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Everything posted by kremator

  1. No mods running and it was the first time on. I didn't stay long enough to get anything, so it will appear as I have nothing.
  2. I joined the server last night (now on Tanoa) so it started me anew. I didn't get very far before getting drilled again, so can confirm if saving works.
  3. kremator

    Arma 3 Ai REVAMP PLEASE!

    I think it is likely that this thread will be closed as nearly everyone and his dog has asked for this. It seems like it falls on deaf ears however!
  4. It is at ZK's end I'm afraid. I'm running my server (although prolly won't be 24hrs a day - but only during UK evenings)
  5. kremator

    Released![MP][WarFighter] Liberation

    Congrats ! Downloading now.
  6. It is pretty obvious you can't use both at the same time.
  7. kremator

    ASR AI 3

    Umm Robalo owes you nothing ! You will wait like the rest of us !
  8. An unfortunate side effect of requiring signatures :(
  9. @rockhount many thanks for replying so soon mate. If I was skilled enough I'd love to have something like this made, as it would help to open up gameplay features via AI so much more. Thanks for being honest.
  10. No mods ???? Nooooooooo .... just kidding. Will join again tonight after work and see if things have improved.
  11. What part of 'AIS WILL NOT INIT IF ACE IS IN USE' did you not understand ?
  12. Hi @rockhount, Would it be possible to have this lovely script as an addon? It would need to detect what exact backpack a soldier is wearing then choose to deploy in the correct scenario (ie it would be useless to setup a titanAA if you were being attacked by a tank). As an addon I could see this being used quite extensively.
  13. I don't think so. I have all my stuff and AI. Although I didn't really get a chance to fully check the auto-get-out bug as my AI died pretty quickly trying to take down an objective. It SEEMED fixed anyway :) I've noticed enemy AI moving around, but their feet aren't moving. Something must be up with the server - I've noticed this over the past few days.
  14. kremator

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    That is an awesome bug! I must admit if there is THAT amount of blood on the inside of the windscreen then I don't hold up that much hope for the occupants !
  15. kremator

    Zombie Survival Course

    You sure it was init'ing properly ? There may be an issue with a config conflict. I'll have a look at that previous version as well to see if I can find the problem.
  16. kremator

    Errorrs logging in.

    Good man ... welcome to the forums! Moderators can prolly close this then.
  17. kremator

    Vanilla Hand Gestures Block

    Oh I see .. sorry .... I don't know how to remove them. You do realise the armed forces use had gestures all the time? Troops need to be trained to look for and act upon the gestures alone when playing tacticool. Its not like there's a disco going on Saturday Night Fever style. Unless you guys are pointing to every blade of grass/sheep/mountain :)
  18. You do realise that these official servers are given to the community for free? As such the missions are therefore setup in a standard fashion. From reading your main post again ... Wow ... have BIS hired you as a moderator or admin of these official zeus servers? Or is it as you describe, that your 'community' take over these servers so that YOU get to play them how YOU want? That does seem toxic to me. I'm sure that you are lovely in RL, but on here I'm not getting that feeling.
  19. I've been thinking about the LOST endgame (otherwise it would go on forever without a full purpose) Surviving and collecting loot/weapons etc is a valid goal in itself however, if you notice around the airport in Malden I've collected a LOT of vehicles/helicopters. Perhaps I'm just a hoarder! What about some kind of community goal where you 'collect' (money for instance)' or 'dismantle' (working vehicles/helos) or 'people' (dismiss AI in your team) for "points" (some kind of progress bar). The progress could be towards curing the island of the zombie infection/formation of a government. When the bar is filled the mission restarts. However on the restart you BEGIN with all the items on your person (and perhaps base items in dismantled form) you finished with last time. This would turn the mission into a 'rogue-like' and attract more people to the server. OR what about this? .... a grand timer on a dialog that counts down to world destruction. Doing ^^ above slows the timer or perhaps reverses it. Unless people work together the mission will end (Armageddon). OR you must actively hunt the zombies! Sometimes I hear a massive firefight and tend to avoid it (lots of bad guys!) As zombies can only die from headshots, normal AI are rubbish at shooting heads unless by accident. What if you HAD to go into that dangerous area to kill the zombies or the zombie dialog on screen kept increasing - PERHAPS even closing off areas of the map. So there was a certain amount of time to cleanse a village/town or the population of zombies increases x10 or x100 !! Just some ideas.... you know I'm an ideas guy that can't code for shit :)
  20. There is a new version of CBA just released ... try that too.
  21. THAT there is your problem!
  22. kremator

    Vanilla Hand Gestures Block

    If you mean the idle animations .. there is a mod for that. Just search.
  23. You need to tell them taht they must restart Arma to rejoin. There is a problem with memory issues from previous mission version that need to be flushed before they can rejoin. Just put something in Message of the Day, or inform them via Global chat that they must completely restart Arma3.
  24. kremator

    Crash since the 1.68 update

    We are on 1.72 version now ... if you are on 1.68 you are running a pirate version. Please leave, as we do not want your sort here.
  25. kremator

    ASR AI 3

    Get over yourself and stop being so touchy about it. Didn't you see the :) at the end ? Didn't I say that it is all about accuracy of the grenades? As you say it COULD be something that BIS has done at their end. Ultimately either Robalo changes that or he doesn't. Use or not use (as Yoda would say).