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Update A2 content to OA standards :rolleyes:

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When merging or copy and pasting playable units from one mission to another, for the units not to have to be reset to playable

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-mp/jip, revive/respawn - compatible modules!!(especially SOM)

-jip,revive/respawn - synchronization of clients (weather,time,tasks,loadout)

> all that is already there as workarounds from the comunity, but setting it up is pain in the 455 !!

-fix AI getting stuck when using pistols

-subfolders in mpmissions folder PLZ PLZ PLZ

-towns on takistan/zargabad still need better performance

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when merging or copy and pasting playable units from one mission to another, for the units not to have to be reset to playable

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What about a more detailed editor DATE and WHEATER? sometimes I need to make a night mission and I need to put a full moon light because theres no NV available

What's the problem right now? You can set the date and time to such that there is a full moon.

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What's the problem right now? You can set the date and time to such that there is a full moon.

but I have to test every night date to see if there is a full moon, I dont know, maybe a little icon showing the moon state :p

Another one: a better Bulldozer, I just need a copy&paste feature there :(

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coopr maybe read the changelogs and tell us where BIS made only AI fixes and forgot about improving "some non ai feature requests and fixes"? :rolleyes:

If you play only pvp you shouldn't be worried about more AI fixes and improvements...

Otherwise someone could also suggest

"No pvp improvements or testing speedy + funny but unrealistic features!" :p

Maybe you should read the changelog lol? And compare the ai fixes and features to The non related ai features and fixes? And what is unrealistic and funny about my suggestions? The whole ai thing is funny and unrealistic. And only slows further development down in my opinion. If we get flashlights and lasers on weapons which every human player can use with out a problem. The devs have to code another 2 weeks because people are whining why there idiot ai teammate doesn't use them. Soon after that people start to whine that ai is giving there position away because they always have there flashlights on and yet another 2 weeks of code. Etc etc etc etc just a simple and stupid example but I think the reasons why we see so less new features coming in patches.

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One that has always bugged me is when you kill the AI that is in a group while using a suppressed weapon, all other AI know that he is down, wounded/killed regardless of their position relative to him, so for example if I shoot an opfor who is at the back of his group by some distance, all other AI in that group are aware he is dead.

It would be much better if they are only aware of his health status by line of sight, in other words they have to see that he is down before they go into combat status.

Also to tie into this perhaps making the AI less aware of suppressed weapons at the moment there is no effect while using suppressed weapons against the AI, they seem to know that a shot has been fired regardless of their range from the shooter, making the suppressed weapon in-effective (fyi I know what a suppressed weapon is, and I know they still make a the slightest sound, they reduce the sound and muzzle flash from a fired weapon)

And the circle that represents where vehicles are or where enemy is, (white circle, red circle) while looking away from them or at them is a bit of an immersion breaker... wondered if its a setting I could change, but it isn't as far as my testing found.

Edited by VIPER[CWW]

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Beef up multi-player server security. A lot.

What's currently available is still not good enough.

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I don't really post here a lot, so apologies if I'm ignorant.

Things I would like to see in a patch, if possible, are:

Updates to reload speeds, and animations if possible. Right now, you can reload a SAW about as fast as you can the M9, and even the RPG, and it kind of kills the realism.

Tone down the "swing gun around like a maniac while sprinting" animation. It looks pretty silly, to tell you the truth, to see a guy with a 20 pound rifle swinging it around like a very light sack of potatoes.

The civilian "sprint with hands perfectly straight, fingers perfectly extended" is a little odd, but I can live with it."

I would love for there to be more advanced graphics options, but not really super necessary. Right now, I play ARMA on a macbook 13" pro on a windows XP partition. Pretty bad, yeah.

Anyways, sorry if this has been asked already.

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Beef up multi-player server security. A lot.

What's currently available is still not good enough.

nice idea,but a guess how its can be done ? [w/o huge CPU overhead, i hope]

switching to PB ?

adapting FADE-style countering to BE behaviour[make it more FADE-ish] to counter re-engineering, more tamper-resistant?

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;1898237']One that has always bugged me is when you kill the AI that is in a group while using a suppressed weapon' date=' all other AI know that he is down, wounded/killed regardless of their position relative to him, so for example if I shoot an opfor who is at the back of his group by some distance, all other AI in that group are aware he is dead.

It would be much better if they are only aware of his health status by line of sight, in other words they have to see that he is down before they go into combat status.

Also to tie into this perhaps making the AI less aware of suppressed weapons at the moment there is no effect while using suppressed weapons against the AI, they seem to know that a shot has been fired regardless of their range from the shooter, making the suppressed weapon in-effective (fyi I know what a suppressed weapon is, and I know they still make a the slightest sound, they reduce the sound and muzzle flash from a fired weapon)

And the circle that represents where vehicles are or where enemy is, (white circle, red circle) while looking away from them or at them is a bit of an immersion breaker... wondered if its a setting I could change, but it isn't as far as my testing found.[/quote']

I couldn't agree more with the problem of neutralising an isolated AI only to have their platoon magically aware of your location. I can understand if they used a radio to alert them but it that case it would be nice to see an animation. Imagine looking through your scope to see your target, lying wounded and speaking into a radio. THEN you know you're compromised.

