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Gotta say that tho I haven't been much fond of the A3 pseudo-futuristic setting, I've to say that the idea of a V-22 & AC-130 marriage feels really appealing. 

Also the Zodiac & the SOF vehicle look really interesting too  :)


So far the "AV-130", SOF buggie, civilian plane, water scooter & zodiac with wheel. I guess they will add at least a civilian cargo ship too.


and probably the "HIND VTOL"


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Reddit user lazyink made a nice comparison:




So, did you all pre-order the expansion yet?

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Every post from you has some sort of negative energy in it. Be honest, do you really believe they will only bring two new vehicles?


Well I am quite sure there will be new APC's seeing how they recently added the water simulation for TankX

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Dunno why but that lighting seems to be so off on Stratis/Altis , it looks darker and feels less "Greek"


They definitely used a higher overcast setting than in the comparision picture...


I actually hoped by "improved lightning tech" they ment better shadows and more light sources....

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So, did you all pre-order the expansion yet?

Yep. I'd buy it anyways so pre-ordering it didn't feel bad.

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One can preorder the expansion? Where? oO

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It's here. Didn't know this either. 60€... kinda harsh.

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It's here. Didn't know this either. 60€... kinda harsh.


I'm not sure if I really need to point this out, but your link points to the Arma 3 Digital Deluxe edition + all the DLC + apex preorder and not just Apex.

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So the new VTOL will be somekind a Gunship - mix of AC130 with MV22?

Gotta say that tho I haven't been much fond of the A3 pseudo-futuristic setting, I've to say that the idea of a V-22 & AC-130 marriage feels really appealing.

Let me note that for years USSOCOM and USMC were trying to get the Osprey uparmed -- in part because of experience in combat (i.e. with the belly gun) in part because the MV-22 entered service less armed than originally envisioned, -- with testing just over a year ago including both forward-mounted 70 mm rocket and ramp-mounted AGM launches, and in turn Bell's been claiming that forward-firing capabilities could come in an "AV-280" version of their V-280 Valor, complete with Hellfires in fuselage weapons bays (background, closer-up here... even if the US Army doesn't buy the idea of a common airframe for both attack and utility/transport.


I can't weigh in with more certainty on the new VTOL due to its uncertain size/scale, but maybe it represents a post-Osprey design with such built-in capability? At the very least, I'll be annoyed if somehow DnA and pettka didn't tell the artists to throw in provision for that...

Also the Zodiac & the SOF vehicle look really interesting too  :)

So far the "AV-130", SOF buggie, civilian plane, water scooter & zodiac with wheel. I guess they will add at least a civilian cargo ship too.

It's not necessarily 'only' an SOF buggy -- though the 'Desert Patrol Vehicle' style has continued -- because the concept art is reminiscent of designs touted for the US Army's Ground Mobility Vehicle program (previously the Ultra Light Combat Vehicle), i.e. for speeding paratroopers from an LZ to an objective; I understand that the actual request for proposal (RFP) comes this year, but back in 2014 the requirement was a 4500 lb/2014 kg vehicle that could, fit inside a CH-47, be carried by a UH-60 underslung, be airdropped by C-130 or C-17, and carry a nine-soldier squad with equipment (nominally 3200 lb/1450 kg).

For Arma purposes, I'm thinking that gameplay-wise we're looking at OA's Military Offroads and HMMWV SOVs or BAF's Jackal but with more seating, i.e. three rows of three for a full infantry squad as the video's concept art indicates the possibility of, and compared to vanilla Arma 3's MRAPs the LSVs are trading protection for seating capacity/weapon variety.

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 â‚¬ 23.99 it's quite cheap

That's cheap for you? - that expansion costs 30€ , atm it has a preorder discount -20%


what's been shown so far it's not worth those money imho

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We don't even know the entire content and feature list yet, we haven't had any good look at Tanoa either, it's hard to judge if it's going to be worth or not.

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I'm not sure if I really need to point this out, but your link points to the Arma 3 Digital Deluxe edition + all the DLC + apex preorder and not just Apex.


Alright, wasn't reading the page. :>


€23 is certainly less than I've expected. Anyway, preordered now, because I will buy it in any case anyway.

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Alright, wasn't reading the page. :>


€23 is certainly less than I've expected. Anyway, preordered now, because I will buy it in any case anyway.



Buying it now

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I would preorder if they would accept visa debit.But they support visa and visa electron... non helps me :D

(I don't have pay pal)


I think that 20% off is for buying product which we currently not know full details.Can't wait for full list.Strikes

me kinda weird on why they are so vague but product is ready for preorders.

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I pre-ordered it too. IMHO it's quite a really good price for an expansion (I expected at least €40 or more). €23 (with the discount) it's a great price  :)

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Keep up the good work guys     :thumbs-up: 


Hope they add some heavy combat vehicles and not only transport vehicles.







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Absolutely gonna pre-order it, but I'll wait 'til next week since I'm already waiting on PayPal to restore my balance following the Christmas/New Year shopping binge.


£19.99 at discount seems like a decent price point

I would preorder if they would accept visa debit.But they support visa and visa electron... non helps me :D

(I don't have pay pal)

I bought Arma 3 on BI's store with a normal Visa Debit card.

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That's cheap for you? - that expansion costs 30€ , atm it has a preorder discount -20%


what's been shown so far it's not worth those money imho

€ 30 worth, just for tanoa 

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€ 30 worth, just for tanoa 

From the little we saw, it seems that the map alone is worth it.


Glad I bought the Supperter edition.

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From the little we saw, it seems that the map alone is worth it.


Glad I bought the Supperter edition.

So we got it for free ?

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