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What I said was that you're giving your self way too much credit for doing nothing but basicly saying "wtf, that looks like shit, omg, BIS, u fukin noobs, make it better"

You know what? I'm almost 30 and i'm definitely not the type of guy who needs to argue like this. I think YOU completely missed my point. But i see youre unable to get in touch with it.

No! Even better: First you call me a whore and now you're inputing me to have said

Quote[/b] ]"wtf, that looks like shit, omg, BIS, u fukin noobs, make it better"

Well... i said already in my last post that its important to  critizise in a reasonable way.

Why do you try to discredit me again? Are you a bit stupid?

How can you assume that i did nothing? Cause of my few posts here? Is your world the BIS-Forum only ? ( And BTW all of my few posting here were subserved to the game..if it were used or not) But what did you do for the com? Is your input to the com only to affront other ppl?

Please stop discribing "ME" or i start to discribe you.

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Well it all will be modable as I've read that the animal AI is even modable there are a LOT of oppertunities, at least with the given animal(s) and insects there is a lot of modding to do, but I don't want to see any dogs bunnyhopping around whistle.gif

Yea! Maybe I got carried away with the sheep, cows, horses, dogs etc.! I'm happy for domestic animals to be made by the community as they are really only cosmetic anyhow. What I would like though, now that BIS is giving us rabbits, is for a few more wild creatures. Deer and foxes for example could add a lot of atmosphere to any sneaking through forest missions! Wild animals that are easily startled like wild deer can give you a heart attack when they suddenly leap up from in front of you and bolt off into the distance breaking everything in their path! The same with wood pigeons and other forest birds that get startled by your presence and suddenly take off from a branch right next to you! wow_o.gif

Or you spend half an hour sneaking up on that enemy hiding in the undergrowth only to discover it was a fox building a den! Then it bolts off into a nearby field alerting an enemy SAW soldier who opens fire in your general direction!

Yea, wildlife if properly implemented could add a whole new dimension of immersion into the game!   smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]The wildlife will also react to the enviroment around them, including soldiers and vehicles passing by.

..... If this is the case then I think we're nearly there!  biggrin_o.gif

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4. Will all buildings be destroyable?

- Yes, in the final version of the game there will be debris and rubble.

Hmmmm, i think we have a problem here.

Do you remember placebo telling (on radio interview)that it is impossible with nowaday technology make all building destructable.

As i understood there will be only few building in towns destroyable (bigger towns more of those bulding, smaller - less).

Maybe it will be some efect of debris falling when taking direct sabot/shell hit but after dust sit down we see same building intact but with "black" spots on it. And other building in town (special one) without 2 floor  crazy_o.gif

So i suppose it will be just in that way, it is really hard to imagine all town buuilding destroyed, without roofs, 2 floors, holes, etc .. nice, but imposible even with fastest Dual Core intel duo cpus.

just my 2 cents...  whistle.gif

Added: ohh after smoking one cigarete and making some thoughts i think that we will be able to destroy all OPEN buildings (with rooms, etc) wich, as far as i remember from ofp) where only few in town (and as placebo mentioned, will be only few in arma aswell) CLOSED buldings, i suppose, will have some effects: bang, dust comin up, some debris falling (maybe disaperring after awhile and when dust clears we have nice texture on building...

Totally destroyable towns are already possible.  We had them in Soldner - Secret Wars...  wink_o.gif

PS - They were dynamic too!

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Totally destroyable towns are already possible. We had them in Soldner - Secret Wars... wink_o.gif

PS - They were dynamic too!

Too bad that the game sucked. tounge2.gif

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Totally destroyable towns are already possible. We had them in Soldner - Secret Wars... wink_o.gif

PS - They were dynamic too!

Or in Soldiers: Heroes of WW2

Dynamically flattening an entire village occupied by enemy russian infantry with your Hummel artillery in LAN and driving through the debris with your Panzer IVs is higly satisfactory.

The system used in this game is quite good, as you can destroy buildings and vehicles bit by bit and the game lets you use the debris as cover. So if you shoot off the turret of a tank, your soldiers can use it as cover and hide behind it. pistols.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Why do you try to discredit me again? Are you a bit stupid?

I was just making fun of the typical reactions less-than-amazing screen shots get from gfx obsessed gamers (aka gfx whores, not prostitutes). And yes, I guess I am a bit stupid, I simply can not deny it anymore in light of recent events. I am of course referring to ever replying to your post in the first place while I could've just passed it with a long sigh and forget I read it. I've certainly learned my lesson here so good day to you sir and my apologies if you feel that I insulted you or your contributions to the community.

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<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ArmA - GENERAL

General discussion about our PC game ARMED ASSAULT.

