VariousArtist 19 Posted July 31, 2010 As for what I would want to see with DLC... well, Id rather not see any DLC to be honest. ArmA2 and AO were a good step up from ArmA1... but there is still a ton of issues with the core engine and a lot of things that could be added. Id rather see full blow expansions or even sequels that advance the game as a whole, and don't just add some new eye candy... because lets face it, thats all most DLC ever is. Exactly that! Yay, for a Chinese Army Addon! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Drumheller 19 Posted July 31, 2010 I'd pay for urban maps(especially a U.S. based map) with an AI update that makes the AI use building interiors. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lugiahua 26 Posted August 1, 2010 French faction I don't know why they were missing in most FPS Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EricM 0 Posted August 1, 2010 NEW BIG QUALITY MAPS : while you can find plenty of community addons for guns, units and vehicles, good and large maps are very scarce, not mentioning ones featuring custom buildings and flora. If there's ONE domain where no one can compete with BIS so far, is for their countries, like Chernarus o Takistan. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[aps]gnat 29 Posted August 1, 2010 Full mod'ing tool kit, including full O2 & Visitor 4 etc etc Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrcash2009 0 Posted August 1, 2010 Sinclair C5's added to the British DLC, none of this challenger rubbish people keep banging on about. :plain: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AaninPanje 10 Posted August 2, 2010 (edited) RAGDOLL EFFECT! AND a damage system similar to OFP-DR (different body parts can get blown off) Something in Asia, maybe based off of a REAL country? BETTER VOICE ACTING!!! Even an in-game tts system would be better than "ENEMY!!! rifleman? FRONT!!! half a click." F-15, F-16, MiG-29A/C/G, Su-27 possibly a IL-76 or Mi-26...(Some sort of Eastern equivalent to the C130!) i know there are addons for these, but it would be nice if anyone who can get on multiplayer could use these aircrafts instead of having to download specific versions of them... Distance blur, if its possible. When aiming it would be more realistic for your sights and everything close to you to blur... A set of soldiers on the independent side that are just soldiers and vehicles WITHOUT and markings or roundells. This way we can at least pretend our own country(any country not featured in arma), is involved in the conflict. Flags of all states? Not minor ones like Abkhazia, Dagestan, etc. But most of the countries... Maybe we can have a campaign that DOESNT feature the USA soldiers??? A lot of us are sick of only being able to play the campaign as an american! Can the country be CZ, Germany, UK, or even Russia? A folder in the ArmA2 directory titled MUSIC that we can just put wavÅ› and oggÅ› in??? Its really a pain having to write .ext's EVERY time we want to add our own music/sounds to our missions. It would be great if you could still use these ext method to organize sounds only for specific missions, but to have music and sounds that you can easily access through the TRACKS menu on a trigger, even if the mission isnt saved would be VERY appreciated. Also, an option to repeat the song or sound? A simple LAND option for helis, so that we dont have to set up H's, waypoints, syncing, etc. The ability to spawn Modules with triggers and waypoints. (specificly Jukebox, Env-Colors, simple support module) The ability to set the combat zone with a brush Better damage models for cars. Exmpl-Crash into a wall headon, so the front of your car is smashed and the winsheild cracked. NOT crash into a wall headon, so your front right tire becomes flat. Maybe an update like OA that requires ArmA2 and OA? So that we dont have this multiplayer compatibility problem anymore. Because OA is standalone, Chernarus has been almost completely abandoned and too many people are scared that their game will crash if they DO join one of the 3 servers that accually has Chernarus. A BIGGER DESERT MAP! The one in OA is waaaaay too small. Can the desert map be 50km x 50km, instead of 2km x 2km? Misc maps unrelated to campaign that have a variety of terrains, completely forest, snow-covered mountains, grass plains(like the ones in the Falkland Islands), a map with many small tropic islands for island hopping, etc. A CIVILIAN airport with terminals and commercial aircraft(dont have to be flyable) (A firefight inside of an airliner would be really neat) Character support for these letters ÆÉ™ Ћћ Ђђ An interpreter for all sides for Eng/Rus/Chr/Tak/Cz/De The ability to set who civilians are scared of. The ability to draw colored zones with a brush and opacity control. The ability to set the ambient light color in the weather and forcasted weather sections, without having to use permanent modules. Perhaps the ability to choose different voices for different langs. (rus/eng/chr/cz/tak) and an accented voice(s) for eng. A lot of us dont speak perfect english, and it would feel more like you ARE the soldier if you had this. Also the choice of nose shapes, facial hair, eye shape, skin tone, eye color, etc... If the next ArmA takes place in the MidEast, I will personally give you accurate translations for