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avibird 1

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About avibird 1


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    baseball & war games
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    Physical therapy & firefighter-paramedic

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    Been playing OFP since 2001 and still have no real clue about scripting language or coding but can make really great missions. I never played a life game and never will. I can't understand why anyone would waste their time and not play this game the why bohemia and god wanted it to be played lol. My motto is agree to disagree and all will be good in the world. Thank you bohemia for the 3D editor it took you long enough. I play arma for the love of the editor and mission designing not for the company of others lol.

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  1. Hello jebus user or perhaps dreadpirate himself. I'm trying to get editor custom voice and face models to carry over on respawns using jebus. Init function option. This is a code that spawns in A group 0= [this,"DELAY=",300,"PAUSE=",50,"EXIT=", myExitTrigger1] spawn jebus_fnc_main; This is a code that spawns in A group with code i init function 0= [this,"DELAY=",300,"PAUSE=",50,"EXIT=", myExitTrigger1,"INIT=", "(group _ProxyThis) setVariable ['Vcm_Disable',true]"] spawn jebus_ fnc_main; This is a code that spawns in A group with two other code lines merged 0 = [this,"DELAY=",300,"PAUSE=",100,"EXIT=", myExitTrigger1,"INIT=", "{dostop _x} forEach (units _ProxyThis);(group _ProxyThis) setVariable ['Vcm_Disable', true]"] spawn jebus_fnc_main; I am trying to add this to code to one of the above codes that works. addMissionEventHandler ["entityRespawned",{ params ["_new","_old"]; if (_new isKindOf "CAManBase") then { [_new,face _old] remoteExec ["setFace"];[_new,speaker _old] remoteExec ["setSpeaker"]; } }]; Can"t get the right setup getting errors with ] } ect to see if it will work. Can somebody just get the codes merged so i can see if it will work. Avibird.
  2. Still need some help. This how I spawn in AI units using editor placed units. This is JEBUS spawn system. This is a code that spawns in A group 0= [this,"DELAY=",300,"PAUSE=",50,"EXIT=", myExitTrigger1] spawn jebus_fnc_main; This is a code that spawns in A group with code in its init 0= [this,"DELAY=",300,"PAUSE=",50,"EXIT=", myExitTrigger1,"INIT=", "(group _ProxyThis) setVariable ['Vcm_Disable',true]"] spawn jebus_ fnc_main; This is a code that spawns in A group with two other code lines merged 0 = [this,"DELAY=",300,"PAUSE=",100,"EXIT=", myExitTrigger1,"INIT=", "{dostop _x} forEach (units _ProxyThis);(group _ProxyThis) setVariable ['Vcm_Disable', true]"] spawn jebus_fnc_main; I am trying to add this to code to one of the above codes that works. addMissionEventHandler ["entityRespawned",{ params ["_new","_old"]; if (_new isKindOf "CAManBase") then { [_new,face _old] remoteExec ["setFace"];[_new,speaker _old] remoteExec ["setSpeaker"]; } }]; Can"t get the right setup getting errors with ] } ect to see if it will work. Can somebody just get the codes merged so i can see if it will work. Avibird.
  3. IDK I placed it in the initplayerSeverlocal.sqf with no success.
  4. This is how I spawn in enemy units using JEBUS scripts. Works well for most of my needs in a very simple way to with editor groups. 0 = [this,"DELAY=",300,"PAUSE=",100,"EXIT=",myExitTrigger1,"INIT=", "{dostop _x} forEach (units _ProxyThis);(group _ProxyThis) setVariable ['Vcm_Disable', true]"] spawn jebus_fnc_main; I am trying to keep editor modified face/head model and voice for the spawned units of this group. I would like to add this code to the above removing the red part and adding this blue part. addMissionEventHandler ["entityRespawned",{ params ["_new","_old"]; if (_new isKindOf "CAManBase") then { [_new,face _old] remoteExec ["setFace"]; [_new,speaker _old] remoteExec ["setSpeaker"]; } }]; I can't seem to get the right bracket arrangement to see if this works. Need assistance with the arrangement to setup of this code. This is for a borg unit modification I am working on. The borg units work and look great only with editor units if I try to respawn the units the face and voice REVERT to the original face/voice. The reason I am asking here it's because the JEBUS thread is not very active and the smartest people usually lurk around this thread. Thank you for the assist.
  5. @pierremgi Thank you for the help. here is my init.sqf with your second code. //mission Init.sqf enableSaving [true, true]; enableTeamSwitch true; if (!hasInterface) exitWith {}; waitUntil {!isNull player}; player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",["Additional Intel", "XXX"]]; player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",["Rules Of Engagement", "XXX"]]; player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",["Objective1", "vvv"]]; player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",["Current Situation", "XXX"]]; player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",["Raven Platoon", "20 men Platoon Alpha and Bravo Squads that can be assigned to Assault Weapons and Tactical Teams using radio channels 1-5. Only Squad leaders and Team leaders have access to the radio channels"]]; player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",["Mission Info", "210 Enemy units present in the AO consistent of 40 groups. 27 of the 32 will respawn in time if specific objectives are not completed. The mission can be completed by two ways. Complete Objectives 1-4 and Go to the EVAC location for Extraction back to HQ or stay and fight! Take out all 4 Secondary Objectives and Eliminate all Hostile Forces in the AO."]]; player creatediarysubject ["weather","Weather"]; player createDiaryRecord ["weather", ["info", "the weather is nice."]]; player createDiaryRecord ["weather", ["next week", "the weather is bad."]]; player createDiaryRecord ["weather", ["next year", "the weather will be the best."]]; //**********Mission cheats********** //turns off Fatigue Sway & Recoil for player unit********** { if (side _x == West) then { _x enableFatigue false; _x setCustomAimCoef 0.1; _x setUnitRecoilCoefficient 0.2; _x addEventHandler [ "Respawn", { (_this select 0) enableFatigue false; (_this select 0) setCustomAimCoef 0.1; (_this select 0) setUnitRecoilCoefficient 0.2; } ]; }; } foreach (playableUnits + switchableUnits); //Unlimited Ammo2********** grantUnlimitedAmmo2 = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "grantUnlimitedAmmo2.sqf"; addMissionEventHandler ["entityRespawned",{ params ["_new","_old"]; if (_new isKindOf "CAManBase") then { [_new,face _old] remoteExec ["setFace"]; [_new,speaker _old] remoteExec ["setSpeaker"]; } }]; //Init UPSMON script call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf"; 0 =[] execVM "autoflip.sqf";
  6. Hey I put it in my init.sqf it's not keeping the faces or voice changes ?
  7. Stupid question where do I add that. Mission init iniplayerlocal initserver ect
  8. avibird 1

