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sync this module with the create task and the trigger that activates the succeeded module for the destinations after the 1st task.

for the first task just sync it to the create task.

also please make sure all set task states are not synced together like I did -.-

people have said it randomly works and it does need to be addressed :)


Quote the person you are replying to first in any new post that you make please! Like I am doing now. It isn't annoying what you are doing its just "wrong" lol. Also if you quote a long post then only quote the pertinent points that you need to raise. Didn't a moderator mention something about this to you the other day?

Back on topic:

Yes that module certainly needs some love.

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I'd like to see the head movement (freelook) faster than the body movement, instead of the other way around like it is currently.

tpw I think this problem is caused due to the fact that freelook is not affected by the mouse smoothing setting (which most of us set to zero). It's a standing problem since Arma 2 and I opened a bug about it:


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tpw I think this problem is caused due to the fact that freelook is not affected by the mouse smoothing setting (which most of us set to zero). It's a standing problem since Arma 2 and I opened a bug about it:


I'm one of those people who actually have the mouse smoothing set quite high, because it simulates inertia and slows down the super speed movement. Even so, freelook is still way slower. Thanks for the ticket, I have upvoted and commented on it.


Not just freelook, the whole movement thing could do with a good overhaul I reckon. Prone and crouched player controlled units being able to execute an inertialess 360 degree turn in 0.5 sec with heavy weapons is just ridiculous. Just another one of those glaring Arma3 dichotomies where a great feature is let down by a flaw in implementation: great smooth animations but physics defying turning speeds; beautiful dynamic lighting but no dynamic shadowing; realistic ragdolling but bizarre splayed hand death postures etc etc etc ad nauseum.


Ok time for a cup of tea and a lie down.

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I simply give him some hints and tips so he can use it while it gets fixed :)

I quoted what I was replying to, I didn't think it was wrong but If I am in the wrong I apologise


Quote the person you are replying to first in any new post that you make please! Like I am doing now. It isn't annoying what you are doing its just "wrong" lol. Also if you quote a long post then only quote the pertinent points that you need to raise. Didn't a moderator mention something about this to you the other day?

Back on topic:

Yes that module certainly needs some love.

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"360 degree turn in 0.5 sec with heavy weapons is just ridiculous. Just another one of those glaring Arma3 dichotomies where a great feature is let down by a flaw in implementation: great smooth animations but physics defying turning speeds; beautiful dynamic lighting but no dynamic shadowing; realistic ragdolling but bizarre splayed hand death postures etc etc etc ad nauseum."

I think you've nailed the Arma experience.... You see something that makes you go - "wow - that's great" followed by "Oh God that's sooo dumb" Still seems to keep most of us coming back for more;-)

Ahh yes - the spinning on a dime thing while prone with a .50 cal - nuts!

The "Jazz hands" for dead players - surely it can't be that difficult to swop for the resting hand position of the "alive" units??!! Again a small thing but every little helps......

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I think your system idea has some merit. Also if guns had weight and center of gravity that would effect inertia. That way a small SMG or carbine you could 'throw' around the screen a lot easier, while a long sniper rifle or LMG witha lot more weight would take more effort to start moving or stop their inertia. This could help reflect the controlabilty of different classes of firearms.

The total lack of any inertia also makes SMGs or pistols totally pointless (unless it's the only thing that you can get your hands on). Why use a potentially weak weapon like an SMG if you can use a machine gun with the same ease as a pistol.

Why should I take an assault rifle at all ? The OPFOR machine gun even has single shot, it's far superior to any assault rifle

---------- Post added at 10:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:41 AM ----------

Prone and crouched player controlled units being able to execute an inertialess 360 degree turn in 0.5 sec with heavy weapons is just ridiculous.

Indeed. And what's even more, the AI is not capable of doing that. Instead, if you see AI in close quarter combat, you will notice that their turn rate is agonizingly slow.

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...if you see AI in close quarter combat, you will notice that their turn rate is agonizingly slow.

Not only did I notice it, I wrote a mod to try to fix it :)

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Not only did I notice it, I wrote a mod to try to fix it :)

I know :D Good work!

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sync this module with the create task and the trigger that activates the succeeded module for the destinations after the 1st task.

for the first task just sync it to the create task.

also please make sure all set task states are not synced together like I did -.-

people have said it randomly works and it does need to be addressed :)

I did. The video I watched about tasks said that the task destination only works about 10% of the time!

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I did. The video I watched about tasks said that the task destination only works about 10% of the time!

yeah in jester814's tutorial he also said this

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351.4 MB of something updating. Will post if find anything major

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Steam-workshop is here. You can save mission for it in editor, but not sure if it works yet. Preparing mission for it. :)

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Cant yet upload mission to it, but hopefully soon. Very cool feature. :)

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The inability to upload a mission is a problem on our side, we're solving it now.

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Working nicely now, added my first mission to the steamworks.

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Could a developer elaborate on this "Simulation tasks can now potentially use one more CPU core"?

What constitutes a simulation task and how does it make use of one more core?

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•Simulation tasks can now potentially use one more CPU core ---- does this mean what I think it does???? :O

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It means CPUs with more cores might perform better for SOME stuff. It will be interesting to see how it performs.

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can people see if there is a FPS increase? I cant test im at work :(

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Added echo to attenuation inside vehicles - whats that?

You hear sounds from outside the vehicle muffled a bit while being inside. Programmers and sound designers have worked on some new filters for that and have added some parameters for echo and such stuff :icon_twisted:

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Just downloaded Whole lotta stratis mission from Steam workshop, it worked nicely. Pretty cool!

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Enabled publication to and download from Steam Workshop of singleplayer and multiplayer scenarios

Does this work?

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Does this work?

You got ninja'd.

It's a very handy feature. I love it. :)

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