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Bas tonal-tango pack

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Awesome stuff here. However one of my friends are having a problem after installing the addon. He gets no GUI menue and a green screen. Any ideas of what might be happening

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I've uploaded a video of some Tonal Island footage so that 56k'ers can see why they want to download it.

Tonal Survey video (not more than 10 Megs)

That's a remix (not mine) of "Big Country", by the way.

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Excellent work as usual BAS. Now all I must conquer now is the ability to actually double-click on Tonal Island. Its... so... hard!

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Quote[/b] ]Now all I must conquer now is the ability to actually double-click on Tonal Island. Its... so... hard!

Heh, I wonder if I should burn it onto a disc and try it out on the ol' 400MHz and see what happens. I'm guessing that the computer will release an audible squeal of rage when it sees tehe size of it wow_o.gif .

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I'm having a little trouble on the campaign. On the thrid mission, the only objective that will go off is the gaurd outpost.

Neither of the ammo dumps ever trigger. I've tried several times now, both with the use of satchels (Atleast 4 each time), and precision air support. They never trigger.

And with the Machine guns In the wall of one of the buildings, I can't get the 4th objective either. But I'll try solving that with RPG's.

Anyway, how do I get the ammo dumps to be recognized as destroyed?

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Harnu, join my game.. ;)

That and I'm uploading a mirror right now. I couldn't upload because of a firewall! (silly me)

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Theres also a game going on at the BAS Server at the minute: port 17479

If anyone fancies coming along.

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Beautiful addon...and I haven't even tried the new units, missions, campaign, etc.

Just jumped in my trusty KLR 250 and toured the countryside. Lots of wicked jumps if you can get enough speed, and real pretty at all times of day or night.

Ahh smile_o.gif

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I won't be original, saying the island is great (and I saw only small part of it) :-)

Old OFP is looking now almost like NovaLogic's Black Hawk Down, and graphic is still smooth even on mine PC (1GHz Athlon Classic + 384MB RAM + GF2MX).

Campaign also seems to be worth of playing (I just passed first two missions).

BTW: I've found small bug - it almost always happens in the first mission of the campaign (I'm not loading any not-BAS addons, on the game's startup, and engine's version is 1.92b):


That's the woman which stands in fron of the church,

did she casted some voodoo invisibility spell?

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I cant get insurgency to work... sad_o.gif

When i try to do the first mission, it CTDs and says cannot memory map BAS_i1

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I won't be original, saying the island is great (and I saw only small part of it) :-)

Old OFP is looking now almost like NovaLogic's Black Hawk Down, and graphic is still smooth even on mine PC (1GHz Athlon Classic + 384MB RAM + GF2MX).

Campaign also seems to be worth of playing (I just passed first two missions).

BTW: I've found small bug - it almost always happens in the first mission of the campaign (I'm not loading any not-BAS addons, on the game's startup, and engine's version is 1.92b):


That's the woman which stands in fron of the church,

did she casted some voodoo invisibility spell?

That problem is from the units using random textures for the clothing an d the heads. When you save a mission that uses the units that have random skins, they will be invisible when you reload it. We kept the random civ units for custscenes and muliplayer, etc (thought they were removed from the missions). We did redo them and make 3 women and 6(I think) men civ units that do NOT have random skins, but will still work when loading a save-game.

That is an engine problem, and it IS in the OPFOR readme.

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Hey all....(Thanks BAS for all your efforts,you are keepin this game #1 in my eyes...thought I'd let ya know before my question)

Due to the awesome addons(my addons file was getting ridculously large) that have come about reciently I have backed up my addons file and done a complete uninstall and reinstall of OFP and Resistance(yes the whole codemasters file). I'm runnin a clean OFP/R complete with patches 1.46 and 1.91. First question. 1.92 beta worth it? Second,do you recommend a addons manager?

These are the addons I play most and plan some good missions to come from.

I44 demo


The bas tonal tango pack (dl in 10 mins smile_o.gif )(I want this one to rock)!!!!

Seb nam pack 2

several others of course

do the addon managers work well or should a guy make seperate folders and make extention folders like in Avon Ladys faq.

Bas rocks and thanx for your efforts.Just looking for some words of wisdom and what has been proven to work best.



