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Everything posted by soundblaster

  1. I think I found the original one: /** * @ Author: Tova (https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/226608-simple-convoy-script-release/) * @ Create Time: 2019-11-21 07:20:02 * @ Version: 2.0.0 * @ Description: Start a convoy of AI vehicules * @ Usage: convoyScript = [convoyGroup, convoySpeed, convoySeparation, pushThrough] spawn TOV_fnc_SimpleConvoy; * Once final waypoint is reached : * terminate convoyScript; * { * (vehicle _x) limitSpeed 5000; * (vehicle _x) setUnloadInCombat [true, false]; * } forEach (units convoyGroup); * convoyGroup enableAttack true; */ TOV_fnc_SimpleConvoy = { params ["_convoyGroup",["_convoySpeed",50],["_convoySeparation",50],["_pushThrough", true]]; if (_pushThrough) then { _convoyGroup enableAttack !(_pushThrough); {(vehicle _x) setUnloadInCombat [false, false];} forEach (units _convoyGroup); }; _convoyGroup setFormation "COLUMN"; { (vehicle _x) limitSpeed _convoySpeed*1.15; (vehicle _x) setConvoySeparation _convoySeparation; } forEach (units _convoyGroup); (vehicle leader _convoyGroup) limitSpeed _convoySpeed; while {sleep 5; !isNull _convoyGroup} do { { if ((speed vehicle _x < 5) && (_pushThrough || (behaviour _x != "COMBAT"))) then { (vehicle _x) doFollow (leader _convoyGroup); }; } forEach (units _convoyGroup)-(crew (vehicle (leader _convoyGroup)))-allPlayers; {(vehicle _x) setConvoySeparation _convoySeparation;} forEach (units _convoyGroup); }; };
  2. Can we get another download mirror, Armaholic is down 😕
  3. Hey everyone! I have a question about a script that I saw in action on a few server. My question is how do you block players looting for corpses these corpses can be teammates or enemies Bluefor, Indep or Opfor. I seen a few thread where people say you can strip down someone naked onkill but I don't want to have a bunch of naked dead people, nor do I want to remove the corpses (I already got a script running doing this every 15 minutes). I literally just want to block access to the inventory of dead corpses. Hopefully someone here can help me or point me to the right direction! Thank you.
  4. How does one spawn a module (ModuleRespawnPosition_F) on a certain X Y with the settings Side BLUFOR via scripting? I haven't found a documentation explain this.
  5. soundblaster

    Spawn modules at a certain position

    Solved! Thank you
  6. soundblaster

    Arma 3 Aegis

    When I want to figure out the maximum ammo on the custom vehicles you've created I get a different result then vanilla vehicles do. The following variable saves the maximum ammo of the vehicle weapon: _weapon_max_ammo = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> VEHICLE WEAPON >> "count"); _weapon_max_ammo should return a number with the maxium ammo but with the custom vehicles it returns an array for example: ["gatling_25mm", 1, 240,1,1,1,1,2] Hopefully you know what the reason of this is.
  7. Do you have the code for the Huron? I am working on it now but can't seem to figure it out...
  8. Is it possible to sync squads that are created while the game is going to the High Command - Subordinate module? I want to be able to command the squads as a High Command but certaint units get spawned in while the game is going. Is it possible to dynamically sync squads to a certaint module? Thank you for your time.
  9. soundblaster

