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Ask Poet. He already thought of making missions for BAS and he's definitely a good mission maker.

Another suggestion would be Medicus. He made a superb Afghanistan mission. (He's at the forums of www.mapfact.net)

or how about Winters again? I mean he made a good mission for the Pavehawk release.

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Thanks for the compliment Kroky! Though to be fair, Ive only ever released 5 missions to the community ( that isnt to say that Ive only made 5, a couple died a death in the OFPEC Beta forum due to lack of feedback, and Ive still got a handful of missions in various states of readiness waiting for the eventual final of Cats Afghanistan ( if we ever see it that is ) ), but to be fair, I doubt Id be able to make a mission in day!

So no BAS week release today? sad_o.gif  Was it the mission to the OPFOR pack that was scheduled, or was it the De/Ra or Littlebird update thats been shelved until another time?

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I'll help you guys on missions in you want ?

I have plenty of unfinished ones in my folders crazy_o.gif , maybe these units might give me the inspiration to finishem off biggrin_o.gif

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DM, whats the Status on your personal project Police Pack?? biggrin_o.gif Mayby you can release that today or screens of tommorows project i dont care just give me something to stare at biggrin_o.gif

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do you guys (BAS) have some secret about textures/images...?

Because when I make custom markings for the pavehawks the markings are so much worse quality than the original's by you that follows the addon... sad_o.gif

Also a custom black writing as marking becomes faded and ugly.

When I compare the images your's/mine outside the game the quality difference is not that big.

(I'm talking about image quality not artist quality if you know what I mean)

How do you do it?

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I don't really think its a biggie that we don't get missions for the opfor pack...to be honest I'm still waiting for the "beef" of this BAS week..ie Delta/Rangers update and the littlebird updates. I honestly probally wouldn't even bother playin a mission for the opfor stuff...it's just african opfor reskinned and the scud is all but useless unless ur using it and I don't see any mission made where u drive a scud and have to blow up a long distance target...so it no biggie just waiting on the big stuff biggrin_o.gif

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when I make custom markings for the pavehawks the markings are so much worse quality than the original's by you that follows the addon... sad_o.gif

I think that's an OFP engine bug: I remember when Joe Lemmonade released his buggies with customizable textures he faced the same problem. All textures that came with the model were sharp but the ones set by using the settexture command were blurred.

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Yea, that might be, but after looking trough the config it seems as the original markings are set with the same command.. sad_o.gif

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What it is, is that any texture that is used already in the P3D will be sharp.  Anything that is not directly included in it is blurry.  This is why most addon makers will create some extra textured planes for any extra markings they might use, and reduce them in size and place them inside the vehicle. This way they are preloaded and will be sharp using the setObjectTexture command.

Hope this helps.

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I'm just wondering about a thing that I'll ask here instead of making a new tread since I'm sure BAS have had to learn this while making their addon's:

How are the bataljons and such organised. You know, the 1. of 9 - 109th, 160th etc.

Also i'f you know how it is organized in other countries as well.

You see, I'm planning on making my own fictional cavallry/bataljon in a mission and i want it to be a bit realistic in stead of just picking a number... biggrin_o.gif

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Hell, if you guys need a mission maker, I applied. I'll gladly help out too.

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i guess no pictures 2day then sad_o.gif

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Hey Everyone

I would just like to say im impressed with how mature you guys have been here compared the people at Ofp.info.

reading through this thread and others on BAS week you guys have critisized constructively but also given great support.

To all the people out there who are wondering about 2days news and are starting to think this week is a flop, i ask you to remeber the week isnt over yet, weve only had 2 of the 4 releases, The Pavehawks were amazing, the OPFOR isnt the worlds most ground breaking addon but at least now russian UAZ's have machine guns.

And the news will be out soon 2day, it all takes time lol

The next 2 releases from BAS are the big ones, some of the features added are awesome and you will be pleased with them, and the missions that come with them.

so again i ask you to wait until the week is finished and then look back and see whether it was weak or lame.

Thankyou, enjoy the rest of BAS week

Tim Pink

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i guess no pictures 2day then sad_o.gif

Think about time zones. If theyre not online when I go to bed, i'll just check before I go to work in the morning. Hopefully they'll make me cream my jeans.

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Only thing i have to say is that

The people at BAS are real humans their no robots they need their rest and they got their one real life problems so all the people that are bitching and critizing BAS dont think about yourself think at the people wo shared this great addon for free and enjoy it because its created with love accepted it with love then


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The people at BAS are real humans their no robots they need their rest and they got their one real life problems so all the people that are bitching and critizing BAS dont think about yourself think at the people wo shared this great addon for free and enjoy it because its created with love accepted it with love then


Amen to dat Brotha biggrin_o.gif

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"Unfortunately" todays release will "only" be pictures of some of our upcoming addons.

rock.gif so....I guess you combat-photographer was lost in action while shooting the pictures huh.

we mourn his loss


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05 March 2004

Ballistic Addons Studio


Ballistic Addons Studio (BAS) regrets to announce that the release of its updated LittleBirds addon has been unavoidably delayed until the second week of March.

During "BAS Week" the team at BAS has been listening carefully to feedback from the community, and in particular to reports of minor issues with the RusOPFOR release. Although we make every effort to ensure releases are of the highest quality, we do appreciate that many players - particularly those on metered connections - will feel short-changed if an addon contains the sort of errors that we would reasonably expect to catch in testing.

The team at BAS asks the community to know that it genuinely wanted to get a substantial number of addons out during "BAS week", and has been working furiously to meet that goal. However, since BAS believes quality is paramount, the team also hopes everyone will understand our decision to delay slightly the release of the updated LittleBirds until those last few errors have been ironed-out. As much as it is within our control, the team wants to spare players having to download an addon twice because it was only 95% ready the first time around!

Contrary to other reports, the team would also like to remind players that BAS is an all-volunteer, non-commercial team of addon-makers working for the OFP community in our spare time. As always, we thank you all for your continued support.

For further information please contact:

Tigershark - <[email protected]>

Fer - <[email protected]>


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It's all good, as you said no point rushing out addons that have bugs. We can all wait another week.

However... any chance of a sneak peek at the 'special feature' wink_o.gif

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It's all good, as you said no point rushing out addons that have bugs. We can all wait another week.

However... any chance of a sneak peek at the 'special feature'  wink_o.gif

Yes...we will probably release a downloadable video next week demonstrating the new feature(s).

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It's all good, as you said no point rushing out addons that have bugs. We can all wait another week.

However... any chance of a sneak peek at the 'special feature'  wink_o.gif

Yes...we will probably release a downloadable video next week demonstrating the new feature(s).

excellent, can't wait smile_o.gif

BTW i haven't checked out any of the tonal updates, was the ccp for the tonal government choppers ever changed so that machine gunners from the other side would engage them?

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I am also not dissapointed.Take your time on the Littlebirds I don`t mind the way that they are now..

But we are gonna get today the updated De/Ra pack aren`t we?For me this was the highlight of the week.

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I am also not dissapointed.Take your time on the Littlebirds I don`t mind the way that they are now..

But we are gonna get today the updated De/Ra pack aren`t we?For me this was the highlight of the week.

I hope so.....we are working on it.

I owed DM some last minute desert weapon textures. Now he has to find some time to apply them.

We are trying.

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