As for the circles, these options can be turned off. IIRC its in your options menu. IIRC the Veteran pre-set disables these "aids". If not you can always use a mod to tweak such aids. The PvP clan have got some here.

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Soldiers should have no prefigured names/descriptions.

I.e. when you place an AA-specialist in the editor (or createUnit on the fly), he remains an "AA soldier" by name all the time, no matter what weapons he actually has.

When you order your group to attack a unit or loot a dead one, you always see that stupid description and even with the weapon in ( ) behind the name according to the description in the editor, regardless of the weapon the unit is actually now wielding.

They all should just be "soldier" or "man". Further specifications should be made when you recognize the unit's weapon. Especially the ingame-display of the editor's weapon name in ( ) behind the name is somehow annoying.

Any unidentified human being should just be "man" (maybe also "woman" when you are near/binocular'ed enough to identify it), any as hostile identified infantry should just be "soldier" (red name).

Sure, in harder modes you don't see these names. But the difficulty settings from the main menu don't say anything about how difficult your actual mission is. Even on the easiest level you can have hellish hardmode A.I. (scripting).

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Grass is (mostly?) dependent on the terrain detail setting.

Object detail determines its density and terrain detail determines how far its drawn.

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nice idea,but a guess how its can be done ? [w/o huge CPU overhead, i hope]

switching to PB ?

adapting FADE-style countering to BE behaviour[make it more FADE-ish] to counter re-engineering, more tamper-resistant?

I honestly don't know enough about the internals of Arma2, FADE or PB to make detailed suggestions. That's for ppl with bigger brains to figure out.

Only thing that I do know (from own painful experiences) is that what we have now is not enough.

True, you cant do any real damage or something besides ruining everyones game.

Still, this needs to stop and should be an important focus for further development.

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Maybe you should read the changelog lol? And compare the ai fixes and features to The non related ai features and fixes? And what is unrealistic and funny about my suggestions? The whole ai thing is funny and unrealistic. And only slows further development down in my opinion. If we get flashlights and lasers on weapons which every human player can use with out a problem. The devs have to code another 2 weeks because people are whining why there idiot ai teammate doesn't use them. Soon after that people start to whine that ai is giving there position away because they always have there flashlights on and yet another 2 weeks of code. Etc etc etc etc just a simple and stupid example but I think the reasons why we see so less new features coming in patches.

BI need to put more attention into the PLAYER VS PLAYER aspect of the game.

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BI need to put more attention into the PLAYER VS PLAYER aspect of the game.

Indeed. And into the COOP aspect of the game, and the RPG aspect of the game and of course, the CTI aspect of the game, and the <add whateverotherMPaspectyoulike> of the game, aka improving the MP experience for all people.

Because this is the only game where MP is not stuck in one game mode.


Edited by Xeno

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SP and MP need to be concentrated on in equal measures at the least, as the game advertises itself as offering both. There is a huge divide of the playerbase in terms of who exclusively plays SP or who exclusively plays MP, therefore BIS needs to balance which one gets attention.

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- AI warping at distance

- realistic armor penetration

- KSK woodland camo

- fix BAF medics

- cannot raise lowered weapon from crouch stance

- Update A2 content to OA standards

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- AI warping at distance

- realistic armor penetration

- KSK woodland camo

- fix BAF medics

- cannot raise lowered weapon from crouch stance

- Update A2 content to OA standards

If you press the "fire/shoot" button when you're crouched, your weapon will be raised.

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- AI warping at distance

- realistic armor penetration

- KSK woodland camo

- fix BAF medics

- cannot raise lowered weapon from crouch stance

- Update A2 content to OA standards

Armor penetration is impossible without engine tweaks, surely won't be added. I mean, seriously, we're asking for it since good old OFP.

As for updated A2 content it would be enough to update soldier models to allow backpack proxy, as everything else can be done with mods.

But that's just my opinion.

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more modern GPU's utilization for performance benefits.

same about mult-core CPU's[6x's meant]

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Fix Bug with In game Anti Aliasing causing white, flickering, pixels on ONLY Operation Arrowhead Takistani trees and bushes. Chernarus is not affected. It's extremely irritating having to put up with the jaggies in 2011.


Fix Bug where some Takistani (with face mask) soldiers have no face texture at certain distances, its just white. This is really taking a lot of difficulty out of Domination for me. Its like all the AI's have an IR strobe on their face...making them stupidly easy to spot.


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