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IceBreakr's Poll: Which island scenery conversion would you like the most?

I would like to play...  

129 members have voted

  1. 1. I would like to play...

    • Isla Luala aka greened-up /semi-wooded Isla Duala
    • Dingor aka desert Lingor (after v1.337 release)
    • Winter Panthera
    • Forget it, I want new Balkania map first!

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It would take me not more than few days for up to week to make a conversion of an existing island to a different scenery - like green land to winter, jungle to desert (vegetation replacement, new satellite image, added rocks).

So I ask you guys, what would you prefer?

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Difficult question but I go for Balkania map and hope for an update of Lingor Island :)

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Duala! I love that island so much I would holiday there - if you green it up I have somewhere to go in the winter!

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I voted for Winter Panthera, because it's an environment you haven't tackled yet, and done well - as I'm sure it would be - it can be an incredibly atmospheric and immersive style of environment...

Panthera has the scenery to suit too! - I'm sure it would look awesome with those mountain ranges draped in snow...

Plus, with a Winter map, less clutter to add believability, etc - other little things become important... the scrunch of your footsteps as you try to creep thru the snowy forest... those wintry ambient sounds (wolves? - owls for sure...)... your breath misting in the cold air and giving your position away...? ;)

You do that ambient and atmosphere thing very well - I think it would be a great addition to your series...


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I voted for the Winter option as like Bushlurker says you haven't tackled that type of environment. I would like to see how you do a snow based environment and we don't have a lot of snow based maps in the community, it be nice to see :).

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I'm a Snowman Myself....

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I voted for the wooded Duala map, because I love Duala, but would love it more if there were more places to hide. I'd also love to see a winter Panthera.

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Can we has them all? :D

someone was gonna ask sooner or later :p

voted winter panthera myself

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Nice ideas!

However, I would like to see Balkania first....need some place to let the tensions caused by 'peacekeeping operations' between east and west soar :D

Winter Islands are also in short supply, but please no more desert maps. 'Luala' do you mean a 'rain season' version of Duala? that would be interessting too.

What I realy would like to see however is a 'central europe' map for WW3 scenarios (Celle is nice but the more the merrier)

or a pseudo USA map, like the one from the AIRWOLF mod for flashpoint.

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Damn it! i made the vote even and i wish i could change my option now...

i like the idea of winter panther just because there seems to be a fair few things in winter camo but not a whole lot of winter maps but at the same time i really like the idea of the balkan's with some high mountain ranges and valleys, low rivers and towns and some hard to access towns on hill tops that can only be acessed by a single road.


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I voted for a greened version of Isla Duala. :) But thanks for dedicating time to poll now, and for whatever work chosen to be done in advance.

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Voted Winter Panthera - there's a serious lack of snowy maps in A2. Duala in lush green (and a few more hills in the western parts of the main landmass ;) ) would be a close second.

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I voted for Winter Panthera, because it's an environment you haven't tackled yet, and done well - as I'm sure it would be - it can be an incredibly atmospheric and immersive style of environment...

Panthera has the scenery to suit too! - I'm sure it would look awesome with those mountain ranges draped in snow...

Plus, with a Winter map, less clutter to add believability, etc - other little things become important... the scrunch of your footsteps as you try to creep thru the snowy forest... those wintry ambient sounds (wolves? - owls for sure...)... your breath misting in the cold air and giving your position away...? ;)

You do that ambient and atmosphere thing very well - I think it would be a great addition to your series...


Very well said. Exactly my thoughts.

Other island don't really fit to any conversion, since Duala is perfect as it is, Jade is so special there is no need to change that and Lingor has it's own flavour which can't be made better. Still I am very keen to see Balkania.

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