hungry for the blood of the enemy!

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Anyone else noticed that there are also autonomous static HMG's and GMG's listed on the launch-weapons list?

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Anyone else noticed that there are also autonomous static HMG's and GMG's listed on the launch-weapons list?

Yep! :yay:

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Anyone else noticed that there are also autonomous static HMG's and GMG's listed on the launch-weapons list?

I believe that refers to the UGV's they just released. they have both HMG and GMG on one unit, the stomper rcws.

Or more likely, I have no idea what launch weapon list you are talking about. I thought you meant todays release.

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Comments were made in reference to the official Countdown to Launch content list, which lists:

Static GMG variants

Low, raised and autonomous

Static HMG variants

Low, raised and autonomous

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I see a lot of changes in the sound department lately. But I can't use dev branch so I'd like to ask is there a working surround present already?

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UAVs, the most fun I have had with my clothes on.

Couple of questions though, whos clever idea was it to have Stevie Wonder as their driving instructor?

BIS, when oh when are we going to get a Fixed Wing control config? I would like to use my joystic for them.

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there can be inserted AI of desired side by script.

To spawn a UAV on the fly (and flying!) use:

myUAV = [getPos player, 0, "B_UAV_02_F", WEST] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle;
createVehicleCrew (myUAV select 0);

Edited by kylania

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If unarmed UGVs are for reconnaissance then why can't I look around or zoom from the "driver's" seat? Fixed camera to the front is useless for anything else than driving.

If you add unarmed turret and the vehicle becomes two man operated unit, at least make the "AI driver" controllable from the gunner/commander seat, like in AI driven tanks. Kind of like silent forward, reverse, left, right voice commands.

Or better yet, make the human driver default to Turn Out mode, so we can freelook around. Just hack in some optics overlay and zoom functions. And there you go, a true one man operated recon vehicle. :)

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UAVs, the most fun I have had with my clothes on.

Couple of questions though, whos clever idea was it to have Stevie Wonder as their driving instructor?

BIS, when oh when are we going to get a Fixed Wing control config? I would like to use my joystic for them.

i already have the fixed wing configs in my options menu. (or at least i did last week) have they removed it again (it was in for a while during the alpha)

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Is it just me, or is the Darter's yaw ability a little weak? It's very fun though...especially if you throw in an explosive charge and attachTo. XD

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Is it just me, or is the Darter's yaw ability a little weak?

i think its to slow, and on the hummingbird its also much to slow.

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If unarmed UGVs are for reconnaissance then why can't I look around or zoom from the "driver's" seat? Fixed camera to the front is useless for anything else than driving.

If you add unarmed turret and the vehicle becomes two man operated unit, at least make the "AI driver" controllable from the gunner/commander seat, like in AI driven tanks. Kind of like silent forward, reverse, left, right voice commands.

Or better yet, make the human driver default to Turn Out mode, so we can freelook around. Just hack in some optics overlay and zoom functions. And there you go, a true one man operated recon vehicle. :)

I kind of brought that up a page or two or few ago. It should have at least a Laser pointer cause it is pretty useless. Making it carry cargo (if you designed the mission for it) will lose it's fun about a second after you played it. And with no real injury simulation that requires anything more than a first aid kit, there is no use for it to carry anyone. And being unarmed opfor can stop it whenever they want. So it really is useless. You could give it ammo and have it operate like a dog following around a convoy but a manned vehicle makes more sense. LASER POINTER.

You can control it while you are in it. Just get in then take control and it's just like a vehicle except you have to release control to command anyone/anything else.

Nimrod123 - You must be using a OA aircraft or set up. When I used AllInArma, the fixed wing controls came up. I think it might when you add any fixed wing besides autonomous. Once you remoce the fixed wing from your inventory, you lose the configuration.

MadocComadrin - The Darter is pretty much a remote controlled hobby helicopter. Slightly better than you find in a hobby store. It's a flying camera. Yaw should be weak. Everything about it should be weak.

SirJD thanks for the link to the countdown list. However I notice that there is only one fixed wing aircraft. And let me guess which one it is. Oh, yeah, the one that bi loves so much. The one they gave takistan, and cz.

But back to greenfister comment - It makes me think a purpose built UGV specifically dedicated to carry wounded might be a good idea if bi had a lifelike wound system.

Edited by Victim9l3

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I've noticed that the drones try to follow the lay of the land (as if the altitude is is calculated from how far above the ground the drone is rather than sea level) even when they're really high up. So trying to look at something with a loitering UAV is difficult because it keeps pitching and yawing, instead of following a steady path and almost exclusively using yaw, like a real UAV.

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I think the most pressing issues I've found are needing:

-Laser pointer on the unarmed stomper

-Ground stabilisation for camera (at least when laser is firing or something)

-Weapon systems operated by turret controller

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Steam Workshop is made for ArmA. :inlove: So damn easy to get new missions to play now.

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Under animals? :x

If only life was that simples...

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Most pressing is goats, how do I spawn them ?

Editor > Modules (F7) > Sites > Animals > Type - Goats ;)

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One thing I forgot to add - the new menu theme is awesome. When I first heard it I had such a fan-girl-like reaction when I realised it was a remix of OpFlash's theme.

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Heh thanks, I just want to see the beautiful work you have put into the wildlife.


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