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ARMA 2: OA beta build 98866 (1.62 MP compatible build, post 1.62 release)

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mirror :

[98866] Fixed: duplicated items in dead bodies (https://dev-heaven.net/issues/54384)

+ some beta regressions fixed

+ some goodies for admins soon (BE related)

UPDATED: new filters available like setVehicle (server side monitoring of setVehicle with public flag) and additional details into existing filters

suggested to be used for server hosting as it shall be noticeably stabler

(if you still get any crashes, it's very important for us to get server's mdmp,bidmp,rpt files

(compressed e.g. to my email (which is my nickname @ bistudio.com)with subject CRASH)

BattlEye compatibility: ... SUPPORTED, enjoy ! ...

note: deployed on STEAM!

Edited by Dwarden

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when can we expect a release for the 1.63?


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when can we expect a release for the 1.63?

Hopefully not before this is implemented :p


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when can we expect a release for the 1.63?


I hope we release 1.63 this year. This current beta already seems very solid so we should be hopefully only weeks away from final 1.63 release (the only important feature that is not finished properly and is on our must list for 1.63 is secure id).

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Thanks for the update.

Littele note: You have a typo in the build version in the thread topic I believe :)

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Hopefully not before this is implemented :p

Thanks for the link Xeno! This sounds great, lets hope the code guru's find a way to implement it...


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Thanks that could be very handy. I used the example to remove null-objects in my singleplayer mission Zub and it seem to work. Its removing 0-13 nulls on every ~90. second. Nulls not growing yet so seems like its really removing those. I had weird suddent massive FPS drop after 1-1,5h in that mission. I hope that would fix it.

Got mail from interested mission maker, if there is anyone else interested of the code. I use this (credit to Dwarden for the code), placed in loop with 90 sec sleep. If you have set debugi=true (for testing) then it shows the deleted nulls (if I havent missed something):

_nyll = 0;
   if (isNull _x) then
	_nyll = _nyll + 1;
       _myGroupX = group _x;
       _x removeAllMPEventHandlers "mpkilled";
       _x removeAllMPEventHandlers "mphit";
       _x removeAllMPEventHandlers "mprespawn";
       _x removeAllEventHandlers "FiredNear";
       _x removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage";
       _x removeAllEventHandlers "Killed";
       _x removeAllEventHandlers "Fired";
       _x removeAllEventHandlers "Local";
       clearVehicleInit _x;
       deleteVehicle _x;
       deleteGroup _myGroupX;
       _x = nil;
} forEach allMissionObjects "";
if (!isNil"debugi") then {hint format ["Null objects removed: %1",_nyll];};

Edited by SaOk

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Last year BIS released the patch as a x-mas presant :) .. Hope they do it this year as well. And I hope that they keep making patches for 2013 :)

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It will be great if before 1.63 you finally did some work on http://dev-heaven.net/issues/23559

Since Suma was improving AI anyway.

I mean even ACR tip says "take a knee while shooting" but AI never does that, preferring to stand instead (it's ok however if they go prone). As ASR AI proves a crouch-firing AI instead of standing AI solves a lot of issues with them not being able to hit anything and being a huge standing target.

Alas ASR AI enforces the crouch run stance as well which tires AIs a lot because you can't have AI moving normally and fire from crouching position at the same time.

Please BIS - do this. It really makes all the difference in the world in firefights. Crouch-firing stance makes them 2 times less of a target.

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While we are at what everyone is hoping for,

I hope for this: https://dev-heaven.net/issues/23151

Auto-Combat has been a problem for the AI Control in 2009 and I still think despite all the improvements to combat still is.

If this is TRUE for AI groups they can choose to switch to whatever behaviour they want,but if its on FALSE let the mission maker/scripter decide (maybe setAutoBehaviour is a better name)

If it is FALSE for Human-lead groups by default it is going to solve a multitude of problems.

As these beta-AI-developments are apparently the only ones that will happen for Arma3, I think it would be a good idea to test if that helps AI control.

Thanks for the progress so far.

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Since I exspect this to be more a final patch to A2 dont forget this current gamebreaker you introduced with BAF. It worked flawless before 1.57.

