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  1. Good day armates. I search for some kind of intel to be filled with text depending on mission conditions on the field. If there is a mod or script structure or any kind of way to do this nice and clean, please refer to it. To be precise about what I need, I will put a situation: there are randomly placed, underwater mines in a depth range of -5 to -100 meters and in random horizontal area placement of 600 m2. They are used in exercises for underwater orientation, not as part of operation strategy. So the goal is only to provide recruits with enough info to find and disarm them in specific aquatorium using these commands: systemChat format ["АЗИМУТ: %1", (player getDir nm1)]; //azimuth systemChat format ["ДУБИНА: %1", ((getPosASL nm1) select 2)+45]; //depth systemChat format ["ДИСТАНЦА: %1", (player distance nm1)]; //dist where nm1, nm2... are names for mines of course, so a compass and depth gauge will be enough to complete the task. My question: Is there a way to place this information in intel so that looks more realistic than just providing them using systemChat . Maybe some addon with picture intel with empty fields ready to be filled with a script? It will be easy to use in normal ways but the info package is always changing and it is random for every new exercise so I need to solve that using systemChat every time a new course begins. Of course, I was searching Steam for an addon like that but every one I found was "static" intel - not changeable depending on the mission conditions. Every idea is welcome, it doesn't have to be an add-on, just to be more realistic than hints or system chats. Thanks in advance edited/added: the whole script for placing mine (if needed): .sqf //CENTAR-1 cntr1 = createVehicle ["Land_WoodenLog_F", [0,0,1000], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; cntr1 allowDamage false; cntr1 setPos getMarkerPos "mrk_1"; cntr1 hideObject true; sleep .5; //HORIZONT POS nm1 = createMine ["UnderwaterMine", getMarkerPos "mrk_1", [], 0]; sleep .5; //POZ-1 DEFINICIJA _poz1 = [cntr1, 5, 600, 10, 2, 1, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; sleep .5; nm1 setPos _poz1; //VERTICAL POS _depth = selectRandom [40,35,30,25,20,15,10,5,0,-5,-10,-15,-20,-25,-30,-35,-40,-45,-50,-55]; sleep .5; nm1 setPos [getPos nm1 select 0, getPos nm1 select 1, (getPos nm1 select 2) +_depth];
  2. Why is the A left aligned? class MyTextControl : RscText { type = CT_HTML; w = 0.06; h = 0.05; font = "TahomaB"; sizeEx = 0.04; colorBackground[] = {0,0.9,0,1.0}; text = "A"; shadow = 0; align = "CENTER"; style = ST_CENTER; valign = "top"; }; I've tried setting align and style but it appears to be left aligned. How do I change it so the text is in the center of the box?
  3. Hey all. Apologies if I posted in a wrong section. I'm getting into modding and I'm playing around with some different solutions. I was thinking about creating and releasing a mod soon. As a part of it however, I need to create a custom object that can draw a text (from its custom attributes) on its flat surface. I really want to avoid creating textures for every single digit and letter of the alphabet. I'm guessing it's possible, as even aircraft HUD's and dials can display current altitude and speed. I tried looking it up on the forums but I didn't find anything useful. Obviously performance is key for me, so if there isn't any good way to solve it, I'm happy to do it with a ton of textures instead. The object is very unlikely to change its text mid-game because it's basically a specific, static sign, so I don't know if having each frame loop to update it is really necessary, unless it doesn't take too much power. In case I need to use the textures approach, can anyone shed some light how to create an object that works with setObjectTexture? As mentioned earlier, I would like to provide some extra options in the eden editor's object's attributes to customise the sign's textures, is there a way of making it reflect its textures set in attributes in Eden after they've been changed? Is there a way of creating textures that glow in the dark, or otherwise having a light on an object that turns on at night and lights up the sign? Thanks!
