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@Cpt. FrostBite

oh sorry at the time of my second post i dont read your comment on my first. FUCKER

i have habe make a mistake because i dont read the thread ok .... thats rigth.

but why are so fucking crazy?

are all guys here glad about that bas week? I HOPE NOT.


every day a addon or misson.

that sould it be

but what have we seen in the last days?

-pave hawk release (nice addon but "only a retexture of the old black hawk, no new scripts, and other special effects, bad)

- a bad pave hawk mission

- the little bird delay, lol , ok we know it for bas that they cant get it....

- the opfor release... that sould be a addon hole addon for one day??? thats only a very very small update of the last opfor pack, bad too

- and yesterday...?  ok no addon... nice week

- today: ok the little bird coming next week. lol ok.... if you think so. and what is new their? some more than on the pavehawk? i hope so...

so i hope today we can see a asskicking nice new addon.

sorry for my bad english!

I reported your post to the moderators and hope you will get punished for the expressions you are using.

This is not the place that you can allow yourself this kind of language!

LOL...since when did posting an honest opinion deserve getting reported..I think he's just saying what he feels and I'm sure he ain't the only one ..grow up!.... rock.gif

@pang that censored forum may be just what some of these guys on the forum need so their wittle feeling don't get hurt  tounge_o.gif

You can always put your feelings in this forums. But you don't have to use insultant words.

That makes the difference between someone who grew up!

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bean, since you are a newsposter at a community- fansite, your  public behaviour is absolutely wrong...

im the hole time which i play ofp a news poster on a fan-site.

yes guys. i no realy well that that is no behaviour to say something like that above. (one cause for that is im a new poster an should't write that, and i dont do that in news wink_o.gif )

but see:

im very very sad about that bas week, because bas is a very nice. VERY nice mod in the ofp community. but the last addons are not like the bas style i think. or?

look, the old mh-6, deltas, mh-47 or mh-60 thats very very nice addons.

and i postet in that language (in the post before) because im think that their ist some wrong. and im not the onlyst who think so.

i see it was a mistake to use some words like *fucker* here.


but im think too. that we are a big community and i think community means something like friends.

and not a official part of the world. so i think it we can see over some postes like my one.

or not?

so at least,


and my englisch realy bed i know, but is your german better? ;)

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bean, since you are a newsposter at a community- fansite, your  public behaviour is absolutely wrong...

head on over to the www.*censored* forums and continue there plz, bean, frostbite and kroky!

back on topic:

is JAM going to be updated together with the updated de/ra´s?

This has already been reported pang,

we will take further steps.

Please do not draw conclusions from mr. beans behaviour on our community site.

sorry in the name of ofpc for his behaviour, this is the least we can do.

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mr. bean, normally I would give out a 2-6 day post restriction if someone calls another poster a "fucker" or uses similarly immature words.

However, your above post seems to indicate that you are aware of your mistake and you apologised for it as well.

Therefore, I will not post restrict you, I will merely give you a warning level.

If you behave in the future without calling people names, you may even lose that box eventually. However, this will take a lot of time.

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and my englisch realy bed i know, but is your german better? ;)

Yes it is.

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bean, since you are a newsposter at a community- fansite, your  public behaviour is absolutely wrong...

im the hole time which i play ofp a news poster on a fan-site.

yes guys. i no realy well that that is no behaviour to say something like that above. (one cause for that is im a new poster an should't write that, and i dont do that in news  wink_o.gif )

but see:

im very very sad about that bas week, because bas is a very nice. VERY nice mod in the ofp community. but the last addons are not like the bas style i think. or?

look, the old mh-6, deltas, mh-47 or mh-60 thats very very nice addons.

and i postet in that language (in the post before) because im think that their ist some wrong. and im not the onlyst who think so.

i see it was a mistake to use some words like *fucker* here.


but im think too. that we are a big community and i think community means something like friends.

and not a official part of the world. so i think it we can see over some postes like my one.

or not?

so at least,


and my englisch realy bed i know, but is your german better? ;)

I'm happy to see that you understand that using abusive words doesn't help to keep the community together. So your attitude is more mature that one could assume from your 1st post.

Beside this I agree in some points of your statement and I feel similar about the BAS week. I expected more too.

And yes my german is better biggrin_o.gif

It's one of my mother-tongues!