free, ill even give you the textures in unique fonts (i hate when a game takes place in the mideast and the signs are in mirror image, or the characters are disconnected in the wrong areas). Why not eliminate the English translations of roadsigns? lol Edited August 2, 2010 by AaninPanje Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bushlurker 46 Posted August 2, 2010 Gnat;1704421']Full mod'ing tool kit' date=' including full O2 & Visitor 4 etc etc[/quote']I'd buy this one! B Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sneakey pete 10 Posted August 2, 2010 I'd love to see some kind of heavily expanded vehicle damage system. Not this "bullets hit the car until it explodes" stuff, but proper "bullets hit the engine, it stops. and doesn't freaking explode". I'd particurally like it for the helicopters though, because as it is now its really either a choice of it going down in flames and leaving a large scar on the landscape and a burnt out wreck, or just bouncing off the ground and looking completely intact (but with low 'health' of course). something between those two extremes could make for some reall interesting downed helicopter rescue scenarioes etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CarlGustaffa 4 Posted August 2, 2010 (edited) @AaninPanje: I suggest you go get a bit more acquainted with the game. RAGDOLL EFFECT! Most of us don't want this. Also the effect can't be synchronized over clients which is a big issue for a game like this, so it just wouldn't work. Search, it's been discussed before. different body parts can get blown off Play a different game. It's really not important to waste development time for. Also, I never saw this in OFP DR, but I quit playing it rather quickly. Also would probably need some significant engine changes to make it happen, which just wouldn't be worth the effort. Distance blur, if its possible. Depth of field is already possible. Increase your post processing settings. A set of soldiers on the independent side that are just soldiers and vehicles WITHOUT and markings or roundells. HiddenSelections should have been used (for all markings), so we could make our own using setObjectTexture if we wanted to. Its really a pain having to write .ext's EVERY time we want to add our own music/sounds to our missions. Not difficult to copy a previous description.ext is it? Or use the Jukebox module for quick playing if you're lazy and just want some music. If you're picky enough to get and convert your own music, then you should have time to copy those few lines into the mission as well. The ability to set the combat zone with a brush That suggestion is as vague as this answer... The ability to draw colored zones with a brush and opacity control. Not sure what you mean with brush, but setMarkerAlpha works fine for opacity control. The ability to set the ambient light color in the weather and forcasted weather sections Probably not a good idea considering the rather extreme amounts of config data needed to do it. It is defined on a per island basis. Edit: How about a marine pack with carriers, and battleships that are actually functional. Steerable, lots of turrets, artillery with a good interface, ready to transport other vehicles such as tanks and what not... maybe even a submarine On Takistan? Are we going the Swiss Navy route here or something? :D and a new map with multiple islands. Oh... :p Sorry, couldn't resist, hehe :p Edited August 2, 2010 by CarlGustaffa Having some fun :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aeggwards1 10 Posted August 2, 2010 some australian troopspoor us australians :( +1 for this. Aussie troops and vehicles please! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
That guy 10 Posted August 2, 2010 the OPFOR need some lovin too! screw more BLUFOR stuff a russian/tak campaign, new troops (Russians are famous for having uncountable variations in camo, gear and weaponry :P), weapons vics, what ever. maybe a new mini expansion with a new scenario thats something like Sri lanka, or African conflicts... just not more BLU... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Herr_kalashnikov 10 Posted August 2, 2010 Personaly what this game needs is: - a 21th century MP experience - A2 content to OA standards - Better Editing Tools There is content enough and with our community its expanding as we speak. But we all depend on BIS to solve the above 'issues'. So basicly no DLC but Expansion packs, IMHO. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BigMorgan 11 Posted August 2, 2010 I really want some more high(er)-tech equipment for OPFOR. Doesn't matter what nation it represents in the end, but as a stand-alone Op. Arrowhead is annoyingly (if not game-breakingly) unbalanced for TvT game modes such as warfare. