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About rgscriven

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    So you didn't know im hogansheroes from the exilemod

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  1. just have spawn points
  2. rgscriven

    VGS Respawn Loadouts

    very good mate ty, is there away so you can save more then 1 loadout
  3. UAV termianal hack, you would need to use the aaf terminal for this to work. What this does is if you are using like drones and so on, well anything that uses the terminal. Then add to the following ExileServer_object_player_database_load.sqf After this line: _player setVariable ["ExileXM8IsOnline", false, true]; Add this line: _player setUnitTrait ["UAVHacker" ,true]; ExileServer_object_player_createBambi.sqf After this line: _bambiPlayer setVariable ["ExileLocker", (_accountData select 4), true]; Add this line: _bambiPlayer setUnitTrait ["UAVHacker" ,true];
  4. rgscriven

    Extended Base Mod

    have you added the mod correctly and the keys
  5. rgscriven

    changing to 64bit

    Thanks to DutchPriide for helping me setup 64 bit, so much happy and ty so much mate
  6. rgscriven

    Exile Anomaly Pack by Alias

    it was a little over the top but fun in some cases
  7. rgscriven

    Exile Anomaly Pack by Alias

    i removed it anyway it started to be annoying
  8. Add me on discord bro i can help your with loadingscreen and 64 bit if u need help https://discord.gg/cUFWFQy


    1. rgscriven


      im rgscriven in discord


  9. This adds the icons to right of your screen like from Arma 2 days, its drag and drop or add. Keep in-mind that you cant use the status bar also its either 1 or the other. Credits go-to who every made it as i cant remember who had created it. Ive added an image to the githud so you can see. https://github.com/rgscriven/StatusIcons
  10. rgscriven

    Fulcrum Mission System (FuMS)

    has anyone got a working fums that they could upload please.
  11. As the topic reads, how do you change from 32 to 64 bit on the server as been running 32 since 2015 and now getting alot of memory loss. What will i need as my test server now i put 64 bit on it so what stuff do i need to make work.
  12. rgscriven

    Loading Screen Image

    ive tried the mod on my test server with my own custom loadscreen and stuff and all it did was go back to the default one from the mod so i dont know whats happening
  13. rgscriven

    [Release] GOM - Vehicle Tuning V1.01

    as ive tried using serverside @GOMAircraftLoadout the one you made ad dont seem to work or am i doing something wrong