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ok so i think we have na "nice" (if we can call it nice wink_o.gif ) end.

now we can wait for the deltas and ranger, thats are the very big hope i have in this week.

i postet this following screen in the ofpc.de forum too. i hope that the untis will like the same like that or even better.


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just too less time and too many things that wanted to work on............

hum......i think we could understand that TS

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So...is an add-on coming out today, Friday or not?...I'm confused now. Are they pushing the Delta/Rangers back with the Little Bird, are they holding them until the weekend and realising them on Sunday?

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i think alot of people would have not been as mad if there where some upcoming addon screenies released such as the desert pack just squeezed in as fillers like DM said there was going to be, but o well.

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Oh please can all this bull crap about the week shut up now let BAS work in peace it was the same crap that made them establish the whole week idea anyway because people were bitching that theyre dead now they bring stuff and get lynched at so they were better dead anyway tounge_o.gif

They dont owe us anything let them work , when the addon will be done it'll be done and released , all previous BAS releases in the old days i remember used to go down so well but these days its like a mod out there waiting to mow it down as soon as it gets released without giving a damn thought that its a NEW addon and for FREE. Who cares if its just a reskinned chopper hell i wasnt that much excited too but i didnt sook and say 'oh boohoo they just released a reskin chopper they are dead blah blah...'

Its the same stitude everyones carrying on as if they are owed these addons instead of getting them for free ...

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that looks bad... no BIG JOKE

YEAH very nice guys, please get i in 24 houres ;)

some addon like that i mean. THAT is bas style!

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Check BAS site for news

Is that the SR-16 I spy on one of those pictures? It looks very nice indeed! I am really looking forward to the release lads.

The Delta helmets look alot better now aswell!

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Ok but why are the Desert Rangers not holding Des camo weapons or is it just a wierd coincidence? smile_o.gif

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The previous texs are blurry the new ones are sharper and sit well with the uniform.

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I love the new ones with EoTechs, very cool! The minute the SOAR guys had 'em I couldn't wait for someone to make SOF guys with EoTechs, best optic out there!

Digging those SR-25/SPR whatever they may be ones also, OFP's been waiting for one! Can't wait!

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@Cpt. FrostBite


What's the story on your m4's. Will you be using earls models as a base model or do you have your own model?


Let me be frank here. Hi I'm Frank....just kidding

Let me be honest....we at BAS are well aware that our weapons models are no longer the best around. At the time when the De/Ra were first released they were in a class of their own however, with the release of Earl and Sucheys weapons that came with their Marines (i don't even want to talk about Counterstrike imported weapons) they have set the new std. in weapons and we are aware ours look pretty crappy next to theirs.

Having said that....yes..we plan on upgrading all weapons for our units either with modified Earl and Suchey weapons or ones of equivalent quality.

There have been improvements to the weapons in the De/Ra pack including the addition of some new types and in texture improvements to the Desert camo weapons. However, the models have not been touched in this release.

Sorry if this dissapoints...but for the time being we just couldn't afford the time to modify Earls weapons with all the required bits and pieces needed for Special Operations weapons. (ACOGs, EOTechs, PEQ Units, etc.)

It will happen...just not in this release....but then again. This is reason we have a separate BAS_Weap file. When we do get around to it...should be a painless replacement of this file.

LOVE the pictures on your site.

Although I'm a bit suprised to see a M249 with silencer. Won't this cause problems with the high ROF (in RL)??

Don't think too low of your own weapons. With the new textures they look awesome. The desert textures are realy high quality. But I'm a bit suprised you didn't rescale the weapons to a more accurate size. That shouldn't have been that hard. The SR-25 looks VERY good.

The new models look awesome too. And you said this was only an interim update?? Great job. The 'bulkiness' of the RACK seems to be present and the delta's look great. This stuff is great.

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Very nice looking rangers / deltas soldiers biggrin_o.gif

Looking forward to these, when bas week has ended im gonna go and make a special conversion of a coop mission i have in the making, almost done. That will have all bas choppers and troops maybe not tonal pack because of the poor 56-k'ers.

And one of my favourite tracks right now tounge_o.gif

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Has BAS answered my prayers and given the Delta Force proper sidearms? Been crossing my fingers to get a .45 to go with the BAS pack smile_o.gif

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