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WA Lancer and UnitedOperations.net present

Rosche, Germany


Rosche is a 236km2  terrain based on the area around the town of Rosche in Lower Saxony. Representing the flat, open plains of northern Germany, Rosche provides for a variety of gameplay from small-unit infantry firefights to large-scale combined arms warfare.



  • 236 square kilometers of playable terrain (15x15 kilometers).
  • 50+ hand placed, and highly detailed villages, towns, and industrial areas.
  • ~95% of structures are enterable, for realistic urban fighting.
  • Several inland waterways including streams, lakes, and canals.
  • Airfield with 1500m runway.
  • Large open areas ideal for armored and mechanized combat.
  • Custom grass and crop objects that reduce the effects of de-rendering clutter at distance.
  • Dense forests, ideal for intense infantry combat.



Technical Details:

  • Grid size : 2048
  • Cell size : 7.5
  • Terrain size : 15360
  • Texture layer : 30m
  • Satellite image : 15360px
  • 5 Surfaces + Normal Map
  • Total objects : 4.1 Million with 1.6 Million of them hand placed.
  • Development time : 2 years active development, 4 years of off and on concepting.
  • Real world location : Rosche, Germany - Some towns have been removed or trimmed down for performance reasons or because they were too large to fit the scope of an arma terrain.



Required Addons/DLC:

  • CUP Terrains - Core
  • MBG Buildings 3 (Arma2 Legacy)



Known Issues:




  • WA Lancer - Project lead, initial concept.
  • ThePieSpy - Project assistant, 2D art, organization, object placement.
  • Haggerty - Project assistant, enforcer, 2D/3D art (Hag_Objects), configs, organization, object placement, QA.


    Object Placement:

  •     Legion
  •     James27
  •     J.Clark
  •     J0zh94
  •     Cunnah
  •     RustyClutch
  •     Sharkk
  •     Znoop
  •     Falcon
  •     Blue
  •     Corax
  •     CathFawr
  •     Yugoslav


    Special Thanks:

  •     Impulse 9 - For his support in providing a FTP, Server, and a community to make this project possible.
  •     Mondkalb - European building pack, advice, and support.
  •     Zumorc - Reference photos/video, object placement, Heightmap.
  •     Aphex - Advice and technical support.
  •     Wolfie - Heightmap
  •     Walsh - QA
  •     Silola - The X-CAM object placement tool. Without this tool, Rosche would not have been made.
  •     Zgmrvn - Surface Painter
  •     Terrain Builder Discord - Answering questions, providing knowledge and advice, without them this terrain would not have been completed.
  •     The entire UnitedOperations.net community for providing an environment for developing, play-testing, and supporting this terrain.
  •     If you wish to go out and make your own terrain please follow this guide on the PMC wiki. --> https://pmc.editing.wiki/doku.php?id=arma3:terrain:ultimate-terrain-tutorial


Link to google drive of Rosche source:




Rosche, Germany:

Edited by WA Lancer
added source link
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Congratz WA Lancer :hyper: Great promo teaser campaign you did on reddit :icon14:

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This map takes all the terrain design features I like about Schwemlitz to a size which allows for more gameplay styles than that nice but small map.


Also you added urban and industrial areas - looking forward to play some "What If Cold War Gone Hot" on it!


Thank you for your dedication and tenacity to bring such a big, real world map to release! :respekt:


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Congrats on the release. Happy to see a Celle successor. Map is really a beauty and will provide many hours of joy for sure.


What I like most is the custom objects countering the limited grass render distance. Really worth the effort. Thanks again for all the hard work you put into it.

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Ok, I went on a drive for half an hour in the dawn and wow... This terrain is fantastic. I really love the lighting. 

Two things I noticed: There are no environment sounds. These are definitely still needed but then the terrain would be pure magic. And secondly, the town signs look odd. Ok - I'm from Rhineland-Palatinate and never went to this region (Hamburg only) but AFAIK the signs are nationwide consistently. 







