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Oh wow. Great to hear you're still reading us.

Parenting is the most amazing thing, moreso given your circumstances. I hope you have a great time doing it.

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Welcome back! Missed you bud,

was getting worried there wasn't sure how your situation has been doing, as i did mention in my post i did recall you had something serious

going on and you dealt with it before, and since its been a while late last year i think i forget what you were dealing with.


     But it sounds like your doing ok, thats good news, sad about the situation but am happy too that your doing ok and things are moving on.

What a struggle and challenge it must have been to deal with all things like Cancer but you did it, i could give you some more insights on some things if your interested but best through pm

just something i do daily, anyways you must be monitoring the forums or something, unless im having one of my premonitions again about someone showing up

ya i get them all the time at work, me and my mom share it, pretty wild.

13 hours ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:

It was a bad experience

        Just something philosophical for you, nothing to deep here but and im sure most will get this, but good or bad, an experience

its a result, im sure you had learned something from it based on how you conducted your lifestyle with food, exercise, work, and whatever else

prior to dealing with the illness. Such situations should and can reveal to you the error or the answers to your ways, thats not a bad thing, again its just a result.

           Dont look at it in terms of "i failed" at this, or that, or "this was bad" its really what you make of it, but when something bad happens think of it like this

having an illness like you have experienced should make things more apparent and more revealing then just symptoms of something, a failure of something

no matter the context reveals to you at that moment that something isn't working as it should.


    You could translate this to code if you wanted to better associate, but essentially without failures, without loss, bad experiences, one cannot learn to move, and move forward

grow, adapt, become stronger, become more intelligent, evolve as a coder, a mission builder, a modeller, terrain maker, scripter, and as a human being, we all deal with this

if you put the "result" in the right light it will serve you if you pay attention to it, it will help you to accelerate in an area where you were stagnate, possibly ignorant to it or to parts of it.

       Builds character, anyways happy everything is going well for you, and you gotten past it, welcome back and look forward to more of your work,

virtual hugs my good man (no queer, lol) Cheers!

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@GEORGE FLOROS 🙏❤️👍 @gunter severloh you are a good guy.

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9 hours ago, Gunter Severloh said:

an experience 

So far everything is going good and i really wish everything to stop there.

Every problem in our life if it has an end or can be solved , it's fine as long as everyone can handle it.

There is always something to learn and become a better person.

I just wanted to share it here and say to everyone to take care themselves as they can , after all we only live once.

I'm really happy with everything so far in my life and it's good to be able to carry on without having bad thoughts etc.

Life is good and after all we are still fine and being a parent is great !


Thank you @Gunter Severloh from my heart , take care of you and your family.


Thanks again everyone !





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Hello George. I hope you are doing well. Armaholic has permanently closed. Do you happen to have your scripts for download anywhere else?

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2 hours ago, Donnie_Plays said:

Hello George. I hope you are doing well. Armaholic has permanently closed. Do you happen to have your scripts for download anywhere else?

Donnie see my post on one of George's other threads



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27 minutes ago, WarhammerActual said:

Any chance your works will be hosted on another service now that armaholic is no longer?

He is not active. Just look at his profile and read the posts above yours.

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On 7/17/2021 at 1:53 PM, aussie battler said:

It was so sad to read that @GEORGE FLOROS GR has cancer. He has done allot for me over the years, I hope that he comes though it. 

I have uploaded all the GF_Scripts I had here: https://github.com/aussie-battler/GEORGE-FLOROS-GR-Arma3-Scripts 

It would be a shame to have them go to waste now that armaholic has gone.


Hi aussie


I sent you an email with a link to 25 scripts of George's I had on my hard drive, any problems let me know. Sad to hear about George, he helped me with errors when I had them. I remember telling him off (politely I may add) as it was a Sunday if I recall and he should have been putting his feet up. Top man, hope he's well and get's through the other side of it all.


Just went through my old messages and found a few with George, even though busy with work and his young one he still took the time out to help me and to feel free to ask him for any help. Again, top man. 




Jon (LG)

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On 7/17/2021 at 8:53 AM, aussie battler said:

was so sad to read that @GEORGE FLOROS GR has cancer.

Wat??!!! Oh god no hope he’s doing ok- any news’s on his health?