    voice changes after respawn

    So to bring this old post up. But having issues keeping editor head models and voices to carry over after respond of my units. I'm working on some alien mods with brog predator and a few other alien species but if I want the units to respond back into the mission the units convert back to the original voice and head models ?
  9. @pierremgi how would I even go getting the modified face and voice from the editor dropped down list to carry over after respawning. Uniforms gear weapons all carry over when respawning my units but not faces/heads or voices?
  10. @pierremgi thanks for the response. Haven't been able to get online for a few days. I think the issue is jebus despawns editor placed units at the mission start and then respawns them back in. I know that the individual variable names do carry over because the second group will join the first group if not using jebus on that group and just editor placed. There may be a timing issue if the second group spawns in before the first group then the variable name will not be available for the second group to join. There is a function in jebus that can delay the initial spawn in time after initial respawn of the editor placed units. I don't know if that is the issue. Need to test more to see. Question for you on spawning units. If I change a units clothes weapons and gear it carries over when the unit is spawned into the game but if I change a units character features such as voice or face textures from the editor and if I use jebus and and voice reverts back to the original units and does not keep the editor modified face textures and voice. I don't know if this is a armor limitation or jebus.
  11. I know how to use the the joinSilent command to get one group to join another group. It works fine with two different editor placed groups. It works fine if I spawn in the seconds group to join a editor group but if I attempt to have two different groups spawn in and join the first group that spawns inn first. it will not work. My question is. Is this a Arma engine limitation or is it a JEBUS limitation? In a trigger Type none Activation opfor Activation type present Repeatable Condition Call {this} On activation Call {[ Yautja1, Yautja2,Yautja3] joinSilent grp_predator; hint "get to the chopper";}; This is how I spawn the groups in 0 = [ this, "Delay =",0,"exit=", myexitTrigger2] spawn jabs_fnc_main; If somebody could explain this to me thanks avibird.
  12. @Schatten I have attempted it but i need these codes together. remove the red and add the blue [this,"DELAY=",30,"START=",10,"PAUSE=",10,"EXIT=",myExitTrigger62, "INIT=",toString {_actionParameters = ["On Knees",{(_this select 0) playMove"Acts_ExecutionVictim_Loop";},nil,1.5,true,true,"","true",1.5];{_x disableAI "PATH";_x addAction _actionParameters;} forEach (units _proxyThis);}] spawn jebus_fnc_main; [ this,"DELAY=", 300,"START=", 60,"PAUSE=", 100, "EXIT=",myExitTrigger2,"INIT=", toString { { doStop _x;} forEach(units _proxyThis);} ] spawn jebus_fnc_main; I don't know if it is possible to have to two,"INIT=", toString in the same code Avibird
  13. I am working on a expansion of the predator unit mod. I have modified a standard predator unit which uses a crisis nanosuit armor, terminator plasma rifle weapon and human mask form the predator mod. The unit works well as a standard unit but the issues is if they are grouped with other OPFOR units the original predator units they will kill AI teammates or any other unit on its side. How can I stop friendly fire damage for OPFOR and or IND units that are on the same side. I am using liability insurance mod to prevent hit damage for vechicles works great so i know there is a way to code this. I can't find any working codes for this. This is my last attempted with no luck. { if (side _x isEqualTo East) then { _x addEventHandler [ "HnadleDamage", { _returnDamage = (_this select 2); if ((side (_this select 0)) isEqualTo (side (_this select 3))) then { _returnDamage = 0; }; _returnDamage; } ]; }; } forEach allUnits;
  14. This code works great. [this,"DELAY=",30,"START=",10,"PAUSE=",10,"EXIT=",myExitTrigger62, "INIT=",toString {_actionParameters = ["On Knees",{(_this select 0) playMove"Acts_ExecutionVictim_Loop";},nil,1.5,true,true,"","true",1.5];{_x setVariable ['Vcm_Disable',true];} forEach (units _proxyThis);}] spawn jebus_fnc_main; This works 0 = [this,"DELAY=",30,"PAUSE=",10,"EXIT=",myExitTrigger62, "INIT=","{dostop _x} forEach (units _ProxyThis);(group _ProxyThis) setVariable ['Vcm_Disable',true]"] spawn jebus_fnc_main; but I need to now add This {dostop _x} forEach (units _ProxyThis) to the first code above and remove {_x setVariable ['Vcm_Disable',true];} forEach (units _proxyThis);}]