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Cpt. FrostBite

OFP2 and "armed assault" - what's up?

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Yes Ace, that would be strange. However, it is compatible with community stuff, so there's probably a standalone install and an update install. Much like MS products or AA (Speak of the devil) v2.4.

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New expansion for OFP1!

All I can say is Wow, can't wait.

And Join in progress what I've dreamed about over and over is becoming true!

Great work BIS I love you


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Hmm one question bugs me is AA an expansion (meaning requires OFP-R) or is it standalone?

From the press release:

....Armed Assault will reacquaint gamers...

What does that mean? They didnt say whether it was an expansion pack or not ? All this is i guess from that Codies fallout mad_o.gif , damn complications.

If its a new game would that mean bye bye old OFP folder.

Heh. My OFP folder went bye-bye when I upgraded my MB and CPU and had to format my hard drive. Haven't installed it since. So I've been ready long ago... smile_o.gif

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Strange that i bought OPF:R 3 weeks ago....and started playing again....psychic??

I´m getting that old OPF:CWC feeling when they leaked the "confidential" ingame movie!!.....good times.

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Nooooo OFP folder is divine blues.gif , its legendary i've got 10 GB;s nearly dedicated to it it just cant be vanquished this easily for some crappy name as AA.

*Bah i'll make my own folder entry then , shows Codemasters the virtual finger tounge_o.gif *

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I'm delighted of course, but given the fact that ArAs turns out to be an intermediate update, I hope BIS will change some simple yet important side-aspects of the game

- new soundtrack please (listening to the same startup sound for four consecutive years has ghosted our unconsciousness with some conspicuous noises = made us all go bonkers)

- new voicecomms (idem)

- optimized scripting (implementation of commands like camsetbank and setfriend) to overcome some of our frustrations with the current engine

- more convincing water textures :-)

-CfgEnvSounds continuing after loading savegames

- more communicative "missing addon" messages

- the ability to subdivide mission folders in the Users>profile folder

- less CPU, more GPU


we are being demanding, but please don't make this a hurried intermediate update like "Red Hammer".

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No, i was refering to the old "Coldwar crisis" movie...sorry

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Nooooo OFP folder is divine blues.gif , its legendary i've got 10 GB;s nearly dedicated to it it just cant be vanquished this easily for some crappy name as AA.

My one was around 19.4 Gb. Still died tho.... tounge_o.gif

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Hurried? Hardly.

Will it balance my checkbook and program my VCR?

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Guest major gandhi

I think those who are still playing ofp will of course get Armed Assault, but it won't attract new players.

Anyways, that's what I dreamed of for so long, I hope it fixes all those major bugs.

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That video was for the first OFP Cold War Crisis tounge_o.gif

Anyone notice on the e3 press release PDF (e3showcard) contains what was said to be OFP Xbox screenie..?

(The guy with the thing wraped around his face, with the HK)..

The shadows are totaly different, no shadows on face, and the models look bad compared to others, maybe just space filler? tounge_o.gif

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I think those who are still playing ofp will of course get Armed Assault, but it won't attract new players.

A lot of people stayed away because of missing "Join In Progress".

No more excuses.

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I think those who are still playing ofp will of course get Armed Assault, but it won't attract new players.

Anyways, that's what I dreamed of for so long, I hope it fixes all those major bugs.

It will, instead of saying "Hey, but this 5 year old game!"

You can say "Buy this new game Armed Assault!"


- Ben

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I think those who are still playing ofp will of course get Armed Assault, but it won't attract new players.

A lot of people stayed away because of missing "Join In Progress".

No more excuses.

Does this mean we can administer lashes to anyone who brings this point up when ignoring OFP biggrin_o.gif . I still think those CS type players wont join up mainly because they all look for a quick bash fest 1,2,3 go bang bang bang all dead , restart! OFP requires a different mindset to play you need patience.

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depends what type of map your playing, cft is quick if its coop (the only mode worth playing) loong smile_o.gif

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I've been in CTF's which lasted for a good 15-20 mins too mainly because everyone wasnt ina rush to go out and die uselessly. OFP requires tactics and smart moves which the dumbed down audience of CS and AA also to some extent done find exciting.

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Quote[/b] ]I think those who are still playing ofp will of course get Armed Assault, but it won't attract new players.

I don't think so, in fact there are many guys who interesed in OFP recently and bought it in my country.

hell, I donno other country's PC gamers wants to play Armed Ass but it's depending on BIS's promotion skill.

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Yeah, nice one...., realy good news.

- Yesterday the OFP XBox Pressrelease

- Today the Armed Assault Pressrelease

- and tomorrow the Flashpoint 2 Pressrelease (?)  *g*

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Being that the press release has now come out about AA, i just had a gander on amazon to see if they have added it (i knew it wasn't going to be there, but heh i'd thought i'd have a search) and it came back with this POS game....

COSMI Patton: Armed Assault

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BTW: Can we agree to not cutting it down to AA. People might confuse it with americas Army

Agreed biggrin_o.gif

So, how do we call it? OFP 1.5 ?  OFP:AA ?

OFPAA sounds good to me! Good sugestion!    smile_o.gif  smile_o.gif  smile_o.gif

So Armed Assault is written OFPAA

Should there be 4 different forums from now on?





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