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[GLT] Legislator 66 Posted August 5, 2010 I hope this thread is not just for discussing only but BI having an eye on it and making a list that helps them to decide which things to create for DLC. The following points are not meant to be discussed. I'm fully aware that everyone has it's own favourites. Here's what I'd like to have in the A2/OA series: - the whole ArmA I + Queens Gambit completly updated to technical A2/AO standards (although this would be more an idea for a standalone package than for DLC) / I'm fully aware of the CAA1 mod but I'm just saying I'd like to pay for it if BIS is trying to recreate it) - Takistani National Army (The re-established royal powers of Takistan having a mixture of western and eastern equipment). I could imagine a small campaign about the planned assassination of the newly formed government in Takistan. - More landscape parts of the Chernarus or Takistan. As we've seen on several maps the combat zones delivered with A2/OA are just small parts. I'm sure it's possible to stick into the established design and offering new exciting locations. - Iraqi Army (Saddam era / modern era). Maybe having a small campaign of Operation Desert Storm or Operation Iraqi Freedom from Iraqi point of view. I'm sure it'll be interesting to create a story around an army who will actually lose a campaign. It would be something really new and a nice challenge. - Animal Package having at least 20 different new animals included. I know it's not important :rolleyes: But sometimes it's the small parts that make things interesting. Coming along with an update of the animal module it would be a good extension to the game series. But the more exotic the animals become, the more important is the adjustment of the animal module. I'm sure nobody wants elephants or giraffe in the middle of a city in Chernarus. I'm not talking about blacklisting areas but excluding specific animal types which isn't possible right now as far as I know. - Civilian Car Package having at least 10 different civilian cars + different variations. I'm not talking about reskins of already avaible vehicles. I'm more thinking of exotic vehicles like a hearse, a fire brigade truck, construction vehicles. I'm fine with it if some of them are just reskins as Ural-4320 and KAMAZ-4310 trucks are used in different scales. There's only one requirement I'd like to have: they must fit into the ArmA worlds extending the missions in an organic way. - More Editor Modules. The idea of the modules is brilliant - as long as they work and they are documented, but that's another story. Making mission editing easier for everyone should be a high goal as it could convice newcommers into staying within the game series. Placing stuff around and creating fancy scenarios is the most adicting part of the game series from my point of view. Just do a brainstorming and ask yourself what could be made easier?! There are hundreds of possible script solutions, however especially newcommers often are afraid to stick into them, no matter how good or bad they're documented. Well, I'm no newcommer :o But I approve everything that makes missiong editing faster and easier for everyone - just taking the new town construction module of OA as an example, or the weather modules. Some things I might add. The price of each package must fit to the content. That's the most important part I guess. Taking other games as an example, I'm not willing to pay 5 € for a simple weapon or outfit, or even a single tank. 5 € for a minor addon package is ok I guess (having mostly reskins and no new models at all). 10 € for a huge package including new models, a lot of variations, weapons, objects, missions is fair. 5 € - 15 € for a new island / combat zone depending on the size. I'm not willing to pay 10 € for an island like Utes, but Chernarus-size (including details in the landscape) on the other hand would be worth 10-15 €. Basicly the DLC must convice me not to use free community made alternatives or I'm out. What advantages do I get? How far will the DLC supported afterwards? How will it fit into the future developement of the game? How can an "I must buy this at all costs!"-feeling be achieved without milking the community dry and becomming greedy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darkhorse 1-6 16 Posted August 6, 2010 Basicly the DLC must convice me not to use free community made alternatives or I'm out. What advantages do I get? How far will the DLC supported afterwards? How will it fit into the future developement of the game? How can an "I must buy this at all costs!"-feeling be achieved without milking the community dry and becomming greedy. The thing is, that's not what it's supposed to do. The DLC is not supposed to compete with the Community made content, it's meant to be an alternative, for something well made (Depends on the definition of that I suppose, because the BAF DLC is full of kit that isn't actually used, or that has obvious flaws when compare do the real thing, but I guess that could be passed off as part of the ArmAverse) from Bohemia, and something that may be more commonly used than the Community addons. The biggest factor though is knowing that your supporting BIS so that they can keep creating awesome content/games. In fact, I think the BAF DLC is shite, but I'll probably buy it to support Bohemia. