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Everything posted by Roach_

  1. Roach_

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    No, I have a ton of mods loaded aside from RHS, but since the animation that plays is that one I thought I'd ask here.
  2. Roach_

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Anyone else getting a bug where the animation "rhs_reloadrpg" randomly plays while holding any rocket launcher?
  3. I've made an intro in the editor which works fine and I decided to turn it into the background scene in the main menu. However, the scene doesn't seem to work and the camera simply appears to be looking down the terrain from the sky, so the mission doesn't seem to be loading properly. Here's my config. I don't get any errors while packing the mod, nor while the addons are being loaded. I also made sure to name the intro script "initIntro.sqf" as stated here. class RscStandardDisplay; class RscDisplayMain: RscStandardDisplay { enableDisplay=0; delete Spotlight; class controls { delete Spotlight1; delete Spotlight2; delete Spotlight3; delete BackgroundSpotlightRight; delete BackgroundSpotlightLeft; delete BackgroundSpotlight; }; }; class CfgPatches { class BvT_Main_Menu { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Map_Altis","A3_Map_Stratis","A3_Map_Stratis_Scenes","A3_Map_Altis_Scenes","A3_Map_Tanoabuka","A3_Map_Enoch"}; author[]= { "Blackest Night" }; fileName="BvT_Main_Menu.pbo"; worlds[]={}; }; }; class CfgMissions { class Cutscenes { class Tanoa_Intro1 { directory="BvT_Main_Menu\scenes\BVT_Intro1.Enoch"; }; class Altis_Intro1 { directory="BvT_Main_Menu\scenes\BVT_Intro1.Enoch"; }; class Stratis_Intro1 { directory="BvT_Main_Menu\scenes\BVT_Intro1.Enoch"; }; class Map_VR_anim01 { directory="BvT_Main_Menu\scenes\BVT_Intro1.Enoch"; }; class Enoch_intro1 { directory="BvT_Main_Menu\scenes\BVT_Intro1.Enoch"; }; class Malden_intro { directory="BvT_Main_Menu\scenes\BVT_Intro1.Enoch"; }; }; };
  4. I did have a player, however removing it didn't seem to change anything. I've also added the CfgWorlds class, but no luck either. This is what I changed in the config: EDIT: I've added a second scene, this time in Altis, and changed the config accordingly. Neither scene plays. class CfgWorlds { class CAWorld; class Tanoa: CAWorld { cutscenes[]= { "BVT_Intro1" }; }; class Altis: CAWorld { cutscenes[]= { "BVT_Intro2" }; }; class Malden: CAWorld { cutscenes[]= { "BVT_Intro1" }; }; class Stratis: CAWorld { cutscenes[]= { "BVT_Intro1" }; }; class VR: CAWorld { cutscenes[]= { "BVT_Intro1" }; }; class Enoch: CAWorld { cutscenes[]= { "BVT_Intro1" }; }; }; class CfgMissions { class Cutscenes { class BVT_Intro1 { directory="BvT_Main_Menu\scenes\BVT_Intro1.Enoch"; }; class BVT_Intro2 { directory="BvT_Main_Menu\scenes\BVT_Intro2.Altis"; }; }; };
  5. Roach_

    Black Sky Global Patch

    Would anyone be able to patch Bushlurker's Strange New Worlds, "Rura Penthe" and "Taurus II"?
  6. That worked, thanks.
  7. Is there a way to change BIS' jukebox function so that it selects the tracks from a custom array instead of the whole cfgMusic? Here's the function:
  8. Any chance we could have the option in 3den of having the player's identity/arsenal loadout overwrite the player's profile identity? As of now, we still have to manually set the face, voice and name and goggles slot in the unit's init to change it. Just a button that can be checked and unchecked would suffice.
  9. Roach_

    FPS drop when shooting

    This has been a thing since day 1. It's why I always use a silencer if given the choice.
  10. There's plenty of these as women were going to be included in the first release. There's even a video somewhere around pre-alpha or earlier in which the player is controlling a woman (just running around) for a couple of seconds.
  11. Roach_

    Apex Gear Feedback

    Pretty sure that's intentional.
  12. Roach_

    Apex Gear Feedback

    There aren't any, I just checked the teaser trailer once more and the CTRG units were using the good ol' chest rig.
  13. Your island is probably the only terrain I've never actually had a fight in. Every time I've played on it I've set it to cloudy/rainy and just walked around while listening to music feeling like I'm back in the UK. Kind of reminds me of the game Dear Esther. One of my favourite terrains, keep it up.
  14. Roach_

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    Especially considering that boats and aircraft are probably going to be more dominant than cars and armoured vehicles in Tanoa.
  15. Roach_

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Wait, did 'vaccum cleaners' mean room clearing? I can't remember.
  16. Roach_

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    It was said by the devs in a dev diary on YouTube months ago.
  17. Roach_

    Faces of War [WW2]

    IFL made the vanilla props disappear from 3DEN and also gave some errors on startup. It also added some gameplay changes (fragmentation and crosshair) which should probably be left for ACE3.
  18. Roach_

    Faces of War [WW2]

    You were supposed to destroy the Sith, not join them.
  19. Roach_

    ArmA 3 Performance Tweaks and Settings Guide

    For me it's the other way around.
  20. Roach_

    US Military Mod

    I vote for having the knee pads, gloves as a part of the actual uniform so that you can still wear actual facewear without having to say no to the former. Gasmasks would make sense as a part of facewear.
  21. Yeah the settings menu does appear. Tried it with your mirror, also, but no luck either.
  22. I do, the latest version. Tried it without any other mods, even. Just BloodLust and CBA. Stable build.
  23. For some reason I can't get this to work.