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Everything posted by Roach_

  1. I actually dreamed this feature was implemented by the Devs not too long ago, I was pretty happy, but then I woke up. Thank you MrSanchez.
  2. Roach_

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    this allowCrewInImmobile true;
  3. One step closer to the proper gore that Arma should have, instead of those semi-transparent blood pools.
  4. This. They should at least not be in the action menu.
  5. Arisaka Type 99? EDIT: oops didn't see the post from the previous page, heh.
  6. Roach_

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    To be honest the second picture looks a lot more realistic and convincing, considering the overcast value and how cloudy that scenario is. I live in a Mediterranean climate zone and there isn't always a warm summer day with an overly red tint here. In fact, It's never red. When it's that cloudy, the day does look cold and grey. Mediterranean noons aren't always clear at noon. And answering your question: the sun is probably behind the clouds.
  7. Roach_

    Faces of War [WW2]

    Really good stuff, can't wait to try it. EDIT: Oh well, that gif died.
  8. Opening them in normal notepad gives you a lot of characters, while opening them with Notepad++ there are lots of "NUL", "SOH", etc. Is there any way to decode it or any way to safely edit the new SQM? It's just to delete some addon requirements (which aren't even used in the mission).
  9. The 'Acts_UnconsciousStandUp_part1' animation doesn't play properly if you're holding a weapon. Also, changing the time of day through the numbers (hours) instead of the slider pops up an error.
  10. I agree, but to be fair it has been pretty consistent in my case. On stable/before the visual update it was always 89 fps, now it's always 81 fps. Not bashing though, even though while in game the drop hurts more, I think this visual update is a huge improvement and, considering it has just been put in DEV branch, I'm confident these issues will be looked into. I can't judge the update yet as I understand I'm on development branch and not stable, some sort of fps drop or bug was to be expected.
  11. Roach_

    Arma 3 : Underground

    I'm amazed you still haven't been hired by BI yet.
  12. For me it's like this, main menu with an empty world (there's only water), everything on low/disabled except for ultra textures: 1.56 = 89 fps. 1.59.135439 = 81 fps.
  13. Roach_

    Faces of War [WW2]

    Does that mean what I think it means?
  14. Why not join Faces of War / Westwall / Hell in the Pacific?
  15. Roach_

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Quick Q: do you guys plan on adding a black version of your 1 hole balaclava? Your two balaclavas are the best looking ones I've seen from any mod.
  16. Well that made me depressed. Did he say whether he was going to release his own mod with the assets?
  17. Wow that's a really good improvement from the current assets. Also, +1 to using toadie's weapons whenever possible.