    Arma 3 Aegis

    Thanks for your hard work only one issue with the latest update. When the game is started with the mod I am getting the following error now: "Addon 'A3_Data_F_Aegis_Loadorder' requires addon 'A3_Static_F_Aegis_AT_02''". When I join the server I get kicked now with the following error message: "No entry'bin/config.bin/CfgPatches.a3_static_f_aegis_at_02'." .
  10. Hello folks, I am having trouble setting up my Ubuntu Server 15.10 "Wily Werewolf" Arma 3 server. Everything is working well but I just cannot seem to make a custom profile for the difficulty settings. I got a bash script starting the Arma 3 server: #!/bin/bash # Network settings used in -cfg param networkConfig="default.cfg" # Server configuration settings used in -config param serverConfig="server.cfg" # Server profile and difficulty settings used in -name param profileName="server" # Server-side mods mods="heli;kart;mark;" # Start server echo "Starting server..." nohup ./arma3server -cfg="/$networkConfig" -config="$serverConfig" -name="$profileName" -mod="$mods" -noSound > arma3.log 2>&1& The directory of my Arma 3 server: /home/(username)//Steam/steamapps/common/Arma\ 3\ Server/ .In the directory of my Arma server I got the profile folder called "server" and in there you can find the server.Arma3Profile with the difficulty settings. I have tried various things and cannot seem to solve this. Some people say there should be a .local folder with the difficulty settings but for me it doesn't exist. I hope I explained my problem well and if I didn't I apologize English isn't my main language. Thank you in advance!
  11. Fellow members, I am working on a tweaked realism version of the beautiful mod GWAR3 made by GossamerSolid. I noticed after patch 1.54 the attachment purchasing is broken. I am still investigating this issue but maybe someone here more experienced can point me to the right direction. Sorry for the long ass code but I want to avoid giving too few info. The attachment part is processed in line 502. Thank you for your time. disableSerialization; _display = _this select 0; //Block UI for network call _netBlockBGCTRL = _display displayCtrl 1110; _netBlockBGCTRL ctrlShow true; _netBlockTextCTRL = _display displayCtrl 1111; _netBlockTextCTRL ctrlShow true; //Vars GW_PUREQUIP_CHANGEDCATEGORY = false; GW_PUREQUIP_PRIMARYLISTCHANGED = false; GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERCHANGED = false; GW_PUREQUIP_PURCHASEEQUIPMENT = false; GW_PUREQUIP_REDRAWINV = false; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_TOTAL = false; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_MASS = false; GW_PUREQUIP_LOADTEMPLATE = false; GW_PUREQUIP_GETTEMPLATES = false; GW_PUREQUIP_UPDATETEMPLATE = false; GW_PUREQUIP_DELETETEMPLATE = false; GW_PUREQUIP_SAVENEWTEMPLATE = false; GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL = -1; GW_PUREQUIP_TOTALCOST = 0; GW_PUREQUIP_MAINLIST = []; GW_PUREQUIP_SECONDLIST = []; GW_PUREQUIP_ATTACHLIST = []; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE = []; GW_PUREQUIP_TYPE_ITEM = 131072; GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_CURR = 0; GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_MAX = 0; GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_CURR = 0; GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_MAX = 0; GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_CURR = 0; GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_MAX = 0; //Redraw template inventory fnc_purequip_redrawInventory = { private["_parentDisplay"]; disableSerialization; _parentDisplay = _this select 0; _uniformCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1200; _vestCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1201; _backpackCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1202; _headgearCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1203; _faceCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1204; _nvgCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1205; _binocsCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1206; _mapCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1222; _gpsCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1223; _radioCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1224; _compassCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1225; _watchCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1226; _primaryCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1207; _primaryMuzCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1210; _primarySideCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1211; _primaryTopCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1208; _primaryBipodCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1209; _secondaryCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1212; _secondaryMuzCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1213; _secondarySideCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1214; _secondaryTopCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1215; _secondaryBipodCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1216; _handgunCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1217; _handgunMuzCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1218; _handgunSideCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1219; _handgunTopCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1220; _handgunBipodCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1221; _removeUniformCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1606; _removeVestCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1607; _removeBackpackCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1608; //Uniform _uniformPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_uniform_gs.paa"; _uniformTT = "No Uniform"; _uniformClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 4) select 0; if (_uniformClass != "") then { _uniformPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _uniformClass >> "Picture"); _uniformTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _uniformClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_uniformClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_UNIFORMS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_uniformTT = _uniformTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_UNIFORMS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; _removeUniformCTRL ctrlShow true; } else {_removeUniformCTRL ctrlShow false}; _uniformCTRL ctrlSetText _uniformPic; _uniformCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _uniformTT; //Vest _vestPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_vest_gs.paa"; _vestTT = "No Vest"; _vestClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 5) select 0; if (_vestClass != "") then { _vestPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _vestClass >> "Picture"); _vestTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _vestClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_vestClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_VESTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_vestTT = _vestTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_VESTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; _removeVestCTRL ctrlShow true; } else {_removeVestCTRL ctrlShow false}; _vestCTRL ctrlSetText _vestPic; _vestCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _vestTT; //Backpack _backpackPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_backpack_gs.paa"; _backpackTT = "No Backpack"; _backClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 6) select 0; if (_backClass != "") then { _backpackPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _backClass >> "Picture"); _backpackTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _backClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_backClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_BACKPACKS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_backpackTT = _backpackTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_BACKPACKS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; _removeBackpackCTRL ctrlShow true; } else {_removeBackpackCTRL ctrlShow false}; _backpackCTRL ctrlSetText _backpackPic; _backpackCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _backpackTT; //Headgear _headgearPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_helmet_gs.paa"; _headgearTT = "No Headgear"; _headClass = GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 0; if (_headClass != "") then { _headgearPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _headClass >> "Picture"); _headgearTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _headClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_headClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_HEADGEAR] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_headgearTT = _headgearTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_HEADGEAR select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; _headgearCTRL ctrlSetText _headgearPic; _headgearCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _headgearTT; //Facewear _facePic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_glasses_gs.paa"; _faceTT = "No Facewear"; _faceClass = GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 1; if (_faceClass != "") then { _facePic = getText (configFile >> "CfgGlasses" >> _faceClass >> "Picture"); _faceTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgGlasses" >> _faceClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_faceClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_FACEWEAR] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_faceTT = _faceTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_FACEWEAR select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; _faceCTRL ctrlSetText _facePic; _faceCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _faceTT; //NVG _nvgPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_nvg_gs.paa"; _nvgTT = "No Head Mounted Display"; _nvgClass = GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 3; if (_nvgClass != "") then { _nvgPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _nvgClass >> "Picture"); _nvgTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _nvgClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_nvgClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_OTHERS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_nvgTT = _nvgTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_OTHERS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; _nvgCTRL ctrlSetText _nvgPic; _nvgCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _nvgTT; //Binoculars _binocsPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_binocular_gs.paa"; _binocsTT = "No Binocular"; _binocClass = GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 2; if (_binocClass != "") then { _binocsPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _binocClass >> "Picture"); _binocsTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _binocClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_binocClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_OTHERS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_binocsTT = _binocsTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_OTHERS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; _binocsCTRL ctrlSetText _binocsPic; _binocsCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _binocsTT; //Map _mapPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_map_gs.paa"; _mapTT = "No Map"; _mapClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 10) select 2; if (_mapClass != "") then { _mapPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _mapClass >> "Picture"); _mapTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _mapClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_mapClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_OTHERS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_mapTT = _mapTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_OTHERS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; _mapCTRL ctrlSetText _mapPic; _mapCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _mapTT; //GPS _gpsPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_gps_gs.paa"; _gpsTT = "No GPS"; _gpsClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 10) select 1; if (_gpsClass != "") then { _gpsPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _gpsClass >> "Picture"); _gpsTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _gpsClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_gpsClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_OTHERS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_gpsTT = _gpsTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_OTHERS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; _gpsCTRL ctrlSetText _gpsPic; _gpsCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _gpsTT; //Radio _radioPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_radio_gs.paa"; _radioTT = "No Radio"; _radioClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 10) select 3; if (_radioClass != "") then { _radioPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _radioClass >> "Picture"); _radioTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _radioClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_radioClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_OTHERS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_radioTT = _radioTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_OTHERS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; _radioCTRL ctrlSetText _radioPic; _radioCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _radioTT; //Compass _compassPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_compass_gs.paa"; _compassTT = "No Compass"; _compassClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 10) select 0; if (_compassClass != "") then { _compassPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _compassClass >> "Picture"); _compassTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _compassClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_compassClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_OTHERS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_compassTT = _compassTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_OTHERS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; _compassCTRL ctrlSetText _compassPic; _compassCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _compassTT; //Watch _watchPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_watch_gs.paa"; _watchTT = "No Watch"; _watchClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 10) select 4; if (_watchClass != "") then { _watchPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _watchClass >> "Picture"); _watchTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _watchClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_watchClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_OTHERS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_watchTT = _watchTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_OTHERS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; _watchCTRL ctrlSetText _watchPic; _watchCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _watchTT; //Primary Weapon _primaryPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_primary_gs.paa"; _primaryTT = "No Primary Weapon"; _primaryMuzPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_muzzle_gs.paa"; _primaryMuzTT = "No Muzzle Attachment"; _primarySidePic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_side_gs.paa"; _primarySideTT = "No Side Attachment"; _primaryTopPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_top_gs.paa"; _primaryTopTT = "No Optic Attachment"; _primaryBipodPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_bipod_gs.paa"; _primaryBipodTT = "No Bipod Attachment"; _primaryClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 7) select 0; if (_primaryClass != "") then { _primaryPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _primaryClass >> "Picture"); _primaryTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _primaryClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_primaryClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_WEAP_PRIMARY] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_primaryTT = _primaryTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_WEAP_PRIMARY select _itemIndex) select 1]}; _primaryAttach = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 7) select 1; if (_primaryAttach select 0 != "") then { _primaryMuzPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_primaryAttach select 0) >> "Picture"); _primaryMuzTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_primaryAttach select 0) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_primaryAttach select 0), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_primaryMuzTT = _primaryMuzTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; if (_primaryAttach select 1 != "") then { _primarySidePic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_primaryAttach select 1) >> "Picture"); _primarySideTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_primaryAttach select 1) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_primaryAttach select 1), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_primarySideTT = _primarySideTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; if (_primaryAttach select 2 != "") then { _primaryTopPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_primaryAttach select 2) >> "Picture"); _primaryTopTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_primaryAttach select 2) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_primaryAttach select 2), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_primaryTopTT = _primaryTopTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; if ((_primaryAttach select 3) != "") then { _primaryBipodPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_primaryAttach select 3) >> "Picture"); _primaryBipodTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_primaryAttach select 3) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_primaryAttach select 3), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_primaryBipodTT = _primaryBipodTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; }; _primaryCTRL ctrlSetText _primaryPic; _primaryCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _primaryTT; _primaryMuzCTRL ctrlSetText _primaryMuzPic; _primaryMuzCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _primaryMuzTT; _primarySideCTRL ctrlSetText _primarySidePic; _primarySideCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _primarySideTT; _primaryTopCTRL ctrlSetText _primaryTopPic; _primaryTopCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _primaryTopTT; _primaryBipodCTRL ctrlSetText _primaryBipodPic; _primaryBipodCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _primaryBipodTT; //Secondary Weapon _secondaryPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_secondary_gs.paa"; _secondaryTT = "No Secondary Weapon"; _secondaryMuzPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_muzzle_gs.paa"; _secondaryMuzTT = "No Muzzle Attachment"; _secondarySidePic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_side_gs.paa"; _secondarySideTT = "No Side Attachment"; _secondaryTopPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_top_gs.paa"; _secondaryTopTT = "No Optic Attachment"; _secondaryBipodPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_bipod_gs.paa"; _secondaryBipodTT = "No Bipod Attachment"; _secondaryClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 8) select 0; if (_secondaryClass != "") then { _secondaryPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _secondaryClass >> "Picture"); _secondaryTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _secondaryClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_secondaryClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_WEAP_SECONDARY] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_secondaryTT = _secondaryTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_WEAP_SECONDARY select _itemIndex) select 1]}; _secondaryAttach = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 8) select 1; if ((_secondaryAttach select 0) != "") then { _secondaryMuzPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_secondaryAttach select 0) >> "Picture"); _secondaryMuzTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_secondaryAttach select 0) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_secondaryAttach select 0), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_secondaryMuzTT = _secondaryMuzTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; if ((_secondaryAttach select 1) != "") then { _secondarySidePic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_secondaryAttach select 1) >> "Picture"); _secondarySideTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_secondaryAttach select 1) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_secondaryAttach select 1), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_secondarySideTT = _secondarySideTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; if ((_secondaryAttach select 2) != "") then { _secondaryTopPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_secondaryAttach select 2) >> "Picture"); _secondaryTopTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_secondaryAttach select 2) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_secondaryAttach select 2), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_secondaryTopTT = _secondaryTopTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; if ((_secondaryAttach select 3) != "") then { _secondaryBipodPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_secondaryAttach select 3) >> "Picture"); _secondaryBipodTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_secondaryAttach select 3) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_secondaryAttach select 3), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_secondaryBipodTT = _secondaryBipodTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; }; _secondaryCTRL ctrlSetText _secondaryPic; _secondaryCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _secondaryTT; _secondaryMuzCTRL