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Everything posted by ski2060

  1. Holy crap! I assume that is custom vehConfig work to get those weapons on there? Where are those twin 20mm pods from?
  2. So.. if you can give details. How have you config'd your airframe with the new sensor parameters? Radar range, RCS, sensor types and range?
  3. Wow.. lots of customization there. So a mod can have a third or more display with custom info, just no ability to change that Display to something else. I think modders are going to have a field day with this content! I will certainly be pushing my unit to grab JETS as soon as it is available.
  4. @oukej Thanks for that! I guess I overlooked it in all the information coming out. So Display range and Radar range will be fully custom capable. Awesome!
  5. Yes, I know modders will be able to config a large portion of the parameters for Sensors/targeting/RCS etc... but will they be able to modify the Radar Range display? If you get targets out beyond your Display, will you be able to target them? Right now the Radar only displays out to 12KM. If a modder comes along and makes his airframe with a 20KM radar, will he be able to actually lock targets beyond 12KM?
  6. I don't know if this has been answered, and I don't recall seeing it on the Wiki regarding all the new targeting/sensors/datalinking. Will radar distance display be customisable for modders? Currently there looks to be a max radar display of 12 KM. If a modder sets his sensors to have a longer range than this, targets will not show up on the radar display, correct? At greater than 12KM, but within custom sensor targeting ranges, the vehicle should be able to be locked on to, but just will not show up on the 12 KM capped radar display? Will the radar display be capped at that 12 KM range display, or can a modder change that to whatever they want for their mod?
  7. So, on topic with the new update. Is anyone seeing inconsistent shot placement with long range weapons after the addition of the new Scopes Module and new Advanced Ballistics fixes? I was puttering around with it last night on a quick test map I threw together with all the normal ACE modules we use (new placement of modules, plus SCOPES). Using an M200 and Noreen with various ammo types I was seeing very inconsistent shot placement at anything near 1000 meters. Using the Noreen in .338, Calm winds at my location, firing at stationary AI. I would see my rounds deviate left and right by several feet after doing my Range card calculations. Shots would go left, then right, then left and then maybe on target. Using Kestrel for wind, temp etc Calcs. Scopes module set for 200 meter basic ranging. Firing off of a shooting platform. I should have been making consistent hits, or at least shot placement should have been falling into the same area, not a 2-4 meter dispersion area. I'll try to get video tonight after I get home from work and document what I'm seeing, and if I am just screwing something up or if there are issues.
  8. One thing you can do is to make a composition of all the ACE modules you use for a mission. After an update, you can just delete ALL the placed ACE modules, then drop down your Composition and voila! You have all new modules placed. You may need to go through them to make sure settings are correct, but I think for the most part settings are copied into the composition.
  9. So, assuming BIS is balancing for "Vanilla" game play and base game, will the framework allow mods such as ACE, or other airframe mods such as Firewills F16's/F18's/A-10s to expand those ranges to a greater extent? POOK's SAM pack gives a more realistic engagement range for SAM sites to greater challenge pilots that want that sort of thing. Will the new JETS DLC content allow mod creators to push those boundaries for near or actual BVR in their mods?
  10. Soo..... no mention of ACE 3.9.0 being released? https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/releases/tag/v3.9.0 Coming to a STEAM near you soon™!
  11. So with PIP MFD's functional in the A-10, will you be able to port that over to your F-16 pack? Phenomenal work there, Firewill!
  12. Oh My Lanta..... I cannot wait to See the JETS DLC with all this awesome new sensor and targeting framework. See what new Air frames you are working on. See all the mods that will be possible from this framework. Are Drones and VTOLS set up in DEV already for the datalink, with script commands usable on other vehicles via script commands?
  13. Firewill, have you been looking at the current DEV build with the JETS DLC content that is being tested? I'm not a great pilot or anything, but the JETS content in testing is looking very good so far. Extended engagement ranges due to better sensors; submunitions for weapons, all kinds of enhancements to the flying game. I was just wondering if you have started to think about how to integrate the new DLC into your packs?
  14. ski2060

    Project OPFOR

    Oh please do NOT include a dependency for GREF or SAF. While the expanded options would be nice, my unit is already looking at Project Opfor in place of GREF and SAF. Mod loads CAN get too big.
  15. ski2060


    So, I just noticed a few things missing from Zeus when I have Achilles loaded up, and I want to know if anyone else is missing them? The Zeus colored smoke drops, simulated tracer fire and smoke plumes, and colored flares are all missing when I have Achilles loaded. When using Vanilla Zeus or Ares, those functions are still there for Zeus. Is this by design with Achilles or am I experiencing some sort of issue with my mod loadout to cause this problem? Found them under Spawn effects. Wasn't looking hard enough I guess.
  16. ski2060

    Werthles' Headless Module

    So, I'm just getting into trying to use a headless Client for my own hosted server and my unit's server box. I have managed to set up a running completely Vanilla HC client on my home machine to connect to my server with surprisingly good results (15-20MS ping between them). I run an experimental server for my unit and have a diverse spread of mods in use on a bunch of custom startup parameter files. How do I set up multiple HC copies to run a Vanilla version, Mod group1, Mod group2, Mod group3, etc? I see you have to set mods in your .par file per your instructions. Do I need to make multiple copies of that file location and change mod parameters in each .par file? Thanks for your work!
  17. You use the regular interaction key while inside a vehicle to treat other passengers for medical issues. Interaction>vehicle>passengers>[name of passenger] .
  18. ski2060

    HAFM NAVY v1.0

    Placing the ship with the larger patrol boat on it's stern into water in the editor, I was having an issue where the patrol boat would fall off and then point straight up into the air. Is anyone else having a similar issue?
  19. This is not an uncommon thing. My unit has the same problem on all of our servers using 0.9.12. We cannot talk in direct or use radio while remote controlling an AI with Zeus. You mind posting up your module settings?
  20. Going by the first page, it looks like any vehicle or airframe equipped with Radar will be able to cycle that radar on or off. So happy you are in this thread now. I can't wait to see what you can do with this stuff for your mod.
  21. If it helps, I have been experiencing this bug on the new map XCam-Taunus quite regularly. I get it anywhere within 10-45 minutes, but it will happen invariably. I cannot remember experiencing this bug on my new system on any other map besides XCam-Taunus. Other team-mates with higher end systems have it occur also. Interestingly it seems that several of our members with lower end systems do NOT experience the crashing we are. I suppose that's because we have our textures and options turned up to Ultra and High in most instances, while the low end guys have their set to standard or lower settings. I usually run 3K or more view distance at Ultra/Very high for everything @ 35-70 FPS System: Win10x64 Pro Z170 Mobo i5-6600K @3.5 ghz 16gb PC2133 OC@3000 EVGA 1070GTX FTW 2x Kingston SSD (120gb/240gb) 1x 1TB HDD
  22. So,where does one place the temp fix DLLs? The installer for TS3 from the Steam version doesn't show where the plugins are being sent, and I cannot find the TFAR plugin location on my system.
  23. Awesome work! I'll try to push this to my guys. So many maps with older building assets that will be helped by this.
  24. So, DirtySanchez, has Beketov been added to the compatible list? I hadn't seen an update confirming that. If so I will check that out asap