But in general I have to say that it is a pitty how much nice features from original A2 do not work anymore in OA. This bug is also preventing A.I. to use flares in all the units without any warning. This CIT is my personally biggest concern for a year now.

Civil, USMC and RU etc. do not greet anymore and you can't ask them the three questions anymore: Have you seen something (broken in OA anyway), Whats the weather, Whats the next settlement.

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Haha, always more work for BIS to do. I am looking forward to 1.63. Will it be the last major patch until A3/A3 alpha comes out? How will support for arma 2 change after A3 is out?

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A few things I would liketo see

1. The Ability to turn out as tank commander without your crew doing the same. You could look around and use your MG with your tank main gun and Coax still beeing deadly. On top of that Special commands (Menu 6) entries to order them to turn out or in (Very usefull if you have a Loader and you could order him out to use his MG).

2. The ability to command AI drivers to shut down engines trough the Menu 6

3. If you order your driver to reverse, he should ignore all obstacles and simply go into full reverse until you order something different

Those three little things, wich are not that hard to implement I think, would immensly improve Tank combat in SP.

Thank you

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Hehe different people with different fixes,would be nice if this will be fixed in 1.63:

https://dev-heaven.net/issues/26427#change-143594 (this issue is ancient,I'm gonna make a "Save the Hinds" campaign:p )

https://dev-heaven.net/issues/27051#change-123021 (I'm seeing 1.63 Beta there,these config fixes will manage to be in final 1.63??)

Also Nr.2 from Tonci post will be a huge addition.

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It will be great if before 1.63 you finally did some work on http://dev-heaven.net/issues/23559

Since Suma was improving AI anyway.

I mean even ACR tip says "take a knee while shooting" but AI never does that, preferring to stand instead (it's ok however if they go prone). As ASR AI proves a crouch-firing AI instead of standing AI solves a lot of issues with them not being able to hit anything and being a huge standing target.

Alas ASR AI enforces the crouch run stance as well which tires AIs a lot because you can't have AI moving normally and fire from crouching position at the same time.

Please BIS - do this. It really makes all the difference in the world in firefights. Crouch-firing stance makes them 2 times less of a target.


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Ok I know this is an odd one but for some reason headphones with a dual USB input don't work with the betas but work fine for vanilla 1.62. I've deleted/reinstalled/regressed to earlier betas but the sound just won't play. My standard green/pink (inputs) old headphones work no problem with beta but the USB version are a no go. Just to note every other game/program I own work 100% with the USB set.

NM:Updated headset drivers fixed it. Sorry for false alarm :)

Edited by froggyluv

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I just played the Counterattack Scenario 03 from Arma 2. It´s amazing to see how your AI comrades move through the city. They stay together, use bounding overwatch to move forward if enemys are around. And they use the AT launcher id enemy vehicels appear. Plain awesome!

BIS you really did a great job with the last Betas.

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Was throwing some AI squads at each other (GUARD) and just watching. 2 cases, same mission:


1- The Marine was waiting behind the tree and the russian was moving down the road, when they saw each other both started to fire full auto AND move to cover while doing so. Was pretty impressive.

2 - BMP2 and a Warrior both seeing each other from a great distance (200m+), they run at each other but don't fire, kill some inf that was in the area THEN the Warrior kills the BMP from 5m or so. Strange....

No repro as the whole mission was kind of random.

Overall they are better, faster. But what is happening now is that many saoldiers share the same cover and often get killed by the same enemy. This kind of thing happened too many times:


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Was throwing some AI squads at each other (GUARD) and just watching. 2 cases, same mission:

2 - BMP2 and a Warrior both seeing each other from a great distance (200m+), they run at each other but don't fire, kill some inf that was in the area THEN the Warrior kills the BMP from 5m or so. Strange....

Weird,this sounds familiar because I reported something like this on one of my tickets(see my post on page 2).Besides the weird choice of ammo it was also what you described basically armored vehicles not engaging each other at different distances even though they're both in plain view while other times engaging normally.

I thought it was later fixed but probably one of the latest beta patches introduced it again.

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