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Found 6 results

  1. This mod adds the sounds on all vanilla rockets and RHS rockets. Requirements: RHS: Armed Forces Of The Russian Federation, RHS: United States Armed Forces. Download: Steam Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=762474289 Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31617
  2. Admins, if this is in the wrong place please let me know or you can move it, thank you. But I am not sure if I had posted to offer to pay anyone who can create a template for me. Yes, I have been for along time, trying to create a sound mod for ArmA3 that is compatible with other mods but honestly I have no time to sit and try and figure out the coding and all. I had help from others and I really appreciate it but I just do not have time with 2 kids plus a 1 year old, plus an adoptee, work, and school. I just need a template and some guidance till I am done, at least to have a backing on what I can do trial and error runs as I go along. I was directed to DevHeaven but those guys seem to busy and annoyed with me. At this point I want to make this for the community to share but it seems it might just be for my own enjoyment. But I have left ArmA2 CSM3 collecting dust and not finished, I need to complete something. So if anyone can offer a fee or something reasonable for your time I'll be happy hire someone who is honest and has time and is not vague when it comes to explaining. Its all I got from others here and its just concentration is not what I have these days :(
  3. Can someone help me with this. I'm Kinda new to the whole sound mod but am interested, I have no idea but gotten this far and im just Confused on how to proceed from this point on how i can even get sound through. if someone could help me Thank you. class CfgPatches { class mx { units[]={}; weapons[]={}; requiredVersion=0.1; requiredAddons[]= { "A3_Data_F", "A3_Sounds_F", "A3_Weapons_F" }; version="1"; author="cheif22"; }; }; class CfgSoundShaders { class MX_Closure_SoundShader { samples[]= { { "\mx\shots\closure1", 1 }, { "\mx\shots\closure2", 1 } }; volume=0.17782794; range=5; }; class MX_closeShot_SoundShader { samples[]= { { "\mx\shot\closeshot1", 1 }, { "\mx\shot\closeshot2", 1 }, { "\mx\shot\closeshot3", 1 } }; volume=1; range=50; rangeCurve="closeShotCurve"; }; class MX_midShot_SoundShader { samples[]= { { "\mx\shot\midshot1", 1 }, { "\mx\shot\midshot2", 1 }, { "\mx\shot\midshot3", 1 } }; volume=0.79432821; range=1800; rangeCurve[]= { {0,0.2}, {50,1}, {300,0}, {1800,0} }; }; class MX_distShot_SoundShader { samples[]= { { "\mx\shot\distshot1", 1 }, { "\mx\shot\distshot3", 1 }, { "\mx\shot\distshot3", 1 } }; volume=1; range=1800; rangeCurve[]= { {0,0}, {50,0}, {300,1}, {1800,1} }; }; };
  4. Hi, I'm just trying to make a sound mod test thingy but I have no clue how to do the correct format for a sound. such as does it need to be mono, what export of wav file, is there any special way to do it. My one friend said the script works perfectly with his own audio but won't share the samples since I have my own. So if someone could answer how I can format a sound file correctly would be helpful. Current export that works on most things but not working on a closure or something of that area is a WAV (Microsoft) signed 16-bit PCM with audacity then converting to .wss with arma tools. The sounds seems to work on everything but not when i fire a weapon. If any Bohemia or community members willing to share to help1, thanks.
