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Private Evans

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Everything posted by Private Evans

  1. Private Evans

    Prarie Fire discussion

    Well I did some more testing today and I have to say this map provides an incredible amount of awesome locations for all kind of scenarios ๐Ÿ™‚ But back to pathfinding ... jungle and urbain terrain works overall solid (being still Arma 3), infantry traverses the big bridges very well and even uses the small rope bridges (can hopefully be improved, soldiers are walking in the air above the bridge which looks pretty weird), the big wooden piers ( mekong delta village markets) also seem to have the same problem with collision, but the biggest problem are the rice paddies as I wrote before...AI is not able to traverse their borders..not that practical for a Vietnam map xD In this regard, fences are also a natural enemy of AI pathfinding ! It would be very cool if there would be more gaps, which would allow AI better navigating in villages and backyards ๐Ÿ™‚ cheers
  2. Private Evans

    Prarie Fire discussion

    Arma 3 including all dlc's 94 GB
  3. Private Evans

    Prarie Fire discussion

    If you mean throwing in some enemies and civis and then do some random missions or patrols on your own together with an AI unit...you are right. This will drive you insane as it is the case on for example the FoW Burma terrain. Tanoa also had no SP for reasons and it did not even come with rivers and rice paddies etc. This is nothing we can blame the Devs of this dlc for, they did an outstanding job creating a perfect Vietnam experience ! But Arma 3 is so limited and outdated when it comes to friendly AI and pathfinding that there is simply no chance for more. Sp missions have to be thought and scripted through and through and even then only work for friendly AI on a suitable terrain. Rolling Hills and fields with small villages and towns , no rivers no bridges, no narrow passages no rock formations, no dense woods, no fences...sounds familiar ?? For players doing coop with this dlc a dream comes true though....
  4. Private Evans

    Prarie Fire discussion

    I really love it so far...but PLEASE make the rice paddies traversable for AI....this nearly kills playing with friendly AI completely ( rocks, waterways and bridges are bad enough by default)
  5. Hahahaha if we do know anything at all about BI future plans...the maps we will fight on will be moist xD
  6. Private Evans

    FRONTLINE - the WW2 story

    Sounds good to me and yes, missions worked fine without PIR ..it is just a bit annoying with all the warnings on Steam and the launcher stating it being a hard requirement. For the requirements I noticed that all of the unnecessary stuff like I44 terrains , IFA3-light and WWII objects has been removed, which is good to see. A lot of the other requirements are mostly small downloads except for the big WWII mods which are a must have anyway. So this is looking good. However every addon that can be removed improves performance and loading times ...so it is always worth it to revise things regarding performance versus quality ๐Ÿ™‚ keep it up ! PS: I can not understand neither, that there is no real feedback, especially since SP content for Arma 3 WWII is bitterly missing.
  7. Private Evans

    FRONTLINE - the WW2 story

    Sooo I finally made my way through all of the requirements and dl's and had enough time to play at least Episode One. This was even something special for me, since my grandfathers family originates from Dirschau. Not only that but he did join the Wehrmacht in 1937 and took part in Case White, the invasion of Poland, a few weeks before the end of his 2 years serving time...so yeah.. back to topic... Overall you did an absolutely amazing job, the campaign from what I have seen so far is really awesome. Cinematics, level design, sounds, music, voice acting are great. It absolutely nails it....the tense situation at the border, Borderguards suddenly being attacked and Polish forces allthough being overun by tanks and facing Germanys overpowering air force, fighting outstandingly brave to the last....wow ๐Ÿ™‚ Very well done and highly recommended for all WWII enthusiasts out there !!! Some more or less minor points I noticed and which I would love to see changed: For the sake of historical accuracy and especially for our polish friends out there, please replace the polish uniforms/units with the ones from this mod here https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1348553859&searchtext=September it requires CSA 1938 mod which I would recommend anyway for this campaign.... You should also replace the German infantry units and use the one from CSA 1938 mod since these are the proper ones for the 1939 theatre. Not only that, CSA is the only mod that provides historical acurate SS units for that time period, which will show up later in your campaign. I also noticed Polish units being equipped with a Panzerfaust...please replace these with an Anti Tank rifle since this is also not historical correct for that time ...in general you should not use the Polish Homearmy units from IFA3 anyway for this campaign, since they are from a complete different time period of the war (1944) and using wrong and different gear. Other than that...please make project injury a recommendation and not a hard requirement..there are a lot players out there who prefer the vanilla system or ACE...this should be a players choice ! Beside this, I am very impressed so far and if you could provide some more historical correctness, some polish and reduce the huge amount of requirements here and there, I am sure your campaigns will be an outstanding, high quality WW II experience, especially with all these very interesting and fresh scenarios ! Looking forward to play more of it soon๐Ÿ™‚ keep it up PS : is it really required that we have to use secret weapons and flying legends at the same time ?
  8. Private Evans