(Currently estimating a release)

November 30 release tounge2.gifxmas_o.gif


Btw November 30 release only in Germany? Dont think so

- Morphicon is the global publisher?.


- Bis found a global publisher and we dont know?.


- Some local publishers and online distribution?.


- Placebo won the lottery and he is the global publisher?.

And where is my multiplayer demo? biggrin_o.gif

Edit: deanosbeano nice rpg dialogue system thumbs-up.gif

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as far as we know morphicon is just the german publisher.

So , while i think BIS would coordinate the Releasedate with the other publishers , this only confirms november 30th as the german releasedate so far.

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Totally destroyable towns are already possible.  We had them in Soldner - Secret Wars...  wink_o.gif

PS - They were dynamic too!

Too bad that the game sucked.  tounge2.gif

DID suck yes, but doesn't now. You should give it another go... wink_o.gif

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Totally destroyable towns are already possible. We had them in Soldner - Secret Wars... wink_o.gif

PS - They were dynamic too!

Too bad that the game sucked. tounge2.gif

DID suck yes, but doesn't now. You should give it another go... wink_o.gif

I know its not the thread to be discussing but it doesnt still suck? hmm maybe I will...

Anyways These updates have me commin back 500 times a day...It feels like when i was little and waiting for christmas morining to arrive and time goes soo slowly, now times that by every day before the release!

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Quote[/b] ]DID suck yes, but doesn't now. You should give it another go...

I wish it didn't suck but it does. I did get a kick from flying the choppers in it though a while back and the dynamic destruction, long view distance and thermal imaging are quite cool features. Here's a quick summary of my thoughts about it:

Online community on public servers - relatively much annoying and immature people considering how small the player base is, zero or near zero team work, with a little luck you might find someone willing of actually trying something together (like pilot/gunner or to be a fireteam)

Mods / addons - nothing worth mentioning that I know of

Infantry combat - sucks, no ballistics whatsoever, clumsy, frustrating, some nice/fun stuff like thermal imaging goggles, jumping in trough a window or climbing a fence or roof and paradropping/base jumping

Armor and other land & sea vehicles - arcadey one man operated tanks and such but generally not as bad as infantry

Jets - suck big time, worse than OFP, like flying arcade space shooter

Choppers - relatively good flight model, actually takes some practice to master, no cockpit views or realistic weapons systems

GFX & Sounds - not good, unrealistic

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Quote[/b] ]DID suck yes, but doesn't now.  You should give it another go...

I wish it didn't suck but it does. I did get a kick from flying the choppers in it though a while back and the dynamic destruction, long view distance and thermal imaging are quite cool features. Here's a quick summary of my thoughts about it:

Online community on public servers - relatively much annoying and immature people considering how small the player base is, zero or near zero team work, with a little luck you might find someone willing of actually trying something together (like pilot/gunner or to be a fireteam)

Mods / addons - nothing worth mentioning that I know of

Infantry combat - sucks, no ballistics whatsoever, clumsy, frustrating, some nice/fun stuff like thermal imaging goggles, jumping in trough a window or climbing a fence or roof and paradropping/base jumping

Armor and other land & sea vehicles - arcadey one man operated tanks and such but generally not as bad as infantry

Jets - suck big time, worse than OFP, like flying arcade space shooter

Choppers - relatively good flight model, actually takes some practice to master, no cockpit views or realistic weapons systems

GFX & Sounds - not good, unrealistic

I know this isn't the thread to talk about this, but you should try it again... wink_o.gif

/me Runs before Placebo turns up... biggrin_o.gif

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about missing (not implemented) weapom modular system (exchangeable sigts etc) ...

well if weapon can contain multiple ammo types (and multiple types of exchanged clips / ammos) and animatios for each ...

it could be possible do same for sights if engine not hardcode max number of IDs for ammo and anims ...

also then IS look could be "changed" to reflect exchange of "sight" ammo smile_o.gif ...

hopefully what i wrote give bit sense smile_o.gif to understood what i mean ...

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What I said was that you're giving your self way too much credit for doing nothing but basicly saying "wtf, that looks like shit, omg, BIS, u fukin noobs, make it better"

You know what? I'm almost 30 and i'm definitely not the type of guy who needs to argue like this. I think YOU completely missed my point. But i see youre unable to get in touch with it.

No! Even better: First you call me a whore and now you're inputing me to have said

Quote[/b] ]"wtf, that looks like shit, omg, BIS, u fukin noobs, make it better"

Well... i said already in my last post that its important to  critizise in a reasonable way.

Why do you try to discredit me again? Are you a bit stupid?

How can you assume that i did nothing? Cause of my few posts here? Is your world the BIS-Forum only ? ( And BTW all of my few posting here were subserved to the game..if it were used or not) But what did you do for the com? Is your input to the com only to affront other ppl?