  5. JSRS4: APEX Build 4, Version 1.2, Released 22. July 2016 Description: JSRS4 APEX is a sound modification for ArmA3. The purpose of this modification is to bring new sounds to the game, making it more exciting. Many would say it makes the game much more realistic, but that is not the initial purpose of this modification. Even if some sounds are authentic to what we call "modern warfare", still the main purpose was just to create a certain type of sound feeling. Download: JSRS4 APEX 1.2 The size is real because of the new decoding. JSRS4 APEX ReadMe 1.2 JSRS4 APEX Server Side Files JSRS4 APEX Keys Only Installation: The mod comes in a ready to use status. You dont have to install anything by setup. All you would have to do is to download and open the .rar file. In there, you can find the @JSRS4APEX folder. Now you place this folder inside your ArmA3 main folder. For example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\@JSRS4APEX. Once its in there you have multiple options. Either you start up the game, go under settings and into the "expansions" menu and select the mod and restart ArmA3. Or you use the integrated ArmA3 launcher that you can find in the ArmA3 main folder, go under parameters and select JSRS4 APEX under mods. Any other ways to install this mod would be nonsense and these two are the best ways, trust me. Changelogs JSRS4 Apex Version 1.2 (current version): - Tweaked V44-X Blackfish config - Tweaked CMR76 sounds - Added new sounds for MB 4WD - Tweaked new sounds for KH-3A_Fenghuan - Tweaked new sounds for MQ12_Falcon - Tweaked new sounds for V44-X_Blackfish - Tweaked new sounds for Y32_Xian - Tweaked new sounds for Prowler - Tweaked ReadMe file - Tweaked MQ12 Falcon engine sounds - Fixed missing SPAR17 Silencer sounds - Fixed beach surface caused running in water sounds - Fixed missing ah9_pawnee\int_main.wss (wrong entry) - Fixed missing forest footsteps - Added new footstep sounds for muddy surfaces - Fixed entries leading to an old/missing PBO - Fixed missing CTAR Hex sounds - Fixed missing LIM85 Firemode FAST sounds - Added new sounds for KH-3A_Fenghuan - Added new sounds for MQ12_Falcon - Added new sounds for V44-X_Blackfish - Added new sounds for Y32_Xian - Added new sounds for Prowler JSRS4 Apex Version 1.0: - Ported on new framework - Fixed missing forest (6).wss files - Fixed .wss entries - Separated Reloading sounds from main sounds - Added some sort of binaural closure effects - Added crack tails to all weapons - Tweaked Ak family shot sounds - Fixed CTD when using LIM85 - Fixed updating base classes on UGL - Fixed error message on main menu 3GL/EGLM - Tweaked reload sound volume - Tweaked Environmental SFX noises - Tweaked new crack reflectors - Tweaked silenced weapon sound effects - Added new noise layers - Tweaked CMR shot sounds - Tweaked stereo sounds for vehicles - Fixed distortion for vehicle sounds external - Added different sounds for different SPAR versions - Added Apex Content sounds under EXTRA - Added new sounds for AK-12 7.62mm - Added new sounds for AK-M 7.62mm - Added new sounds for AK-SU74 7.62mm - Added new sounds for CMR-76 6.5mm - Added new sounds for CTAR-95 5.8mm - Added new sounds for LIM-85 5.56mm - Added new sounds for PM9M 9mm - Added new sounds for Protector 9mm - Added new sounds for SPAR-16 5.56mm - Added new sounds for Type-115 ARX - Fixed missing Tanoa footstep/crawl sounds - Fixed missing class CTAR GL - Added different sounds for SPAR, SPAR S and SPAR 17 - Tweaked Tank sounds - Added new Tank Idle sounds JSRS3 DragonFyre EDEN Version 1.4 RC: - Added sounds for RGN Mini Grenade - Tweaked reloading sound volume/distance - Tweaked Closure effects for various weapons - Tweaked Framework reflector sounds - Added new Tank engine sounds external - Tweaked explosion/thud sound effects - Tweaked snap sound distance/volume - Tweaked SD weapon sound effects - Added soniccrack snap effects to various ammunition - Tweaked explosion sound effect muffler - Added Server Side Files for JSRS public server support - Tweaked debris noises for 20mm/30mm/40mm HE/AP rounds (performance) - Tweaked Gatling Cannon 20mm distance - Fixed removed tails from 20mm/30mm/40mm HE/AP rounds (performance) - Tweaked body hit sounds volume lowered - Tweaked volume and distance for grenade bouncing sounds - Fixed AP 30mm, 120mm shells caused explosion sounds - Tweaked snap and crack volume and distances - Tweaked global snaps louder in forests/on meadows - Fixed updating base class issues - Tweaked MX rifle sounds - Tweaked soldier movement volumes and distances - Tweaked helicopter gear and hydraulic sound volume - Fixed wrong Sniper Bolt Action sounds - Added new Flare launcher sounds - Tweaked REFLECTOR SOUNDS volumes - Fixed missing REFLECTOR SOUNDS on MX Full Auto Mode - Added new OGG file format - Tweaked mod size due to decoding - Fixed missing sprint sounds on concrete surfaces - Fixed .wss sound entries in cfgs - Fixed missing sound files - Fixed wrong numbering in environment cfg - Fixed missing tree wind sounds - Fixed missing houses wind sounds - Fixed error message "helicopter landing sounds missing" - Tweaked handheld weapon handling sounds in cfgs (Reload,Dry,Firemode...) - Increased performance and faster transaction of sound files - Tweaked mod loads faster - Fixed updating base class MXC_Rifle JSRS3 DragonFyre EDEN Version 1.3 - Fixed Coax LMG Rate of Fire - Many internal changes - Added new framework - New tail system - Framework sounds - New tail sounds - Tweaked MX sounds - Tweaked ACPC sounds - Tweaked volumes - Fixed config problems - Fixed missing "Required Addons" preloads - Added new sound update folder - Random maintenance JSRS3 DragonFyre EDEN Version 1.2 - Fixed missing SD sounds for MMG Navid - Fixed missing SD sounds for MMG SPMG - Fixed missing reloading sound for MK20C - Fixed missing dry weapon sound for MK20C - Fixed missing change firemode sound for MK20C - Fixed bolt action sound for Navid MMG - Added new Gau Cas cannon sound WIP - Fixed missing boat wave bumper sound - Tweak gau Cas cannon sound volume - Fixed missing interior AH9 Pawnee/Hummingbird sound - Tweak rain volume - Tweak rain/Environment unnecessary distance values - Tweak Helicopter volume controller - Tweak volume for Air vehicle: - AH9 Pawenee - AH99 Blackfoot - A-143 Buzzard - A-164 Wipeout - AR-2 Darter - CH49 Mohawk - CH67 Huron - Mi48 Kajman - Mi290 Taru - Po30 Orca - TO199 Neophrom - UH80 GhostHawk - WY55 Hellcat - Tweak exchange of rotorSpeed and Thrust factors for helicopters - Fixed AH9 Pawnee far distance sound was played after engine shut off - Tweak increased vehicle weapon volume for autocannons/cannons - Tweak increased helicopter start and stop sounds volume - Tweak boat speeding and water sounds - Added new speed boat sounds - Added new assault boat sounds - Added boat laying in water effect sounds - Tweak flying shell sounds - Fixed missing explosion sounds for Rocket 03/04 HE/AP JSRS3 DragonFyre EDEN Version 1.1 - Fixed missing sound Twin Cannon 20mm on Buzzard - Fixed missing sound Cannon 20mm on Blackfoot - Fixed missing sound Caseless Cannon 30mm Kajman - Tweak off road rattle and suspension on vehicle OffRoad - Added interior bullethits for vehicles - Tweak sound volume of distance explosions - Tweak sound volume of distance weapons - Fixed missing beach and coast wave sounds - Tweak all air vehicle increased volume and sound distances - Tweak M134 Gatling sounds - Fixed missing SD sounds for NAVID HMG - Fixed low volume building destruction sounds - Tweak decreased cartridge distanz from 50 to 5 meters - Tweak explosions of 20mm cannons were to strong/sounded bigger - Added loop function/sound to gatling weapons - Added new sound for 20mm cannon - Added new sound for 30mm caseless cannon - Tweak increased volume of gatling weapons - Tweak CAS plane gau loop function - Added new CAS (gau8) weapon sound (WIP) - Fixed Navid HMG background bolt action sound in some samples - Tweak Increased turbine sound distance of jets - Added missing CAS missiles 03 and 04 sounds JSRS3 DragonFyre Version 1.0 -Added SoundSets -Added SoundShaders -Added LowPassFilters -Added new 3D Processors -Added Closure effects to weapons -Added Gun Scape effects -Added new distance sounds to weapons -Added new distance sounds to explosions -Added new vehicle weapons/distances -Tweaked some sounds EQ -Changed M134 Minigun sound (WIP) -Ported mod to new framework -Created new framework -Created 5000 new sounds for a new framework JSRS3 Beta v2.5-1.1.0 -Hatchback used air break system sounds -MK14 Rifle missing SD sounds -Firemode switch too loud -Firemode switch distance reduced 100% -Dry sound volume and distance reduced 100% -Vehicle weapon sounds tweaked distances and tails -Performance tweak with vehicle firefights -Vehicle weapon sounds sample duration cut for better performance -Environmentsounds for rain and wind internal houses heard outside -Helicopter turbine sounds way louder on close range -Added explosions for Arty round and GBUs -Explosion sound distances increased -Interior Rain and Wind sounds fixed or removed -Turret sounds for tanks reduced around 100% JSRS3 Beta v2.5-1.0.0 -Release Build 1.0 -New weapon sounds -New helicopter sounds -Implemented distance effects -New explosion sounds -New driving effects, wind and speed noises -New environment system implemented -New vehicle configs -New weapon configs -Massively config tweaks -New movement sounds -New gear effects -Fixed turning sound missing steps -Wind sounds -Environment sounds based on overcast -A bunch of stuff I can't remember ____________________________________________ Support: If you'd like to support me, like what I do here or just want to get me drink, feel free to do so :) I thank you very much!!! Patreon or PayPal License: JSRS 4 Apex by Dennis Kahl (LordJarhead) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Based on a work at https://jsrs-studios.com/. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at https://jsrs-studios.com/.