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Found 723 results

  1. Last content update: 6/13/2018 showing how to use the radius for addAction, using params instead of select, adding to arrays with various commands, altering arrays with various commands, get/setUnitLoadout Last content update: 6/10/2018 going through config files and getting details to sort what you want, using radius with addAction, params, and altering arrays with resize, pushBack, pushBackUnique, set, and append and going over to assist with resize count. Last content update: 5/27/2018 added GUI tutorial for how to make a weapon selector using cfgWeapon Last content update: 5/24/2018 added sector control tutorial Last content update: 5/21/2018 This is my arma 3 scripting tutorial series which is aimed to help both people getting into making their own scripts with fairly detailed simple tutorials as well as for the intermediate person looking to create their own features for their missions. The plans for this series is to almost fully cover everything behind the arma 3 missions that people play on a daily basis and have enough content provided in the videos where people can go off and make their own vision for their mission with the knowledge gained. Most of these videos are made on the fly at 1AM-4AM without any pretesting which should give someone the idea of what goes into finding syntax errors and narrowing down a bug that's causing your feature to not function properly. It is also an excuse for you to cut me some slack if you see mistakes :) . A lot of these tutorials are made with multiplayer in mind since I think most people want to play their missions online with their friends(which is why publicVariable has been utilized so much so new people can get a good grasp on the power those commands have). New videos are added to the playlist almost every day so if your stuck with something, maybe it has been covered in a video. If you have any requests on what you would like to see made then please suggest it here. topics covered so far Scripting tutorial playlist Database tutorials with INIDBI2 playlist GUI/Dialog tutorials playlist
  2. Here's my problem. Last night I installed 'ReShaders' but I did not realise that the link to it was originally for Ready or Not, And when I installed it to the Arma file, on open, it shrinks, not as in like a program with minimise and close, but for a second shrinks then just crashes. The program is still running, yet same thing happens every time I open it. Now I when to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\reshade-shaders and I think there was a shaders file but now im looking its gone, but I deleted everything in it. The same problem persisted. After that, I then reinstalled arma, hoping it would work, but too no surprise it didn't I've looked at youtube tutorials, and cant find something similar to my problem. Can someone help?
  3. I am pretty new to doing any sort of SQF/init scripting that isnt just frankensteining code together so I would appreciate any help! Simply put, I want to make a fun little roleplay mission where for that mission, a phrase comprised of multiple randomly selected arrays is generated. The Indfor act as captives that are all assigned ONE word from the phrase at random to keep secret. (This is where multiple arrays work better since you can just call the arrays by "word1", "word2", "word3". (I intend to have 4 words, 1 array for each.) And ontop of that I want the entire code phrase to be displayed in its entirety to the Blufor. For this to work, the result of the generation needs to only be prompted once and then have. TLDR: Server generates a code phrase from several arrays. I cant figure out the init code and they usually return as null no matter what I attempt. And to be exact, I dont want people to generate a phrase/array results every time they call; I simply want it generated, stored, and have players access the results. I dont know how efficiently this could be done whatsoever outside of theory crafting nonsensical code. If there is a better alternative please help me out. Please help, Working backwards I am trying to: I inserted the code into initServer.sqf for simplicity; Can execute it as a script later on? Or is a dedicated SQF necessary? This code is almost certainly full of wrong or incorrect syntax/formatting. This is just an outliner of what I am trying. If my method is wrong then please help me goal wise. 2. Have a way to display either a SINGLE result of that array on individual units, preferably just adding a action into their init boxes to get the array/codephrase. I want 2 UserActions I can insert into unit inits; One that displays the codephrase, and one that displays a single array's result- as hints.
  4. JAWZ2143