    FRONTLINE - the WW2 story

    Exactly this...You have listed a lot of stuff that is not needed. For example if you are using IFA3 AIO then you do not need IFA3 light or the I44 terrains and WWII objects. Faces of War provides a lot of high quality stuff but nearly all of it is late war gear 43-45 except for the Pacific gear. So as long as you are going for the European theatre only you could leave FoW out. Secret Weapons is not continued anymore so in this case I guess naval and flying legends should do it fine . I also would highly recomend to look into CSLA38 , Northern Fronts and Forgotten Fronts mods...these mods are exactly providing what you need for the early years and theatres of WWII in 39 -41. CSLA even got something like a polish submod which I guess would be a lot more acurate than using Polish homearmy uniforms from 1944. For the rest ...well of course you need female characters, trains and guard dogs etc for these kind of scenarios, so this looks absolutely fine. What worries me a bit is the big amount of mods changing game mechnics...Arma being Arma this could work amazingly but also completely fuck everything up with that many mods xD Sometimes it is better to recommend using such mods but do not make them requirements ๐Ÿ™‚ As froggyluv said...too much requirements will prevent a lot of people from testing and playing it. However the settings of your campaign looking absolutely impressive and detailed, ....so I am really looking forward to play it when its done...keep it up !
  9. Private Evans

    FRONTLINE - the WW2 story

    Looking good, especially the Paris level ๐Ÿ™‚ What are the exact requirements for your campaign(s) ?
  10. Now it would be the time for all the unfinished or dead projects to join forces with you ........
  11. Will travelling between the two maps also work in SP/COOP ?
  12. Private Evans

    FRONTLINE - the WW2 story

    Yeah very nice video but honestly the modern soundtrack ruins it for me...you should defenetely use a more fitting soundtrack for your camapaign..but that's just me ๐Ÿ™‚ whole project looking very interesting though...good luck ๐Ÿ‘
  13. I think I will always let the robot go first...
  14. Private Evans

    Vanilla Faction Overhaul

    Honestly this is something, at least for my personal taste, no one has done right before...really promising ๐Ÿ™‚
  15. Private Evans

    A.J.A.X 2035 : Gear and Uniforms Expansion

    Very nice ! Being one of the few really loving the 2035 setting ...keep it up :)
  16. Private Evans

    Flying Legends

    Is this a swiss BF 109 ? If so you might find this interesting
  17. Why are the ambient sounds ( which are awesome btw) tied to the civilian crowd function ? I would like to disable the crowds but if I do so ambient sound stop working ๐Ÿ˜•
  18. Private Evans

    Faces of War [WW2]

    Very nice ๐Ÿ™‚ Obviously you are also working on an Iwojima map...and if I remember correctly you were working on the Stuart and Panzer III light/medium tanks ? Also do you plan to create British and Canadian versions of the US vehicles ? keep it up
  19. Private Evans

    Faces of War [WW2]

    We need more details ๐Ÿ™‚
  20. Private Evans

    Faces of War [WW2]

    Very very good...hope someone will take care of the reloading anims ๐Ÿ™‚ Oh and I am really looking forward to storm Mount Suribachi xD
  21. Private Evans

    Faces of War [WW2]

    A little video....more details...for fack's suke ..ahhhhhhhhhh.... do it !!!!!!! Can't wait much longer ๐Ÿ™‚
  22. Private Evans

    Black Powder

    wow ๐Ÿ™‚ this looks really good
  23. Private Evans

    Northern Fronts - Scandinavia in WW2

    Yeah and it is even getting better and better by the day ๐Ÿ™‚ I am also hoping to see a Narvik map some day, especially since we've got this amazing naval mod made by DSabre now ...
  24. Private Evans


    Yeah can not wait to try this out :))
  25. Private Evans

    Project Livonia

    Will there be a complete pack ? love your mod...keep it up :)