ctrlSetText _secondaryMuzPic; _secondaryMuzCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _secondaryMuzTT; _secondarySideCTRL ctrlSetText _secondarySidePic; _secondarySideCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _secondarySideTT; _secondaryTopCTRL ctrlSetText _secondaryTopPic; _secondaryTopCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _secondaryTopTT; _secondaryBipodCTRL ctrlSetText _secondaryBipodPic; _secondaryBipodCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _secondaryBipodTT; //Handgun _handgunPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_hgun_gs.paa"; _handgunTT = "No Handgun"; _handgunMuzPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_muzzle_gs.paa"; _handgunMuzTT = "No Muzzle Attachment"; _handgunSidePic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_side_gs.paa"; _handgunSideTT = "No Side Attachment"; _handgunTopPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_top_gs.paa"; _handgunTopTT = "No Optic Attachment"; _handgunBipodPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_bipod_gs.paa"; _handgunBipodTT = "No Bipod Attachment"; _handgunClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 9) select 0; if (_handgunClass != "") then { _handgunPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _handgunClass >> "Picture"); _handgunTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _handgunClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_handgunClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_WEAP_SIDEARM] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_handgunTT = _handgunTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_WEAP_SIDEARM select _itemIndex) select 1]}; _handgunAttach = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 9) select 1; if ((_handgunAttach select 0) != "") then { _handgunMuzPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_handgunAttach select 0) >> "Picture"); _handgunMuzTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_handgunAttach select 0) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_handgunAttach select 0), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_handgunMuzTT = _handgunMuzTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; if ((_handgunAttach select 1) != "") then { _handgunSidePic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_handgunAttach select 1) >> "Picture"); _handgunSideTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_handgunAttach select 1) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_handgunAttach select 1), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_handgunSideTT = _handgunSideTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; if ((_handgunAttach select 2) != "") then { _handgunTopPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_handgunAttach select 2) >> "Picture"); _handgunTopTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_handgunAttach select 2) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_handgunAttach select 2), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_handgunTopTT = _handgunTopTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; if ((_handgunAttach select 3) != "") then { _handgunBipodPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_handgunAttach select 3) >> "Picture"); _handgunBipodTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_handgunAttach select 3) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_handgunAttach select 3), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_handgunBipodTT = _handgunBipodTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; }; _handgunCTRL ctrlSetText _handgunPic; _handgunCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _handgunTT; _handgunMuzCTRL ctrlSetText _handgunMuzPic; _handgunMuzCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _handgunMuzTT; _handgunSideCTRL ctrlSetText _handgunSidePic; _handgunSideCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _handgunSideTT; _handgunTopCTRL ctrlSetText _handgunTopPic; _handgunTopCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _handgunTopTT; _handgunBipodCTRL ctrlSetText _handgunBipodPic; _handgunBipodCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _handgunBipodTT; }; //Populate list depending on category selected fnc_purequip_populateGearList = { private["_categoryIndex","_parentDisp","_equipPopulateNetCall","_equipPopulateNetCall"]; disableSerialization; _categoryIndex = _this select 0; _parentDisp = _this select 1; //Clear lists lbClear 1500; lbClear 1501; lbClear 1505; GW_PUREQUIP_SECONDLIST = []; GW_PUREQUIP_ATTACHLIST = []; //What array should we work with GW_PUREQUIP_MAINLIST = Call Compile Format["GW_PUREQUIP_%1",lbData[2100, _categoryIndex]]; //Populate the main list { lbAdd [1500, format["$%1 - %2",_x select 1,(getText (configFile >> (_x select 3) >> (_x select 0) >> "DisplayName"))]]; lbSetPicture [1500, _forEachIndex, (getText (configFile >> (_x select 3) >> (_x select 0) >> "Picture"))]; lbSetData [1500, _forEachIndex, (_x select 0)]; } forEach GW_PUREQUIP_MAINLIST; if ((count GW_PUREQUIP_MAINLIST) > 0) then {lbSetCurSel [1500, 0]}; //If a primary entry is selected, attempt to populate related magazines if ((lbCurSel 1500) > -1) then {GW_PUREQUIP_PRIMARYLISTCHANGED = true}; }; //Populate the magazine list depending on what weapon is selected fnc_purequip_populateMagazineList = { private["_currentSelectedPrimary","_weapClassname","_configMagsArray"]; _currentSelectedPrimary = _this select 0; //Clear list lbClear 1501; //Figure out what classname of weapon is selected in the main list _weapClassname = (GW_PUREQUIP_MAINLIST select _currentSelectedPrimary) select 0; //Get a list of magazines the gun can use from the config (Safe to hardcode CfgWeapons) _configMagsArray = GetArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapClassname >> "magazines"); _allConfigMagsArray = _configMagsArray; //Check for magazines under muzzles _muzzlesCfg = GetArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapClassname >> "muzzles"); _muzzleMags = []; { if (_x != "this") then { _muzMagList = GetArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapClassname >> _x >> "magazines"); _allConfigMagsArray = [_allConfigMagsArray, _muzMagList] Call fnc_shr_mergeArrays; }; } forEach _muzzlesCfg; //Parse out magazines list GW_PUREQUIP_SECONDLIST = []; { _cfgMagsClass = _x; { if ((_x select 0) == _cfgMagsClass) exitWith {GW_PUREQUIP_SECONDLIST set [count GW_PUREQUIP_SECONDLIST, _x]}; } forEach GW_PUREQUIP_MAGAZINES; } forEach _allConfigMagsArray; //Populate the second list { lbAdd [1501, format["$%1 - %2",_x select 1,(getText (configFile >> (_x select 3) >> (_x select 0) >> "DisplayName"))]]; lbSetPicture [1501, _forEachIndex, (getText (configFile >> (_x select 3) >> (_x select 0) >> "Picture"))]; lbSetData [1501, _forEachIndex, (_x select 0)]; } forEach GW_PUREQUIP_SECONDLIST; }; //Populate attachments list depending on what weapon is selected fnc_purequip_populateAttachmentList = { private["_currentSelectedPrimary","_weapClassname","_configCows","_configMuzzle","_configPointer","_configAttach"]; _currentSelectedPrimary = _this select 0; //Clear list lbClear 1505; //Figure out what classname of weapon is selected in the main list _weapClassname = (GW_PUREQUIP_MAINLIST select _currentSelectedPrimary) select 0; _configAttach = []; { configProperties [ configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapClassname >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> _x >> "compatibleItems", "_configAttach pushBack (configName _x)", true ]; } forEach ["CowsSlot", "MuzzleSlot", "PointerSlot", "UnderBarrelSlot"]; //Parse out attachments list GW_PUREQUIP_ATTACHLIST = []; { _cfgAttachClass = _x; { if ((_x select 0) == _cfgAttachClass) exitWith {GW_PUREQUIP_ATTACHLIST set [count GW_PUREQUIP_ATTACHLIST, _x]}; } forEach GW_PUREQUIP_ATTACHMENTS; } forEach _configAttach; //Populate the attachment list { lbAdd [1505, format["$%1 - %2",_x select 1,(getText (configFile >> (_x select 3) >> (_x select 0) >> "DisplayName"))]]; lbSetPicture [1505, _forEachIndex, (getText (configFile >> (_x select 3) >> (_x select 0) >> "Picture"))]; lbSetData [1505, _forEachIndex, (_x select 0)]; } forEach GW_PUREQUIP_ATTACHLIST; }; //Populate inventory container list fnc_purequip_populateContainerList = { private["_containerIndex","_containerContents"]; _containerIndex = _this select 0; //Clear list lbClear 1504; _containerContents = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select _containerIndex) select 1; { _classname = _x; _cfgClass = _x Call fnc_shr_getEquipCfgClass; //Get the price of the item (we don't know what category it's in, so unfortunately we need to search the entire equipment array) _price = 0; _classNameIndex = [_classname, 0, GW_PUREQUIP_FULLLIST] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_classNameIndex != -1) then {_price = (GW_PUREQUIP_FULLLIST select _classNameIndex) select 1}; _displayString = format["$%1 - %2",_price,(getText (configFile >> _cfgClass >> _classname >> "DisplayName"))]; lbAdd [1504, _displayString]; lbSetTooltip [1504, _forEachIndex, _displayString]; lbSetPicture [1504, _forEachIndex, (getText (configFile >> _cfgClass >> _classname >> "Picture"))]; } forEach _containerContents; }; //Can an item fit in a specified container fnc_purequip_canFitInContainer = { private["_itemClass","_container","_cfgClass","_canFit","_classType","_allowedSlots"]; _itemClass = _this select 0; _container = _this select 1; _canFit = false; //Make sure the container actually exists in the template if (_container != "") then { if (_container == "Uniform") then {if (((GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 4) select 0) != "") then {_canFit = true}}; if (_container == "Vest") then {if (((GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 5) select 0) != "") then {_canFit = true}}; if (_container == "Backpack") then {if (((GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 6) select 0) != "") then {_canFit = true}}; }; //Check if the item can fit inside the container if (_itemClass != "" && _canFit) then { _cfgClass = _itemClass Call fnc_shr_getEquipCfgClass; if (_cfgClass == "CfgWeapons") then { _classType = getNumber(configFile >> _cfgClass >> _itemClass >> "type"); if (_classType == GW_PUREQUIP_TYPE_ITEM) then { _configsProperties = []; configProperties [configFile >> _cfgClass >> _itemClass >> "ItemInfo", "_configsProperties pushBack (configName _x); true", true]; if ("allowedSlots" in _configsProperties) then { _allowedSlots = getArray(configFile >> _cfgClass >> _itemClass >> "ItemInfo" >> "allowedSlots"); if ((_container == "Uniform") && (801 in _allowedSlots)) then {_canFit = true} else {_canFit = false}; if ((_container == "Vest") && (701 in _allowedSlots)) then {_canFit = true} else {_canFit = false}; if ((_container == "Backpack") && (901 in _allowedSlots)) then {_canFit = true} else {_canFit = false}; } else { _canFit = true; }; } else { _allowedSlots = getArray(configFile >> _cfgClass >> _itemClass >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "allowedSlots"); if ((_container == "Uniform") && (801 