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I'd rather not have voices than africans running around talking russian :p

What kind of racism is this, are you assume Africans can't speak foreign languages? :p

Anyway nice job, hope to see Afrene's military around soon. Are you planning to make some kind of militia or insurgent force? Like some we seen in Blood Diamons? (nono no suggestion, question only, before you flay me alive)

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What kind of racism is this, are you assume Africans can't speak foreign languages? :p

Oh FFS get off your high horse. JW is right - if there is no voice acting then it will look REALLY stupid the African troops talking Russian.

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Kremator, please, you don't see the smiley behind the comment? I was only joking.

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At least they have proper names. Any good African voice actors around here? :)

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You could use the english voice files,

since english is the most common language

on the african continent next to french.

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Well I think most people wouldn't like American accented Africans as much as Russian speaking Africans. Maybe English with African accent would suit better (maybe no, thinking about OFP Red Hammer...), but I don't know how much they are speaking English/French between each other.

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First of all, we got to drop the african sheme.

Its like saying, that people wouldn't like to hear

english speaking europeans in mods.

There is no african accent, but local ones,

like the pidgin english.

But this is also very often used in the US of A (by the black


In my book, the american accented Molatian

Units are realer or as real, as american accented british troops.

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I see your point. I don't really know what language would Africans speak with each other, but I was doubting it would be English (or France), I was under the impression they would rather speak local languages, and only speak English/French with foreigners and on official occasions. But if they are using these languages everyday in real life, then have them using the English voice.

For the accent, I wasn't thinking about how they would speak English, but rather as a "dub" for their mother language, like we had Russian accented English in OFP Red Hammer or in Red Alert, but that won't be a good idea too.

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They would rather speak french than english as you can see in Western Africa. They have their own languages but the common language between the Western African countries is french.

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Suggestion: Please consider adding a LHD to the map, this would make it much easier for placement issues when LHD has to be an AddOn or Scripted. Awesome map having a lot of fun with it!

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If someone could send me LHD template I surely can add it.

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You just have to add the water2.pbo to your required addons in your project folder and browse the LHD model pieces. Just add them in visitor whereever you want and move them until all pieces are conected. The same as if you had a house, building or whatever.

BTW, nice island!!!!!

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mankyle no prob, will do that. Where should I put it, any suggestions?

SW of the biggest island, maybe far south center?

Please post bug reports soon so I can update map to v1.0, already on list:

- get rid of that black.pac error

- draw airports and roads to the satellite map so they don't dissapear in the distance

- tweak grass areas so high grass is not present in towns, bases, etc. put red hard earth to those areas

- fix all rpt errors (add object configs)

- add road signs for major towns at crossroads and "danger-high water" at river crossings where bridges are gone

- complete SBP Training camp

- add a mud road for patrol from center bridge to Djolan

- check walking sounds for ground types

- check if tide can be somewhat lowered so vehicles can always pass rivers at "missing bridge" points.

- add vegetation and rocks to some "empty" areas

- add light poles and traffic light to big towns, maybe sidewalks

Bugs can be posted here:

- http://dev-heaven.net/projects/show/ibr-isla-duala

- PM to me

- info at-vojak dot si mail

Edited by IceBreakr

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Negative for LHD. Missionmaker can set it on his own.

+1 for IceBreakr post

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but you need an addon to place the LHD in the editor, it's not their by default. so it adds unnecessary addon requirements.

on the topic of stuff to add, any chance of a menu movie?

i'm really enjoying this island :)

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Very nice island indeed. Thanks IceBreakr for yet another brilliant addon. :)

Noticed helipads and some other small things are missing from the mapview. Hard to place things when you cant see them in the editors map view. Put down - preview - move an inch - not good enough - move again... You get the idea. :) More markers showing where those things are would be super.

Thank you.

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Ah the good ol African war front, The good ol feeling of Tonal and Delta Force Black Hawk Down. Just to add atmosphere could you guys make a sign near the (high water level sign) danger crocs? Of course there wouldn't be crocs but it would add to the feeling of the map :D

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Splendid island! Haven´t looked to much around yet, mostly Larenga as i started building a mission inspired by Insurgency campaign from BAS, but it´s really nice so far :thumb_down:

Some small questions or requests though, i don´t know how hard it is to make, but can you add house postions? At least in Larenga there are mostly none, especially not in the bigger building in the center. I love using the housepatrol script from Tophe (the one with the song) and w/o the positions defined it wont work :(

Other than that i noted that the church (sadly not enterable like in Lorengau) sacks into the ground after being hit with a single rpg.

but you need an addon to place the LHD in the editor, it's not their by default. so it adds unnecessary addon requirements.

Or use script by armatech like gaia did in EW

// Script by ArMaTeC

_LHDspawn = _this;
_LHDdir = getdir _LHDspawn;
_LHDspawnpoint = getposasl _LHDspawn;
//deletevehicle _LHDspawn;
_parts = 
_dummy = _x createvehicle _LHDspawnpoint;
_dummy setdir _LHDdir;
_dummy setpos _LHDspawnpoint;
}foreach _parts;

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This is just a super map.. many thanks and well worth the wait!

The Molatian army troops work and look very well suited to the terrain.

Does anyone know if there are any other 'local' type troops available to the enviroment being made, bush type uniforms etc like the Rhodesian type camo?

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Some small questions or requests though, i don´t know how hard it is to make, but can you add house postions? At least in Larenga there are mostly none, especially not in the bigger building in the center. I love using the housepatrol script from Tophe (the one with the song) and w/o the positions defined it wont work :(

Yes it would have been nice to have positions in this house type:


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Congratulations on the release IceBreakr, I have to try this asap :)

btw, where did you get the plane in your signature from?! :eek: If my eyes don't fail me, that's an Aero L-159 Alca in Czech Air Force colors. O_O

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