Silola - The X-CAM object placement tool. Without this tool, Rosche would not have been made.

@silola's tool is simply ingenious.









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25 minutes ago, Undeceived said:

Ok, I went on a drive for half an hour in the dawn and wow... This terrain is fantastic. I really love the lighting. 

Two things I noticed: There are no environment sounds. These are definitely still needed but then the terrain would be pure magic. And secondly, the town signs look odd. Ok - I'm from Rhineland-Palatinate and never went to this region (Hamburg only) but AFAIK the signs are nationwide consistently. 


Fun fact I may have accidentally deleted the environment sounds when I deleted the ocean sound effect... We can push an update to the config and fix it.

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Yeah I'm going to go ahead and push a hotfix tonight for that. Whooops. And we plan on fixing the grammatical error on the town signs as well as changing them all over to the tall version of the town sign.

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Awesome map, huge fan of larger, more flat forest and field terrain and this hits a great spot now that I'm looking for something where we can utilize vehicles and infantry.


Did a bit of scenic driving as well;



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Very nice map. I was enjoying the quick videos on Reddit as well. Excited to see it come out so quickly.


Easy to see a lot of love went into this map. Feels 'real'. Its one of those maps you need to get down on the ground and just wander.


See a LOT of patrols on this map :):)


Nice job!

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Amazing map, which was very well done.


One quibble:  the low rock walls that line some roads have no effect on vehicles.  They have shadow and appear to have mass, but when driving a vehicle across them, there's no effect on vehicles.


I love the crop fields.  This is tank country, baby!

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13 minutes ago, badanov said:

Amazing map, which was very well done.


One quibble:  the low rock walls that line some roads have no effect on vehicles.  They have shadow and appear to have mass, but when driving a vehicle across them, there's no effect on vehicles.


I love the crop fields.  This is tank country, baby!


This was done purposefully. The geometry on these objects tended to have adverse effects (i.e. throwing them into the air) on tracked vehicles. Given the game-play implications, for now they do not collide with vehicles.

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1 hour ago, badanov said:

One quibble:  the low rock walls that line some roads have no effect on vehicles. 



55 minutes ago, thepiespy said:


This was done purposefully. The geometry on these objects tended to have adverse effects (i.e. throwing them into the air) on tracked vehicles. Given the game-play implications, for now they do not collide with vehicles.

It doesn't flip vehicles or fling them in the air, but if the geometry isn't done perfectly it will stop a vehicle dead in its tracks (causing the vehicle to become destroyed/stuck). In the future I may spend the time and actually do the geometry on the rock wall, but as for now we are just using the CUP rock wall with no geometry.





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This map is a @#$%ing triumph, no other way to put it. Huge, varied, beautiful satmap and palette, wonderful lighting, artful placement of stock and mod content, brilliant water implementation. I could keep going but I'd need a thesaurus. This map is so unbelievably immersive that I half expected to trip over some local nudists around some of the lakes*.


Congratulations and thanks to WA Lancer and  team for a truly outstanding terrain which will be an instant classic I'm sure.


*Speaking of lakes, my only tiny niggle with this terrain is the ocean and seagull sounds around even the smallest of bodies of water -alluded to by Haggerty. 

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Domination for Rosche available at 


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Congrats on the release.


Looks pretty good so far.


Nice to see another german terrain :don11:

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@tpw  Yeah, we removed it initially but we accidentally deleted all other sounds, I just did a quick hotfix to put them back in last night. When I have more time ill remove the ocean sounds correctly.

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18 hours ago, Haggerty said:


It doesn't flip vehicles or fling them in the air, but if the geometry isn't done perfectly it will stop a vehicle dead in its tracks (causing the vehicle to become destroyed/stuck). In the future I may spend the time and actually do the geometry on the rock wall, but as for now we are just using the CUP rock wall with no geometry.

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It appears that these walls also blow up helicopters if you land on them. That is a little annoying. :P

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Congratulations on the release, Have to try it out!

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