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Since Exilemod forums are going offline : "Our forum is going offline at the end of July. We suggest moving all discussions to Discord. Exile will stay on Steam. Thanks for a great time!" I thought we all still need a place for the community to have a proper forum based conversations (rather that mish-mash no future references or whatsoever coherency discord chats).

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  2. # Exile-Territory-Upgrade-Fixes - Doesn't show non existing base levels in the upgrade dialog. - Disables upgrade button if max level is reached. Download & Installation (Github) Support Me: www.buymeacoffee.com/ElRabito
  3. Actually DMS doesn't have a proper map config with center and range, just create a file green_sea_config.sqf and add DMS_MinDistFromWestBorder = 1000; DMS_MinDistFromEastBorder = 1000; DMS_MinDistFromSouthBorder = 1000; DMS_MinDistFromNorthBorder = 1000;
  4. @noelite Hi. Is there map_configs for dms ?
  5. #Updated - Now also fixes the client side trim string error message when you put a vehicle into the VG (was due to scheduled execution).
  6. Little late reply xD if you want to make them placeble you need to create a config file (clientside mod) and copy the basecode from exile items.. you copy them from exile files ( like elrabito shows is part of base code) class Construction_PortableGenerator: AbstractConstruction { staticObject = "Construction_PortableGenerator_Static"; previewObject = "Construction_PortableGenerator_Preview"; kitMagazine = "Construction_PortableGenerator_Kit"; refundObjects[] = {"Construction_PortableGenerator_Kit"}; materialType = 10; requiresTerritory = 0; }; here preview from helipad i got on my server ################################################################################################### ############## START ############################################################################## ################################################################################################### class CfgPatches { class PORN_Items { requiredVersion=0.1; requiredAddons[]= { "A3_Structures_F_Heli_Ind_Cargo", "A3_Weapons_F", "exile_client", "exile_assets", "A3_Structures_F_Exp_Walls", "A3_Data_F", "A3_Weapons_F", "a3_structures_f_mil", "A3_Structures_F_Bootcamp", "A3_Weapons_F_Ammoboxes" }; units[]={}; weapons[]={}; magazines[]={}; ammo[]={}; }; }; class CfgMagazines { class Exile_AbstractItem; class Exile_AbstractItem_Interaction_Eating; class Exile_AbstractItem_Interaction_Constructing; class porn_Helipad_Kit: Exile_AbstractItem { scope=2; displayName="Spawn vehicle Area"; descriptionShort="Position for spawn your vehicles from VG.<br/>Can be placed on the roof.<br/>Scroll on your flag for remove it."; mass=50; model="\exile_assets\model\Exile_Construction_Crate.p3d"; picture="\PORN_Items\Data\landpad.paa"; class Interactions { class Constructing: Exile_AbstractItem_Interaction_Constructing { }; }; }; }; class AbstractConstruction; class CfgConstruction { class HeliPad_Construction: AbstractConstruction { staticObject="porn_Helipad"; previewObject="porn_Helipad_Preview"; kitMagazine="porn_Helipad_Kit"; refundObjects[]= { "porn_Helipad_Kit" }; requiresTerritory=1; canBePlacedOnRoad=0; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class Exile_Construction_Abstract_Physics; class Exile_Construction_Abstract_Static; class porn_Helipad_Preview: Exile_Construction_Abstract_Physics { scope=1; model="\A3\Structures_F_Bootcamp\VR\Helpers\VR_Area_01_square_4x4_F.p3d"; displayName="Spawn Vehicles Area"; hiddenSelections[]= { "Camo_1" }; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.581,0.441,0.293,1,co)" }; }; class porn_Helipad: Exile_Construction_Abstract_Static { scope=2; model="\A3\Structures_F_Bootcamp\VR\Helpers\VR_Area_01_square_4x4_F.p3d"; displayName="Spawn Vehicles Area"; armor=1500; destrType="DestructNo"; exileRequiresSimulation=1; hiddenSelections[]= { "Camo_1" }; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.581,0.441,0.293,1,co)" }; class Attributes { class ObjectTextureCustom0 { displayName="$STR_3den_object_attribute_objecttexturecustom0_displayname"; tooltip="$STR_3den_object_attribute_objecttexturecustom_tooltip"; property="ObjectTextureCustom0"; control="Edit"; expression="_this setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_value]"; defaultValue="getObjectTextures _this select 0"; }; }; class DestructionEffects { }; }; }; class CfgExileDelayedActions { class Abstract { duration=10; abortInCombatMode=1; durationFunction=""; animation=""; animationType="switchMove"; failChance=0; conditionFunction=""; completedFunction=""; abortedFunction=""; failedFunction=""; repeatingCheckFunction=""; }; }; class cfgMods { author="its Dutch [THC]"; timepacked="1693147056"; };
  7. What it does: - Keeps attachments & magazine attached on weapons inside containers after a server restart. - This will also fix the problem with duping weapon attachments inside containers on server restart that some mods/weapons have (RHS etc). Download & Installation (Github) Support Me: www.buymeacoffee.com/ElRabito
  8. The Gray Jacket