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Guys ... its been a year now today Sept 17th, since George was here, his last post was on this thread you can scroll up

and see what he said. I just want to make a post here to honor this day as it was the last day he was here with us.


    As we have no contact with him, email, or otherwise we can only assume the best, i dont want to conclude that

things have turned for the worse for him as he was struggling with cancer but he had said things are working out ok.

I did have a pm with him and i talking about some things about his situation when he was here but i dont seem to have it

im rather sad i deleted it.


I would like to hope that the whole covid thing thats been going on hasn't effected him or his family, that would be

real sad after the battle he had with cancer. I know of one friend whom used to come to the forums here frequently who i see

on occasion on steam has lost his father to covid earlier this summer i think he said.

      So... one can create a post for the many people that used to come to the forums here, i miss alot of former members, and

to those who have passed, but this is GEORGE FLOROS GR's day,  we miss you George,  hope all is well!

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@Gunter Severloh I've been here since almost the very beginning, started on the demo the moment it came out on CD (old PC PowerPlay) and the full game the moment it arrived in store, and ended up here shortly after. Seen many come and go, not always under the best of circumstances. It's nice to see recognition like this, like with Bushlurker's statue.


Good post.

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  Thanks, same i was playing the demo off the cd too, just not here til 2009 :h:

anyways i dont mean to beat a dead horse, but George isn't and hasn't been here in a year to me that says something

and i think all those of you whom used his scripts/mods, and talked with him be it on threads posted or even pm like i did,

that something isn't right about him not being here.


   I said this before, what im saying is its not like him to not be on the forums here, he was an avid fan, and worked on many scripts

i think he was proud of his work, he was and or came across as very genuine and passionate about what he created and about

the Ravage Club he put together, along with the game itself.   So whatever it is that is preventing him

from coming to the forum here, maybe life or death related i wish i knew, and i guess like you guys we'll have to wait or

really move on and cherish the memory and moments we had with him, and hope that if he is indeed still alive

that he does come back.


    On the other hand if he decided to move on and all is well for him then i/ we have to respect that, but again know him and how he

responds to things i dont think thats the case, if anything i wish him best of luck, and thanks for the memories at least.


    All around a game and its community, the context isn't the point, its about the people making it happen, its like with Foxhound

he left the community under a different circumstance but in light of that i miss the guy, i had wish i could have at least talked

with him in pm again before he left, not that im anyone special here im just another member like all of you and contributing

to the community and game.


    When your around people here so to speak and see them often, they grow on you, like George, its like whether they move on,

or pass on which is life, it takes a part of you with them.   I'm happy at least to be of company of the many members that

still frequent the forums that i have had the chance to talk with through pm, and threads, and other means, cheers fellas!

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Oh man, I somehow missed this.  George is a great guy and I am so sad to hear about this.  I really hope he is doing well now.  Life is short everybody, be sure to live it well!

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@GEORGE FLOROS GR keep faith my man, go with Jesus Christ and it will be alright! You are in our hearts and our prayers, may God be with you forever brother!

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On 7/17/2021 at 8:53 PM, aussie battler said:

It was so sad to read that @GEORGE FLOROS GR has cancer. He has done allot for me over the years, I hope that he comes though it. 

I have uploaded all the GF_Scripts I had here: https://github.com/aussie-battler/GEORGE-FLOROS-GR-Arma3-Scripts 

It would be a shame to have them go to waste now that armaholic has gone.

You are my savior

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On 8/29/2022 at 9:17 PM, CT-5111 VIKING said:

Hi ! Sorry for reply but armaholic is down,

possible to reupload all scripts here or on mod please ? Your work is great 🙂

Read the tread before you write a comment and you would have known that George has not been on for some years now,

AND the post just over yours has a link to the scripts..


Cheers Play3r

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I may not have known George as intimately as others, being a newcomer to Arma and its modding scene. However, after combing through this forum from start to finish, I've been enlightened greatly. It's evident that George's dedication and hard work have immensely contributed to this game that we all cherish so dearly.

In absorbing his profound wisdom from the scripts he crafted, I feel an intrinsic obligation to express my heartfelt gratitude. We all owe it to him. Let us honor his legacy by making the most of the resources he so selflessly shared.

May God bless George and his family, and may we all remember to appreciate the life he devoted to enriching our community. Here's to you, George! Thank you for being the beacon of knowledge and inspiration in our journey.

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