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At start I want to thank you for providing such docummentation, but please make an account and post it on our forum (that the place we share such things).

And about dependencies:

- GREF - it adds many cool things (weapons, vehicles, uniforms etc.) but I think I will make a pool about it to see what are you guys up to.

- other mods, as long as we want to keep our mod only on RHS we will not add other dependencies. So please dont propose it, unless you know we could include it in our pack.


just like easyeb stated it is only menu name, except some textures ;)

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Alessiomoreno, you seem to have a wonderful grasp on how OPFOR factions should be dressed and geared up. I see you also want Boko Haram included. Perhaps if you write your report on Project OPFOR's official site, you could include one for them too? You seem to have a much better handle on this than me. :)

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I wonder, what to you think of the idea to include Hamas and IDF in this mod? Hamas could have the usual Middle-Eastern guerilla stuff from RHS, while IDF could use vanilla assets with little modification (plus a few from RHS, as well). Of course, configs would have to be modified somewhat to fit with RHS armor system and the like, but models and textures are largely there, except for uniforms and helmets.

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I agree with the idea to add GREF as a dependency, I think it's a fair assumption that anyone using both RHS US and Russian packs is probably using GREF too. 

As for the IDF, I think someone was working on a standalone IDF pack awhile back, I believe he had custom helmets and Mitznefet too, could be worth trying to see if he would allow the project to use them if such factions were to become reality.

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Completely "pie in the sky" type question here. But is there any chance that at some stage you could release maybe a "lite" version?


With BIS now having vanilla AK's and rpg's it'd be great to see a "Taliban" style OPFOR that needed no dependencies.

Again that's just a selfish wish based on the sort of missions I like to create.  

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Completely "pie in the sky" type question here. But is there any chance that at some stage you could release maybe a "lite" version?


With BIS now having vanilla AK's and rpg's it'd be great to see a "Taliban" style OPFOR that needed no dependencies.

Again that's just a selfish wish based on the sort of missions I like to create.  


Project Opfor uses more than just RHS weapons, it uses vest, uniforms and vehicle models and reskins them to suit the particular faction.


Simply using the Vanilla weapons isn't really going make it independent from RHS. I've always considered Project Opfor and previously Leights Opfor as an unofficial RHS Expansion pack.

Personally I use it because it is dependent on RHS. So you know they will be using quality gear.

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Personally I use it because it is dependent on RHS. So you know they will be using quality gear.


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One very small but useful suggestion....

Now that BIS has provided both Chinese and French voices, switching out some of the factions to utilize this.

For example, maybe switch the Project Opfor African faction from Farsi to French as many African nations do speak French.

Really glad to see more "prebuilt" languages after APEX for modders to use.

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@Red Partisan If you are able to find provide me such mlods with permission to use them in our pack and I will take care of that. Also your efforts will be credited.

@the1krisrob Rekkless already pointed out some things that blocks us from releasing RHS free addon, and tbh I wouldnt like that.

@autigergrad Yep that great request, also do you think APEX will be needed to use new languages?

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@Red Partisan If you are able to find provide me such mlods with permission to use them in our pack and I will take care of that. Also your efforts will be credited.@the1krisrob Rekkless already pointed out some things that blocks us from releasing RHS free addon, and tbh I wouldnt like that.@autigergrad Yep that great request, also do you think APEX will be needed to use new languages?

I believe the languages were part of the free APEX update.

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Maybe I'm confused but I thought I read they fixed that.

I've placed down some Peshmerga units and objects, as well as some ISTS units to test, and haven't seen this.

I did some very extensive testing with ALiVE and this error and it is nasty and causes all kinds of issues. It's also a pretty easy fix from what I understand.

Are you sure it's Project OPFOR and not something else?

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@autigergrad I will look into configs and will add them then.

@bier aig tartar Nope this is not Project OPFOR problem, give me your mod line if you want help with this anyway

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I do like the quality you're putting out here, but I have 1 more request.