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rübe 127 Posted August 6, 2010 - Animal Package - Civilian Car Package While I'd like to see new animals and civilian stuff too, I doubt it's a good idea to offer such things as narrow themed packages. These should rather be a smaller part of a greater package. Animals for example would come with a new island, especially if they don't belong to Chernarus/Takistan. Same for civilians. Generally, I doubt chances are high for any narrow themed packages, be it an editor upgrade package, an animal package or a module package. These wouldn't sell aswell as more complete packages, offering new coherent scenarios, and thus in the end appealing to a broader audience. Everyone will find something "must have" in a more complete package. At least chances are higher that way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SPC.Spets 21 Posted August 6, 2010 A remake of Operation Flashpoint Campaign Cold War Crisis & Resistance (?) Edit: and Red Hamer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[GLT] Legislator 66 Posted August 6, 2010 @Darkhorse 1-6: True, that's actually a very important point. I'd like to support BIS by buying the DLC having more of BIS of the next X years. That doesn't mean I'm blind buying everything :p At the end I need to create missions with it so it has to fit together somehow. @ruebe: You're right, that would make more sense. Well maybe we're getting a new island including new animals, civilians and cars and a mini campaign having already published BIS units. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WackyDay 10 Posted August 7, 2010 A remake of Operation Flashpoint Campaign Cold War Crisis & Resistance (?)Edit: and Red Hamer I definitely want to see a new version of OFP: Resistance, but in a Chernarus or Takistan setting. The resource management, ambushes, and old school weapons made it a completely different playing style that would go nicely with ArmA 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JojoTheSlayer 35 Posted August 7, 2010 I guess most people would buy a vanilla "their countries army" pack even if some mods where better. Considering that the game is still buggy and that Arma 3 is far off. DLC might be a good middle ground to get continued support. You buy a little DLC, BIS keep fixing stuff even further down the road than they normally would. What I would like to see: -C130 Specter gun ship. -Better ballistics for sniper rifles and AT weapons. -Water themed expansion with a mostly water based map, units and a huge oil rig or something alone those lines. CB90, frogmen, special forces stuff. -Better ai in regards to hiding and checking out houses or similar. Maybe even a modual you could link to a squad which would make them do it so it would be simple to add to missions. -Probably a few other things I can think of right now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nocturna 10 Posted August 8, 2010 (edited) What i'd like: BIS to stop cowmilking. Stop releasing stuff that many modders can/already did for free and spend your time fixing this broken game. New maps would also be cool, simply because i <3 all the maps made by BIS and because that would actually require some efford to do, but please, stop trying to sell a couple of models and skins, its just pathetic when you have such a great modding community, no offense intended. Edited August 8, 2010 by nocturna Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cotala Studios 10 Posted August 8, 2010 (edited) how is it cowmilking to release work, and ask for you to pay if you want to use it? Especially for a small company that produces such top notch work as BIS? it seems pretty damn reasonable to me. As someone earlier stated, A3 is a long ways off. So everyone in the BI dev team is supposed to just join the bread line until they can give us an entire new game? I think that the British forces will be good, and definately worth the 9.99 USD. And note: I am buying this to support BI. I will still be using some of STALKERGB's stuff because I like to support the modders, and AFAIK, the BI thing wont be an entire british armed forces. I think everyone needs to just chill out. Last time i checked, people didnt complain nearly this much when COD released map packs with maps that were less than 1/4 of a click. and the ultimate argument that is always brought up: nobody is forcing you to buy the DLC. If you don't want it, don't buy it. Just don't be sad when the civie sector of BIS goes out of business. this wasnt particullarly aimed at you nocturna, i see what you are saying, im just sick of all the 'Hate on BIS for trying to make money to put food on the table' comments Edited August 8, 2010 by Cotala Studios Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heatseeker 0 Posted August 8, 2010 What i'd like:BIS to stop cowmilking. Stop releasing stuff that many modders can/already did for free and spend your time fixing this broken game. New maps would also be cool, simply because i <3 all the maps made by BIS and because that would actually require some efford to do, but please, stop trying to sell a couple of models and skins, its just pathetic when you have such a great modding community, no offense intended. Thats very selfish and rude. The modders can make all those addons because they have editing tools available, you cant say that about every other game can you? The game isnt broken.. and a decent map takes a long time to complete. Also the majority of people who voted in the pool want the DLC. So here's an idea, if you dont want the DLC.. dont buy it, que tal? :butbut: . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daniel 0 Posted August 8, 2010 I'm sure more BIS-quality maps would be appreciated. Though on a similar vein, so would a kinder to use Visitor... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites