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I just saw the trailer and its really cool (But the music sucked). Its really fascinating how BIS always surprise with awesome elements, effects, graphics and on the other hand there are always some things are really lame like the awful looking sprinting wich is still represent - Please BIS..fix it. Don't want to use an anim-pack if not necessary smile_o.gif. And this is a good example. Did you see this guy running without a weapon? THIS looks realistic and cool!

It's kinda like two teams were developing this game. One team has got an eye and the other not. But nice to see that have modified the weapon-view wich has looked also terrible few month ago.

Conclusion: 50% incredible and 50% terrible. Nothing in between... tounge2.gifbiggrin_o.gif

But they'll do it! GO! BIS GO!

I was noticing the incredibly "jumpy" animations too. I hope they get changed to more smooth animations closer to what we saw in original OFP.

Apparently, it takes a completely different posture compared to original OFP to hold an M4... smile_o.gif

Also, that AT4 that guy is holding doesn't really look a lot like an AT4 when it zooms in... the sights aren't supposed to be on the side like that.

Edit15: Heh, it would appear it's a US soldier is just friendly firing that tank. If you look closely while the camera zooms in you can see he's wearing digital camo.

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Im fairly sure it is an AT4. That or a javelin but if you pause it a second or two before he fires you see him with it on his back and that is what makes me think it is an at4.

EDIT: Its an AT4, the sight is on the side:


EDIT 2: Maybe he is trying to "protect" it somehow. You know creating a smoke screen around it or intercepting another missile with an incredibly well placed rocket.... Okay so he is friendly firing it. We noticed that a few pages back though and I thought it was a guy with an RPG originally but its not.

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AFAIK the bad looking animations were a result of the video be re-encoded to Divx. It runs at 1.5-2x speed so everything looks wrong.

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It's the transitions between the animations that suck, but Placebo did say they're being worked on in the latest interview.

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AFAIK the bad looking animations were a result of the video be re-encoded to Divx. It runs at 1.5-2x speed so everything looks wrong.

Yeah they move way to fast! crazy_o.gif

I hope its the DIVX thing otherwise they have to slow it down radical. Other then that it looks awesome, beyond words, I cant wait. biggrin_o.gif

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Im fairly sure it is an AT4. That or a javelin but if you pause it a second or two before he fires you see him with it on his back and that is what makes me think it is an at4.

EDIT: Its an AT4, the sight is on the side:


EDIT 2: Maybe he is trying to "protect" it somehow. You know creating a smoke screen around it or intercepting another missile with an incredibly well placed rocket.... Okay so he is friendly firing it. We noticed that a few pages back though and I thought it was a guy with an RPG originally but its not.

It seems you are correct notworthy.gif. Here is a picture of my AT4 sight...

Something for maybe someone to note is that one's right hand is barely visible (it's not holding the front of the launcher) when you're looking through the sights.

The below pictures (the top one is basically what you should see) illustrate:

Also worth noting is that, to the human eye, there is very little blur on the sights and the launcher, and when there is, it is mainly on the rear sight and only on the rear sight, and it's barely noticable.




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Anyone else dislike the anims? They look odd somehow... like the soldiers were running around with sticks and absolutely no gear.

The soldiers are so straight as if they had wooden planks in their vests (very very light-weight wooden planks)... confused_o.gif

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I just read a report of the German magazine PC-Games, which was really positive smile_o.gif They were surprised that they could test ArmA by themselves. They mentioned some features, I didn't know until know:

- If you look into the sun or move into a darker room, your eyes need to adept to the new situation

- The rotor of the choppers adept to the speed

- The wheels of planes and shoppers (You will fly planes in some missions) have amortisseurs (bablefish translated)

- The island is really large (ok, we knew that before wink_o.gif )

- The capital city looks like a small métropole (==big!wink_o.gif

- The island has different climate zones

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Anyone else dislike the anims? They look odd somehow... like the soldiers were running around with sticks and absolutely no gear.

The soldiers are so straight as if they had wooden planks in their vests (very very light-weight wooden planks)...  confused_o.gif

LMAO! Yeah wooden planks discribes it well  biggrin_o.gif

But not every anim is odd. They modified nearly every anim in a better way than it was before. The "hit the dirt" anim was the first anim that really impressed me... very authentic. And today it was the disarmed running (Time: 00:48).

For those who think its because DIVX. It's not. This issue exist longer and were already discribed in earlier threads somewhere.

An other thing thats a bit bemusing is the "Fleshcolor" of the soldiers models. It has to be a bit more brighter or fady  imo -however you like to say. Its a bit flamboyant or even "pinkish". Look at a real picture or at your own arm and you'll see what i mean.

this is a good example:


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hell yeah that trailer rocks! yay.gif

i find it especially great that those flashy colors we've seen in some screenshots seem to be gone.

and those smoke/fire effects are killer! especially in the last wo short scenes imo, where you see an explosion in the distance, and the very last one with that burning bmp. Great!

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You can see that they are changing the speed of the game in the top left corner, not often though. One example is at 01:42 (look close). I don't know if it matter but just something I saw.

Edit: Forgot to say that the trailer is extremely good.

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BH! It's taken over an hour for me to catch up with all the Latest 'progress updates'!  wow_o.gif

I'm very very impressed with everything I see! Well done BIS!

The video was nicely done but too fast and difficult to follow. The need to replay many times means it would be better if the video was slower and longer and at normal speed, but a brilliant presentation all the same and a perfect 'teaser'!

The latest screenshots show fantastic attention to detail from the abundant vegetation to rust stains on the lighthouse to dirt and damage on APC's and the realistic faces of soldiers! The smoke is looking awesome too! This is gonna be one really fun game to play! I take my hat off to you BIS! ....Keep up the good work!  smile_o.gif

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Most of the video is in 2x speed, if you use Windows Media Player and slow it down to 1/2 it's looks normal. I guess BIS did this to fit more action shots into a smaller video.

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Hey there,

I just read on the german "PC Games" homepage (Which has some new pictures as well btw) that you can save in SP and MP.

Could anyone(Placebo) confirm that? smile_o.gif And if yes,does said save-option also save some Script-stuff as done by us?

Update: If there is said save-function for MP,will be able to save mulitple savegames for one mission and re-load those multiple savegames again.I am not talking about a "Quicksave"-type of thing,but rather having 1 mission that is being played by 2 different set of players. I also figure its the admin that can select the Savegames then. Sorry for the waffling if the save-game in MP thing ain't true

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I guess BIS did this to fit more action shots into a smaller video.

Its just an effect and nothing more.

Other thing...

I just want to take the chance and say what i said few month ago to all of you "I-don't-need-graphics...i'm-playin-for-gameplay-guys".

I hope you've learned your lesson. If the people wouldn't (and probably as a main scenario in this case - the publishers) said anything about the graphics and had been statisfied with the status in the past, you'll never get this version of ArmA you have today.

Those who cheers the loudest today about the look of ArmA now (and it still isn't a crysis or HLË›) would ate the whole cow yesterday.

just wanted to mind that


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BIS you skivey sneaky buggers! I LOOKED and LOOKED and could not find one-single-example of the grass and weeds appearing as the 'radius' around the viewpoint moved. That's when it hit me. It was happening, just it was blending in sooo well, I didn't notice... Until I saw a bush @ 0:26 on the left side of the screen, off in the distance, just behind the soldier fading in so slick I needed to watch several times to confirm. Great job!



and one banghead.gif 'cause it's not in my grubby mitts yet! biggrin_o.gif

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Destructable buildings yay.gif

Has there been any VISUAL proof of that? (buildings, not bridges)

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Thx for that link. I really do want to see it in action though.

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Very important new for me and us - I think you will command groups, not only single soldiers inlove.gif

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