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British Ridgback Protected Patrol Vehicle

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Tag_BLX in association with HalfArsed Inc. would like to introduce the

British Ridgback Protected Patrol vehicle

for Arma2 Combined Operations.


What is it?

The Ridgback PPV (Protected Patrol Vehicle) is a British modification of the American Cougar 4x4 MRAP.

It is fitted with a extensive armour package and electronics, including installation of the Enforcer remote weapon station.

Updated to v1.1

What You Get


Added woodland version

Model tweaks, extra LOD's etc.

Added thermals

Improved handling both off and on road

(Optional) support for Blakes_Mirrors_EE addon gives reversing camera simulation

(Experimental) custom damage handling to make it more resistant to mines, IED's, low level rpg's (and zombies:))

Support for hiddenselections if you fancy a stab at re-texturing.

Texture templates are included in the download (just don't laugh at my UVmaps!)

v1.00 Desert variant


CBA, BAF/BAF Lite, blx_weapons.pbo (the last one is included in the download).



Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16520

Also available on Six Updater Network (but I don't know how to link to that!)

Armed Assault.info: http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?game=1&cat=addons&id=1934

Edited by cleggy
updated release

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Nice work!


btw.. another display name would be nice.. Ridgback (Desert) instead of Ridgback_D.

Your 7zip-file has not the correct folder structure... @blx_ridgback\addons\blx_ridgeback.pbo would be nice. So you can unpack it directly in ArmA2 folder... now you have to add the addons folder.

Edited by Buliwyf

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Tipical, I go away for Easter and decide not to bring my laptop with ArmA2 on it! Dooh!

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I just did a quick test, and it's a great addition for BAF, I like it.

Thank you for your work :)

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Excellent stuff. Very nice vehicle - I feel quite safe inside this! The textures look fine - I don't think there is any need to fiddle with them.

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Good Stuff cant wait to put it to use in Sangin

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Boss.. been waiting for one of these for VCBops for years! Thanks much cleggy!

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Awesome work! A great addition to the game, nice to see some more love for the BAF side!

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Thanks for the replies, gents. Feel free to point out any major flaws - they're bound to surface eventually.:)

Extra thanks to Sickboy for adding it to six updater (which I've yet to figure out how to use!) and Miller for the mirror.

btw.. another display name would be nice.. Ridgback (Desert) instead of Ridgback_D.

Your 7zip-file has not the correct folder structure... @blx_ridgback\addons\blx_ridgeback.pbo would be nice. So you can unpack it directly in ArmA2 folder... now you have to add the addons folder.

Feedback appreciated - I seem to make a habit of annoying people with my display names ....

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Woo! We've been holding out for this for sometime. Top work Cleggy!

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Great work, Cleggy! Keep it coming! Any chance you could spend time on Mastiff?

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Played a bit with it yesterday, and it's an awesome vehicle:

We all love it! :)

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Well, I think I'm getting away with it so far....appreciate you all trying it.

Thanks to Old Bear and Foxhound for the mirrors (not that I'm complaining Fox, but I don't think it should be under Heavy Armor - it's only little!)

Any chance you could spend time on Mastiff?

Being the sensitive artiste that I am, the thought of more bar armour at this stage makes me want to go and lie down.:butbut:

Glowbal: Cheers, first time I've seen one of my addons being used by someone other than me ... kinda brings a lump to the throat.

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