    Server Trouble

    so lately me and a couple mates have been playing a fun campaign that i was just hosting manually, now i ended up building and using my own server to host a dedicated server so they can play when i'm not around, the first day we had it running we were all able to connect and play no harm no foul, now the next day the server decided it wanted to only show up for my friends and not me, and its confusing me as i cannot seem to find where its disappeared to. ports are fine as my friends can see it and connect. i have sat and waited about 15 minutes to see if it appeared but nothing, it doesn't show up in lan either which it shouldn't as my server isn't connected to my home network. the firewall for the server is disabled at this stage to allow the traffic. but still i cannot see where it is.
  5. I know .sqf is generally better but i would like to save the props as a composition so i can just place it down in different missions. Is there a way to run loops in the init field WITH suspension. Sleep doesnt seem to work.
  6. I've gotten this crash so many times, and I just want to know why this keeps happening, I'm not doing anything other than just playing the game normally and all of sudden I'll get this crash. I get this crash while playing by myself or on MP servers. Sometimes I get this crash just when Im exiting the game. What is this crash, and why is it happening?
  7. Hey I want to make the C-RAM bullets explode if they fly past the target. I know how I'll do the Code but I don't know how to get the object that the C-RAM is currently shooting at. Any help is appreciated!
  8. I don't understand how the rotation works. Specifically I made Airburst Mortar rounds and want to increase the kill zone by rotating the claymores: this addEventHandler ["Fired", { params ["_unit","_weapon","_muzzle","_mode","_ammo","_magazine","_projectile","_vehicle"]; nul = [_drone,_unit,_weapon,_muzzle,_mode,_ammo,_magazine,_projectile,_vehicle] spawn { params ["_drone","_unit","_weapon","_muzzle","_mode","_ammo","_magazine","_projectile","_vehicle"]; waitUntil { sleep 1; getPos _projectile select 2 > 50 }; while { alive _projectile } do { waitUntil { getPos _projectile select 2 < 30 }; for "_i" from 0 to 3 do { _tungsten_fragments = createVehicle ["ClaymoreDirectionalMine_Remote_Ammo", [0,0,1000], [], 0]; _tungsten_fragments attachTo [_projectile,[0,0,0]]; _random =round (random 10) / 10; _tungsten_fragments setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0,_random], [0,0,_random]]; _tungsten_fragments setDamage 1; }; deleteVehicle _projectile; sleep 1; }; }; }]; I don't understand which numbers in the setVectorDirAndUp Array I need to change to rotate the claymores and what each number even does .
  9. I am looking for some help on how I can create a new item with a new texture from ( Steam Workshop::Operation TREBUCHET ) - steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=769440155 I converted the PAAs of Helm ( ODST_ARMOR_EVOLVED_CO.PAA) and the ARMOR ( ODST_Armor_Evolved_CO.PAA ) to a PNG. Recolored the PGN. THen turned my new file into a PAA ...but now I have no idea what to do? or what pg3 files to grab or how to make a config file? Cany anyone please help me figure out what I need to do next to create a new item with the new texture I made? I am looking to make some machinima. https://ibb.co/f8WVvVx < HELM Texture https://ibb.co/WfqM5xD < BODY Texture Thank you.
  10. So I want to make Cuise Missile that can be shot down. So far I've made the following code: this addEventHandler ["Fired", { params ["_unit","_weapon","_muzzle","_mode","_ammo","_magazine","_projectile","_vehicle"]; _drone = "O_T_UAV_04_CAS_F" createVehicle (getPosATL _projectile); _drone attachTo [_projectile,[0,0,0]]; _drone setObjectTextureGlobal [_index, ""]; createVehicleCrew _drone; nul = [_drone, _projectile] spawn { params ["_drone","_projectile"]; waitUntil {!alive _drone}; _bomb = "SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo_Scripted" createVehicle getPos _projectile; _bomb setDamage 1; deleteVehicle _projectile; deleteVehicle _drone; }; }]; I works great (beside that the drones pylons stay visible, which I haven't found a fix for) and you can manually destroy the cruise missile with an autocannon. But you cant lock it for some reason. Even if you turn the engine on the spawned drone on you just get the rectangel but not the sound/diamond with dot in the middle. Anyone know why? (Code is copied from the MK 41 Init Field)
  11. So, I used the following code to add cruise misssles to aircraft: this addWeaponTurret ["weapon_VLS_01",[-1]]; this addMagazineTurret ["magazine_Missiles_Cruise_01_x18",[-1]]; If the Code is added to like a rhino MGS or something it works fine, but if added to eg. the Gryphon when trying to lock on to the laser it just has the 4 corners around the laser but doesnt actually lock it.
  12. Hi, was wondering how to check unit for ACE damage specifically, not for vanilla damage, it doesn't work. There is info everywhere on how to add damage to unit (ace_medical_engine_fnc_damageBodyPart) etc. but not on how to get it. https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/blob/master/addons/medical_engine/functions/fnc_handleDamage.sqf searched here for info, but no luck. As I understand this stuff is stored in those: _unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitLeftArm), [0,0]]; _unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitRightArm), [0,0]]; _unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitLeftLeg), [0,0]]; _unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitRightLeg), [0,0]] _unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitPelvis), [0,0]], _unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitAbdomen), [0,0]], _unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitDiaphragm), [0,0]], _unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitChest), [0,0]] But I have no clue how to get data from those to check if player has healed the unit. In my case I'm making generated task to heal a unit, but how to check if if the unit was succesfully healed?
  13. I have limited space on my C: drive SSD, so I offload to my E: drive HDD when I can, and ArmA 3 mods is one of those cases. However, recently I got Library Share with a friend to use some software he owns on Steam, and it started downloading 55GB mods he was subscribed to. Which wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't for the fact that it put it on the C: drive instead of the E: drive, which I specifically marked in the launcher. How do I change this? I can't tell him to unsubscribe, that's ridiculous, I had to uninstall another game or I would run out of space on my C: drive... I just checked in-game and the mods aren't even enabled, guessing I can only use my friends' installed mods when I'm logged in as him? Help would be greatly appreciated, thanks and happy holidays!
