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Everything posted by autigergrad

  1. version 1.2 https://www.dropbox.com/sh/55j0oey9zfc8rbx/AAA2kc4svFaDBWdhCnkJk5pFa?dl=0 Some substantial additions to both the Middle Eastern and African Sound packs -added both African and Arabic songs -added Arabic speech over loudspeaker -added multiple radio news soundbites from events occurring to both regions (Libya, Sudan, etc.) -added ISIS propaganda speech -added Military Radio chatter for Afghanistan missions -for those requesting longer looped files, I actually created a 6 minute British-specific radio loop, covering both local and military news, as well as recreational radio chatter (Premier League news). Should be nice to use at your home FOB when you are walking through the barracks! As always, I hope you enjoy! Special thanks to seba1976 for donating some of his own sounds to the project!
  2. The first number is volume. As its a 3D sound coming from a particular point, upping the volume would be your best route. Glad you like the sounds. I have more on the way very soon.
  3. Do you have the trigger set to activate by a particular group member? That's the only thing I can think of. I tested extensively in my British Steel Afghan mission and sounds worked repeatedly. On a side note, if you're ever interested in playing some iron front hit me up!
  4. Very nice delta! Looks like my 3CB Brits will have some CUP Mastiffs, Ridgebacks, and Warriors to use in our missions moving forward! Great work!
  5. Well folks, great news! The Hotfix has fixed the triggers. I just tested both in sp and on my dedi. Sounds are playing perfectly again.
  6. autigergrad

    3CB BAF Equipment

    As a mission maker, happy to hear about a nice Opfor back for my Brits to battle. Evrik, I'm assuming that pack will include Middle East, African, and European Opfors? Will this pack also include Civs for each of those regions? That would be helpful in regards to Insurgency missions/ ALiVE insurgency missions. Looking forward to all of the new updates!
  7. Yeah, 1.56 FUBARED the triggers. I think they have it corrected in the upcoming hotfix though.
  8. autigergrad

    ASR AI 3

    Do we still need to mess with file patching settings on this latest release?
  9. Halle-freaking-lujah!!! Sweet ARMA gods on high this is glorious!!!!
  10. autigergrad

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    So I've been meaning to ask this for almost a year but just never have gotten around to it. For as long as I can remember, when I use Task Force Radio (which is always).... my player always spawns in with a radio on his back and his actual back pack laying at his feet on the ground. Every time. Is this a setting? a bug? I always have to end up picking up my backpack and removing the radio but this is especially problematic on "set missions" where I start in a helicopter, etc. and I end up losing all of my gear because I have the radio instead of a backpack. Thoughts?
  11. autigergrad

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    I have a HyperX Headset and I think it is out-freaking-standing. Forget the actual name of the model as its not on the headset itself and I'm too lazy to go hunt for the box, but I was really impressed when I got it.
  12. I'm out of town til Sunday but we played a dedicated match Thursday night and the sounds worked fine.
  13. autigergrad

    US 75th Rangers

    They work fine for me. Is your CBA up to date?
  14. mas_rus_spet just take off the hd version
  15. autigergrad

    Is the 3D Editor mandatory?

    They took away Merge???? For the love of all that is ARMA...WHY??? I use the hell out of merge. I create "sound templates" for different enviornments...i.e. African sounds for African maps, etc. I can then merge those ambient sounds super quick into other missions on that map. So now I'm gonna have to copy and paste the whole thing over I guess?
  16. They work with the triggers just like the stock effects so I would assume so.
  17. autigergrad

    Iron Front in Arma 3

    Hey Gunter and Co. I just wanted to let you Iron Front guys know that I've completed an ambient sounds pack for all 3 playable factions for Iron Front. These include authentic radio broadcasts, speeches by Hitler, Stalin, and others, and music of the period. Maybe you guys can get some use out of them. Here they are in action. Link to pack is here: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/187988-autigergrads-regional-ambient-sounds-pack/
  18. Ok Fellas, version 1.1 is now available. Additions include: Soviet Sound pack for Iron Front mod for ARMA 3 US Sound pack for Iron Front mod for ARMA 3 Nazi Sound pack for Iron Front mod for ARMA 3 Here are some vids of the new pack in action:
  19. autigergrad

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    It's whatever the army and/or navy faction name is minus the "NAVY_MTP" at the end of the line. (I'm at work and not staring at my computer) Just open up the CFgfaction in the editor and you'll see it. UK3CB_FACTION I believe or something like that.
  20. autigergrad

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Quick question fellas, Will the next update include replacing the vanilla nato soldiers as drivers with proper British drivers? I noticed when I place non-empty Jackals and Coyotes,the crew are vanilla NATO troops. I'm loving the new desert camo on your latest updates page by the way. Nice!
  21. If you create the groups in the proper ALiVE format, absolutely, you can create custom groups
  22. It's not user error. In fact, many of these crashes occur waaaaaaaaaaaaaay before you run out of RAM on the server. This is a well documented issue that is happening to many many many people (including myself on both a TADST and separate dedi server).
  23. autigergrad

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Apologies if this has already been asked, but has the Driving AI received any tender loving care? Watching a Tank, Hummer, or Civilian car regularly crash into buildings, street signs, and other people makes my face sad. I'd say that and the super turbo boosted, slingshot launched, flying Tanks that ram into each other and go 30 feet into the air are the 2 biggest immersion killers I have. Have there been any updates to Driving/obstacle detection for AI Drivers?
  24. Again, passing on what could be important info on these crashes to you Dwarden. From the ALiVE forums via Tupolov: Ok all another update... So to recap.: 1.54/6/7 + ALiVE 1.0 + CBA_A3 + ACE = netcode freeze 1.52 + ALiVE 1.0 + CBA_A3 + ACE = NO netcode freeze 1.56 + ALiVE 1.0 + CBA_A3 = NO netcode freeze (so far) We're now testing older versions of ACE to see if this is an ACE+ALiVE issue... Would appreciate if you guys could also test without ACE just confirm our successful tests so far.
  25. autigergrad

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Pardon me, that's what I meant. If I go back to the latest released official version, after making a mission in the Dev version...would that mission be playable? If I deleted the "3DEN" out of the mission.sqf..would that make it playable in the official release version?