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ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead discussion thread

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Wow, that trailer was pretty awesome! More of that, please. :D

Also, when the AH-64 flew through the smoke near the end of the trailer, did I see the smoke go downward from the rotor-wash? If so, AWESOME!

Nah, looks like the smoke under the apache is just from the missile it fired. The smoke pillar itself looked unaffacted. Would be pretty cool if they added that kind of physical interaction to particles, but it doesn't look like it.

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yeah no shit hahah,

same old BI crappy explosion sounds. Thank god for sound mods!

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/me licks trailer. Lots of awesome right there.

~0:50 view shaky view from the littlebird landing is precisely the kind of thing that adds atmosphere. Very cool. Crossing fingers for not being video editing ;)

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There is however clearly a Arma2 AI Bug to see, at 0:57 - 1:01!

AI turns or in this case turns the turret even though they are still shooting. This has caused uncountable Friendly-Fire issues for me in both SP and MP.

The Bugreport is here dear BIS: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/5041#note-2

Video showcasting it with foot-soldier:

It would be very good if AI could be fixed with its countless obvious flaws, of which the most are reported in the Bugtracker. Please dear BIS Employees have look over there, coincidences happen every time, maybe you are just at tweaking/adding/fixing a issue in the same area..... :D:)

And when we are already at it, maybe have a look here (sort it by votes for instance): http://dev-heaven.net/projects/cis/issues?query_id=4

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yeah no shit hahah,

same old BI crappy explosion sounds. Thank god for sound mods!

Wow there slow your horses , they still haven't answered my question if the new sound system is implemented in the video , so let's not jump to conclusions .

Noticed there is a new model for the Blackhawk ?

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As I thought about the trailer more, I realized they didn't really show off any airplanes besides the C-130 and gratuitous amounts of helicopters, so I decided to watch it again and see if I could find anything...


It looks like there's some sort of biplane in the hanger. :cool:

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Wow, I love the vegetation, the map, the models and the music!

Whoever made them,(I don't think they're ever going to respond to this

post anyway)

you've done great work!

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Those ksk units looked awesome!

A patrol mission with such a stunning ambience would really show-off ARMA's simulation capabilities : )

Plus, this is the first trailer of various to come (in the description) so this might mean we'll see a mid/slightly late 2010 release

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Player who occupies the pilot seat can fly it than. Also the UAV can bring some weapons and ammo as "flying ammo/weapon crate" in the hot zone.

Does that mean, there's an order to force units to land with their helicopters/planes?

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Really happy to see Bundeswehr units :D I hope to see also other NATO units (UK, canadian, czech, polish, italian, french etc etc). :j::pray:

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Really happy to see Bundeswehr units :D I hope to see also other NATO units (UK, canadian, czech, polish, italian, french etc etc). :j::pray:

Czechs are 100% in.

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Czechs are 100% in.

Even saw them in the video at 0:55.

So far I managed to spot U.S, czech, german (possibly ksk units) and I'm not sure about 1:31, I presume they're an allied takistani force (a bit like the independent faction) or some more footage of czech :p

Can't wait!

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Confirmed factions: Germany, Czech Republic, United States, Takistan, United Nations.

Any got any more to add to the list?

Hopefully Aussies and Brits will be added in the game. BIS can get the voice actor who voiced Captain Dressler to do the radio voices for the Aussie and Brit units. :D

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Confirmed factions...

Confirmed? where?

tis only speculation :D

By the way where were the UN forces in the video?

Oh and imo it's time to update the OA website ;)

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i would not get your hopes up too high for more NATO countries to be included as surprises. I find it amazing enough that the germans are in, much less more surprises

but hey, if im wrong, im wrong :p

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