  14. Hi, i'm currently trying to make a machinima in arma 3 and i would like to do a AH-6 low pass firing like we can see in movies like black hawk down. But when i record my movements with tedho's unitcapture script, the helicopter will do all the movements i've done but it will not shoot Can anyone help me ?
  15. Hi, basically I'm trying to write a script to pickup and move nearby bushes - right now I've got it to the stage where it removes any bushes from a 10m radius around the player and I have the script for picking up and placing them pretty much ready, however I need a way of grabbing the p3d of the bush to spawn it in with the "pickup" script. (currently this spits out the error: Type Object, Expected Array,String) I also need a way of removing any tree p3ds from the script since some map makers put bushes in the same terrain class (not sure if that's the right terminology) as trees and so simply removing "tree" from the ["tree", "bush"] section of my script wouldn't work. Since all trees are named t_*treename* and all bushes are named b_*bushname* I have tried to stop them from being included in my script however I am completely lost. I would appreciate any help regarding the script - Cheers !
  16. So I want to make a script that checks the mission every set amount of time (30 seconds??) for new vehicles of a certain class and then applies a custom texture to those specific vehicles. I'm at beginner level and I really want to make this work. this what I've managed to make so far: { while {true} do { private _VicData = []; //Array made of all vehicles in the mission by class _VicData resize (count vehicles); for "_i" from 0 to (count vehicles) -1 do { _VicData set [_i, typeof (vehicles select _i)]; }; switch (true) do { case (_x iskindof "BWA3_Leopard2_Fleck") : { _x setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "files\FinTex\FDF_MBT.paa"]; }; case (_x iskindof "BWA3_Puma_Fleck") : { _x setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "files\FinTex\FDF_IFV.paa"]; }; case (_x iskindof "B_T_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F") : { _x setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "files\FinTex\FDF_APC.paa"]; }; case (_x iskindof "Fennek_Flektarn") : { _x setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "files\FinTex\FDF_MRAP.paa"]; }; case (_x iskindof "Fennek_Flektarn_HMG") : { _x setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "files\FinTex\FDF_MRAP.paa"]; }; case (_x iskindof "Fennek_Flektarn_GMG") : { _x setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "files\FinTex\FDF_MRAP.paa"]; }; case (_x iskindof "O_Truck_02_covered_F") : { _x setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "files\FinTex\FDF_Truck_01.paa"]; _x setObjectTextureGlobal [1, "files\FinTex\FDF_Truck_02.paa"]; }; case (_x iskindof "UK3CB_AAF_B_Gripen_G") : { _x setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "files\FinTex\FDF_Jet.paa"]; }; case (_x iskindof "ffaa_ea_ef18m") : { _x setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "files\FinTex\FDF_F18_01.paa"]; _x setObjectTextureGlobal [1, "files\FinTex\FDF_F18_02.paa"]; }; case (_x iskindof "BWA3_NH90_TTH_Fleck") : { _x setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "files\FinTex\FDF_Heli_01.paa"]; _x setObjectTextureGlobal [1, "files\FinTex\FDF_Heli_02.paa"]; }; case (_x iskindof "BWA3_NH90_TTH_M3M_Fleck") : { _x setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "files\FinTex\FDF_Heli_01.paa"]; _x setObjectTextureGlobal [1, "files\FinTex\FDF_Heli_02.paa"]; }; } foreach _VicData; sleep 30; } }; //didnt work for me
  17. Hi, I'm having an issue inside the Helicopter VR Training, whenever I crash or die, I'm taken to an End of Mission SITREP screen with a replay of my last seconds and a menu that will take me to the VR Training selection or the game's Main Menu instead of restarting from the checkpoint. This is becoming really frustrating and I don't know why it's happening. I tried reloading the game and it is still happening. I am trying to add a screenshot but I'm not being successful so if you need one let me know how. Thanks!
  18. After launching arma 3 through the launcher it get stuck on the loading screen (splash screen) and stays there, I uninstalled every mod and reinstalled the game with no luck, I need help fixing it
  19. making my own server and looking for someone to create a mission cycle/ building a home base for a vietnam server i already have a map that i want to use for the server if anyone can do this please contact me on here or steam WalmartFleshlight need to see your steam account to see what you have created already and we can go from there or if you know someone who can do this please send them a message to contact me as well all other stuff will be discussed when in a call
  20. making my own server and looking for someone to create a mission cycle/ building a home base for a vietnam server i already have a map that i want to use for the server if anyone can do this please contact me on here or steam WalmartFleshlight need to see your steam account to see what you have created already and we can go from there or if you know someone who can do this please send them a message to contact me as well all other stuff will be discussed when in a call
  21. My internet is not the best, 7mbps up 0.6 mbps down. Now I normally only have issues when a large file is being downloaded and devices are also on the network. The whole network will crash and I have to reset my router. I’ve played countless games Warthunder, Arma 3, Squad, HLL, etc. They have never caused any stress on my network like Reforger does. Reforger will run fine for about 5-10 minutes. Then my ping will jump up too 999ms. It will either cause a hiccup in my connection and as soon as I quit Reforger my internet comes back and runs fine. Today this happened, while no one else was using my network and I went to play Warthunder afterwards and my ping was 60-70ms. Most of the time it will just crash my whole network and I need to restart my router. I’m doubtful there is a quick fix for this, I just want to know why Reforger utilizes so much of my network and that the devs are working on fixing this. I just want to play the game, I really enjoy it when it works, which is very rare.
  22. MadMuch

    playstation account

    so i got banned on the playstation account i usually play vigor on and i created a new one is there a way to transfer my progress to the new account?
  23. qwerty21032

    Link Zeus Cost to Warlords Income

    Hello everyone! I am relatively new to the modding sphere of Arma and I really only barely understand basic commands and init edits. Basically the question I have is the title. Would it be possible to link warlords income rates to the Zeus resource income? I am working to try and make a scenario in which you primarily play as Zeus to control units but there are only limited areas in which Zeus can spawn particular units. (Factories and big towns spawn vehicles, helipads runways and harbors spawn their respective vehicles and everywhere Zeus can spawn infantry). This would allow the players to utilize the amazing Zeus interface and issue commands while also being able to remote control units at their will. Any assistance in this would be awesome!
  24. Hi, I am having an issue where certain shrubs and flowers, terrain objects pop in relatively close to player. As my character runs through a field the shrubs and flowers etc and some grasa doesn't appear until I am on top of it. It's not a distance slider thing as trees and building are not affected. However it's this severe popping like action. It's just like shrubs and flowers are constantly blinking into exitance
  25. hi, i buyed this game i while ago and i used to play with 30~ without any guide but i had a guide that boost my fps at 144~ but now when i do the thing of the guide its just dont boost i tried to put all of the graphics in very low desactivate shadow etc but its stuck at 20~ fps i have Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10300H CPU @ 2.50GHz Nvidia RTX 3060 16 go ram