  4. Hi, everyone from the community! I have an old MP co-op mission that I am willing to remake or upgrade, using more slots, more mods, more options and extra content. This is the mission I am talking about. I, as a host, can see 4 different messages while in game. 2 of them are Text1.sqm and Text2.sqm, which are shown after the player (in this case me) gets close enough to an object as a condition. The other 2 are informations about 2 specific keys for a menu and CAS system, provided by AliVe. 1. I want to know if the other players who join the game are going to see these texts as well, as I guess, am going to be the only one having the files in my mission's folder, and when people join, they are only going to download the mission.sqf file without these additional files. Correct me if I am wrong. 2. Are there any other ways to make all players see these messages when joining the game session, using a specific and concrete condition checked by a trigger OR already existing in some of the mission's files, for example in init.sqf, so all the players would have this option as well? 3. If this way from p. 2 is possible, what code should I use? Is this something like a check (let's say: "waitUntil..." and then the result appears)? Right now I am using an object for the player as a condition and I receive the messages, but I am not sure if all other players are going to see them, too, so what would make this possible for all playable units? Thank you very much in advance! Cheers! 🙂
  5. So this script is from SaOk's great WLA missions and its a function to highlight various text over AI to enliven the experience. Ive tried to modify (badly) to change the texts color depending on Faction type FU = { private ["_unit","_line","_someId","_t","_ar","_k"]; _unit = _this select 0; _line = _this select 1; _side = side _unit; hint str _side; _F_Color = []; NUMM =0; NUMM = NUMM + 1; _someId = format ["IDUSAY%1",NUMM]; _k = 1; if (player distance _unit > 10) then {_k = 100/((player distance _unit)*10);}; [_someId, "onEachFrame", { _cCiv = [0.44,0.44,0.905,1]; _cInd = [0.2,0.9,0.505,1]; _cWest = [0.2,0.2,0.805,1]; _cEast = [0.44,0.44,0.905,1]; switch _side do { case EAST: { if (_side == EAST) then {_F_Color = [0.44,0.44,0.905,1]}; ////sometimes im using the color code directly other times using the _cEast type variable which is redundant... :/ }; case WEST: { if (_side == WEST) then {_F_Color = [0.2,0.2,0.805,1]}; }; case INDEPENDENT: { if (_side == INDEPENDENT) then {_F_Color = _cInd}; }; case CIVILIAN: { if (_side == CIVILIAN) then {_F_Color = _cCiv}; }; }; _start = getposATL (_this select 0); _start set [2,(_start select 2)+1.9]; drawIcon3D ["" ,_F_Color, _start, 0, 0, 0, _this select 1, 1, _this select 2, "TahomaB"]; ////////////////// HERE is where the variable _F_Color should be picking up the variable from _side (which displays properly in hint) but for some reason always comes up as empty brackets }, [_unit, _line,(.05 * _k)]] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler; _t = 3; if (count _this > 2) then {_t = _this select 2;}; sleep _t; [_someId, "onEachFrame"] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler; sleep 18; if (isNull _unit || {!alive _unit}) exitWith {}; }; [cursortarget, "Fcckkk you!!!"] spawn FU; systemchat str _F_Color
  6. Hi anyone, I'm working on a really big mission. So far so good. Today I wanted to continue my work but couldn't open the mission! Two weapons, I placed in my mission, and included in the "KA Weapons Pack New RC" mod from the steam workshop are now missing. (Problem 1) For that reason I looked up how to remove mod dependecy in the mission.sqm. Although the mission.sqm file is binarized, I opened it with the default text editor. (I've not made a copy of the mission.sqm file!!! fu.. me I'm such a complete moron!!!!) Anyway after saving it I'm no longer able to see my mission in the editor (file open) menu!!!! (Problem 2) Does anyone knows any reason why that happend ? Please help me I put a lot effort in the mission !!!
  7. Hello, I'm creating a multiplayer game mode that is rank focused. I need some way to simply show each player's rank on screen. I've been able to use this addMissionEventHandler ["draw3d",{hintsilent format ["RANK: %1",rank player]}]; but everyone sees the same "hint" so it doesn't work for me. I also tried substituting "player" for the name of a unit with one "addmissioneventhandler" for each unit but still have the same message on each player's screen. I've been at this for a while and for the first time I cannot find my answer to a question here and have to post. I appreciate any help I can get. Thank you :-)
  8. I have been working on my first retexture for Arma 3. The retexture I’m doing is for a mill sim unit I am a part of. They want the V-44x to have a cammo pattern similar to the V-22. I have the basic texture finished and I am starting on some detailing, but as part of that I need to add the text Marines to the tail section. As many of you know, many vehicles in Arma mirror their textures and this causes text and asymmetric images to show up reversed as can be seen here: But the number on the tail shows the same on both sides: I have tracked this decal to VTOL_01_signs_CA.paa, but for the life of me I can’t figure out how this is used. I found one refence to that .paa in TexHeader.bin, but I can’t unbinarize it to view how its set up. Does anyone know either how that decal overlay works that BI uses for the numbers or any workarounds for dealing with mirroring on the textures?
  9. Boss-Starstreams

    Forums font issue

    Just curious if anyone knows how to fix this? or where I should post or email this comment to? When I post on these forums, my font and all the other posts from other people looks very distorted and there are almost no spacing between periods. I thought it was an issue with Firefox, but I'm not having this issue any any other forum. I've just tested three others. Whats odd is, when I'm in edit mode the font looks great, but as soon as I post the message here the text gets ugly. Again, all the other posts on here look bad like mine. If I go to the font menu while in edit mode and change to a different font, the text looks good, but then there is a space between all the senescence. Here is a screen of the font that I'm seeing on my end. www.pyramid-of-wisdom.com/fontissue.jpg
  10. Greetings everyone, I am sorry if my question is not apropriated here but I have searched and I have not found that which I seek. Is there any plugin, mod or custom settings that improves Arma 3's ingame editor scripting capabilities (the code windows in init, triggers etc) ? It would be great if it was possible to make those text boxes behave more like a normal text editor, with line droping, bracket completion and other things. Does anyone know something of the sort? Cheers, Tansvanio
  11. Hi there, what's the font used in the logos for each update/etc? Thanks. :)
  12. Hi all, Following my search for a progress bar, I'm trying to output a simple text. Nothing fancy here. I watched this video and tried the method. However I can't even change the class name... Is there a quick way to output a text, without using a hpp file ?