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Tried it out a bit more and I don't know if it's a bug or an OFP engine limitation but the enemy AI are able to see thru the vegetation in an unfair kind a way. Have the same issue in Ia Drang Valley and wonder if there are anything that could be done sad_o.gif

Other than that I absolutely love what I've seen so far! The HD ammo is great and helps a bit in above situation but it still feels a bit "unfair" when engaging AI enemies in the djungle (i.e they can see you but you can't see them)...

Thanks again for all your great addons and keep up the good work!

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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OK, the amount of detail and work on this island is truly awesome - it does make OFP look like almost an entirely new game.

BUT, be warned, don't let anyone tell you it's not CPU/RAM intensive: it is. I found that my CTDs virtually disappeared when I downed all of my settings to a lot lower than I normally play with.

My specs: P4 1.8ghz, Geforce 4 4600 128mb, 256mb RAMBUS. No, not really a high-end machine, but not too sloppy either. I guess my next purchase will be more RAM.

Now, on a separate issue: the OPFOR and African units: mindblowing! These are incredible. The attention to detail, especially on the African units, is just unbelliveable. A+++ on these smile_o.gif

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I haven't checked the whole thread, but does anyone else find the RPD a little too accurate, even when standing?

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i like how the units will fire and continue to attack your last known location until they re-see you. in a firefight with some of the african units, they payed down alot of fire on where i was 2 minutes prior, easily snuck up behind them and caped them all. very nice work on the config for those units. smile_o.gif

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Yes there's a bug with the G3/SG1 scope, it seems to flicker between the zoom settings, not really a lot we can do about it for the moment and it certainly doesnt warrant an update at this stage, however pressing either zoom in or zoom out will stop the flickering (you have to hold it), other than that mission makers will just have to use the SVD.

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Hi all!

To continue the praise, GREAT JOB!

Yes I have CTD's too, but lowering the detail has helped.

Just have a report for your lists of version fixes:

In the main airport building (largest one), at grid cf/cg-18, on the right hand wall on the first floor is a map of the world, it is mirror-imaged along the y axis (backwards). No biggie, just thought it was worth mentioning to a group that goes through so much 'digital polish'. biggrin_o.gif

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That problem is from the units using random textures for the clothing an d the heads. When you save a mission that uses the units that have random skins, they will be invisible when you reload it. We kept the random civ units for custscenes and muliplayer, etc (thought they were removed from the missions). We did redo them and make 3 women and 6(I think) men civ units that do NOT have random skins, but will still work when loading a save-game.

That is an engine problem, and it IS in the OPFOR readme.

Aaaahhh... that's this problem...

Yeah I already encountered it with my randomized units (Mi-2's to be precise) long time ago - I just didn't suspected those civilians are randomized - I tought it's some kind of missing mesh in the LOD problem smile_o.gif (and to be honest - I've been so impatient to check this addon out I didn't read the readme file ;-)

Thanks for clearing this out...

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All i can say is: absolutely brillian

2 bugs i found yet:

sometimes i get an error message during the sp mission,

where you have to stop the convoy and go for the checkpoint, where it says: cannot load script ak47hd.sqs

bug 2 is: when i get killed in action, the screen's turning

to black and there it keeps stayin.

soz if this was already mentioned b4, but because of exploring

this kewl wonderfewl isle i haven't had time to read the whole

thread yet biggrin_o.gif

Just for info - i have put all available BAS stuff into one

mod-folder, called: BAS

beside i was running: the real explosion mod, kegety's russian

weapons + mailmans russians, LSR federation special forces,

akm's apc-pack, edup/dat-grade (keg and gunny), and

BIBMI's african military units (just wanna let u know in case there's some conflict here).

~S~ CD

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I had CTD's when i first tested...

here's how i fixed that. wont work for everybody as there can be a lot of different reasons why, but still, if it helps some of you... ok, ok, i shoot :

I set my swapfile to a larger value, as i have a lot of addons at the same time it's now set to 1.25 GB (formerly was 1GB)

Then, i defrag'ed my hdd again to make sure that the swapfile was unfragmented and at the begining of the hdd.

(for those who have unlimited but unfixed swapfile, you may try to make it fixed and fine tune the size of it)

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I haven't checked the whole thread, but does anyone else find the RPD a little too accurate, even when standing?

I thought I was just that good with it tounge_o.gif

Well, atleast it's nice to have one gun where most of my shots go where they are intended biggrin_o.gif

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