Could you please please make a Taliban faction that is purely just civilians with weapons? For insurgency missions civilians are really important so having a good mix of middle eastern civs is essential, but then if you use the exact same models etc make them opfor and give them ak's and rpg's then you have the perfect Taliban faction. One of the biggest issues in Afghanistan has always been the fact the soldiers can't tell Taliban from farmers. It would be great to be able to replicate that.

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I do like the quality you're putting out here, but I have 1 more request.


Could you please please make a Taliban faction that is purely just civilians with weapons? For insurgency missions civilians are really important so having a good mix of middle eastern civs is essential, but then if you use the exact same models etc make them opfor and give them ak's and rpg's then you have the perfect Taliban faction. One of the biggest issues in Afghanistan has always been the fact the soldiers can't tell Taliban from farmers. It would be great to be able to replicate that.




This seems like a good idea I like it.


and I think its with the middle eastern insurgents, could the tanks and APC's be removed? or a new faction like the taliban as suggested above that would be awesome.

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It's so shameless placing this mod logo in the game intro. It's rude guys. Especially when your mod use content of other mods... 

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This seems like a good idea I like it.


and I think its with the middle eastern insurgents, could the tanks and APC's be removed? or a new faction like the taliban as suggested above that would be awesome.

At the bare minimum Taliban would at least need pickups with technicals.

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It's so shameless placing this mod logo in the game intro. It's rude guys. Especially when your mod use content of other mods...

Oh give me a break.

Keeway has gone above and beyond bringing this mod back into the good graces with the community.

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@the1krisrob I will try to change something, but can't guarantee you anything

@Brebera Here check it

class RscDisplayStart: RscStandardDisplay {

class controls {

class LoadingStart: RscControlsGroup {

class controls {

class ProjectOPFOR_Logo: RscPictureKeepAspect {
text = "\po_main\data\po_logo_512_nbg.paa";
x = "0.33375 * safezoneW"; y = "0.00001";
w = "0.3325 * safezoneW";  h = "0.39375 * safezoneH";
@Hammmer Yes it so so shameless I did spend a lot of time creating this mod and want people to see this logo. Remember you can always disable our mod from your modset no one forces you to use this modification ;)
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Hey, Keeway, again nice work on this. I ran into a tiny issue though, when the ISTS or Afghani Militia fighters are in the shadows of buildings/trees their robes are almost completely black, like the shadows on the robes are super exaggerated. Is it just me seeing this? If not, is it something that can be corrected?


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Okay-the argument that has been brewing here stops now or people will receive infractions.

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@the1krisrob I will try to change something, but can't guarantee you anything



Thank you. At the moment the best we have is CAF aggressors, and that's getting a bit long in the tooth.


My ideal pack (and I'm not asking you to do this, I'm merely day dreaming) would be a diverse bunch of Afghan style civilians with a few old beat up vehicles, and then the exact same thing but in OPFOR with AK's and RPG's and maybe a technical or 2.

At the moment I can cobble together something like that using 2 or 3 different mods, but it would be great to have something like that which is ALiVE ready and configured all in one pack.

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Keeyway, I'm not sure if this is a bug or not.

In the editor, only 3 civilian classes exist for LOP_TAK_Civ

I seem to remember there being 7 or 8 middle eastern civilian models. The Africans and Chernerus civs currently have plenty. Is this a bug or did you remove them on purpose?

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I do like the quality you're putting out here, but I have 1 more request.


Could you please please make a Taliban faction that is purely just civilians with weapons? For insurgency missions civilians are really important so having a good mix of middle eastern civs is essential, but then if you use the exact same models etc make them opfor and give them ak's and rpg's then you have the perfect Taliban faction. One of the biggest issues in Afghanistan has always been the fact the soldiers can't tell Taliban from farmers. It would be great to be able to replicate that.



I think the best way to go would be to keep the Takistani Militia models, which are used now, but add the Takistani Local textures from OA. So you would have insurgents in civilian clothes with some kind of military gear:



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