    Tree Remover Object

    Hello, I had a problem with some of the objects not being assigned to any of the terrain types. This made it impossible for this tweak to hide them, since it relies on terrain object types. I started thinking on how to adjust this code so it can also remove objects without type, and below is my solution: https://github.com/TheGrayJacket/Exile-Tree-Remover-Object/tree/main HOW DOES THIS WORK: First of all, you need the object names. Those can be partial (eg. "fallenbranch") or complete ("cliff_stone_big_lc_f.p3d"). To find object names, look at the object you want removed and type "getModelInfo cursorObject" command - you will receive an array in return, and the first value and the one with '.p3d' at the end is the object name. 1. Add object names: Once you have object name (or multiple) you can add them into one of two already prepared arrays e.g. _extraFilterVegetation or _extraFilterRocks (or you can create new one). 2. Set radius: The drawback of this solution is that it is recommended to define a single _radius for all arrays. It is not mandatory, but if different values for _radius are set, some objects might not be detected. Aside from that, copy the rest of the code and apply the same instructions as OP (https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/229447-tree-remover-object/) In the example I pasted as code above, I wanted to have different buildables to deal with different terrain objects i.e. 'Land_Camping_Light_F' removes trees and bushes, 'Land_Small_Stone_02_F' removes rocks, and 'PortableHelipadLight_01_green_F' removes all of the above. If you just want to remove stuff around the flag, you only need one _extraFilters[] and subsequently, you only need to a single _filteredObjects[] All thanks to @El' Rabito for the original code.
  9. DutchPriide

    CH View Distance (Exile-Updated)

    Not using it but nice job bro ^^
  10. CH View Distance (Exile-Updated) CHVD Viewdistance script Updated and tweaked for Exile. This is repository for saving the old CHVD View Distance Script (Arma 3) Scripted version. I updated and tweaked it slightly (added configurable min & max values etc) and fixed some bugs. Download and more details: https://github.com/ELRabito/CHVD-Exile-Updated/tree/main Support Me: www.buymeacoffee.com/ElRabito
  11. NutzMcKracken

    New Player Spawn Without Selection

    That's obvious and that's not the intention. Figured out how to do it and skip spawn selection on first join.
  12. just have spawn points
  13. DutchPriide

    Exile Scavenge Framework

    @ Desperta Ferro This stuff is working... but i test it like 2 weeks ago... but ea time you scavenge fps drops after a hole town your fps become terrible and unplayble so better not use this script. and if it doesnt show anything.. you prob not have the item in your server
  14. Hi After many mod updates, my server no longer works, and I have to rename the class again, so I made easy-to-prepare files to add any mod. Addons Name: Import Any Mod Name Script To Exile Trader And LootTables Custom Point Of The Script: The files are easy to modify to add the class name to any mod Install: Install For [Trader] In [AnyModName_Trader_Exile] Install For [Loot] In [AnyModName_Loot_Exile] Download https://www.mediafire.com/file/87r88liq4n8gria/AnyModNameScriptToExileTraderAndLootTablesCustom.zip/file Author Me Thank you all
  15. Hi Import Any Mod Like RHS To Exile Code Building Help And Import All ClassNames Help File https://www.mediafire.com/file/8jrruigux1gmjxn/Custom.zip/file I Have Problem In [Custom\RHSUSAF_Trader_Exile\Trader_Category.hpp] Line [56] class RHSUSAFHelmets { name = "RHSUSAF Helmets"; icon = "A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\Headgear_ca.paa"; items[]= { "ClassNameHere", "ClassNameHere", "ClassNameHere" }; }; class RHSUSAFInventoryItems { name = "RHSUSAF Inventory Items"; icon = "A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\???_ca.paa"; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< What The Name Of File Have Icons Inventory Items items[]= { "ClassNameHere", "ClassNameHere", "ClassNameHere" }; }; class RHSUSAFUniforms { name = "RHSUSAF Uniforms"; icon = "A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\Uniform_ca.paa"; items[]= { "ClassNameHere", "ClassNameHere", "ClassNameHere" }; }; In Arma 3 Editor Is It The File For Inventory Items ? Cannot Find Out Need Help Another Problem I Need Script To Import Class Names On Same Order Of Any Mod Or Some One Can Import All RHS Class Names On Same Order Thanks In Advance
  16. I actually went with this and forgot to post what worked for me. This helps if the HC has not rebooted or it is reconnecting and using a "Profile" you have assigned. In the example below I'm using "HC_HAL" as the profile on my HC. ExileServer_system_network_event_onPlayerConnected.sqf private["_isKnownAccount"]; _uid = _this select 0; _name = _this select 1; if (( "headlessclient" in _name) || ( "HC_HAL" in _name)) exitWith {};
  17. Hi folks, Yup, still keeping Exile alive these days like a few of you. Trying to sort out where I can declare a spawn location for a player that is new to the server. If anyone is familiar with the player joining server pipeline and can point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it. Understand this is not a beginner task and there's quite a few "case" or "if's" that will need to happen in order to fork the flow. Let me know if anyone has any ideas?
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