Please stop discribing "ME" or i start to discribe you.

Seriously, do you really think that anybody owe you anything for how ArmA looks? I mean, do you really belive that you had any part in ArmA getting better gfx? To your information, people whining about the gfx probably didn't have too big an impact on BIS, because, IIRC, they already said that because they had problems finding a publisher they used the extra time making the game look better. That means that BIS probably had consentrated so much on other things that they felt those parts didn't need that much work, which again means that they probably didn't care too much about people whining about bad gfx. If they had cared about the whining about gfx, they wouldn't have saved that to the unexpected extra time they got, because, belive me, there's been shitloads of people here whining about good gfx, all since the ArmA part of the forum was "opened". According to your logic you should thank me for ArmA having better AI than OFP, but guess what, I don't expect you to. I expect you to thank BIS for both the extra good gfx and the better AI and all the other good things, not try to grab some credits for yourself confused_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Why do you try to discredit me again? Are you a bit stupid?

I was just making fun of the typical reactions less-than-amazing screen shots get from gfx obsessed gamers (aka gfx whores, not prostitutes). And yes, I guess I am a bit stupid, I simply can not deny it anymore in light of recent events. I am of course referring to ever replying to your post in the first place while I could've just passed it with a long sigh and forget I read it. I've certainly learned my lesson here so good day to you sir and my apologies if you feel that I insulted you or your contributions to the community.

From Heavy Metal to Heavy Metal.

I just understand the half of it and i'm not sure if everything is meant in a cool way. But you apology. And when you apology yourself than you probably meant everything in a way i didn't understand as well. So my apologies back. (Damn language barrier)

End the end were all on the same side and want the best for all. No reason to argue here  inlove.gif

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I expect you to thank BIS for both the extra good gfx and the better AI and all the other good things, not try to grab some credits for yourself

LOL! Seems i need to take some English lessons again.

Youre the next who didn' understand what it was about.

I'm sure you would if i had discribe it better.

But this starts going OT. So no further comments on this from my side. Think what you want to think. Maybe the one or other understood the message and positive thinking between the lines.

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Well it all will be modable as I've read that the animal AI is even modable there are a LOT of oppertunities, at least with the given animal(s) and insects there is a lot of modding to do, but I don't want to see any dogs bunnyhopping around whistle.gif

Yea! Maybe I got carried away with the sheep, cows, horses, dogs etc.! I'm happy for domestic animals to be made by the community as they are really only cosmetic anyhow. What I would like though, now that BIS is giving us rabbits, is for a few more wild creatures. Deer and foxes for example could add a lot of atmosphere to any sneaking through forest missions! Wild animals that are easily startled like wild deer can give you a heart attack when they suddenly leap up from in front of you and bolt off into the distance breaking everything in their path! The same with wood pigeons and other forest birds that get startled by your presence and suddenly take off from a branch right next to you! wow_o.gif

Or you spend half an hour sneaking up on that enemy hiding in the undergrowth only to discover it was a fox building a den! Then it bolts off into a nearby field alerting an enemy SAW soldier who opens fire in your general direction!

Yea, wildlife if properly implemented could add a whole new dimension of immersion into the game! smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]The wildlife will also react to the enviroment around them, including soldiers and vehicles passing by.

..... If this is the case then I think we're nearly there! biggrin_o.gif

I imagine there will be quite a few firefights kicked off by a startled animal! thumbs-up.gif

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Nice explosions and smoke smile_o.gif .

Yeah, those are very good looking.

I just wish someone will release gameplay video without music or someone talking over. Just game voices and sounds.

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The smoke/explosion is good but it seems to be the same everytime even if the target is hit or missed. I hope it's more randomized.

Also by watching the video spoock posted i'm getting the feeling your AI squad mates wont be able to fire over the sandbags or any other type of cover as they'll just lie down when in danger as in OFP. The tanks still "bounce" when there hit which is dissapointing.

Overall i'm just happy that were getting an updated Flashpoint but i'm not holding my breath for any major changes in ballistic damage values or damage models.

The two guns on a helo is fine but the AI in Flashpoint had difficulty useing one, as the helo would never turn to allow the gunner to target the enemy. (Just make yourself a test mission where your the gunner and AI is the pilot and you'll have a hard time getting a shot at the enemy as the helo just flys around.) The added MG on the tank is nice but i can't see what the excitment is to have it as you'll undoubtably get "sniped" if you try fireing from it.

To me this seems like a MOD for flashpoint rather than a new game, which is great don't get me wrong, but it'll still have most of the flaws flashpoint had.

PS;I'm still buying it as it's still the best game (imho) out there to-date...... biggrin_o.gif

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