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About DEH4NK

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  1. DEH4NK

    Teleport Script

  2. In my config I have (i don't want to have range, speed and altitude check😞 Use_MissionClaimDistanceCheck = false; MissionClaimDistanceCheck = 2000; Use_MissionCLaimAlt_SpeedCheck = false; MissionCLaimAlt_Limit = 500; MissionCLaimSpeed_Limit = 200; Every time one of the players takes the mission, I get an error in the rpt. : 3964. 8:28:05 XML parsing error: empty attribute name in tag 'size', code: <t size='.7' font='puristaMedium' align='left' > Max Alt: 500ft<size='.8' shado... 3966. 8:28:05 XML parsing error: empty attribute name in tag 'size', code: <t size='.7' font='puristaMedium' align='left' > Max Dist: 2km<size='.8' shadow... 3968. 8:28:05 XML parsing error: empty attribute name in tag 'size', code: <t size='.7' font='puristaMedium' align='left' > Max Spd: 200mph<size='.8' shad...
  3. Try setting DMS_ai_freeze_Only_DMS_AI = true; DMS_ai_allowFreezing = true; in DMS config
  4. DEH4NK

    mission creation

    Why don't you use the DMS - Mission System for that, like everyone else does.
  5. https://github.com/ThomasTKO/Exile-Base-light-overhaul
  6. Search on github Exile-Base-light-overhaul, you can find it from other users.
  7. https://market.fatalityx.co/store/product/6-sm_traderplus/
  8. Have you changed anything in the RscDefines.hpp of your mission?
  9. I went back to installing traders on the server side and am still trying to do it, I installed a new clean server, but the problem is the same as it was. Here's what I also noticed, I have ten standard traders, all have the same animation, I don’t give them any clothes or equipment [["", "", "", "", [], [], ""] , [], [], ["", []], ["", []], [], "", "", [], ["", "", "", "", "" , ""]] but some traders still load it, it is not clear from where (I deleted all traders in initPlayerLocal.sqf, there are also no traders in mission.sqm). https://ibb.co/qDwqrzz
  10. No, that he would not be a bambi when he appears, I think it will be right. After killing a bambi, 5% of respect is removed from you, he is no longer harmless with a weapon in his hands and can harm you.
  11. Since we give a weapon when a player appears, he ceases to be considered a Bambi. Will it work: _bambiPlayer setVariable ["ExileIsBambi", false]; ?
  12. DEH4NK

    Lock and Unlock bug

    Are you a simple player ???
  13. DEH4NK

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Your code shown above is not a static mission. This is a dynamic mission (bandit).
  14. On my server, this is not configurable. Increasing sleep time to 0.55, some traders begin to work, but others cease to work. Also, their work changes if I mix them in the order of the list in the TRADERS.sqf file.
  15. Whatever clothes and weapons I give equipment, armory and spec ops to traders, their clothing texture does not look right and the weapon is not what I give them. The rest of the traders are fine. https://sqfbin.com/onojawajemohoyesubaf https://ibb.co/tP7WHw1 https://ibb.co/7JrTdHG https://ibb.co/cQMCR9F