in _allowedSlots)) then {_canFit = true} else {_canFit = false}; if ((_container == "Vest") && (701 in _allowedSlots)) then {_canFit = true} else {_canFit = false}; if ((_container == "Backpack") && (901 in _allowedSlots)) then {_canFit = true} else {_canFit = false}; }; }; if (_cfgClass == "CfgGlasses") then {_canFit = true}; if (_cfgClass == "CfgMagazines") then { _allowedSlots = getArray(configFile >> _cfgClass >> _itemClass >> "allowedSlots"); if (count _allowedSlots == 0) then { _canFit = true; } else { if ((_container == "Uniform") && (801 in _allowedSlots)) then {_canFit = true} else {_canFit = false}; if ((_container == "Vest") && (701 in _allowedSlots)) then {_canFit = true} else {_canFit = false}; if ((_container == "Backpack") && (901 in _allowedSlots)) then {_canFit = true} else {_canFit = false}; }; }; }; _canFit }; //Get item's mass fnc_purequip_getItemMass = { private["_mass","_cfgClass","_classType"]; _mass = 0; if (_this != "") then { _cfgClass = _this Call fnc_shr_getEquipCfgClass; if (_cfgClass == "CfgWeapons") then { _classType = getNumber(configFile >> _cfgClass >> _this >> "type"); _mass = if (_classType == GW_PUREQUIP_TYPE_ITEM) then {getNumber(configFile >> _cfgClass >> _this >> "ItemInfo" >> "mass")} else {getNumber(configFile >> _cfgClass >> _this >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "mass")}; } else { _mass = getNumber(configFile >> _cfgClass >> _this >> "mass"); }; }; _mass }; //Get a specific container's current mass fnc_purequip_getContainerCurrentMass = { private["_currentMass","_containerArray","_itemMass"]; _currentMass = 0; _containerArray = []; if (_this == "Uniform" && (((GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 4) select 0) != "")) then { _containerArray = ((GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 4) select 1); }; if (_this == "Vest" && (((GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 5) select 0) != "")) then { _containerArray = ((GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 5) select 1); }; if (_this == "Backpack" && (((GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 6) select 0) != "")) then { _containerArray = ((GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 6) select 1); }; //Go through container's contents { _itemMass = _x Call fnc_purequip_getItemMass; _currentMass = _currentMass + _itemMass; } forEach _containerArray; _currentMass }; //Get a specific container's max mass fnc_purequip_getContainerMaxMass = { private["_maxMass","_cfgClass","_containerClass"]; _maxMass = 0; _containerClassName = ""; if (_this == "Uniform") then {_containerClassName = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 4) select 0}; if (_this == "Vest") then {_containerClassName = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 5) select 0}; if (_this == "Backpack") then {_containerClassName = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 6) select 0}; if (_containerClassName != "") then { _cfgClass = _containerClassName Call fnc_shr_getEquipCfgClass; if (_cfgClass == "CfgVehicles") then { _maxMass = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _containerClassName >> "maximumLoad"); }; if (_cfgClass == "CfgWeapons") then { _containerClass = getText(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _containerClassName >> "ItemInfo" >> "containerClass"); _maxMass = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _containerClass >> "maximumLoad"); }; }; _maxMass }; //Update all container's masses fnc_purequip_updateMasses = { private["_parentDisp"]; disableSerialization; _parentDisp = _this select 0; GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_CURR = "Uniform" Call fnc_purequip_getContainerCurrentMass; GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_MAX = "Uniform" Call fnc_purequip_getContainerMaxMass; _BGUniformMassCtrl = _parentDisp displayCtrl 1102; _BarUniformMassCtrl = _parentDisp displayCtrl 1105; if (GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_MAX == 0) then { _BGUniformMassCtrl ctrlShow false; _BarUniformMassCtrl ctrlShow false; } else { _BGUniformMassCtrl ctrlShow true; _BarUniformMassCtrl ctrlShow true; _BGUniformMassMaxWidth = (CtrlPosition _BGUniformMassCtrl select 2) - 0.02; _BarUniformMassCurPos = CtrlPosition _BarUniformMassCtrl; _BarUniformMassCurPos set [2, _BGUniformMassMaxWidth * (GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_CURR / GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_MAX)]; _BarUniformMassCtrl CtrlSetPosition _BarUniformMassCurPos; _BarUniformMassCtrl CtrlCommit 0; }; GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_CURR = "Vest" Call fnc_purequip_getContainerCurrentMass; GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_MAX = "Vest" Call fnc_purequip_getContainerMaxMass; _BGVestMassCtrl = _parentDisp displayCtrl 1103; _BarVestMassCtrl = _parentDisp displayCtrl 1106; if (GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_MAX == 0) then { _BGVestMassCtrl ctrlShow false; _BarVestMassCtrl ctrlShow false; } else { _BGVestMassCtrl ctrlShow true; _BarVestMassCtrl ctrlShow true; _BGVestMassMaxWidth = (CtrlPosition _BGVestMassCtrl select 2) - 0.02; _BarVestMassCurPos = CtrlPosition _BarVestMassCtrl; _BarVestMassCurPos set [2, _BGVestMassMaxWidth * (GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_CURR / GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_MAX)]; _BarVestMassCtrl CtrlSetPosition _BarVestMassCurPos; _BarVestMassCtrl CtrlCommit 0; }; GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_CURR = "Backpack" Call fnc_purequip_getContainerCurrentMass; GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_MAX = "Backpack" Call fnc_purequip_getContainerMaxMass; _BGBackpackMassCtrl = _parentDisp displayCtrl 1104; _BarBackpackMassCtrl = _parentDisp displayCtrl 1107; if (GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_MAX == 0) then { _BGBackpackMassCtrl ctrlShow false; _BarBackpackMassCtrl ctrlShow false; } else { _BGBackpackMassCtrl ctrlShow true; _BarBackpackMassCtrl ctrlShow true; _BGBackpackMassMaxWidth = (CtrlPosition _BGBackpackMassCtrl select 2) - 0.02; _BarBackpackMassCurPos = CtrlPosition _BarBackpackMassCtrl; _BarBackpackMassCurPos set [2, _BGBackpackMassMaxWidth * (GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_CURR / GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_MAX)]; _BarBackpackMassCtrl CtrlSetPosition _BarBackpackMassCurPos; _BarBackpackMassCtrl CtrlCommit 0; }; }; //Get the value of the current template fnc_purequip_updateCost = { private["_parentDisp","_totalCost"]; disableSerialization; _parentDisp = _this select 0; _equipArray = _this select 1; _totalCost = 0; //Get the value of the current template _templateCost = GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE Call fnc_shr_getEquipmentCost; //Get the value of what's on the player _playerEquip = player Call fnc_shr_getEquipArray; _playerCost = _playerEquip Call fnc_shr_getEquipmentCost; //Difference between them (Can't refund, $0 is minimum) _totalCost = (_templateCost - _playerCost) max 0; _textColor = if (_totalCost <= GW_CVAR_MONEY) then {"#269024"} else {"#c75454"}; if (_totalCost <= GW_CVAR_MONEY) then {ctrlEnable [1604, true]} else {ctrlEnable [1604, true]}; _totalCostCTRL = _parentDisp displayCtrl 1109; _totalCostCTRL ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText format ["Total Cost of Equipment: <t color='%1'>$%2</t>",_textColor, _totalCost]); GW_PUREQUIP_TOTALCOST = _totalCost; }; //Remove item from equipment fnc_purequip_removeItem = { private["_itemSlotArray","_invQuery","_preSaveArray","_innerPreSaveArray"]; _itemSlotArray = _this; _invQuery = ""; //Helmet, Facewear, Binocs, NVGs if (count _itemSlotArray == 1) then { _preSaveArray =+ GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE; _preSaveArray set [_itemSlotArray select 0, ""]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE = _preSaveArray; }; //Primary Weapon, Secondary Weapon, Sidearm or Assigned Items if (count _itemSlotArray == 2) then { _preSaveArray =+ GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select (_itemSlotArray select 0); _preSaveArray set [_itemSlotArray select 1, ""]; //Removed weapon, be sure to remove attachments as well if (((_itemSlotArray select 0) == 7) || ((_itemSlotArray select 0) == 8) || ((_itemSlotArray select 0) == 9)) then { if ((_preSaveArray select 0) == "") then {_preSaveArray set [1, ["","","",""]]}; }; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE set [_itemSlotArray select 0, _preSaveArray]; }; //Weapon Attachments if (count _itemSlotArray == 3) then { _preSaveArray =+ GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select (_itemSlotArray select 0); _innerPreSaveArray = _preSaveArray select (_itemSlotArray select 1); _innerPreSaveArray set [_itemSlotArray select 2, ""]; _preSaveArray set [(_itemSlotArray select 1), _innerPreSaveArray]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE set [_itemSlotArray select 0, _preSaveArray]; }; //Call for update of inv GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_TOTAL = true; GW_PUREQUIP_REDRAWINV = true; }; //Remove a given index from the selected container fnc_purequip_removeContainerItem = { private["_itemIndex","_refresh","_preSaveArray","_innerPreSaveArray","_item"]; _itemIndex = _this select 0; _refresh = _this select 1; //Don't do anything if there's no container selected (shouldn't ever happen) if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == -1) exitWith {}; //Remove specified item _preSaveArray =+ GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL; _innerPreSaveArray = _preSaveArray select 1; _innerPreSaveArray set [_itemIndex, "REMOVE"]; _innerPreSaveArray = _innerPreSaveArray - ["REMOVE"]; _preSaveArray set [1, _innerPreSaveArray]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE set [GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL, _preSaveArray]; //Call for update of inv (Set this to false if emptying entire container, then redraw once at end) if (_refresh) then { GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_TOTAL = true; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_MASS = true; _containerPop = [GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL] Spawn fnc_purequip_populateContainerList; waitUntil {scriptDone _containerPop}; }; }; //Remove container fnc_purequip_removeContainer = { private["_containerIndex", "_preSaveArray"]; _containerIndex = _this select 0; _preSaveArray =+ (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select _containerIndex); if (_preSaveArray select 0 != "") then { //If the container previously selected matches our removed one, update container selected logic if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == _containerIndex) then {GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL = -1; GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERCHANGED = true}; //Update template _preSaveArray set [0, ""]; _preSaveArray set [1, []]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE set [_containerIndex, _preSaveArray]; //Request redraw GW_PUREQUIP_REDRAWINV = true; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_TOTAL = true; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_MASS = true; }; }; //Empty container fnc_purequip_emptyContainer = { private["_containerIndex"]; _containerIndex = _this select 0; //Update template _preSaveArray =+ (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select _containerIndex); _preSaveArray set [1, []]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE set [_containerIndex, _preSaveArray]; //Request redraw GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_TOTAL = true; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_MASS = true; _containerPop = [GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL] Spawn fnc_purequip_populateContainerList; waitUntil {scriptDone _containerPop}; }; //Can an attachment work on the weapon fnc_purequip_attachmentFits = { private["_attachClass","_weaponClass","_configAttach","_newAttachClasses","_oldAttachClasses"]; _attachClass = _this select 0; _weaponClass = _this select 1; _attachmentFits = false; _configAttach = []; { configProperties [ configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weaponClass >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> _x >> "compatibleItems", "_configAttach pushBack (configName _x)", true ]; } forEach ["CowsSlot", "MuzzleSlot", "PointerSlot", "UnderBarrelSlot"]; //Search for our attachment { if (_x == _attachClass) exitWith {_attachmentFits = true}; } forEach _configAttach; _attachmentFits }; //Add item to template fnc_purequip_addItem = { private["_ctrl","_clickIndex","_itemIndex","_itemSlotArray","_itemClassName","_itemSlotArray"]; disableSerialization; _ctrl = _this select 0; _clickIndex = _this select 1; _itemIndex = [(lbData[_ctrl, _clickIndex]), 0, GW_PUREQUIP_FULLLIST] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then { _itemClassName = (GW_PUREQUIP_FULLLIST select _itemIndex) select 0; _itemSlotArray = (GW_PUREQUIP_FULLLIST select _itemIndex) select 4; //Helmet, Facewear, Binocs, NVGs if ((count _itemSlotArray) == 1) then { _preSaveArray =+ GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE; //Equipable item if ((_itemSlotArray select 0) != -1) then { if ((_preSaveArray select (_itemSlotArray select 0)) == "") then { _preSaveArray set [_itemSlotArray select 0, _itemClassName]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE = _preSaveArray; } else { if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL != -1) then { _containerName = ""; _containerMassCurrent = 0; _containerMassMax = 0; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 4) then {_containerName = "Uniform"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_MAX}; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 5) then {_containerName = "Vest"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_MAX}; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 6) then {_containerName = "Backpack"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_MAX}; _canFit = [_itemClassName, _containerName] Call fnc_purequip_canFitInContainer; if (_canFit) then { _itemMass = _itemClassName Call fnc_purequip_getItemMass; if ((_containerMassCurrent + _itemMass) <= _containerMassMax) then { _innerPreSaveArray = _preSaveArray select GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL; _innerSubPreSaveArray = _innerPreSaveArray select 1; _innerSubPreSaveArray pushBack _itemClassName; _innerPreSaveArray set [1, _innerSubPreSaveArray]; _preSaveArray set [GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL, _innerPreSaveArray]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE = _preSaveArray; GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERCHANGED = true; }; }; }; }; } else //Only fits in a container { if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL != -1) then { _containerName = ""; _containerMassCurrent = 0; _containerMassMax = 0; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 4) then {_containerName = "Uniform"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_MAX}; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 5) then {_containerName = "Vest"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_MAX}; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 6) then {_containerName = "Backpack"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_MAX}; _canFit = [_itemClassName, _containerName] Call fnc_purequip_canFitInContainer; if (_canFit) then { _itemMass = _itemClassName Call fnc_purequip_getItemMass; if ((_containerMassCurrent + _itemMass) <= _containerMassMax) then { _innerPreSaveArray = _preSaveArray select GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL; _innerSubPreSaveArray = _innerPreSaveArray select 1; _innerSubPreSaveArray pushBack _itemClassName; _innerPreSaveArray set [1, _innerSubPreSaveArray]; _preSaveArray set [GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL, _innerPreSaveArray]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE = _preSaveArray; GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERCHANGED = true; }; }; }; }; }; //Primary Weapon, Secondary Weapon, Sidearm or Assigned Items if ((count _itemSlotArray) == 2) then { _preSaveArray =+ GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select (_itemSlotArray select 0); //No current item if ((_preSaveArray select (_itemSlotArray select 1)) == "") then { _preSaveArray set [(_itemSlotArray select 1), _itemClassName]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE set [(_itemSlotArray select 0), _preSaveArray]; } else //Current item is already populated, try to put in container { if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL != -1) then { _containerName = ""; _containerMassCurrent = 0; _containerMassMax = 0; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 4) then {_containerName = "Uniform"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_MAX}; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 5) then {_containerName = "Vest"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_MAX}; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 6) then {_containerName = "Backpack"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_MAX}; _canFit = [_itemClassName, _containerName] Call fnc_purequip_canFitInContainer; if (_canFit) then { _itemMass = _itemClassName Call fnc_purequip_getItemMass; if ((_containerMassCurrent + _itemMass) <= _containerMassMax) then { _preSaveArray =+ GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE; _innerPreSaveArray = _preSaveArray select GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL; _innerSubPreSaveArray = _innerPreSaveArray select 1; _innerSubPreSaveArray pushBack _itemClassName; _innerPreSaveArray set [1, _innerSubPreSaveArray]; _preSaveArray set [GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL, _innerPreSaveArray]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE = _preSaveArray; GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERCHANGED = true; }; }; }; }; }; //Weapon Attachments if (count _itemSlotArray == 3) then { _equipSlot = (_itemSlotArray select 0); _preSaveIndex = -1; if (typeName _equipSlot == "ARRAY") then { _gunIndex = 7; if ((lbCurSel 2100) == 1) then {_gunIndex = 8}; if ((lbCurSel 2100) == 2) then {_gunIndex = 9}; if (_gunIndex in _equipSlot) then { _preSaveIndex = _gunIndex; }; } else { _preSaveIndex = _equipSlot; }; _preSaveArray = []; _gunClass = ""; _attachmentSlot = ""; _attachmentFits = false; //If we found a suitable slot to equip if (_preSaveIndex != -1) then { _preSaveArray =+ GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select _preSaveIndex; //Does it fit on the weapon? _gunClass = (_preSaveArray select 0); _attachmentSlot = ((_preSaveArray select (_itemSlotArray select 1)) select (_itemSlotArray select 2)); _attachmentFits = if (_gunClass != "") then {[_itemClassName, _gunClass] Call fnc_purequip_attachmentFits} else {false}; }; //Has a weapon for the attachment type if (_gunClass != "" && _attachmentSlot == "" && _attachmentFits) then { _innerPreSaveArray = _preSaveArray select (_itemSlotArray select 1); _innerPreSaveArray set [(_itemSlotArray select 2), _itemClassName]; _preSaveArray set [(_itemSlotArray select 1), _innerPreSaveArray]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE set [_preSaveIndex, _preSaveArray]; } else //Current item is already populated, try to put in container { if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL != -1) then { _containerName = ""; _containerMassCurrent = 0; _containerMassMax = 0; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 4) then {_containerName = "Uniform"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_MAX}; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 5) then {_containerName = "Vest"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_MAX}; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 6) then {_containerName = "Backpack"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_MAX}; _canFit = [_itemClassName, _containerName] Call fnc_purequip_canFitInContainer; if (_canFit) then { _itemMass = _itemClassName Call fnc_purequip_getItemMass; if ((_containerMassCurrent + _itemMass) <= _containerMassMax) then { _preSaveArray =+ GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE; _innerPreSaveArray = _preSaveArray select GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL; _innerSubPreSaveArray = _innerPreSaveArray select 1; _innerSubPreSaveArray pushBack _itemClassName; _innerPreSaveArray set [1, _innerSubPreSaveArray]; _preSaveArray set [GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL, _innerPreSaveArray]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE = _preSaveArray; GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERCHANGED = true; }; }; }; }; }; //Request redraw GW_PUREQUIP_REDRAWINV = true; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_TOTAL = true; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_MASS = true; }; }; //Purchase current template of gear fnc_purequip_purchaseGear = { GW_PUREQUIP_BUYNETCALLRETURN = ["GW_NETCALL_WAITING"]; _buyNetCall = ["equipment","buy",[(getPlayerUID player), GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE, false, true], "GW_PUREQUIP_BUYNETCALLRETURN"] Spawn fnc_clt_requestServerExec; waitUntil {scriptDone _buyNetCall}; if (!(GW_PUREQUIP_BUYNETCALLRETURN select 0)) then { playSound "UIFail"; systemChat format ["Unable to purchase gear - %1",(GW_PUREQUIP_BUYNETCALLRETURN select 1)]; } else { playSound "UISuccess"; //Update last purchased template GW_CVAR_TEMPLATES set [0, ["Last Purchased", false, GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE, true, (GW_PUREQUIP_BUYNETCALLRETURN select 1)]]; //Equip the player _unitEquipScript = [player, GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE] spawn fnc_shr_equipUnit; waitUntil{scriptDone _unitEquipScript}; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_TOTAL = true; }; }; //Populate Templates List (Don't get array from server) fnc_purequip_populateTemplates = { private["_parentDisp"]; disableSerialization; _parentDisp = _this select 0; //Populate the list lbClear 1502; { lbAdd [1502, format["%1",(_x select 0)]]; if (_x select 1) then {lbSetColor [1502, _forEachIndex, [0,0.7490,1,1]]}; } forEach GW_CVAR_TEMPLATES; }; //Load template fnc_purequip_loadTemplate = { private["_index","_templateSelected"]; _index = lbCurSel 1502; if (_index != -1) then { _templateSelected = GW_CVAR_TEMPLATES select _index; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE =+ _templateSelected select 2; GW_PUREQUIP_REDRAWINV = true; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_TOTAL = true; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_MASS = true; GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERCHANGED = true; }; }; //Save new template fnc_purequip_saveNewTemplate = { private["_parentDisp"]; disableSerialization; _parentDisp = _this select 0; //Get name of template _templateNameCTRL = _parentDisp displayCtrl 1400; _templateName = ctrlText _templateNameCTRL; if (_templateName != "") then { GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_ADD = ["GW_NETCALL_WAITING"]; _templateNetCall = ["equipment","templatenew",[(getPlayerUID player), _templateName, GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE],"GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_ADD"] Spawn fnc_clt_requestServerExec; waitUntil {scriptDone _templateNetCall}; if (!(GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_ADD select 0)) then { playSound "UIFail"; systemChat format ["Unable to save new template - %1",(GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_ADD select 1)]; } else { playSound "UISuccess"; lbAdd [1502, format["%1",_templateName]]; lbSetColor [1502, ((lbSize 1500) - 1), [0,0.7490,1,1]]; GW_CVAR_TEMPLATES pushBack [_templateName, true, GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE, true, (GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_ADD select 1)]; _templateNameCTRL ctrlSetText ""; }; } else { systemChat "Templates must have a unique name"; playSound "UIFail"; }; }; //Update template fnc_purequip_updateTemplate = { private["_parentDisp"]; disableSerialization; _parentDisp = _this select 0; //Get name of template _templateName = if ((lbCurSel 1502) != -1) then {(GW_CVAR_TEMPLATES select (lbCurSel 1502)) select 0} else {""}; _canModify = if ((lbCurSel 1502) != -1) then {(GW_CVAR_TEMPLATES select (lbCurSel 1502)) select 1} else {false}; if (_templateName != "" && _canModify) then { GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_UPDATE = ["GW_NETCALL_WAITING"]; _templateNetCall = ["equipment","templateupdate",[(getPlayerUID player), _templateName, GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE],"GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_UPDATE"] Spawn fnc_clt_requestServerExec; waitUntil {scriptDone _templateNetCall}; if (!(GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_UPDATE select 0)) then { playSound "UIFail"; systemChat format ["Unable to update template - %1",(GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_UPDATE select 1)]; } else { playSound "UISuccess"; GW_CVAR_TEMPLATES set[(lbCurSel 1502), [_templateName, true, GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE, true, (GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_UPDATE select 1)]]; }; } else { if (_templateName == "") then {systemChat "No template selected to delete"}; if (!_canModify) then {systemChat "You can only modify templates you made"}; playSound "UIFail"; }; }; //Delete template fnc_purequip_deleteTemplate = { private["_parentDisp"]; disableSerialization; _parentDisp = _this select 0; //Get name of template _templateName = if ((lbCurSel 1502) != -1) then {(GW_CVAR_TEMPLATES select (lbCurSel 1502)) select 0} else {""}; _canModify = if ((lbCurSel 1502) != -1) then {(GW_CVAR_TEMPLATES select (lbCurSel 1502)) select 1} else {false}; if (_templateName != "" && _canModify) then { GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_DELETE = ["GW_NETCALL_WAITING"]; _templateNetCall = ["equipment","templatedelete",[(getPlayerUID player), _templateName],"GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_DELETE"] Spawn fnc_clt_requestServerExec; waitUntil {scriptDone _templateNetCall}; if (!(GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_DELETE select 0)) then { playSound "UIFail"; systemChat format ["Unable to delete template - %1",(GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_DELETE select 1)]; } else { playSound "UISuccess"; lbDelete [1502, (lbCurSel 1502)]; GW_CVAR_TEMPLATES deleteAt ((lbCurSel 1502) + 1); }; } else { if (_templateName == "") then {systemChat "No template selected to delete"}; if (!_canModify) then {systemChat "You can only modify templates you made"}; playSound "UIFail"; }; }; //Button should be hidden by default _emptyContainerCTRL = _display displayCtrl 1609; _emptyContainerCTRL ctrlShow false; //Fill the purchase categories combobox with all the categories lbClear 2100; lbAdd [2100, "Primary Weapons"]; lbSetData [2100, 0, "WEAP_PRIMARY"]; lbAdd [2100, "Secondary Weapons"]; lbSetData [2100, 1, "WEAP_SECONDARY"]; lbAdd [2100, "Sidearms"]; lbSetData [2100, 2, "WEAP_SIDEARM"]; lbAdd [2100, "Ammo & Ordnance"]; lbSetData [2100, 3, "MAGAZINES"]; lbAdd [2100, "Attachments"]; lbSetData [2100, 4, "ATTACHMENTS"]; lbAdd [2100, "Headgear"]; lbSetData [2100, 5, "HEADGEAR"]; lbAdd [2100, "Vests"]; lbSetData [2100, 6, "VESTS"]; lbAdd [2100, "Uniforms"]; lbSetData [2100, 7, "UNIFORMS"]; lbAdd [2100, "Backpacks"]; lbSetData [2100, 8, "BACKPACKS"]; lbAdd [2100, "Facewear"]; lbSetData [2100, 9, "FACEWEAR"]; lbAdd [2100, "Other Items"]; lbSetData [2100, 10, "OTHERS"]; //First template shown should be what the player currently has equipped GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE = [player, true] Call fnc_shr_getEquipArray; //Select primary weapons by default lbSetCurSel [2100, 0]; GW_PUREQUIP_CHANGEDCATEGORY = true; //Need to draw the inventory _redrawUI = [_display] Spawn fnc_purequip_redrawInventory; _recalcPrice = [_display] Spawn fnc_purequip_updateCost; _recalcMass = [_display] Spawn fnc_purequip_updateMasses; _templatePop = [_display] Spawn fnc_purequip_populateTemplates; //Unblock UI for network call _netBlockBGCTRL = _display displayCtrl 1110; _netBlockBGCTRL ctrlShow false; _netBlockTextCTRL = _display displayCtrl 1111; _netBlockTextCTRL ctrlShow false; //Main Updater while {dialog} do { //If player dies, close dialog if (!alive player) exitWith {closeDialog 60003}; //Disable/Enable purchase button depending on if there are enemies near the player _hostiles = [GW_CVAR_SIDE, (getPosATL player), 100] Call fnc_shr_getHostilesInArea; if (_hostiles == 0) then {(_display displayCtrl 1604) ctrlEnable true} else {(_display displayCtrl 1604) ctrlEnable false}; //User selected to load a template if (GW_PUREQUIP_LOADTEMPLATE) then { GW_PUREQUIP_LOADTEMPLATE = false; _templateLoad = [] Spawn fnc_purequip_loadTemplate; waitUntil {scriptDone _templateLoad}; }; //User selected purchase equipment if (GW_PUREQUIP_PURCHASEEQUIPMENT) then { GW_PUREQUIP_PURCHASEEQUIPMENT = false; _gearPurchase = [] Spawn fnc_purequip_purchaseGear; waitUntil {scriptDone _gearPurchase}; }; //Changed category (Need to halt execution to make sure it's done populating) if (GW_PUREQUIP_CHANGEDCATEGORY) then { GW_PUREQUIP_CHANGEDCATEGORY = false; _gearPopulate = [(lbCurSel 2100), _display] Spawn fnc_purequip_populateGearList; waitUntil {scriptDone _gearPopulate}; }; //Recalc Total of Template if (GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_TOTAL) then { GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_TOTAL = false; _recalcPrice = [_display] Spawn fnc_purequip_updateCost; waitUntil {scriptDone _recalcPrice}; }; //Figure out mass of containers if (GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_MASS) then { GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_MASS = false; _recalcMass = [_display] Spawn fnc_purequip_updateMasses; waitUntil {scriptDone _recalcMass}; }; //Changed primary selection (Only need to do this if we're on the weapons categories) if (GW_PUREQUIP_PRIMARYLISTCHANGED) then { GW_PUREQUIP_PRIMARYLISTCHANGED = false; _categorySelected = lbCurSel 2100; if (_categorySelected == 0 || _categorySelected == 1 || _categorySelected == 2) then { _currentSelectedPrimary = lbCurSel 1500; if (_currentSelectedPrimary != -1) then { //Make sure our selected index is a valid index within the new category if ((lbSize 1500) > _currentSelectedPrimary) then { _magsPopulate = [_currentSelectedPrimary] Spawn fnc_purequip_populateMagazineList; _attachPopulate = [_currentSelectedPrimary] Spawn fnc_purequip_populateAttachmentList; waitUntil {scriptDone _magsPopulate && scriptDone _attachPopulate}; } else { //If there's at least 1 weapon in there, select that one if ((lbSize 1500) > 0) then { lbSetCurSel [1500, 0]; _magsPopulate = [0] Spawn fnc_purequip_populateMagazineList; _attachPopulate = [0] Spawn fnc_purequip_populateAttachmentList; waitUntil {scriptDone _magsPopulate && scriptDone _attachPopulate}; } } }; }; }; //Container Changed if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERCHANGED) then { GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERCHANGED = false; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL != -1) then { _containerClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL) select 0; if (_containerClass != "") then { _containerPop = [GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL] Spawn fnc_purequip_populateContainerList; waitUntil {scriptDone _containerPop}; } else { GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL = -1; }; }; //Update container text if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == -1) then { lbClear 1504; _containerTextCTRL = _display displayCtrl 1108; _containerTextCTRL ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText format ["No Container Selected"]); _emptyContainerCTRL = _display displayCtrl 1609; _emptyContainerCTRL ctrlShow false; } else { _containerText = ""; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 4) then {_containerText = "Uniform"}; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 5) then {_containerText = "Vest"}; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 6) then {_containerText = "Backpack"}; _containerTextCTRL = _display displayCtrl 1108; _containerTextCTRL ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText format ["Contents of %1",_containerText]); _emptyContainerCTRL = _display displayCtrl 1609; _emptyContainerCTRL ctrlShow true; }; }; //Redraw requested if (GW_PUREQUIP_REDRAWINV) then { GW_PUREQUIP_REDRAWINV = false; _redrawUI = [_display] Spawn fnc_purequip_redrawInventory; waitUntil {scriptDone _redrawUI}; }; //Update selected template if (GW_PUREQUIP_UPDATETEMPLATE) then { GW_PUREQUIP_UPDATETEMPLATE = false; _templateUpdate = [_display] Spawn fnc_purequip_updateTemplate; waitUntil {scriptDone _templateUpdate}; }; //Delete selected template if (GW_PUREQUIP_DELETETEMPLATE) then { GW_PUREQUIP_DELETETEMPLATE = false; _templateDelete = [_display] Spawn fnc_purequip_deleteTemplate; waitUntil {scriptDone _templateDelete}; }; //Save new template if (GW_PUREQUIP_SAVENEWTEMPLATE) then { GW_PUREQUIP_SAVENEWTEMPLATE = false; _templateSaveNew = [_display] Spawn fnc_purequip_saveNewTemplate; waitUntil {scriptDone _templateSaveNew}; }; uiSleep 0.1; };
  12. soundblaster

    [MP] GWAR3 (Gossamer's Warfare 3)

    Awesome mission great job!
  13. soundblaster

    Arrowhead Community [Hardcore Realism]

    Was fun playing! Good that you managed to find it. Hope to see you soon again!
  14. ARMA 3 - Arrowhead Community Server [sRV] EU-ARROWHEAD.NET #1 - Conquest Large - CTI - [Hardcore] [sRV-IP] [TS3] eu-arrowhead.net [TS3-IP] [WWW] eu-arrowhead.net [Work in Progress] About Us: Arrowhead is an international gaming community focussed on Arma 3. We provide an immersive player vs. player experience, emphasizing simulation and tactical realism where a strong will, teamwork and communication is key. Victory is not achieved, it is seized. What is Conquest Large? Conquest Large is our own variation based on BECTI which is created by Benny. With this game mode we provide players with a military experience without limiting the great features ARMA 3 has to offer. Every weapon, attachment, armoured vehicle, chopper and jet is available on our server. The main goal of both teams is to extend control over possibly the greatest number of territory points which are spread over the entire map. The more territory you have, the more supply income you generate for your team. Thus providing the ability to allow for more upgrades. The territory you control will function as a respawn point for you and your team. Additionally you can use the redeploy function near the HQ to deploy yourself to one of these territory points. These points are definitely a valuable asset in the field. To capture a territory point, move to the marked location on the map. A territory point consists of a main capture point and several camps surrounding it. The process of capturing can be speeded up. The more players are present, the shorter it will take to capture it. Capturing can be interrupted, when the enemy players team come within the territory’s border. In that case, the advantage in numbers within the territory reach works as a decisive factor. The end-game goal is to find- and destroy all of the enemy structures. This goal can be accomplished in many ways. For example your team can choose to cripple the enemy’s supply rate income by capturing and holding more territory, which will in turn provide your team with a technical advantage in the early- to middle game. Of course there are many other tactical approaches a team can take.
  15. soundblaster

    Arrowhead Community [Hardcore Realism]

    We are looking for administrators. Add me if you're interested in this! http://steamcommunity.com/id/Turkomano/
  16. soundblaster

    Join your old Group

    Dude you're my hero!
  17. Hey guys, I am working on a modification of a script. Right now I want players to have the choice to be able to join each others their group. Currently when you join someone his group it works all fine. The problem right now is when you leave the group it should move you back to you're old groupID. Currently it is not doing that and I know it makes sense because you're ment to save your GroupID before you join someone his group and with that information you can set the groupID back to the old GroupID. I am just confused with the bit how do I save someone his GroupID once in a variable to use in a command, an example: _YourOldGroup = groupId (group player); [player] joinSilent _YourOldGroup; I think this way it would work but the problem is obviously _YourOldGroup will change because you are joining someone else his group, because of that it will set your group ID to your current group and not your old group... I hope I made a bit sense... Thank you for your time!
  18. soundblaster

    Join your old Group

    I guess not a bad idea! There is only one problem... Will the group still exist even without someone in it? I am using a mission that is dependent on players to be in a certain groupID.
  19. Hello fellow friends! Recently I've started experimenting with the profile settings in ArmA 3. I've noticed when you put "WeaponCursor" to 0 you will not have a cross hair anymore, well that's what I hoped for. I noticed that vehicles do still have cross hairs when you're in a Pawnee for example. I couldn't find a configuration that disables this or am I missing something? I cannot find an answer to this question on this wiki page: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Difficulty_Menu#Weapon_crosshair Hopefully someone can help me out here. Thank you!
  20. Hello Folks. Recently I've started implementing TFAR to my mission file. Currently there is a store in my missionfile which sells the TFAR handheld radio's but now I have one problem. The person that buy's the radio for example "tf_anprc152" will be automatically replaced with a different version of radio for example the "tf_anprc152_1". This is a issue for me because now I cannot predict what class name the TFAR item will have because it changes every time. Sometimes it is "tf_anprc152_2" or "tf_anprc152_4"... I've noticed more players have this issue how can I solve this problem? I am calling the item like this in my script _i = ["tf_anprc152"]; . What should I do is there a way of solving this where the store item can be 1 forced class name instead of something dynamic? I hope this made sense...
  21. soundblaster

    TFAR Classname is wrong?

    Hm, I've seem to fix it. I made the store force selling "tf_anprc152_1". I don't know if this will cause interference with other TFAR features.
  22. soundblaster

    Disable looting gear from corpses

    I've noticed that it does work for players but not AI's that are spawned in the mission. Is there a reason behind it I am using Nikander his code.
  23. Hello fellow friends! I am working on a small mission and I want to add custom controls to it. Currently it is working but it opens the menu when you press the button. What I want is that you need to hold the keybinding in order for the menu to keep displaying. Right now when you hold the button it also creates infinite amounts of extra layers of the same dialog. What I got is this: Key_Binding = { switch (_this) do { //Key end case 207: { execVM "Script\earplugs\earplugs.sqf"; }; //Key ~ case 41: { createDialog "CTI_RscMainMenu"; }; }; }; I only want to do this for case 41: Hopefully someone can help me out. Thank you!
  24. soundblaster

    Key hold script open

    Hey, thanks that fixed the endless dialog pop-up, now just the other problem that is that the dialog is only open when the button is being pressed. Thank you!